Aissa, S. B. & Goaied, M., (2017). Performance of tourism destinations: Evidence from Tunisia. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research,41(7), 797-822.
Altuntaş, S., & Yılmaz, M. K. (2016). Fuzzy DEMATEL method to evaluate the dimensions of marketing resources: An application in SMEs. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 17(3), 347-364.
Assaf, A. G. & Josiassen, A. (2012). Identifying and ranking the determinants of tourism performance: A global investigation. Journal of Travel Research, 51(4), 388–399.
Baykaşoğlu, A., Kaplanoğlu, V., Durmuşoğlu, Z. D., & Şahin, C. (2013). Integrating fuzzy DEMATEL and fuzzy hierarchical TOPSIS methods for truck selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(3), 899-907.
Benito, B., Solana, J., & López P., (2014). Determinants of Spanish regions' tourism performance: A two-stage, double-bootstrap data envelopment analysis. Tourism Economics, 20(5), 73-89.
Bookman, M. Z., & Bookman, K. R. (2007). Medical tourism in developing countries. New York: Palgrave McMillan.
Çımat, A., & Bahar, O. (2003). Turkey tourism sector of economy: An assessment of its role and importance. Mediterranean University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, 6, 1-18.
Croes, R. (2005). Value as a measure of tourism performance in the era of globalization conceptual considerations and empirical findings. Tourism Analysis, 9(4), 255-267.
Deloitte. (2014). Global Health Care Outlook Shared Challenges, Shared Opportunities. Retrieved April 20, 2020, from
Díaz, M., R. &Rodríguez, T. F. E. (2016). Determining the sustainability factors and performance of a tourism destination from the stakeholders’ perspective. Sustainability, 8(9), 1-17.
Do, Q. H. & Chen, J. F. (2013). Prioritizing the factor weights affecting tourism performance by FAHP. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 5(51), 1-10.
Drăghici, C. C., Diaconu, D., Teodorescu, C., Pintilii, R. D., & Ciobotaru, A. M. (2016). Health tourism contribution to the structural dynamics of the territorial systems with tourism functionality. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 32, 386-393.
Erfurt-Cooper, P., & Cooper, M. (2009). Health and wellness tourism: Spas and hot springs. Bristol: Channel View Publications.
Goodrich, J. N., & Goodrich, G. E. (1987). Health-care tourism—an exploratory study. Tourism Management, 8(3), 217-222.
GökKısa, A. C. & Perçin S. (2017). Bütünleşik Bulanık DEMATEL- Bulanık VIKOR yaklaşımının makine seçimi problemine uygulanması. Journal of Yasar University, 12(48), 249- 256.
Han, H., Kiatkawsin, K., Jung, H., & Kim, W. (2018). The role of wellness spa tourism performance in building destination loyalty: The case of Thailand. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(5), 595-610.
Heung, V. C., Kucukusta, D., & Song, H. (2010). A conceptual model of medical tourism: Implications for future research. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 27(3), 236-251.
Hume, L. F., & Demicco, F. J. (2007). Bringing hotels to healthcare: A Rx for success. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 8(1), 75-84.
İlban, M. O., &Yıldırım, H. H. (2017). Determination of tourism activities of the world’s best tourism destinations using the multi-criteria decision-making method. Cogent Social Sciences,3(1), 1-16.
Kaufmann, A., & Gupta, M. M. (1991). Introduction to fuzzy arithmetic— Theory and applications. New York: Thomson Computer Press.
Kılavuz, E. (2018). Medical tourism competition: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Health Management and Tourism, 3(1), 42-58.
Lakićević, M., & Durkalić, D. (2018). Measurement of tourism market performance in EU countries: Results of PROMETHEE-GAIA.3. International Scientific Conference, Serbia.
Li, R.-J. (1999). Fuzzy method in group decision making. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 38(1), 91-101.
Lin, C. J., & Wu, W. W. (2008). A causal analytical method for group decision-making under fuzzy environment. Expert Systems with Applications, 34(1), 205-213.
Liu, C. H., Tzeng, G. H., Lee, M. H., Tseng, H. L., & Lee, P. Y. (2012). Using a hybrid MCDM model combining fuzzy DEMATEL technique to examine the job stress of coach driver. In J. Watada, T. Watanabe, G. Phillips-Wren, R. Howlett, & L. Jain (eds), Intelligent Decision Technologies (pp. 149-156). Berlin: Springer.
Loh, C. P. A. (2014). Health tourism on the rise? Evidence from the balance of payments statistics. The European Journal of Health Economics, 15(7), 759-766.
Nair, G. K. (2013). Influence of risk assessment factors on the tourism performance in Qatar: An empirical study. American Journal of Tourism Research,2(2), 141-153.
Niavis, S., & Tsiotas, D. (2019). Assessing the tourism performance of the Mediterranean coastal destinations: A combined efficiency and effectiveness approach. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 14, 1-11.
Nilashi, M., Samad, S., Manaf, A. A., Ahmadi, H., Rashid, T. A., Munshi, A., Almukadi, W., Ibrahim, O., & Ahmed, O. H. (2019). Factors influencing medical tourism adoption in Malaysia: A DEMATEL-Fuzzy TOPSIS approach. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 137(106005), 1-11.
Organ, A. (2013). Bulanık Dematel yöntemiyle makine seçimini etkileyen kriterlerin değerlendirilmesi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22(1), 157-172.
Parida, A., & Kumar, U. (2006). Applications and case studies maintenance performance measurement (MPM): issues and challenges. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 12(3), 239-251.
Reed, C. M. (2008). Medical tourism. Medical Clinics of North America, 92(6), 1433-1446.
Ross, K. (2001). Health tourism: an overview. HSMAI Marketing Review.
Saleh, S. A., Hussain, F., Saud, M. B. B., & Isa, M. A. M. (2015). Strategic marketing & competitive analysis of Malaysian medical tourism industry. In Proceeding-Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference, 6, 61-71.
Seraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V., Davilla Rodriguez, M. A., & Davilla Pagan, N. (2018). Assessing the tourism performance of a destination: Toward a new approach using Cuba as a case study. In M. E. Korstanje (Ed.), Critical Essays in tourism research (pp. 71-104). New York: Nova Science.
Sheng-Li, S., Xiao-Yue, Y., Hu-Chen, L., & Zhang, P. (2018). DEMATEL technique: A systematic review of the state-of-the-art literature on methodologies and applications. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1-33.
Smith, M., & Puczko, L. (2014). Health, tourism and hospitality: Spas, wellness and medical travel. London: Routledge.
Snyder, J., Crooks, V., & Turner, L. (2011). Issues and challenges in research on the ethics of medical tourism: Reflections from a conference. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 8(1), 3-6.
Pnevmatikoudi, K., & Stavrinoudis, T. (2016). Classification of hotel performance measurement indicators presented in international scientific research. European Journal of Tourism Research, 12, 82-98.
Ribeiro, M. L., Vasconcelos, M. L., & Rocha, F. (2019). Monitoring performance indicators in the Portuguese hospitality sector. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(2), 790-811.
Tontus, H. Ö. (2016). Sağlık turizmi tanıtımı ve sağlık hizmetlerinin pazarlanması ilkeleri üzerine değerlendirme. Disiplinlerarası Akademik Turizm Dergisi, 3(1), 67-88.
Turner, L. (2007). Medical tourism: Family medicine and international health-related travel. Canadian Family Physician, 53(10), 1639-1641.
Tzeng, G. H., Chiang, C. H., & Li, C. W. (2007). Evaluating intertwined effects in e-learning programs: A novel hybrid MCDM model based on factor analysis and DEMATEL. Expert systems with Applications, 32(4), 1028-1044.
Wadongo, B., Odhuno, E., Kambona, O., & Othuon, L. (2010). Key performance indicators in the Kenyan hospitality industry: A managerial perspective. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 17(6), 858-875.
Wang, S-H., Lee, M-T, Château, P-A., & Chang, Y-C. (2016). Performance indicator framework for evaluation of sustainable tourism in the Taiwan coastal zone. Sustainability, 8(7), 652.
Wu, W. W. (2008). Choosing knowledge management strategies by using a combined ANP and DEMATEL approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 35(3), 828-835.
Wu, W. W., & Lee, Y. T. (2007). Developing global managers’ competencies using the fuzzy DEMATEL method. Expert systems with applications, 32(2), 499-507.
Zadeh, L. A. (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and control, 8(3), 338-353.
Zopounidis, C., Baourakis, G., & Niklis, D. (2010). A comparative study of tourism performance in the Mediterranean region: A multicriteria approach. International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences,2(3), 285-303.
Analysis of Factors Affecting Health Tourism Performance Using Fuzzy DEMATEL Method
Year 2020,
Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 371 - 392, 25.12.2020
In health tourism, an important sub-branch of the tourism sector, the increase in the number of organizations in the service industry in response to increasing demand has led institutions to transform in line with global standards to gain a competitive advantage. Today, due to the steady increase in its share in the sector, it is necessary to establish an assessment infrastructure to measure health tourism performance. This study suggests an infrastructure for determining the factors affecting health tourism. There is no widely accepted standard assessment methodology in determining criteria affecting tourism performance in the literature. However, with a standard assessment structure, it can be possible to rank the achievement of the organizations serving health tourism. Therefore, the Fuzzy DEMATEL method is used as a multi-criteria decision-making approach based on fuzzy logic to determine the factors affecting health tourism performance. This study contributes to the literature in terms of presenting the criteria for the assessment of the health tourism performance in a standard structure for researchers, and in which dimensions the organizations should consider their performance.
Aissa, S. B. & Goaied, M., (2017). Performance of tourism destinations: Evidence from Tunisia. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research,41(7), 797-822.
Altuntaş, S., & Yılmaz, M. K. (2016). Fuzzy DEMATEL method to evaluate the dimensions of marketing resources: An application in SMEs. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 17(3), 347-364.
Assaf, A. G. & Josiassen, A. (2012). Identifying and ranking the determinants of tourism performance: A global investigation. Journal of Travel Research, 51(4), 388–399.
Baykaşoğlu, A., Kaplanoğlu, V., Durmuşoğlu, Z. D., & Şahin, C. (2013). Integrating fuzzy DEMATEL and fuzzy hierarchical TOPSIS methods for truck selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(3), 899-907.
Benito, B., Solana, J., & López P., (2014). Determinants of Spanish regions' tourism performance: A two-stage, double-bootstrap data envelopment analysis. Tourism Economics, 20(5), 73-89.
Bookman, M. Z., & Bookman, K. R. (2007). Medical tourism in developing countries. New York: Palgrave McMillan.
Çımat, A., & Bahar, O. (2003). Turkey tourism sector of economy: An assessment of its role and importance. Mediterranean University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, 6, 1-18.
Croes, R. (2005). Value as a measure of tourism performance in the era of globalization conceptual considerations and empirical findings. Tourism Analysis, 9(4), 255-267.
Deloitte. (2014). Global Health Care Outlook Shared Challenges, Shared Opportunities. Retrieved April 20, 2020, from
Díaz, M., R. &Rodríguez, T. F. E. (2016). Determining the sustainability factors and performance of a tourism destination from the stakeholders’ perspective. Sustainability, 8(9), 1-17.
Do, Q. H. & Chen, J. F. (2013). Prioritizing the factor weights affecting tourism performance by FAHP. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 5(51), 1-10.
Drăghici, C. C., Diaconu, D., Teodorescu, C., Pintilii, R. D., & Ciobotaru, A. M. (2016). Health tourism contribution to the structural dynamics of the territorial systems with tourism functionality. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 32, 386-393.
Erfurt-Cooper, P., & Cooper, M. (2009). Health and wellness tourism: Spas and hot springs. Bristol: Channel View Publications.
Goodrich, J. N., & Goodrich, G. E. (1987). Health-care tourism—an exploratory study. Tourism Management, 8(3), 217-222.
GökKısa, A. C. & Perçin S. (2017). Bütünleşik Bulanık DEMATEL- Bulanık VIKOR yaklaşımının makine seçimi problemine uygulanması. Journal of Yasar University, 12(48), 249- 256.
Han, H., Kiatkawsin, K., Jung, H., & Kim, W. (2018). The role of wellness spa tourism performance in building destination loyalty: The case of Thailand. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(5), 595-610.
Heung, V. C., Kucukusta, D., & Song, H. (2010). A conceptual model of medical tourism: Implications for future research. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 27(3), 236-251.
Hume, L. F., & Demicco, F. J. (2007). Bringing hotels to healthcare: A Rx for success. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 8(1), 75-84.
İlban, M. O., &Yıldırım, H. H. (2017). Determination of tourism activities of the world’s best tourism destinations using the multi-criteria decision-making method. Cogent Social Sciences,3(1), 1-16.
Kaufmann, A., & Gupta, M. M. (1991). Introduction to fuzzy arithmetic— Theory and applications. New York: Thomson Computer Press.
Kılavuz, E. (2018). Medical tourism competition: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Health Management and Tourism, 3(1), 42-58.
Lakićević, M., & Durkalić, D. (2018). Measurement of tourism market performance in EU countries: Results of PROMETHEE-GAIA.3. International Scientific Conference, Serbia.
Li, R.-J. (1999). Fuzzy method in group decision making. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 38(1), 91-101.
Lin, C. J., & Wu, W. W. (2008). A causal analytical method for group decision-making under fuzzy environment. Expert Systems with Applications, 34(1), 205-213.
Liu, C. H., Tzeng, G. H., Lee, M. H., Tseng, H. L., & Lee, P. Y. (2012). Using a hybrid MCDM model combining fuzzy DEMATEL technique to examine the job stress of coach driver. In J. Watada, T. Watanabe, G. Phillips-Wren, R. Howlett, & L. Jain (eds), Intelligent Decision Technologies (pp. 149-156). Berlin: Springer.
Loh, C. P. A. (2014). Health tourism on the rise? Evidence from the balance of payments statistics. The European Journal of Health Economics, 15(7), 759-766.
Nair, G. K. (2013). Influence of risk assessment factors on the tourism performance in Qatar: An empirical study. American Journal of Tourism Research,2(2), 141-153.
Niavis, S., & Tsiotas, D. (2019). Assessing the tourism performance of the Mediterranean coastal destinations: A combined efficiency and effectiveness approach. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 14, 1-11.
Nilashi, M., Samad, S., Manaf, A. A., Ahmadi, H., Rashid, T. A., Munshi, A., Almukadi, W., Ibrahim, O., & Ahmed, O. H. (2019). Factors influencing medical tourism adoption in Malaysia: A DEMATEL-Fuzzy TOPSIS approach. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 137(106005), 1-11.
Organ, A. (2013). Bulanık Dematel yöntemiyle makine seçimini etkileyen kriterlerin değerlendirilmesi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22(1), 157-172.
Parida, A., & Kumar, U. (2006). Applications and case studies maintenance performance measurement (MPM): issues and challenges. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 12(3), 239-251.
Reed, C. M. (2008). Medical tourism. Medical Clinics of North America, 92(6), 1433-1446.
Ross, K. (2001). Health tourism: an overview. HSMAI Marketing Review.
Saleh, S. A., Hussain, F., Saud, M. B. B., & Isa, M. A. M. (2015). Strategic marketing & competitive analysis of Malaysian medical tourism industry. In Proceeding-Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference, 6, 61-71.
Seraphin, H., Gowreesunkar, V., Davilla Rodriguez, M. A., & Davilla Pagan, N. (2018). Assessing the tourism performance of a destination: Toward a new approach using Cuba as a case study. In M. E. Korstanje (Ed.), Critical Essays in tourism research (pp. 71-104). New York: Nova Science.
Sheng-Li, S., Xiao-Yue, Y., Hu-Chen, L., & Zhang, P. (2018). DEMATEL technique: A systematic review of the state-of-the-art literature on methodologies and applications. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1-33.
Smith, M., & Puczko, L. (2014). Health, tourism and hospitality: Spas, wellness and medical travel. London: Routledge.
Snyder, J., Crooks, V., & Turner, L. (2011). Issues and challenges in research on the ethics of medical tourism: Reflections from a conference. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 8(1), 3-6.
Pnevmatikoudi, K., & Stavrinoudis, T. (2016). Classification of hotel performance measurement indicators presented in international scientific research. European Journal of Tourism Research, 12, 82-98.
Ribeiro, M. L., Vasconcelos, M. L., & Rocha, F. (2019). Monitoring performance indicators in the Portuguese hospitality sector. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(2), 790-811.
Tontus, H. Ö. (2016). Sağlık turizmi tanıtımı ve sağlık hizmetlerinin pazarlanması ilkeleri üzerine değerlendirme. Disiplinlerarası Akademik Turizm Dergisi, 3(1), 67-88.
Turner, L. (2007). Medical tourism: Family medicine and international health-related travel. Canadian Family Physician, 53(10), 1639-1641.
Tzeng, G. H., Chiang, C. H., & Li, C. W. (2007). Evaluating intertwined effects in e-learning programs: A novel hybrid MCDM model based on factor analysis and DEMATEL. Expert systems with Applications, 32(4), 1028-1044.
Wadongo, B., Odhuno, E., Kambona, O., & Othuon, L. (2010). Key performance indicators in the Kenyan hospitality industry: A managerial perspective. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 17(6), 858-875.
Wang, S-H., Lee, M-T, Château, P-A., & Chang, Y-C. (2016). Performance indicator framework for evaluation of sustainable tourism in the Taiwan coastal zone. Sustainability, 8(7), 652.
Wu, W. W. (2008). Choosing knowledge management strategies by using a combined ANP and DEMATEL approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 35(3), 828-835.
Wu, W. W., & Lee, Y. T. (2007). Developing global managers’ competencies using the fuzzy DEMATEL method. Expert systems with applications, 32(2), 499-507.
Zadeh, L. A. (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and control, 8(3), 338-353.
Zopounidis, C., Baourakis, G., & Niklis, D. (2010). A comparative study of tourism performance in the Mediterranean region: A multicriteria approach. International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences,2(3), 285-303.
Merdivenci, F., & Karakaş, H. (2020). Analysis of Factors Affecting Health Tourism Performance Using Fuzzy DEMATEL Method. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR), 8(2), 371-392.