Kanımızca Bataille düşüncesi, hem etkilendiği felsefi gelenek hem de o geleneği radikal bir şekilde dönüştürücü bakışı, hem de muammalı üslubu ile okurunu gelenekte karşılığı olmadığını düşündüğümüz bir konum almaya zorlamakta. Bu kısa çalışmanın giriş bölümünde, okur olarak Bataille’ın muhatabı olmak ne anlama gelir sorusuna yanıt aramaya çalıştık
For us, the thought of Bataille with his enigmatic style forces the audience to take a radical position towards the western philosophical tradition. On this basis, in the introduction of this short treatise we have tried to unreveal the meaning of being the interlocutor in the face of Bataille since he invites his audience to choice such a radical position.1 Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hakan İŞÖZEN İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi, Psikoloji BölümüOn the other hand, we have to tried to present the criticism of Bataille regarding the judgement of “the thought of human being is fundamentally asexual”. For this purpose, it is shown the role of incest taboo as a metaphor of rupture in the transition from the animality to humanity.Our main thesis, however, the observed radicalism in Bataille thought can be evaluated as an “heresy” when compared with western thought from christian ethics to Freud’s psychoanalitic theory and with his heretic dimension all western thought can be reinterpreted and appraised
İşözen, H. (2016). The Criticism of the Tradition of Asexual Thought and Eroticism in The Thought of Georges Bataille. Aydın İnsan Ve Toplum Dergisi, 2(3), 21-42.