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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1(ÖZEL), 77 - 85, 15.12.2014


The Kurdish issue, which has been ongoing since 1923, is the biggest internal problem of 90-year-old the Republic of Turkey. The fundamental problem of Kurds in Turkey is language. In this study, bilingual education model of Bask region in Spain was scrutinized and it was tried to get an idea whether this model can be implemented for Kurds in Turkey. The biggest ethnic group in Spain is Bask society. Bask bilingual educational model was prepared considering minority languages and importance, and political issues. The purpose of the study is to indicate the value Kurds get in their life when it is implemented in Turkey. The overall design of this study uses a qualitative method consisting of data collection through a survey used to get a rich data set that explains the issues surrounding bilingual education in the Basque region. This survey involved 26 participants from K-12 teachers and scholars in the Basque Country. Participants’ answers were gathered and analyzed. Data was coded and themes were made. Results indicate that currently, the Basque Country in Spain has a reputable ongoing bilingual education system. Over the last decade, the Basque region has established a model for bilingual education that offers multiple options for the linguistic study of the Basque language. Thus, as the Basque Region has an advanced and institutionalized bilingual education system, it is logical to study how minority language issues were addressed previously so it may inform the Kurdish situation


  • Calislar, O. (2009). Why would education in Kurdish separate Turkey? Retrieved from
  • Cenoz, J. (2012). Bilingual Educational Policy in Higher Education in the Basque Country.Language, Culture And Curriculum, 25(1), 41-55.
  • Creswell, J. W. (1994). Research designs: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
  • approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Cummins, J. (2000). Language, Power and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children in the Crossfire, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.
  • Entessar, N. (1992). Kurdish Ethnonationalism. Boulder, CO: LynneRienner Publishers. p.83.
  • Gardner, N . and Zalbide, M. (2005) Basque acquisition planning. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 174, 55–72.
  • Kendal, N. (1980). The Kurds under the Ottoman Empire. In G. Chaliand (Ed.), People without a country: The Kurds and Kurdistan. London: Zed Books Ltd.
  • Kirişçi, K. and Winrow, G., M. (1997) The Kurdish Question and Turkey: An Example of a Trans-state Ethnic Conflict. Portland, Oregon: Frank Cass Publishers. (p, 23).
  • May, S. (2001). Language and minority rights: Ethnicity, nationalism, and the politics of language. New York: Longman.
  • McDowall, David. (1996). A Modern History of The Kurds. London: I. B. Tauris.
  • Ozfidan B (2014). The Basque Bilingual Education System: A Model for a Kurdish Bilingual
  • Education System in Turkey. Journal of Language Teaching and Research. Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 382-390.
  • UNESCO, (1974). Recommendation concerning education for international understanding, co-operation and peace and education relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms. Adapted by the General Conference at its eighteenth session Paris.
  • Zalbide, M., & Cenoz, J. (2008). Bilingual Education in the Basque Autonomous Community:
  • Achievements and Challenges. Language, Culture & Curriculum, 21(1), 5-20. doi:10.2167/lcc339.0


Yıl 2014, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1(ÖZEL), 77 - 85, 15.12.2014


1923’ten beri devam eden Kürt sorunu, 90 yıllık Türkiye Cumhuriyeti tarihindeki en büyük iç problemdir. Türkiye’deki Kürtlerin en temel problemi dildir. Bu çalışmada, İspanya’nın Bask bölgesinde uygulanan çift dilli eğitim modelleri incelenmiş ve Türkiye'deki Kürtler için bu modellerin uygulanıp uygulanamayacağı hakkında fikir edinilmeye çalışılmıştır. İspanya’daki en büyük etnik grup Bask toplumudur. Bask çift dilli eğitim sistemi azınlıklarının dilleri ve önemi düşünülerek; tarihsel ve politik içerikleri hesaba katılarak hazırlanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın diğer bir amacı da Bask bölgesi çift dilli eğitim modelinin Türkiye’deki Kürtlere uygulandığında yaşamlarına katacaklarıdır. Bu çalışmada zengin bir veri anketi ile nitel metod kullanılarak, Bask bölgesinin çift dilli eğitim sistemi açıklanmıştır. Bu ankete Bask bölgesinde yaşayan 26 öğretmen ve bilim adamı katılmıştır. Bu ankette katılımcıların cevapları bir araya getirilmiş ve incelenmiştir. Ankette bulunan temalar kodlanmıştur.Anket sonuçlarına göre, Bask bölgesindeki çift dilli eğitim sistemi sorunsuz bir şekilde devam etmektedir. Son 10 yılda, Bask bölgesindeki bu çift dilli eğitim sistemi dil çalışmaları için çoklu tercih olarak sunulmuştur. Böylece bu Bask bölgesi için bir avantaj olmuş ve çift dilli eğitim sistemi özelleştiği gibi; kürt bölgesi için de uygulanılabilir olup olmadığının incelendiği bir çalışmadır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Çift dilli eğitim, Türkiye, Bask, Kürtçe.



  • Calislar, O. (2009). Why would education in Kurdish separate Turkey? Retrieved from
  • Cenoz, J. (2012). Bilingual Educational Policy in Higher Education in the Basque Country.Language, Culture And Curriculum, 25(1), 41-55.
  • Creswell, J. W. (1994). Research designs: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
  • approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Cummins, J. (2000). Language, Power and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children in the Crossfire, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.
  • Entessar, N. (1992). Kurdish Ethnonationalism. Boulder, CO: LynneRienner Publishers. p.83.
  • Gardner, N . and Zalbide, M. (2005) Basque acquisition planning. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 174, 55–72.
  • Kendal, N. (1980). The Kurds under the Ottoman Empire. In G. Chaliand (Ed.), People without a country: The Kurds and Kurdistan. London: Zed Books Ltd.
  • Kirişçi, K. and Winrow, G., M. (1997) The Kurdish Question and Turkey: An Example of a Trans-state Ethnic Conflict. Portland, Oregon: Frank Cass Publishers. (p, 23).
  • May, S. (2001). Language and minority rights: Ethnicity, nationalism, and the politics of language. New York: Longman.
  • McDowall, David. (1996). A Modern History of The Kurds. London: I. B. Tauris.
  • Ozfidan B (2014). The Basque Bilingual Education System: A Model for a Kurdish Bilingual
  • Education System in Turkey. Journal of Language Teaching and Research. Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 382-390.
  • UNESCO, (1974). Recommendation concerning education for international understanding, co-operation and peace and education relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms. Adapted by the General Conference at its eighteenth session Paris.
  • Zalbide, M., & Cenoz, J. (2008). Bilingual Education in the Basque Autonomous Community:
  • Achievements and Challenges. Language, Culture & Curriculum, 21(1), 5-20. doi:10.2167/lcc339.0
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Burhan Özfidan

Hüsamettin Demir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1(ÖZEL)

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