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Year 2023, , 40 - 56, 27.12.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, çalışanların örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışlarına katılımı sonucunda yaşamış oldukları vatandaşlık yorgunluğu ile ilgili olarak kavramsal bir çerçeve sunmaktır. Bu amaçla alan yazında vatandaşlık yorgunluğu ile ilgili olarak yapılmış olan çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Elde edilen çalışmalar değerlendirildiğinde, vatandaşlık yorgunluğunun çalışanların çeşitli motivasyonlarla (içsel veya dışsal motivasyon) örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışına katılırken bir süre sonra bu davranışlara katılmada vatandaşlık baskısının veya zorunlu vatandaşlığın rol oynamasıyla kendilerini yıpranmış, yorgun ve gergin hissetmelerini kapsayan bir durum olduğu dikkat çekmiştir. Ayrıca, vatandaşlık yorgunluğu çalışanların, çok fazla örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı sergilemelerinden değil örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı sergilerken kaynaklarına yönelik bir tehdit algılamalarından kaynaklı olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Diğer taraftan bu çalışmayla birlikte, vatandaşlık yorgunluğunu ortaya çıkaran birçok faktör olduğu ve vatandaşlık yorgunluğunun hem örgüt hem de çalışanlar için önemli sayılabilecek olumsuz etkilerinin bulunduğu görülmüştür. Dolayısıyla bu makale vatandaşlık yorgunluğunu etkileyen faktörleri, aracı mekanizmaları ve sonuç değişkenlerini ortaya koyması açısından önemli görülmektedir. Sonuç olarak, makalenin vatandaşlık yorgunluğu yapısı dolayısı ile yeni olduğu için bu konuyla ilgili daha çok ampirik çalışmaların yapılabilmesine yol açabileceği, ayrıca örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışına yönelik var olan olumlu anlayışın yeniden gözden geçirilmesine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Adams, J. S. (1963). Towards an understanding of inequity. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67(5), 422-436.
  • Altaf, A., Sajid, K., & Ali, S. Z. (2020). Challengehindrance stressors and psychological wellbeing: moderating role of citizenship pressure and mediating role of citizenship fatigue. International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs, 5(5), 231-239.
  • Aybay, R. (2006). Vatandaşlık hukuku (2. Baskı). İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Bateman, T. S., & Organ, D. W. (1983). Job satisfaction and the good soldier: The relationship between affect and employee “citizenship”. Academy of management Journal, 26(4), 587-595.
  • Ja'afaru Bambale, A. (2014). Relationship between servant leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors: Review of literature and future research directions. Journal of Marketing & Management, 5(1), 116.
  • Bergeron, D. M. (2007). The potential paradox of organizational citizenship behavior: Good citizens at what cost? Academy of Management Review, 32, 1078–1095. doi:10.5465/AMR.2007.26585791
  • Blau, P. M. (1968). Social exchange. International encyclopedia of the social sciences, 7(4), 452-457.
  • Bolino, M. C. (1999). Citizenship and impression management: Good soldiers or good actors?. Academy of Management Review, 24(1), 82-98.
  • Bolino, M. C., & Klotz, A. C. (2015). The paradox of the unethical organizational citizen: The link between organizational citizenship behavior and unethical behavior at work. Current Opinion in Psychology, 6, 45-49.
  • Bolino, M. C., Hsiung, H. H., & Harvey, J. (2012). A Challenge or a hindrance? Citizenship and citizenship fatigue. Academy of Management Proceedings, 1, 14404.
  • Bolino, M. C., Hsiung, H. H., Harvey, J., & LePine, J. A. (2015). “Well, I’m tired of tryin’!” Organizational citizenship behavior and citizenship fatigue. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(1), 56-74.
  • Bolino, M. C., Klotz, A. C., Turnley, W. H., & Harvey, J. (2013). Exploring the dark side of organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(4), 542-559.
  • Bolino, M. C., Turnley, W. H., Gilstrap, J. B., & Suazo, M. M. (2010). Citizenship under pressure: What's a “good soldier” to do?. Journal of Organizational behavior, 31(6), 835-855.
  • Carmeli, A., & Spreitzer, G. M. (2009). Trust, connectivity, and thriving: Implications for innovative behaviors at work. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 43(3), 169-191.
  • Chen, D., Zhang, Y., Ahmad, A. B., & Liu, B. (2023). How to fuel public employees’ changeoriented organizational citizenship behavior: A twowave moderated mediation study. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 43(1), 185-208.
  • De Clercq, D., Suhail, A., Azeem, M. U., & Haq, I. U. (2019). Citizenship pressure and job performance: Roles of citizenship fatigue and continuance commitment. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 59(3), 482-505. doi:10.1111/17447941.12241
  • de Geus, C. J., Ingrams, A., Tummers, L., & Pandey, S. K. (2020). Organizational citizenship behavior in the public sector: A systematic literature review and future research agenda. Public Administration Review, 80(2), 259-270.
  • Doğan, İ. (2001). Modern toplumda vatandaşlık demokrasi ve insan hakları insan haklarının kültürel temelleri (2. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem A Yayıncılık.
  • Ehrhart, M. G. (2004). Leadership and procedural justice climate as antecedents of unit‐level organizational citizenship behavior. Personnel Psychology, 57(1), 61-94.
  • Eliyahu, N., & Somech, A. (2022). Team citizenship pressure: How does it relate to ocb and citizenship fatigue. Small Group Research, 54(2), 243-276.
  • Fu, B., Peng, J., & Wang, T. (2022). The health cost of organizational citizenship behavior: Does healthpromoting leadership matter?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(10), 6343.
  • Garg, N., Punia, B. K., & Jain, A. (2019). Workplace spirituality and job satisfaction: Exploring mediating effect of organization citizenship behaviour. Vision, 23(3), 287-296.
  • Grant, A. M., & Mayer, D. M. (2009). Good soldiers and good actors: prosocial and impression management motives as interactive predictors of affiliative citizenship behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(4), 900-912.
  • Halbesleben, J. R. B., Neveu, J. P., PaustianUnderdahl, S. C., & Westman, M. (2014). Getting to the “COR”: understanding the role of resources in conservation of resources theory. J. Manag., 40, 1334–1364. doi: 10.1177/0149206314527130
  • Halbesleben, J. R., & Buckley, M. R. (2004). Burnout in organizational life. Journal of Management, 30(6), 859-879.
  • Hammack, M. (2018). Citizenship pressure, citizenship fatigue, and gender (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Azusa Pasific University, ABD.
  • He, P., Zheng, W., Zhao, H., Jiang, C., & Wu, T. J. (2023). Citizenship pressure and knowledge hiding: The mediating role of citizenship fatigue and the moderating role of supervisor–subordinate guanxi. Applied Psychology, 134. doi: 10.1111/apps.12490
  • Hobfoll, S. E. (2001). The influence of culture, community, and the nested‐self in the stress process: Advancing conservation of resources theory. Applied Psychology, 50(3), 337-370.
  • Hobfoll, S. E., Halbesleben, J., Neveu, J. P., & Westman, M. (2018). Conservation of resources in the organizational context: The reality of resources and their consequences. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 5, 103-128.
  • Hobfoll, S. E., Shirom, A., & Golembiewski, R. (2000). Conservation of resources theory: Applications to Stress and Management in the Workplace. R. T. Golembiewski (Ed). Handbook of organizational behavior (ss. 57-80), Marcel Dekker, New York.
  • Klotz, A. C., Bolino, M. C., Song, H., & Stornelli, J. (2018). Examining the nature, causes, and consequences of profiles of organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(5), 629-647.
  • Koopman, Joel, Klodiana Lanaj, & Brent A. Scott (2016). Integrating the bright and dark sides of OCB: A daily investigation of the benefits and costs of helping others. Academy of Management Journal, 59(2), 414–435.
  • Kurtessis, J. N., Eisenberger, R., Ford, M. T., Buffardi, L. C., Stewart, K. A., & Adis, C. S. (2017). Perceived organizational support: a metaanalytic evaluation of organizational support theory. Journal of Management, 43(6), 1854–1884. doi: 10.1177/0149206315575554
  • Lan, J., Gong, Y., & Yuan, B. (2022). Requested to do right things excessively: how citizenship pressure/future focus influence healthrelated work outcomes in health organizations during the pandemic. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 36(6), 748-766.
  • Liu, C. & Yu, K. (2019a), Career adaptability and citizenship outcomes: a moderated mediation model, Career Development International, 24(7), 658-671.
  • Liu, X., & Yu, K. (2019b). Emotional stability and citizenship fatigue: The role of emotional exhaustion and job stressors. Personality and Individual Differences, 139, 254-262.
  • Neves, P. C., & Andrade, C. (2021). Citizenship fatigue as mediator between compulsory citizenship behavior and workfamily conflict. Revista Psicologia: Organizações e Trabalho, 21(4), 1785-1791.
  • Organ, D. W. (1988). Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
  • Organ, D. W. (1990). The motivational basis of organizational citizenship behavior. B. M. Staw, & L. L. Cummings (Ed.), Research in organizational behavior (ss. 43-72) içinde. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
  • Organ, D. W. (1997). Organizational citizenship behavior: It’s construct clean-up time. Human Performance, 10(2), 85–97. doi: 10.1207/s15327043hup1002_2
  • Podsakoff, P. M., Ahearne, M., & MacKenzie, S. B. (1997). Organizational citizenship behavior and the quantity and quality of work group performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82(2), 262-270.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Paine, J. B., & Bachrach, D. G. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviors: A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research. Journal of Management, 26(3), 513-563.
  • Purwanto, A., Purba, J. T., Bernarto, I., & Sijabat, R. (2021). Effect of management innovation, transformational leadership, and knowledge sharing on market performance of Indonesian consumer goods company. Journal of Applied Management, 19(2), 424-434.
  • Rioux, S. M., & Penner, L. A. (2001). The causes of organizational citizenship behavior: A motivational analysis. Journal of applied Psychology, 86(6), 1306-1314.
  • Qiu, Y., Lou, M., Zhang, L., & Wang, Y. (2020). Organizational citizenship behavior motives and thriving at work: The mediating role of citizenship fatigue. Sustainability, 12(6), 22-31.
  • Savickas, M. L., & Porfeli, E. J. (2012). Career AdaptAbilities Scale: Construction, reliability, and measurement equivalence across 13 countries. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80(3), 661-673.
  • Seers, A. (1989). Teammember exchange quality: A new construct for rolemaking research. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 43(1), 118-135.
  • Spreitzer, G., Sutcliffe, K., Dutton, J., Sonenshein, S., & Grant, A. M. (2005). A socially embedded model of thriving at work. Organization Science, 16(5), 537-549.
  • Takeuchi, R., Bolino, M. C., & Lin, C. C. (2015). Too many motives? The interactive effects of multiple motives on organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(4), 1239-1248.
  • Tian, H., Iqbal, S., Akhtar, S., Qalati, S. A., Anwar, F., & Khan, M. A. S. (2020). The impact of transformational leadership on employee retention: mediation and moderation through organizational citizenship behavior and communication. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1-11.
  • Tran, T. B. H., & Choi, S. B. (2019). Effects of inclusive leadership on organizational citizenship behavior: the mediating roles of organizational justice and learning culture. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 13, e17.
  • Van Yperen, N. W., Van Den Berg, A. E., & Willering, M. C. (1999). Towards a better understanding of the link between participation in decision‐making and organizational citizenship behaviour: A multilevel analysis. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 72(3), 377-392.
  • Vigoda‐Gadot, E. R. A. N. (2006). Compulsory citizenship behavior: Theorizing some dark sides of the good soldier syndrome in organizations. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 36(1), 77-93.
  • Xu, F., Xu, S., Zhu, J., Zhou, J., Zhang, B., & Yang, C. (2021). Why and when do good soldiers behave unethically? Introducing conservation of resources theory to explain the curvilinear effects of organizational citizenship behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 619-657.
  • Zellars, K. L., Tepper, B. J., & Duffy, M. K. (2002). Abusive supervision and subordinates' organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(6), 1068-1076.
  • Zhao, H., Peng, Z., Han, Y., Sheard, G., & Hudson, A. (2013). Psychological mechanism linking abusive supervision and compulsory citizenship behavior: A moderated mediation study. The Journal of Psychology, 147(2), 177-195.
  • Zugay, B. M. (2021). Stressed and confused: An exploration into citizenship fatigue and the dark side of workplace friendship (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). The University of Wisconsin, AB


Year 2023, , 40 - 56, 27.12.2023


The aim of this study is to present a conceptual framework regarding citizenship fatigue experienced by employees as a result of their participation in organizational citizenship behaviors. For this purpose, studies on citizenship fatigue in the literature were examined. When the obtained studies are evaluated, it is seen that citizenship fatigue is a situation in which employees engage in organizational citizenship behaviors with various motivations (intrinsic or extrinsic motivation), but after a while they feel worn out, tired or on edge due to the effect of citizenship pressure or compulsory citizenship in engage in these behaviors. In addition, citizenship fatigue is not caused by employees engaging in too much organizational citizenship behavior, but by the perception of a threat to their resources while engaging in organizational citizenship behavior. On the other hand, with this study, it has been seen that there are many factors that reveal citizenship fatigue and that it has negative effects that can be considered important for both the organization and the employees. Therefore, this article is considered important in terms of revealing the factors, intermediary mechanisms and outcome variables that affect citizenship fatigue. As a result, it is thought that the study will lead to more empirical studies on this subject, since the structure of citizenship fatigue is new, and it will also contribute to the revision of the existing positive understanding of organizational citizenship behavior.


  • Adams, J. S. (1963). Towards an understanding of inequity. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67(5), 422-436.
  • Altaf, A., Sajid, K., & Ali, S. Z. (2020). Challengehindrance stressors and psychological wellbeing: moderating role of citizenship pressure and mediating role of citizenship fatigue. International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs, 5(5), 231-239.
  • Aybay, R. (2006). Vatandaşlık hukuku (2. Baskı). İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Bateman, T. S., & Organ, D. W. (1983). Job satisfaction and the good soldier: The relationship between affect and employee “citizenship”. Academy of management Journal, 26(4), 587-595.
  • Ja'afaru Bambale, A. (2014). Relationship between servant leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors: Review of literature and future research directions. Journal of Marketing & Management, 5(1), 116.
  • Bergeron, D. M. (2007). The potential paradox of organizational citizenship behavior: Good citizens at what cost? Academy of Management Review, 32, 1078–1095. doi:10.5465/AMR.2007.26585791
  • Blau, P. M. (1968). Social exchange. International encyclopedia of the social sciences, 7(4), 452-457.
  • Bolino, M. C. (1999). Citizenship and impression management: Good soldiers or good actors?. Academy of Management Review, 24(1), 82-98.
  • Bolino, M. C., & Klotz, A. C. (2015). The paradox of the unethical organizational citizen: The link between organizational citizenship behavior and unethical behavior at work. Current Opinion in Psychology, 6, 45-49.
  • Bolino, M. C., Hsiung, H. H., & Harvey, J. (2012). A Challenge or a hindrance? Citizenship and citizenship fatigue. Academy of Management Proceedings, 1, 14404.
  • Bolino, M. C., Hsiung, H. H., Harvey, J., & LePine, J. A. (2015). “Well, I’m tired of tryin’!” Organizational citizenship behavior and citizenship fatigue. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(1), 56-74.
  • Bolino, M. C., Klotz, A. C., Turnley, W. H., & Harvey, J. (2013). Exploring the dark side of organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(4), 542-559.
  • Bolino, M. C., Turnley, W. H., Gilstrap, J. B., & Suazo, M. M. (2010). Citizenship under pressure: What's a “good soldier” to do?. Journal of Organizational behavior, 31(6), 835-855.
  • Carmeli, A., & Spreitzer, G. M. (2009). Trust, connectivity, and thriving: Implications for innovative behaviors at work. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 43(3), 169-191.
  • Chen, D., Zhang, Y., Ahmad, A. B., & Liu, B. (2023). How to fuel public employees’ changeoriented organizational citizenship behavior: A twowave moderated mediation study. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 43(1), 185-208.
  • De Clercq, D., Suhail, A., Azeem, M. U., & Haq, I. U. (2019). Citizenship pressure and job performance: Roles of citizenship fatigue and continuance commitment. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 59(3), 482-505. doi:10.1111/17447941.12241
  • de Geus, C. J., Ingrams, A., Tummers, L., & Pandey, S. K. (2020). Organizational citizenship behavior in the public sector: A systematic literature review and future research agenda. Public Administration Review, 80(2), 259-270.
  • Doğan, İ. (2001). Modern toplumda vatandaşlık demokrasi ve insan hakları insan haklarının kültürel temelleri (2. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem A Yayıncılık.
  • Ehrhart, M. G. (2004). Leadership and procedural justice climate as antecedents of unit‐level organizational citizenship behavior. Personnel Psychology, 57(1), 61-94.
  • Eliyahu, N., & Somech, A. (2022). Team citizenship pressure: How does it relate to ocb and citizenship fatigue. Small Group Research, 54(2), 243-276.
  • Fu, B., Peng, J., & Wang, T. (2022). The health cost of organizational citizenship behavior: Does healthpromoting leadership matter?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(10), 6343.
  • Garg, N., Punia, B. K., & Jain, A. (2019). Workplace spirituality and job satisfaction: Exploring mediating effect of organization citizenship behaviour. Vision, 23(3), 287-296.
  • Grant, A. M., & Mayer, D. M. (2009). Good soldiers and good actors: prosocial and impression management motives as interactive predictors of affiliative citizenship behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(4), 900-912.
  • Halbesleben, J. R. B., Neveu, J. P., PaustianUnderdahl, S. C., & Westman, M. (2014). Getting to the “COR”: understanding the role of resources in conservation of resources theory. J. Manag., 40, 1334–1364. doi: 10.1177/0149206314527130
  • Halbesleben, J. R., & Buckley, M. R. (2004). Burnout in organizational life. Journal of Management, 30(6), 859-879.
  • Hammack, M. (2018). Citizenship pressure, citizenship fatigue, and gender (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Azusa Pasific University, ABD.
  • He, P., Zheng, W., Zhao, H., Jiang, C., & Wu, T. J. (2023). Citizenship pressure and knowledge hiding: The mediating role of citizenship fatigue and the moderating role of supervisor–subordinate guanxi. Applied Psychology, 134. doi: 10.1111/apps.12490
  • Hobfoll, S. E. (2001). The influence of culture, community, and the nested‐self in the stress process: Advancing conservation of resources theory. Applied Psychology, 50(3), 337-370.
  • Hobfoll, S. E., Halbesleben, J., Neveu, J. P., & Westman, M. (2018). Conservation of resources in the organizational context: The reality of resources and their consequences. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 5, 103-128.
  • Hobfoll, S. E., Shirom, A., & Golembiewski, R. (2000). Conservation of resources theory: Applications to Stress and Management in the Workplace. R. T. Golembiewski (Ed). Handbook of organizational behavior (ss. 57-80), Marcel Dekker, New York.
  • Klotz, A. C., Bolino, M. C., Song, H., & Stornelli, J. (2018). Examining the nature, causes, and consequences of profiles of organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(5), 629-647.
  • Koopman, Joel, Klodiana Lanaj, & Brent A. Scott (2016). Integrating the bright and dark sides of OCB: A daily investigation of the benefits and costs of helping others. Academy of Management Journal, 59(2), 414–435.
  • Kurtessis, J. N., Eisenberger, R., Ford, M. T., Buffardi, L. C., Stewart, K. A., & Adis, C. S. (2017). Perceived organizational support: a metaanalytic evaluation of organizational support theory. Journal of Management, 43(6), 1854–1884. doi: 10.1177/0149206315575554
  • Lan, J., Gong, Y., & Yuan, B. (2022). Requested to do right things excessively: how citizenship pressure/future focus influence healthrelated work outcomes in health organizations during the pandemic. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 36(6), 748-766.
  • Liu, C. & Yu, K. (2019a), Career adaptability and citizenship outcomes: a moderated mediation model, Career Development International, 24(7), 658-671.
  • Liu, X., & Yu, K. (2019b). Emotional stability and citizenship fatigue: The role of emotional exhaustion and job stressors. Personality and Individual Differences, 139, 254-262.
  • Neves, P. C., & Andrade, C. (2021). Citizenship fatigue as mediator between compulsory citizenship behavior and workfamily conflict. Revista Psicologia: Organizações e Trabalho, 21(4), 1785-1791.
  • Organ, D. W. (1988). Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
  • Organ, D. W. (1990). The motivational basis of organizational citizenship behavior. B. M. Staw, & L. L. Cummings (Ed.), Research in organizational behavior (ss. 43-72) içinde. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
  • Organ, D. W. (1997). Organizational citizenship behavior: It’s construct clean-up time. Human Performance, 10(2), 85–97. doi: 10.1207/s15327043hup1002_2
  • Podsakoff, P. M., Ahearne, M., & MacKenzie, S. B. (1997). Organizational citizenship behavior and the quantity and quality of work group performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82(2), 262-270.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Paine, J. B., & Bachrach, D. G. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviors: A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research. Journal of Management, 26(3), 513-563.
  • Purwanto, A., Purba, J. T., Bernarto, I., & Sijabat, R. (2021). Effect of management innovation, transformational leadership, and knowledge sharing on market performance of Indonesian consumer goods company. Journal of Applied Management, 19(2), 424-434.
  • Rioux, S. M., & Penner, L. A. (2001). The causes of organizational citizenship behavior: A motivational analysis. Journal of applied Psychology, 86(6), 1306-1314.
  • Qiu, Y., Lou, M., Zhang, L., & Wang, Y. (2020). Organizational citizenship behavior motives and thriving at work: The mediating role of citizenship fatigue. Sustainability, 12(6), 22-31.
  • Savickas, M. L., & Porfeli, E. J. (2012). Career AdaptAbilities Scale: Construction, reliability, and measurement equivalence across 13 countries. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80(3), 661-673.
  • Seers, A. (1989). Teammember exchange quality: A new construct for rolemaking research. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 43(1), 118-135.
  • Spreitzer, G., Sutcliffe, K., Dutton, J., Sonenshein, S., & Grant, A. M. (2005). A socially embedded model of thriving at work. Organization Science, 16(5), 537-549.
  • Takeuchi, R., Bolino, M. C., & Lin, C. C. (2015). Too many motives? The interactive effects of multiple motives on organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(4), 1239-1248.
  • Tian, H., Iqbal, S., Akhtar, S., Qalati, S. A., Anwar, F., & Khan, M. A. S. (2020). The impact of transformational leadership on employee retention: mediation and moderation through organizational citizenship behavior and communication. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1-11.
  • Tran, T. B. H., & Choi, S. B. (2019). Effects of inclusive leadership on organizational citizenship behavior: the mediating roles of organizational justice and learning culture. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 13, e17.
  • Van Yperen, N. W., Van Den Berg, A. E., & Willering, M. C. (1999). Towards a better understanding of the link between participation in decision‐making and organizational citizenship behaviour: A multilevel analysis. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 72(3), 377-392.
  • Vigoda‐Gadot, E. R. A. N. (2006). Compulsory citizenship behavior: Theorizing some dark sides of the good soldier syndrome in organizations. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 36(1), 77-93.
  • Xu, F., Xu, S., Zhu, J., Zhou, J., Zhang, B., & Yang, C. (2021). Why and when do good soldiers behave unethically? Introducing conservation of resources theory to explain the curvilinear effects of organizational citizenship behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 619-657.
  • Zellars, K. L., Tepper, B. J., & Duffy, M. K. (2002). Abusive supervision and subordinates' organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(6), 1068-1076.
  • Zhao, H., Peng, Z., Han, Y., Sheard, G., & Hudson, A. (2013). Psychological mechanism linking abusive supervision and compulsory citizenship behavior: A moderated mediation study. The Journal of Psychology, 147(2), 177-195.
  • Zugay, B. M. (2021). Stressed and confused: An exploration into citizenship fatigue and the dark side of workplace friendship (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). The University of Wisconsin, AB
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Review

Gizem Karadeniz 0000-0001-6405-177X

Hasan Hüseyin Uzunbacak 0000-0002-3297-1659

Alper Karababa 0000-0002-4771-2000

Publication Date December 27, 2023
Submission Date November 26, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Karadeniz, G., Uzunbacak, H. H., & Karababa, A. (2023). VATANDAŞLIK YORGUNLUĞU: KAVRAMSAL BİR ÇERÇEVE. Anadolu Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(4), 40-56.

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