Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 4, 72 - 86, 31.12.2024


Araştırma yapay zekanın yönetim ve maliyet muhasebesi üzerindeki etkilerini anlamayı ve gelecekteki gelişmeleri öngörmeyi hedeflemiştir. 1992-2023 tarihleri arasındaki süreçte yönetim ve maliyet muhasebesinin evriminde yapay zekanın rolünü inceleyen bir araştırmanın, alana önemli bir katkı sağlayacağı düşünülerek yapılan bu çalışmada bibliyometrik analiz ve tematik harita analizi yapılmıştır. Tematik analizler R programında görselleştirilmiş, anahtar kelimelerin yakınlık ve uzaklıkları faktör analizi ile kümelenerek kavramsal yapı haritası ortaya çıkarılmış elde edilen bulguların birleştirilmesiyle, araştırma alanındaki önemli yazarlar, ana konular ve ilişkileri ortaya konulmuştur. 2020-2023 döneminde temel konuların "yapay zekâ", "faaliyet tabanlı maliyet", "yönetim" konularını kapsadığı tespit edilmiştir. Motor temaların "veri analizi", "muhasebe eğitimi", "stratejik yönetim" konularından oluştuğu anlaşılmıştır. Niş temaların belirli bir durumu veya olayı çeşitli olası gelişimlere göre inceleyen ve bu farklı senaryolara dayalı muhtemel sonuçları değerlendiren bir analiz yöntemi olan "senaryo analizi" ve "simülasyon" konularından oluştuğu belirlenmiştir. Bu bilgiler, gelecekteki araştırmalara yön vermede, yeni trendleri belirlemede ve alanın gelişimini anlamada önemli temel oluşturacaktır.


  • Altıntaş, N. N., Suer, A. Z., Sari, E. S., & Ulker, M. S. (2014). The use of poster projects as a motivational and learning tool in managerial accounting courses. Journal of Education for Business, 89(4), 196-201.
  • Appelbaum, D., Kogan, A., Vasarhelyi, M., & Yan, Z. (2017). Impact of business analytics and enterprise systems on managerial accounting. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 25, 29-44.
  • Blayney, P., & Freeman, M. (2008). Individualised interactive formative assessments to promote independent learning. Journal of Accounting Education, 26(3), 155-165.
  • Blichfeldt, H., & Faullant, R. (2021). Performance effects of digital technology adoption and product & service innovation–A process-industry perspective. Technovation, 105.
  • Çil Koçyiğit, S., Temelli, F., & Derya Baskan, T. (2023). Sürdürülebilirlik muhasebesi konusunda yayınlanan makalelerin bibliyometrik analizi: Web Of Science Örneği. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(1), 241-264.
  • Erasmus, W., & Marnewick, C. (2021). An IT governance framework for IS portfolio management. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 14(3), 721-742.
  • Ever, D., & Demircioğlu, E. N. (2022). Yapay zekâ teknolojilerinin kalite maliyetleri üzerine etkisi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 31(1), 59-72. doi: 10.35379/cusosbil.1023004
  • Hashid, A., & Almaqtari, F. A. (2024). The impact of artificial intelligence and industry 4.0 on transforming accounting and auditing practices. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 10(1).
  • Ittner, C. D., & Larcker, D. F. (2001). Assessing empirical research in managerial accounting: a value-based management perspective. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 32(1-3), 349-410.
  • Jackson, D., Michelson, G., & Munir, R. (2023). Developing accountants for the future: New technology, skills, and the role of stakeholders. Accounting Education, 32(2), 150-177.
  • Jinga, G., Dumitru, M., Dumitrana, M., & Vulpoi, M. (2010). Accounting systems for cost management used in the Romanian economic entities. Accounting & Management Information Systems, 9(2).
  • Johnson, B. G., Phillips, F., & Chase, L. G. (2009). An intelligent tutoring system for the accounting cycle: enhancing textbook homework with artificial intelligence. Journal of Accounting Education, 27(1), 30-39.
  • Küçüker, M. (2023). Muhasebede yapay zekâ uygulamaları: Chatgpt’nin muhasebe sınavı. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 33(2), 875-888.
  • Kütük, Y., & Zor, Ü. (2020). Muhasebe alanında geliştirilen uzman sistemler. Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış, 20(61), 193-208.
  • Martínez-Caro, E., Cegarra-Navarro, J. G., & Alfonso-Ruiz, F. J. (2020). Digital technologies and firm performance: The role of digital organisational culture. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 154.
  • Nag, R., Hambrick, D. C., & Chen, M-J. (2007). What is strategic management, really? Inductive derivation of a consensus definition of the field. Strategic Management Journal, 28(9), 935-955.
  • Özevin, O. (2023). Muhasebede yapay zekâ kullanımının meslek etiğine etkileri: chatgpt uygulaması. Finans Ekonomi ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(3), 535-549.
  • Pantea, M. F., Cilan, T. F., Cuc, L. D., Rad, D., Bâtcă-Dumitru, G. C., Șendroiu, C., & Gomoi, B. C. (2024). Optimizing Romanian managerial accounting practices through digital technologies: A resource-based and technology-deterministic approach to sustainable accounting. Electronics, 13(16).
  • Shotton, J., Winn, J., Rother, C., & Criminisi, A. (2009). Textonboost for image understanding: multi-class object recognition and segmentation by jointly modeling texture, layout, and context. International Journal of Computer Vision, 81, 2-23.
  • Şen, İ. K., & Terzi, S. (2022). Yapay zekâ ve dijital muhasebe trendlerinde muhasebe eğitimine ilişkin öneriler. Journal Of Business İn The Digital Age, 5(2), 105-113.
  • Tiron-Tudor, A., & Deliu, D. (2021). Big data’s disruptive effect on job profiles: Management accountants’ case study. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(8), 376.
  • Vărzaru, A. A. (2022). Assessing digital transformation of cost accounting tools in healthcare. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23), 15572.
  • Wu, D., Choi, Y., & Li, J. (2020). Application of stochastic linear programming in managerial accounting: Scenario analysis approach. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 28(1), 184-204.


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 4, 72 - 86, 31.12.2024


The research aimed to comprehend the impacts of artificial intelligence on management and cost accounting, as well as to anticipate future developments. It is believed that a study investigating the role of artificial intelligence in the evolution of management and cost accounting between 1992 and 2023 would make a substantial contribution to the field. In this study, bibliometric analysis and thematic map analysis were conducted. Thematic analyses were visualized using the R program, and a conceptual structure map was constructed by clustering the proximity and distances of keywords through factor analysis. Through the integration of findings, prominent authors, main topics, and relationships within the research domain were delineated. The core topics identified during the period of 2020-2023 encompassed "artificial intelligence," "activity-based costing," and "management." It was discerned that the pivotal themes comprised "data analysis," "accounting education," and "strategic management." The niche themes were determined to consist of "scenario analysis" and "simulation," methodologies that examine specific scenarios or events based on various potential developments and evaluate the probable outcomes of these diverse scenarios. These insights will serve as a foundational framework for steering future research, identifying emerging trends, and comprehending the progression of the field.


  • Altıntaş, N. N., Suer, A. Z., Sari, E. S., & Ulker, M. S. (2014). The use of poster projects as a motivational and learning tool in managerial accounting courses. Journal of Education for Business, 89(4), 196-201.
  • Appelbaum, D., Kogan, A., Vasarhelyi, M., & Yan, Z. (2017). Impact of business analytics and enterprise systems on managerial accounting. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 25, 29-44.
  • Blayney, P., & Freeman, M. (2008). Individualised interactive formative assessments to promote independent learning. Journal of Accounting Education, 26(3), 155-165.
  • Blichfeldt, H., & Faullant, R. (2021). Performance effects of digital technology adoption and product & service innovation–A process-industry perspective. Technovation, 105.
  • Çil Koçyiğit, S., Temelli, F., & Derya Baskan, T. (2023). Sürdürülebilirlik muhasebesi konusunda yayınlanan makalelerin bibliyometrik analizi: Web Of Science Örneği. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(1), 241-264.
  • Erasmus, W., & Marnewick, C. (2021). An IT governance framework for IS portfolio management. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 14(3), 721-742.
  • Ever, D., & Demircioğlu, E. N. (2022). Yapay zekâ teknolojilerinin kalite maliyetleri üzerine etkisi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 31(1), 59-72. doi: 10.35379/cusosbil.1023004
  • Hashid, A., & Almaqtari, F. A. (2024). The impact of artificial intelligence and industry 4.0 on transforming accounting and auditing practices. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 10(1).
  • Ittner, C. D., & Larcker, D. F. (2001). Assessing empirical research in managerial accounting: a value-based management perspective. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 32(1-3), 349-410.
  • Jackson, D., Michelson, G., & Munir, R. (2023). Developing accountants for the future: New technology, skills, and the role of stakeholders. Accounting Education, 32(2), 150-177.
  • Jinga, G., Dumitru, M., Dumitrana, M., & Vulpoi, M. (2010). Accounting systems for cost management used in the Romanian economic entities. Accounting & Management Information Systems, 9(2).
  • Johnson, B. G., Phillips, F., & Chase, L. G. (2009). An intelligent tutoring system for the accounting cycle: enhancing textbook homework with artificial intelligence. Journal of Accounting Education, 27(1), 30-39.
  • Küçüker, M. (2023). Muhasebede yapay zekâ uygulamaları: Chatgpt’nin muhasebe sınavı. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 33(2), 875-888.
  • Kütük, Y., & Zor, Ü. (2020). Muhasebe alanında geliştirilen uzman sistemler. Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış, 20(61), 193-208.
  • Martínez-Caro, E., Cegarra-Navarro, J. G., & Alfonso-Ruiz, F. J. (2020). Digital technologies and firm performance: The role of digital organisational culture. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 154.
  • Nag, R., Hambrick, D. C., & Chen, M-J. (2007). What is strategic management, really? Inductive derivation of a consensus definition of the field. Strategic Management Journal, 28(9), 935-955.
  • Özevin, O. (2023). Muhasebede yapay zekâ kullanımının meslek etiğine etkileri: chatgpt uygulaması. Finans Ekonomi ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(3), 535-549.
  • Pantea, M. F., Cilan, T. F., Cuc, L. D., Rad, D., Bâtcă-Dumitru, G. C., Șendroiu, C., & Gomoi, B. C. (2024). Optimizing Romanian managerial accounting practices through digital technologies: A resource-based and technology-deterministic approach to sustainable accounting. Electronics, 13(16).
  • Shotton, J., Winn, J., Rother, C., & Criminisi, A. (2009). Textonboost for image understanding: multi-class object recognition and segmentation by jointly modeling texture, layout, and context. International Journal of Computer Vision, 81, 2-23.
  • Şen, İ. K., & Terzi, S. (2022). Yapay zekâ ve dijital muhasebe trendlerinde muhasebe eğitimine ilişkin öneriler. Journal Of Business İn The Digital Age, 5(2), 105-113.
  • Tiron-Tudor, A., & Deliu, D. (2021). Big data’s disruptive effect on job profiles: Management accountants’ case study. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(8), 376.
  • Vărzaru, A. A. (2022). Assessing digital transformation of cost accounting tools in healthcare. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23), 15572.
  • Wu, D., Choi, Y., & Li, J. (2020). Application of stochastic linear programming in managerial accounting: Scenario analysis approach. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 28(1), 184-204.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Yönetim Muhasebesi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Hamide Özyürek 0000-0002-2574-954X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 24 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 25 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Özyürek, H. (2024). MALİYET VE YÖNETİM MUHASEBESİNDE DÖNÜŞÜM: 1992-2023 EĞİLİMLER YAPAY ZEKA ETKİLERİ VE GELECEK ÖNGÖRÜLERİ. Anadolu Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(4), 72-86.

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