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Yıl 2021, , 146 - 151, 08.04.2021



  • Adepoju, M. A., Omitoyin, B. O., Ajani, E. K., & Asha, K. (2018). Effect of Smoking Time and Temperature on the Proxi-mate Composition and Quality of Milkfish Steaks. Journal of aquatic food product technology, 27(3), 369-378.
  • Adeyeye, S. A. O. (2019). Smoking of fish: a critical review. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 17(6), 559-575
  • Alakali, J. S., Adekoyeni, O. O., Alaka, I. C., Faasema, J., & Torvor, T. (2017). Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of A Hybrid Fish Smoking Kiln. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(3), e12935
  • Belova, M. A., Aleksandrova, G. A., Poruchikov, D. V., & Novikova, G. V. (2013). Processing equipment for heat treatment of agricultural raw materials. Herald of Chuvashia State Pedagogical University named after I. Ya. Yakovlev, 2(78), 12-15.
  • Bondarenko, N. V. (2013). Research of heat treatment of boiled sausages in advanced thermal chambers. Food Science and Technology, 2(23), 92-93.
  • Erdoğdu, F. (2005). Mathematical approaches for use of analytical solutions in experimental determination of heat and mass transfer parameters. Food Eng., 68(2), 233-238
  • Grimitlin, M. I. (1994). Indoor air distribution. St. Petersburg: NPO Ehkoyurus-Vento, 316.
  • Idelchik, I. E. (2013). Reference book on fluid resistance. Moscow: Ripol Classic.
  • Ivashov, V. I. (2007). Technological equipment of the enterprises of meat industry, equipment for meat processing, part 2, 310. St. Petersburg: GIORD; ISBN 5-93879-023-2.
  • Kosoy, V. D., Ryzhov, S. A. & Dorokhov, V. P. (2018). Improving the process of sausages production (theoretical bases, processes, equipment, formulations and quality control). Moscow: DeLi, 682; ISBN: 978-5-6041606-1-9.
  • Kovalenko, O., Verbytskyi, S., Yashchenko, L., & Lysenko, H. (2020). Peculiarities of technical means of meat processing industry in Ukraine. The Scientific Journal of Cahul State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” Economic and Engineering Studies, 1(7), 66-72.
  • Kubiak, M. S., & Jakubowski, M., (2010a). Model symulacyjny warunków przepływu w komorze wędzarniczej. Postępy Techniki Przetwórstwa Spożywczego, 1, 55–57.
  • Kubiak, M. S., Jakubowski, M., (2010b). Trójwymiarowa analiza symulacyjna CFD rozkładu pola prędkości przepływu mieszaniny dwufazowej w komorze wędzarniczej. Nauka Przyroda Technologie, 4, 5-66.
  • Kubiak, M. S.; & Jakubowski, M. (2013). CFD simulations as a supporting tool of process and construction optimization in food industry production practice: the case study of a single truck smoking chamber. Italian Journal of Food Science, 25(3), 251-254.
  • Kubiak, M. S., Jakubowski, M., & Dolata, W. (2014). Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) innowacyjne narzędzie do symulowania procesu wędzenia oraz modelowania elementów konstrukcji komory wędzarniczo-parzelniczej. Agricul-tural Engineering, 18.
  • Ledesma, E., Laca, A., Rendueles, M., & Díaz, M. (2016). Texture, colour and optical characteristics of a meat product depending on smoking time and casing type. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 65, 164-172
  • Pozin, G. M., Belyaev, K. B., Nikulin, D. A., & Strelets, M. Kh. (1996). Issues of improving methods of calculation of air exchange and air distribution basing on approximate and precise mathematic models. Materials of 5th Congress of AVOK, 165-170.
  • Pöhlmann, M., Hitzel, A., Schwägele, F., Speer, K., & Jira, W. (2012). Contents of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and phenolic substances in Frankfurter-type sausages depending on smoking conditions using glow smoke. Meat Science, 90(1),
  • Pöhlmann, M., Hitzel, A., Schwägele, F., Speer, K., & Jira, W. (2013). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and phenolic substances in smoked Frankfurtertype sausages depending on type of casing and fat content. Food Control, 31, 136-144
  • Sikorski, Z. E.; & Kołakowski, E. (2010). Smoking, in Handbook of Meat Processing (Ed Toldrá F.), Chapter 12. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 231-245; ISBN 978-0-9138-2182-5.
  • Škaljac, S., Jokanović, M., Tomović, V., Ivić, M., Tasić, T., Ikonić, P., ... & Petrović, L. (2018). Influence of smoking in traditional and industrial conditions on colour and content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in dry fermented sau-sage “Petrovská klobása”. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 87, 158-162
  • Smyshlyaev, P. V. (2004). Optimal control system of thermal cambers. PhD Thesis, 139.
  • Solomakhova, G. S. (1975). Centrifugal blower fans. Moscow: Machine-building, 415.
  • Study of heat-and-mass exchange processes in the thermal processing of meat products to optimize technology and design of equipment. (1994). Scientific Report No 3.91, Kyiv: TIMM UAAN, 102.
  • Usatenko, N., Kalashnik, M., Dobroskok, S., & Verbitskyi, S. (2019). Prerequisites to improve the safety of smoked food-stuffs. Scientific Horizons, 6(79), 29-35
  • Usatenko, N. F. (2000). Research of the processes of convective supply of heat to sausage products and developing a rational design of thermal unit. PhD Thesis, 136.
  • Urazov, D. Yu. (2015). Scientific support of the process of thermal and humid processing of sausage products. PhD Thesis, 186.
  • Waters, E. (2010). Appendix A: Objectives and critical elements of thermal processing of ready-to-eat meat products. Pro-cessing of Ready-to-eat Meat Products; ISBN 978-0-8138-0148-3.

Upgrading Air Distribution System in the Thermal Units for Fish and Meat Products Aiming at Improving Efficiency of Heat-exchange Processes

Yıl 2021, , 146 - 151, 08.04.2021


The issue of the equivalence of the physical parameters of the working medium in the heat-treat-ment zone of fish and meat products is solved by organizing uniform high-speed fields of the working medium in the working area, which is ensured by the corresponding design. The aerody-namic characteristics of a double-sided centrifugal blower fan with a vertical arrangement of the drive shaft and a spiral scroll with two outlet openings, the outlines of which were carried out ac-cording to the design square rule, provided that the opening and width of each outlet was equal to the half-opening and half-width of the outlet of the spiral case of the industrial prototype, were investigated. When testing the aerodynamic characteristics of a double-sided blower, the identi-ties of the full and dynamic air pressure developed by the fan at all points of the measured cross-section of each of the two oppositely directed outlet pipes are established to be identical, which indicates the equalization of air flows. In this case, the dimensionless ratio of the cross-sec-tional areas of the equistatic pressure duct to the initial pressure is 0.20, and the cross-sectional area for the air passage of the heat exchanger, conditionally being the perforated base of the duct, was 0.0978 m2. The test results confirmed the reliability of analytical calculations and the feasibility of using these fans, which reduces energy consumption, a specific quantity of metal, and the cost of equipment in general.


  • Adepoju, M. A., Omitoyin, B. O., Ajani, E. K., & Asha, K. (2018). Effect of Smoking Time and Temperature on the Proxi-mate Composition and Quality of Milkfish Steaks. Journal of aquatic food product technology, 27(3), 369-378.
  • Adeyeye, S. A. O. (2019). Smoking of fish: a critical review. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 17(6), 559-575
  • Alakali, J. S., Adekoyeni, O. O., Alaka, I. C., Faasema, J., & Torvor, T. (2017). Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of A Hybrid Fish Smoking Kiln. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(3), e12935
  • Belova, M. A., Aleksandrova, G. A., Poruchikov, D. V., & Novikova, G. V. (2013). Processing equipment for heat treatment of agricultural raw materials. Herald of Chuvashia State Pedagogical University named after I. Ya. Yakovlev, 2(78), 12-15.
  • Bondarenko, N. V. (2013). Research of heat treatment of boiled sausages in advanced thermal chambers. Food Science and Technology, 2(23), 92-93.
  • Erdoğdu, F. (2005). Mathematical approaches for use of analytical solutions in experimental determination of heat and mass transfer parameters. Food Eng., 68(2), 233-238
  • Grimitlin, M. I. (1994). Indoor air distribution. St. Petersburg: NPO Ehkoyurus-Vento, 316.
  • Idelchik, I. E. (2013). Reference book on fluid resistance. Moscow: Ripol Classic.
  • Ivashov, V. I. (2007). Technological equipment of the enterprises of meat industry, equipment for meat processing, part 2, 310. St. Petersburg: GIORD; ISBN 5-93879-023-2.
  • Kosoy, V. D., Ryzhov, S. A. & Dorokhov, V. P. (2018). Improving the process of sausages production (theoretical bases, processes, equipment, formulations and quality control). Moscow: DeLi, 682; ISBN: 978-5-6041606-1-9.
  • Kovalenko, O., Verbytskyi, S., Yashchenko, L., & Lysenko, H. (2020). Peculiarities of technical means of meat processing industry in Ukraine. The Scientific Journal of Cahul State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” Economic and Engineering Studies, 1(7), 66-72.
  • Kubiak, M. S., & Jakubowski, M., (2010a). Model symulacyjny warunków przepływu w komorze wędzarniczej. Postępy Techniki Przetwórstwa Spożywczego, 1, 55–57.
  • Kubiak, M. S., Jakubowski, M., (2010b). Trójwymiarowa analiza symulacyjna CFD rozkładu pola prędkości przepływu mieszaniny dwufazowej w komorze wędzarniczej. Nauka Przyroda Technologie, 4, 5-66.
  • Kubiak, M. S.; & Jakubowski, M. (2013). CFD simulations as a supporting tool of process and construction optimization in food industry production practice: the case study of a single truck smoking chamber. Italian Journal of Food Science, 25(3), 251-254.
  • Kubiak, M. S., Jakubowski, M., & Dolata, W. (2014). Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) innowacyjne narzędzie do symulowania procesu wędzenia oraz modelowania elementów konstrukcji komory wędzarniczo-parzelniczej. Agricul-tural Engineering, 18.
  • Ledesma, E., Laca, A., Rendueles, M., & Díaz, M. (2016). Texture, colour and optical characteristics of a meat product depending on smoking time and casing type. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 65, 164-172
  • Pozin, G. M., Belyaev, K. B., Nikulin, D. A., & Strelets, M. Kh. (1996). Issues of improving methods of calculation of air exchange and air distribution basing on approximate and precise mathematic models. Materials of 5th Congress of AVOK, 165-170.
  • Pöhlmann, M., Hitzel, A., Schwägele, F., Speer, K., & Jira, W. (2012). Contents of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and phenolic substances in Frankfurter-type sausages depending on smoking conditions using glow smoke. Meat Science, 90(1),
  • Pöhlmann, M., Hitzel, A., Schwägele, F., Speer, K., & Jira, W. (2013). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and phenolic substances in smoked Frankfurtertype sausages depending on type of casing and fat content. Food Control, 31, 136-144
  • Sikorski, Z. E.; & Kołakowski, E. (2010). Smoking, in Handbook of Meat Processing (Ed Toldrá F.), Chapter 12. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 231-245; ISBN 978-0-9138-2182-5.
  • Škaljac, S., Jokanović, M., Tomović, V., Ivić, M., Tasić, T., Ikonić, P., ... & Petrović, L. (2018). Influence of smoking in traditional and industrial conditions on colour and content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in dry fermented sau-sage “Petrovská klobása”. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 87, 158-162
  • Smyshlyaev, P. V. (2004). Optimal control system of thermal cambers. PhD Thesis, 139.
  • Solomakhova, G. S. (1975). Centrifugal blower fans. Moscow: Machine-building, 415.
  • Study of heat-and-mass exchange processes in the thermal processing of meat products to optimize technology and design of equipment. (1994). Scientific Report No 3.91, Kyiv: TIMM UAAN, 102.
  • Usatenko, N., Kalashnik, M., Dobroskok, S., & Verbitskyi, S. (2019). Prerequisites to improve the safety of smoked food-stuffs. Scientific Horizons, 6(79), 29-35
  • Usatenko, N. F. (2000). Research of the processes of convective supply of heat to sausage products and developing a rational design of thermal unit. PhD Thesis, 136.
  • Urazov, D. Yu. (2015). Scientific support of the process of thermal and humid processing of sausage products. PhD Thesis, 186.
  • Waters, E. (2010). Appendix A: Objectives and critical elements of thermal processing of ready-to-eat meat products. Pro-cessing of Ready-to-eat Meat Products; ISBN 978-0-8138-0148-3.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Articles

Nina Usatenko Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-0339-5189

Sergii Verbytskyi 0000-0002-4211-3789

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Kasım 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Usatenko, N., & Verbytskyi, S. (2021). Upgrading Air Distribution System in the Thermal Units for Fish and Meat Products Aiming at Improving Efficiency of Heat-exchange Processes. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, 36(3), 146-151.
AMA Usatenko N, Verbytskyi S. Upgrading Air Distribution System in the Thermal Units for Fish and Meat Products Aiming at Improving Efficiency of Heat-exchange Processes. Aqua Sci Eng. Nisan 2021;36(3):146-151. doi:10.26650/ASE2020832579
Chicago Usatenko, Nina, ve Sergii Verbytskyi. “Upgrading Air Distribution System in the Thermal Units for Fish and Meat Products Aiming at Improving Efficiency of Heat-Exchange Processes”. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering 36, sy. 3 (Nisan 2021): 146-51.
EndNote Usatenko N, Verbytskyi S (01 Nisan 2021) Upgrading Air Distribution System in the Thermal Units for Fish and Meat Products Aiming at Improving Efficiency of Heat-exchange Processes. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering 36 3 146–151.
IEEE N. Usatenko ve S. Verbytskyi, “Upgrading Air Distribution System in the Thermal Units for Fish and Meat Products Aiming at Improving Efficiency of Heat-exchange Processes”, Aqua Sci Eng, c. 36, sy. 3, ss. 146–151, 2021, doi: 10.26650/ASE2020832579.
ISNAD Usatenko, Nina - Verbytskyi, Sergii. “Upgrading Air Distribution System in the Thermal Units for Fish and Meat Products Aiming at Improving Efficiency of Heat-Exchange Processes”. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering 36/3 (Nisan 2021), 146-151.
JAMA Usatenko N, Verbytskyi S. Upgrading Air Distribution System in the Thermal Units for Fish and Meat Products Aiming at Improving Efficiency of Heat-exchange Processes. Aqua Sci Eng. 2021;36:146–151.
MLA Usatenko, Nina ve Sergii Verbytskyi. “Upgrading Air Distribution System in the Thermal Units for Fish and Meat Products Aiming at Improving Efficiency of Heat-Exchange Processes”. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, c. 36, sy. 3, 2021, ss. 146-51, doi:10.26650/ASE2020832579.
Vancouver Usatenko N, Verbytskyi S. Upgrading Air Distribution System in the Thermal Units for Fish and Meat Products Aiming at Improving Efficiency of Heat-exchange Processes. Aqua Sci Eng. 2021;36(3):146-51.

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