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Year 2016, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 181 - 190, 25.04.2016


In this study, the undoped and Aluminum (Al) doped (1% and 3%) zinc oxide (ZnO) films were prepared by sol gel method via spin coating onto glass substrates. To investigate the structural and optical properties of the films, it was used to X-ray diffractometer and UV-vis spectrophotometer, respectively. The prepared ZnO films are polycrystalline with a hexagonal wurtzite structure with a preferential orientation according to the (002) plane. The crystalline quality of ZnO film was improved by the increase of Al content. So, the most intense of (002) peak is observed for 3% Al-doped ZnO film. According to UV-vis spectroscopy spectra, the average optical transmittance and reflectance of all the films are greater than 76% and 14% in the visible range, respectively. The different methods were used to evaluate the absorption edges of the prepared films depending on the Al. The optical band gap value of ZnO film shifted towards to the blue region in the first incorporation of Al in ZnO film, and then, this value shifted towards the red region with increasing Al content. The optical constants such as refractive index, extinction coefficient and dielectric constants were determined for undoped and Al doped ZnO films. The refractive index dispersion of the films was analyzed by using the single oscillator model. The dispersion parameters such as oscillator energy and dispersion energy values of the prepared films were determined.


  • Özgür Ü, Morkoç H. Optical Properties of ZnO and Related Alloys. In: Jagadish C, Pearton SJ, editors. Zinc Oxide Bulk, Thin Films and Nanostructures, Hong Kong: Elsevier, 2006, pp.175.
  • Al-Ghamdi AA, Al-Hartomy OA, El Okr M, Nawar AM, El-Gazzar S, El-Tantawy F, Yakuphanoglu F. Semiconducting properties of Al doped ZnO thin films. Spectrochim Acta A 2014; 131: 512-517.
  • Benhaliliba M, Benouis CE, Aida MS, Yakuphanoglu F, Juarez AS. Indium and aluminium-doped ZnO thin films deposited onto FTO substrates: nanostructure, optical, photoluminescence and electrical properties. J Sol Gel Sci Tech 2010; 55: 335-342.
  • Benhaliliba M, Benouis CE, Mouffak Z, Ocak YS, Tiburcio-Silver A, Aida MS, Garcia AA, Tavira A, Juarez AS. Preparation and characterization of nanostructures of In-doped ZnO films deposited by chemically spray pyrolysis: Effect of substrate temperatures. Superlattice Microst 2013; 63: 228-239.
  • Caglar Y, Caglar M, Ilican S. Microstructural, optical and electrical studies on sol gel derived ZnO and ZnO:Al films. Curr Appl Phys 2012; 12: 963–968.
  • Phan DT, Farag AA. M, Yakuphanoglu F, Chung GS. Optical and photoluminescence properties of Ga doped ZnO nanostructures by sol-gel method. J Electroceramics 2012; 29: 12-22.
  • Takci DK, Tuzemen ES, Kara K, Yilmaz S, Esen R, Baglayan O. Influence of Al concentration on structural and optical properties of Al-doped ZnO thin films. J Mater Sci.-Mater Elect 2014; 25: 2078- 2085.
  • Yilmaz M. Investigation of characteristics of ZnO:Ga nanocrystalline thin films with varying dopant content. Mater Sci Semicon Process 2015; 40: 99-106.
  • Kim YS, Tai WP. Electrical and optical properties of Al-doped ZnO thin films by sol-gel process. Appl Sur Sci 2007; 253: 4911-4916.
  • Khan MAM, Kumar S, Khan MN, Ahamed M, Al Dwayyan AS. Microstructure and blueshift in optical band gap of nanocrystalline AlxZn1−xO thin films. J Luminescence 2014; 155: 275–281.
  • Kim N S, Yim KG, Son JS, Leem JY. Effects of Al Concentration on Structural and Optical Properties of Al-doped ZnO Thin Films. Bull Korean Chem Soc 2012; 33: 1235-1241.
  • Cho GS, Kim MS, Yim KG, Lee J, Leem JY. Effects of Aluminum Chloride Concentrations on Structural and Optical Properties of Al-doped ZnO Thin Films Prepared by the Sol-Gel Method. Korean J Met Mater 2012; 50: 847-854.
  • Xue SW, Zu XT, Zheng WG, Deng HX, Xiang X. Effects of Al doping concentration on optical parameters of ZnO: Al thin films by sol-gel technique. Physica B 2006; 381: 209–213.
  • Mondal S, Kanta K P, Mitra P. Preparation of Al-doped ZnO (AZO) Thin Film by SILAR. J Phys Sci 2008; 12: 221-229.
  • Baba K, Lazzaroni C, Nikravech M. ZnO and Al doped ZnO thin films deposited by Spray Plasma: Effect of the growth time and Al doping on microstructural, optical and electrical properties. Thin Solid Films 2015; 595: 129–135.
  • Tauc J. Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors. New York, USA: Plenum Press, 1974.
  • Gürbüz O, Güner S. Role of annealing temperature on electrical and optical properties of Al-doped ZnO thin films. Ceram Int 2015; 41: 3968–3974.
  • Abeles F. (Ed.) Optical Properties of Solids. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1972.
  • Hodgson JN. Optical absorption and dispersion in Solids. London, UK: Chapman and Hall LTD, 1970. [20] Aksoy S, Caglar Y, Ilican S, Caglar M. Sol–gel derived Li–Mg co-doped ZnO films: Preparation and characterization via XRD, XPS, FESEM. J Alloy Compd 2012; 512: 171-178.
  • Caglar M, Yakuphanoglu F. Structural and optical properties of copper doped ZnO films derived by sol-gel. Appl Sur Sci 2012; 258: 3039-3044.
  • Caglar M, Caglar Y, Ilican S. Investigation of the effect of Mg doping for improvements of optical and electrical properties. Physica B 2016; 485: 6-13.
  • Ilican S. Effect of Na doping on the microstructures and optical properties of ZnO nanorods. J Alloy Compd 2013; 553: 225-232.
  • Ocakoglu K, Mansour ShA, Yildirimcan S, Al-Ghamdi AA, El-Tantawy F, Yakuphanoglu F. Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanorods. Spectrochim Acta A 2015; 148: 362–368.
  • Wemple SH, Didomenico M. Behavior of the Electronic Dielectric Constant in Covalent and Ionic Materials. Phys Rev B 1971; 3: 1338-1351.
  • Gao XY, Liang Y, Lin QG. Analysis of the Optical Constants of Aluminum-doped Zinc-oxide Films by using the Single-oscillator Model. J Korean Phys Soc 2010; 57: 710-714.
  • Oriaku CI, Osuwa JC. On the Optical Dispersion Parameters of Thin Film Al3+ Doped ZnO Transparent Conducting Glasses. J Ovonic Res 2009; 5: 23-218.


Year 2016, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 181 - 190, 25.04.2016


Bu çalışmada, katkısız ve alüminyum (Al) katkılı (%1 ve %3) çinko oksit (ZnO) filmleri cam alttaşlar üzerine spin kaplama tekniği ile sol jel metodu kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Filmlerin yapısal ve optik özelliklerini incelemek için sırasıyla, X-ışınları difraktometresi ve UV-vis spektrofotometresi kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen filmler polikristal olup, hekzagonal wurtzite yapıda ve (002) tercihli yönelimine sahiptirler. ZnO filminin kristal kalitesi, artan Al katkısı ile artmıştır. Bu nedenle, en şiddetli (002) piki %3 Al katkılı ZnO filminde gözlenmiştir. UV-vis spektrofotometresine göre, filmlerin görünür bölgedeki ortalama transmittans ve reflektansları, sırasıyla %76 ve %14 değerinden büyüktür. Elde edilen filmlerin Al katkısına bağlı olarak absorpsiyon kenarlarını belirlemek için farklı metotlar kullanılmıştır. ZnO filminin optik bant aralığı, ilk Al katkısı ile mavi bölgeye kaymış, ve daha sonra Al katkı miktarı arttırılınca, kırmızı bölgeye kaymıştır. Kırılma indisi, sönüm katsayısı ve dielektrik sabitleri gibi optik sabitler katkısız ve Al katkılı ZnO filmleri için belirlenmiştir. Filmlerin kırılma indisi dispersiyonu, single oscillator model kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen filmlerin osilatör enerjisi ve dispersiyon enerjisi gibi dispersiyon parametreleri belirlenmiştir


  • Özgür Ü, Morkoç H. Optical Properties of ZnO and Related Alloys. In: Jagadish C, Pearton SJ, editors. Zinc Oxide Bulk, Thin Films and Nanostructures, Hong Kong: Elsevier, 2006, pp.175.
  • Al-Ghamdi AA, Al-Hartomy OA, El Okr M, Nawar AM, El-Gazzar S, El-Tantawy F, Yakuphanoglu F. Semiconducting properties of Al doped ZnO thin films. Spectrochim Acta A 2014; 131: 512-517.
  • Benhaliliba M, Benouis CE, Aida MS, Yakuphanoglu F, Juarez AS. Indium and aluminium-doped ZnO thin films deposited onto FTO substrates: nanostructure, optical, photoluminescence and electrical properties. J Sol Gel Sci Tech 2010; 55: 335-342.
  • Benhaliliba M, Benouis CE, Mouffak Z, Ocak YS, Tiburcio-Silver A, Aida MS, Garcia AA, Tavira A, Juarez AS. Preparation and characterization of nanostructures of In-doped ZnO films deposited by chemically spray pyrolysis: Effect of substrate temperatures. Superlattice Microst 2013; 63: 228-239.
  • Caglar Y, Caglar M, Ilican S. Microstructural, optical and electrical studies on sol gel derived ZnO and ZnO:Al films. Curr Appl Phys 2012; 12: 963–968.
  • Phan DT, Farag AA. M, Yakuphanoglu F, Chung GS. Optical and photoluminescence properties of Ga doped ZnO nanostructures by sol-gel method. J Electroceramics 2012; 29: 12-22.
  • Takci DK, Tuzemen ES, Kara K, Yilmaz S, Esen R, Baglayan O. Influence of Al concentration on structural and optical properties of Al-doped ZnO thin films. J Mater Sci.-Mater Elect 2014; 25: 2078- 2085.
  • Yilmaz M. Investigation of characteristics of ZnO:Ga nanocrystalline thin films with varying dopant content. Mater Sci Semicon Process 2015; 40: 99-106.
  • Kim YS, Tai WP. Electrical and optical properties of Al-doped ZnO thin films by sol-gel process. Appl Sur Sci 2007; 253: 4911-4916.
  • Khan MAM, Kumar S, Khan MN, Ahamed M, Al Dwayyan AS. Microstructure and blueshift in optical band gap of nanocrystalline AlxZn1−xO thin films. J Luminescence 2014; 155: 275–281.
  • Kim N S, Yim KG, Son JS, Leem JY. Effects of Al Concentration on Structural and Optical Properties of Al-doped ZnO Thin Films. Bull Korean Chem Soc 2012; 33: 1235-1241.
  • Cho GS, Kim MS, Yim KG, Lee J, Leem JY. Effects of Aluminum Chloride Concentrations on Structural and Optical Properties of Al-doped ZnO Thin Films Prepared by the Sol-Gel Method. Korean J Met Mater 2012; 50: 847-854.
  • Xue SW, Zu XT, Zheng WG, Deng HX, Xiang X. Effects of Al doping concentration on optical parameters of ZnO: Al thin films by sol-gel technique. Physica B 2006; 381: 209–213.
  • Mondal S, Kanta K P, Mitra P. Preparation of Al-doped ZnO (AZO) Thin Film by SILAR. J Phys Sci 2008; 12: 221-229.
  • Baba K, Lazzaroni C, Nikravech M. ZnO and Al doped ZnO thin films deposited by Spray Plasma: Effect of the growth time and Al doping on microstructural, optical and electrical properties. Thin Solid Films 2015; 595: 129–135.
  • Tauc J. Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors. New York, USA: Plenum Press, 1974.
  • Gürbüz O, Güner S. Role of annealing temperature on electrical and optical properties of Al-doped ZnO thin films. Ceram Int 2015; 41: 3968–3974.
  • Abeles F. (Ed.) Optical Properties of Solids. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1972.
  • Hodgson JN. Optical absorption and dispersion in Solids. London, UK: Chapman and Hall LTD, 1970. [20] Aksoy S, Caglar Y, Ilican S, Caglar M. Sol–gel derived Li–Mg co-doped ZnO films: Preparation and characterization via XRD, XPS, FESEM. J Alloy Compd 2012; 512: 171-178.
  • Caglar M, Yakuphanoglu F. Structural and optical properties of copper doped ZnO films derived by sol-gel. Appl Sur Sci 2012; 258: 3039-3044.
  • Caglar M, Caglar Y, Ilican S. Investigation of the effect of Mg doping for improvements of optical and electrical properties. Physica B 2016; 485: 6-13.
  • Ilican S. Effect of Na doping on the microstructures and optical properties of ZnO nanorods. J Alloy Compd 2013; 553: 225-232.
  • Ocakoglu K, Mansour ShA, Yildirimcan S, Al-Ghamdi AA, El-Tantawy F, Yakuphanoglu F. Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanorods. Spectrochim Acta A 2015; 148: 362–368.
  • Wemple SH, Didomenico M. Behavior of the Electronic Dielectric Constant in Covalent and Ionic Materials. Phys Rev B 1971; 3: 1338-1351.
  • Gao XY, Liang Y, Lin QG. Analysis of the Optical Constants of Aluminum-doped Zinc-oxide Films by using the Single-oscillator Model. J Korean Phys Soc 2010; 57: 710-714.
  • Oriaku CI, Osuwa JC. On the Optical Dispersion Parameters of Thin Film Al3+ Doped ZnO Transparent Conducting Glasses. J Ovonic Res 2009; 5: 23-218.
There are 26 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Saliha Ilıcan This is me

Publication Date April 25, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


APA Ilıcan, S. (2016). IMPROVEMENT OF THE CRYSTALLINITY AND OPTICAL PARAMETERS OF ZnO FILM WITH ALUMINUM DOPING. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology A - Applied Sciences and Engineering, 17(1), 181-190.
Chicago Ilıcan, Saliha. “IMPROVEMENT OF THE CRYSTALLINITY AND OPTICAL PARAMETERS OF ZnO FILM WITH ALUMINUM DOPING”. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology A - Applied Sciences and Engineering 17, no. 1 (June 2016): 181-90.
EndNote Ilıcan S (June 1, 2016) IMPROVEMENT OF THE CRYSTALLINITY AND OPTICAL PARAMETERS OF ZnO FILM WITH ALUMINUM DOPING. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology A - Applied Sciences and Engineering 17 1 181–190.
IEEE S. Ilıcan, “IMPROVEMENT OF THE CRYSTALLINITY AND OPTICAL PARAMETERS OF ZnO FILM WITH ALUMINUM DOPING”, AUJST-A, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 181–190, 2016, doi: 10.18038/btda.45168.
ISNAD Ilıcan, Saliha. “IMPROVEMENT OF THE CRYSTALLINITY AND OPTICAL PARAMETERS OF ZnO FILM WITH ALUMINUM DOPING”. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology A - Applied Sciences and Engineering 17/1 (June 2016), 181-190.
MLA Ilıcan, Saliha. “IMPROVEMENT OF THE CRYSTALLINITY AND OPTICAL PARAMETERS OF ZnO FILM WITH ALUMINUM DOPING”. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology A - Applied Sciences and Engineering, vol. 17, no. 1, 2016, pp. 181-90, doi:10.18038/btda.45168.