Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 177 - 191, 31.03.2018


this study, a questionnaire survey was developed in order to investigate the application
of TQM in Turkish construction industry and identify the critical success factors,
barriers, and benefits of thisapplication. The questionnaire was completed by 32
firms. The results of the study revealed that the reare short comings in TQM
application in Turkish construction industry especially in relation to top
management commitment and leadership; the greatest benefit of TQM to the firms is
‘increased customer satisfaction’.


  • Referans 1 Shoshan, A.A.A., (2016). “Application of Total Quaility Management in Turkish Construction Industry”, Çukurova University, Master Thesis, 131p. Referans 2 Güner, A. F., and Giritli, H., (2004). “İnşaat Sektöründe Toplam Kalite Yönetimi ve Türkiye’deki Uygulamalar”. itüdergisi/a, 3(1), 19-30 ( Referans 3 Şimşek, M., (2007). “ToplamKaliteYönetimi”. Alfa Publications, İstanbul, 580p. Referans 4 Oakland, J.S., (2004). “Oakland on Quality Management”. Elsevier Butterworth- Heinemann publications, 488p. Referans 5 Rumane, A.R., (2010). Quality Management in Construction Projects. CRC Press, 464p. Referans 6 Arditi, D., and Günaydin, H.M., (1997). “Total Quality Management in the Construction Process”, International Journal of Project Management, 15(4): 235-243, DOI: 10.1016/S0263-7863(96)00076-2. Referans 7 Yıldırım, H. A., (2002). “EğitimdeToplamKaliteYönetimi”. Nobel Publications, Ankara, 180p. Referans 8 Dahlgaard, J.J., Khanji, G.K., and Kristensen, K., (1997). “Fundamentals of Total Quality Management”. Routledge Publications, 384p. Referans 9 Janakiraman, B., andGopal, R.K., (2006). “Total Quality Management: TextandCases”. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 260 p. Referans 10 Ertuğrul, İ., (2006). “ToplamKaliteKontrol”. Ekin Publications, Ankara, 446p. Referans 11 Robson, M., (1989). “QualityCircles: A Practical Guide”. Gower Publications, 256p. Referans 12 Pike, R.J., Barnes, R.J, (1995). “TQM in Action: A Practical Approach to Continuous Performance Improvement”. Springer Publications, 384p. Referans 13 Hoyle, D., (2005). ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook. Butterworth-Heinemann, 704p. Referans 14 Pfeifer, T., (2002). “Quality Management. Strategies, Methods, Techniques”. Hanserpublications, 587p. Referans 15 Charantimath, P. M., (2003). “Total Quality Management”. Pearson Publications, India, 272p. Referans 16 Pyzdek, T., and Keller, P., (2012). “The Handbook for Quality Management”. McGraw- Hill Publications, 512p. Referans 17 Kubr, M., (2005). “Management Consulting: A Guide to the Profession”. Bookwell Publications, 927p. Referans 18 Halis, M., (2008). “Toplam Kalite Yönetimi”. Sakarya publications, 333 p. Referans 19 Graham, N.O., (1995). “Quality in HealthCareTheory, Application, andEvolution.” Jones&Bartlett Learning, 366 p. Referans 20 Juran, J.M., and Gryna, F.M, (1993). “Quality Planning and Analysis: From Product Development through Use”. Mcgraw-Hill College, 672p. Referans 21 Bendell, T., and Merry, T., (1992). “The Tools and Techniques of Quality Management” (M. HAND, and B. Plowman Edts.). Quality Management Handbook. Butterworth- Heinemann, Oxford, p. 61. Referans 22 Andersen, B., and Pettersen, P.G., (1995). Benchmarking Handbook. Springer, 192 p. Referans 23 Lewis, A.L., and Slack, N., (2003). “Operations Management (Critical Perspectives on Business and Management)”. Routledge, 576 p. Referans 24 Edosomwan, J., (1987). “Integrating Productivity and Quality Management”. CRC Press, 416p. Referans 25 Laraia, A.C., Moody, P.E., andHall, R.W., (1999). “TheKaizenBlitz: AcceleratingBreakthroughs in Productivity andPerformance”. John Wiley&Sons, 282 p. Referans 26 Deming, W.E., (1986). “Out of the Crisis”. Cambridge University Press, 508p. Referans 27 Tang, S.L., Ahmed, S.M., Aoieong, R.T., and Poon, S.W., (2005). “Construction Quality Management”. Hong Kong University Press, 198p. Referans 28 Bagad, V.S., (2008). “Total Quality Management”. Technical Publications, 238p. Referans 29 Efil, İ., (2008). “ToplamKaliteYönetimi”. Dora Publications, 462p. Referans 30 Rose, K.H., (2005). Project Quality Management: Why, What and How. J Ross Publisher, 173p. Referans 31 Wood, D.C., (2012). “Principles of Quality Costs: Financial Measures for Strategic Implementation of Quality Management”. ASQ Quality Press, 240p. Referans 32 Al-musleh, A.M., (2010). “Development of A Framework for Total Quality Management Principles in the Construction Companies with Special Reference to the Construction Companies in the State of Qatar”. The University of London. Doctoral Thesis, 320p. Referans 33 Rumane, A.R., (2013). “Quality Tools for Managing Construction Projects”. CRC Press, 413p. Referans 34 Asım, M., Zaman, S., and Zarif, T., (2013). “Implementation of Total Quality Management in Construction Industry: A Pakistan Perspective”. Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 9(1), 24-39, ( Referans 35 Low, S. P. D., and Peh, K. W., (1996). “A Framework for Implementing Total Quality Management in Construction”, the TQM Magazine, 8(5), 39–46, DOI: 10.1108/09544789610146033. Referans 36 Dede, S., (2012). “ToplamKaliteYönetimiVeİnovasyonArasindakiİlişkininİstatistikselAnalizi”. Çukurova University. Master Thesis, Adana, 149 p. Referans 37 Matoug, A. M. S. A., (2011). “The Total Quality Management: The Knowledge, Adoption and Implementation of Contractors in Semarang”. Diponegoro University. Master Thesis, Indonesia. 117 p. Referans 38 Abu Bakar, A., Bin Ali, K., and Onyeizu, E., (2011). “Total Quality Management Practices in Large Construction Companies: A Case of Oman”, World Applied Sciences Journal, 15(2): 285-296. Referans 39 Subramaniam, A., (2014). “A Study on Challenges in Implementing Total Quality Management in Construction Firms at Coimbatore”, Global Journal of Engineering Science And Researches, 1(3): 49-51 ( Referans 40 Şeker, E., (2000). “ToplamKaliteYönetimininİnşaatSektöründeKullanılması – MüşteriTatmini”. İstanbul TeknikÜniversitesi. Master Thesis, 161p. Referans 41 Kazemi, H., (2010). “A critical investigation into the implementation of TQM within construction SMEs”. 6th International Project Management Conference, 16 p. Referans 42 Haupt, T.C., and Whiteman, D.E., (2004). “Inhibiting factors of implementing total quality management on construction sites”, The TQM Magazine, 16 (3), 166-173, DOI: 10.1108/09544780410532891. Referans 43 Tey, L.S., and Ooi, T.L.,(2014). “Exploring the Barriers and the Level of TQM Implementation in Malaysian Construction Industry”, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 7(16), 3419-3424 ( Referans 44 Polat, G., Damcı, A., and Tatar, Y., (2011). “Barriers and Benefits of Total Quality Management in the Construction Industry: Evidence from Turkish Contractors”. 7th Research/Expert Conference with International Participations, p.1115-1120.
Year 2018, Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 177 - 191, 31.03.2018



  • Referans 1 Shoshan, A.A.A., (2016). “Application of Total Quaility Management in Turkish Construction Industry”, Çukurova University, Master Thesis, 131p. Referans 2 Güner, A. F., and Giritli, H., (2004). “İnşaat Sektöründe Toplam Kalite Yönetimi ve Türkiye’deki Uygulamalar”. itüdergisi/a, 3(1), 19-30 ( Referans 3 Şimşek, M., (2007). “ToplamKaliteYönetimi”. Alfa Publications, İstanbul, 580p. Referans 4 Oakland, J.S., (2004). “Oakland on Quality Management”. Elsevier Butterworth- Heinemann publications, 488p. Referans 5 Rumane, A.R., (2010). Quality Management in Construction Projects. CRC Press, 464p. Referans 6 Arditi, D., and Günaydin, H.M., (1997). “Total Quality Management in the Construction Process”, International Journal of Project Management, 15(4): 235-243, DOI: 10.1016/S0263-7863(96)00076-2. Referans 7 Yıldırım, H. A., (2002). “EğitimdeToplamKaliteYönetimi”. Nobel Publications, Ankara, 180p. Referans 8 Dahlgaard, J.J., Khanji, G.K., and Kristensen, K., (1997). “Fundamentals of Total Quality Management”. Routledge Publications, 384p. Referans 9 Janakiraman, B., andGopal, R.K., (2006). “Total Quality Management: TextandCases”. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 260 p. Referans 10 Ertuğrul, İ., (2006). “ToplamKaliteKontrol”. Ekin Publications, Ankara, 446p. Referans 11 Robson, M., (1989). “QualityCircles: A Practical Guide”. Gower Publications, 256p. Referans 12 Pike, R.J., Barnes, R.J, (1995). “TQM in Action: A Practical Approach to Continuous Performance Improvement”. Springer Publications, 384p. Referans 13 Hoyle, D., (2005). ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook. Butterworth-Heinemann, 704p. Referans 14 Pfeifer, T., (2002). “Quality Management. Strategies, Methods, Techniques”. Hanserpublications, 587p. Referans 15 Charantimath, P. M., (2003). “Total Quality Management”. Pearson Publications, India, 272p. Referans 16 Pyzdek, T., and Keller, P., (2012). “The Handbook for Quality Management”. McGraw- Hill Publications, 512p. Referans 17 Kubr, M., (2005). “Management Consulting: A Guide to the Profession”. Bookwell Publications, 927p. Referans 18 Halis, M., (2008). “Toplam Kalite Yönetimi”. Sakarya publications, 333 p. Referans 19 Graham, N.O., (1995). “Quality in HealthCareTheory, Application, andEvolution.” Jones&Bartlett Learning, 366 p. Referans 20 Juran, J.M., and Gryna, F.M, (1993). “Quality Planning and Analysis: From Product Development through Use”. Mcgraw-Hill College, 672p. Referans 21 Bendell, T., and Merry, T., (1992). “The Tools and Techniques of Quality Management” (M. HAND, and B. Plowman Edts.). Quality Management Handbook. Butterworth- Heinemann, Oxford, p. 61. Referans 22 Andersen, B., and Pettersen, P.G., (1995). Benchmarking Handbook. Springer, 192 p. Referans 23 Lewis, A.L., and Slack, N., (2003). “Operations Management (Critical Perspectives on Business and Management)”. Routledge, 576 p. Referans 24 Edosomwan, J., (1987). “Integrating Productivity and Quality Management”. CRC Press, 416p. Referans 25 Laraia, A.C., Moody, P.E., andHall, R.W., (1999). “TheKaizenBlitz: AcceleratingBreakthroughs in Productivity andPerformance”. John Wiley&Sons, 282 p. Referans 26 Deming, W.E., (1986). “Out of the Crisis”. Cambridge University Press, 508p. Referans 27 Tang, S.L., Ahmed, S.M., Aoieong, R.T., and Poon, S.W., (2005). “Construction Quality Management”. Hong Kong University Press, 198p. Referans 28 Bagad, V.S., (2008). “Total Quality Management”. Technical Publications, 238p. Referans 29 Efil, İ., (2008). “ToplamKaliteYönetimi”. Dora Publications, 462p. Referans 30 Rose, K.H., (2005). Project Quality Management: Why, What and How. J Ross Publisher, 173p. Referans 31 Wood, D.C., (2012). “Principles of Quality Costs: Financial Measures for Strategic Implementation of Quality Management”. ASQ Quality Press, 240p. Referans 32 Al-musleh, A.M., (2010). “Development of A Framework for Total Quality Management Principles in the Construction Companies with Special Reference to the Construction Companies in the State of Qatar”. The University of London. Doctoral Thesis, 320p. Referans 33 Rumane, A.R., (2013). “Quality Tools for Managing Construction Projects”. CRC Press, 413p. Referans 34 Asım, M., Zaman, S., and Zarif, T., (2013). “Implementation of Total Quality Management in Construction Industry: A Pakistan Perspective”. Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 9(1), 24-39, ( Referans 35 Low, S. P. D., and Peh, K. W., (1996). “A Framework for Implementing Total Quality Management in Construction”, the TQM Magazine, 8(5), 39–46, DOI: 10.1108/09544789610146033. Referans 36 Dede, S., (2012). “ToplamKaliteYönetimiVeİnovasyonArasindakiİlişkininİstatistikselAnalizi”. Çukurova University. Master Thesis, Adana, 149 p. Referans 37 Matoug, A. M. S. A., (2011). “The Total Quality Management: The Knowledge, Adoption and Implementation of Contractors in Semarang”. Diponegoro University. Master Thesis, Indonesia. 117 p. Referans 38 Abu Bakar, A., Bin Ali, K., and Onyeizu, E., (2011). “Total Quality Management Practices in Large Construction Companies: A Case of Oman”, World Applied Sciences Journal, 15(2): 285-296. Referans 39 Subramaniam, A., (2014). “A Study on Challenges in Implementing Total Quality Management in Construction Firms at Coimbatore”, Global Journal of Engineering Science And Researches, 1(3): 49-51 ( Referans 40 Şeker, E., (2000). “ToplamKaliteYönetimininİnşaatSektöründeKullanılması – MüşteriTatmini”. İstanbul TeknikÜniversitesi. Master Thesis, 161p. Referans 41 Kazemi, H., (2010). “A critical investigation into the implementation of TQM within construction SMEs”. 6th International Project Management Conference, 16 p. Referans 42 Haupt, T.C., and Whiteman, D.E., (2004). “Inhibiting factors of implementing total quality management on construction sites”, The TQM Magazine, 16 (3), 166-173, DOI: 10.1108/09544780410532891. Referans 43 Tey, L.S., and Ooi, T.L.,(2014). “Exploring the Barriers and the Level of TQM Implementation in Malaysian Construction Industry”, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 7(16), 3419-3424 ( Referans 44 Polat, G., Damcı, A., and Tatar, Y., (2011). “Barriers and Benefits of Total Quality Management in the Construction Industry: Evidence from Turkish Contractors”. 7th Research/Expert Conference with International Participations, p.1115-1120.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Anas Attellah Ali Shoshan This is me

Gözde Çelik 0000-0002-0045-4489

Publication Date March 31, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 19 Issue: 1


APA Shoshan, A. A. A., & Çelik, G. (2018). APPLICATION OF TQM IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES - CASE OF TURKEY. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology A - Applied Sciences and Engineering, 19(1), 177-191.
Chicago Shoshan, Anas Attellah Ali, and Gözde Çelik. “APPLICATION OF TQM IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES - CASE OF TURKEY”. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology A - Applied Sciences and Engineering 19, no. 1 (March 2018): 177-91.
EndNote Shoshan AAA, Çelik G (March 1, 2018) APPLICATION OF TQM IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES - CASE OF TURKEY. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology A - Applied Sciences and Engineering 19 1 177–191.
IEEE A. A. A. Shoshan and G. Çelik, “APPLICATION OF TQM IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES - CASE OF TURKEY”, AUJST-A, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 177–191, 2018, doi: 10.18038/aubtda.345779.
ISNAD Shoshan, Anas Attellah Ali - Çelik, Gözde. “APPLICATION OF TQM IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES - CASE OF TURKEY”. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology A - Applied Sciences and Engineering 19/1 (March 2018), 177-191.
MLA Shoshan, Anas Attellah Ali and Gözde Çelik. “APPLICATION OF TQM IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES - CASE OF TURKEY”. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology A - Applied Sciences and Engineering, vol. 19, no. 1, 2018, pp. 177-91, doi:10.18038/aubtda.345779.