Kalyoncu, C., Önsen, T.: ‘Geometric leaf classification’, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2015, 133, (0), pp. 102–109
Shao, M., Du, J., Wang, J., Zhai, C.: ‘Recognition of leaf image set based on manifold-manifold distance’, In: Intelligent Computing Theory - 10th International Conference, ICIC 2014, Taiyuan, China, August 3-6, 2014, Proceedings, pp. 332–337
Ruberto, C.D., Putzu, L.: ‘A fast leaf recognition algorithm based on SVM classifier and high dimensional feature vector’, In: VISAPP 2014 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Volume 1, Lisbon, Portugal, 5-8 January, 2014, pp. 601–609
Du, J., Zhai, C., Wang, Q.: ‘Recognition of plant leaf image based on fractal dimension features’, Neurocomputing ,2013,116, pp. 150–156
Miao, Z., Gandelin, M.-, Yuan, B.: ‘An oopr-based rose variety recognition system’, Eng. Appl. of AI , 2006, 19, (1), pp 79–101
Gu, X., Du, J.-X., Wang, X.-F.: ‘Leaf recognition based on the combination of wavelet transform and gaussian interpolation’, In: Huang, D.-S., Zhang, X.-P., Huang, G.-B. (eds.) Advances in Intelligent Computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2005, vol. 3644, pp 253–262
Wang, X., Du, J., Zhang, G.: ‘Recognition of leaf images based on shape features using a hypersphere classifier’, In: Advances in Intelligent Computing, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2005, Hefei, China, August 23-26, 2005, Proceedings, Part I, pp 87–96
S., D.S., H., S., C., A., C., B.H.: ‘\: effects on development and environment’, AMBIO 31, 2002, pp 491–493
Tabuti, J.R.S., Dhillion, S.S., Lye, K.A.: ‘Traditional medicine in bulamogi county, uganda: its practitioners, users and viability’, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 85, (1), 2003, pp 119–129
Sadraei, H., Ghannadi, A., Malekshahi, K.: ‘Relaxant effect of essential oil of melissa officinalis and citral on rat ileum contractions’, Fitoterapia, 2003, 74, (5), pp 445–452
Mucciarelli, M., Camusso, W., Bertea, C.M., Bossi, S., Maffei, M.: ‘Effect of (+)-pulegone and other oil components of menthapiperita on cucumber respiration’, Phytochemistry, 2001, 57, (1), pp 91–98
Baydar, H., Sağdiç, O., Özkan, G., Karadoğan, T.: ‘Antibacterial activity and composition of essential oils fromoriganum, thymbra and satureja species with commercial importance in Turkey’, Food Control, 2004, 15, (3), pp 169–172
Centritto, M., Loreto, F., Massacci, A., Pietrini, F., Villani, M.C., Zacchini, M.: ‘Improved growth and water use efficiency of cherry saplings under reduced light intensity’, Ecological Research, 2000, 15, (4), pp. 385–392
Yanikoglu B., Aptoula, E., Tirkaz C.: Automatic plant identification from photographs Machine Vision and Applications, 2014, 25, pp.1369–1383
Wu, S.G., Bao, F.S., Xu, E.Y., Wang, Y., Chang, Y., Xiang, Q.: ‘A leaf recognition algorithm for plant classification using probabilistic neural network’, CoRR abs/0707.4289, 2007
Wu, S.G., Bao, F.S., Xu, E.Y., Wang, Y., Chang, Y., Xiang, Q.: ‘A leaf recognition algorithm for plant classification using probabilistic neural network’, CoRR abs/0707.4289, 2007
Kumar, N., Belhumeur, P.N., Biswas, A., Jacobs, D.W., Kress, W.J., Lopez, I.C., Soares, J.V.B.: ‘Leafsnap: A computer vision system for automatic plant species identification’, In: Computer Vision - ECCV 2012 - 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, Florence, Italy, October 7-13, 2012, Proceedings, Part II, pp. 502–516 Söderkvist, O.J.O.: ‘Computer vision classification of leaves from swedish trees’. Master’s thesis, Linköping University, SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden, LiTH-ISY-EX-3132, September 2011
Kadir, A., Nugroho, L.E., Susanto, A., Santosa, P.I.: ‘Neural network application on foliage plant identification’, CoRR abs/1311.5829 ,2013
Ghazi, M.M., Yanikoglu, B., Aptoula, E.:’Plant identification using deep neural networks via optimization of transfer learning parameters’, Neurocomputing, 2017, 235, pp. 228-235
Odabas, M.S., Senyer, N., Kayhan, G., Ergun, E.: ‘Estimation of chlorophyll concentration index at leaves using artificial neural networks’, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers , 2015
Manning, C.D., Raghavan, P., Schu¨tze, H.: ‘Introduction to Information Retrieval’, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, USA , 2008
Breiman, L., Friedman, J.H., Olshen, R., Stone, A.C.G., 1984. Classification and regression trees. Wadsworth International Group, Belmont, California, USA.
Loh, W.-Y.: ‘Classification and regression trees’, Wiley Interdisc. Rew.: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2011, 1, (1), pp. 14–23
Altman, N.S.: ‘An introduction to kernel and nearest-neighbour nonparametric regression’,1992, 46, (3), pp. 175–185
In this study,
different machine learning (ML) methods were used to classify medicinal and
aromatic plants (MAP) namely St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.), Melissa (Melissa officinalis L.), Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea L.), Thyme (Thymus
sp.) and Mint (Mentha angustifolia
L.) based on leaf shape, gray and
fractal features. Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC), Classification and Regression
Tree (CART), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN)
classification were used as methods. The results indicated that plant species
were successfully recognized the average of correct classification rate. The
best classification rate on the NBC was taken: training data for classification
rate 98.39% and test data classification rate for 98.00% are obtained. ML could
be accurate tools for MAP classification tasks.
Kalyoncu, C., Önsen, T.: ‘Geometric leaf classification’, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2015, 133, (0), pp. 102–109
Shao, M., Du, J., Wang, J., Zhai, C.: ‘Recognition of leaf image set based on manifold-manifold distance’, In: Intelligent Computing Theory - 10th International Conference, ICIC 2014, Taiyuan, China, August 3-6, 2014, Proceedings, pp. 332–337
Ruberto, C.D., Putzu, L.: ‘A fast leaf recognition algorithm based on SVM classifier and high dimensional feature vector’, In: VISAPP 2014 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Volume 1, Lisbon, Portugal, 5-8 January, 2014, pp. 601–609
Du, J., Zhai, C., Wang, Q.: ‘Recognition of plant leaf image based on fractal dimension features’, Neurocomputing ,2013,116, pp. 150–156
Miao, Z., Gandelin, M.-, Yuan, B.: ‘An oopr-based rose variety recognition system’, Eng. Appl. of AI , 2006, 19, (1), pp 79–101
Gu, X., Du, J.-X., Wang, X.-F.: ‘Leaf recognition based on the combination of wavelet transform and gaussian interpolation’, In: Huang, D.-S., Zhang, X.-P., Huang, G.-B. (eds.) Advances in Intelligent Computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2005, vol. 3644, pp 253–262
Wang, X., Du, J., Zhang, G.: ‘Recognition of leaf images based on shape features using a hypersphere classifier’, In: Advances in Intelligent Computing, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2005, Hefei, China, August 23-26, 2005, Proceedings, Part I, pp 87–96
S., D.S., H., S., C., A., C., B.H.: ‘\: effects on development and environment’, AMBIO 31, 2002, pp 491–493
Tabuti, J.R.S., Dhillion, S.S., Lye, K.A.: ‘Traditional medicine in bulamogi county, uganda: its practitioners, users and viability’, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 85, (1), 2003, pp 119–129
Sadraei, H., Ghannadi, A., Malekshahi, K.: ‘Relaxant effect of essential oil of melissa officinalis and citral on rat ileum contractions’, Fitoterapia, 2003, 74, (5), pp 445–452
Mucciarelli, M., Camusso, W., Bertea, C.M., Bossi, S., Maffei, M.: ‘Effect of (+)-pulegone and other oil components of menthapiperita on cucumber respiration’, Phytochemistry, 2001, 57, (1), pp 91–98
Baydar, H., Sağdiç, O., Özkan, G., Karadoğan, T.: ‘Antibacterial activity and composition of essential oils fromoriganum, thymbra and satureja species with commercial importance in Turkey’, Food Control, 2004, 15, (3), pp 169–172
Centritto, M., Loreto, F., Massacci, A., Pietrini, F., Villani, M.C., Zacchini, M.: ‘Improved growth and water use efficiency of cherry saplings under reduced light intensity’, Ecological Research, 2000, 15, (4), pp. 385–392
Yanikoglu B., Aptoula, E., Tirkaz C.: Automatic plant identification from photographs Machine Vision and Applications, 2014, 25, pp.1369–1383
Wu, S.G., Bao, F.S., Xu, E.Y., Wang, Y., Chang, Y., Xiang, Q.: ‘A leaf recognition algorithm for plant classification using probabilistic neural network’, CoRR abs/0707.4289, 2007
Wu, S.G., Bao, F.S., Xu, E.Y., Wang, Y., Chang, Y., Xiang, Q.: ‘A leaf recognition algorithm for plant classification using probabilistic neural network’, CoRR abs/0707.4289, 2007
Kumar, N., Belhumeur, P.N., Biswas, A., Jacobs, D.W., Kress, W.J., Lopez, I.C., Soares, J.V.B.: ‘Leafsnap: A computer vision system for automatic plant species identification’, In: Computer Vision - ECCV 2012 - 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, Florence, Italy, October 7-13, 2012, Proceedings, Part II, pp. 502–516 Söderkvist, O.J.O.: ‘Computer vision classification of leaves from swedish trees’. Master’s thesis, Linköping University, SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden, LiTH-ISY-EX-3132, September 2011
Kadir, A., Nugroho, L.E., Susanto, A., Santosa, P.I.: ‘Neural network application on foliage plant identification’, CoRR abs/1311.5829 ,2013
Ghazi, M.M., Yanikoglu, B., Aptoula, E.:’Plant identification using deep neural networks via optimization of transfer learning parameters’, Neurocomputing, 2017, 235, pp. 228-235
Odabas, M.S., Senyer, N., Kayhan, G., Ergun, E.: ‘Estimation of chlorophyll concentration index at leaves using artificial neural networks’, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers , 2015
Manning, C.D., Raghavan, P., Schu¨tze, H.: ‘Introduction to Information Retrieval’, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, USA , 2008
Breiman, L., Friedman, J.H., Olshen, R., Stone, A.C.G., 1984. Classification and regression trees. Wadsworth International Group, Belmont, California, USA.
Loh, W.-Y.: ‘Classification and regression trees’, Wiley Interdisc. Rew.: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2011, 1, (1), pp. 14–23
Altman, N.S.: ‘An introduction to kernel and nearest-neighbour nonparametric regression’,1992, 46, (3), pp. 175–185
Kayhan, G., & Ergün, E. (2020). Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Identification Using Machine Learning Methods. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 8(1), 81-87. https://doi.org/10.17694/bajece.651286
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