Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, Sayı: 5, 97 - 120, 27.12.2020



  • Akün, Ömer Faruk. “Hayrullah Efendi.” Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi, vol. 17, 67-75.
  • Akyıldız, Ali, “Sâdık Rifat Paşa.” Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi, vol. 35, 400-401.
  • Ardeleanu, Constantin. International Trade and Diplomacy at the Lower Danube: The Sulina Question and the Economic Premises of the Crimean War (1829–1853). Braila: Editura Istros, 2014.
  • Babinger, Franz. “Die Donau als Schicksalsstrom des Osmanenreiches.” Südosteuropa-Jahrbuch 5 (1961): 15–25.
  • Davison, Roderic H., Reform in the Ottoman Empire, 1856–1876. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1963.
  • East, W.G. “The Danube Route-Way in History.” Economica 37 (1932): 321–345.
  • Ekinci, İlhan. “Tuna Komisyonu ve Tuna’da Ticaret (1856–1883).” PhD diss., Samsun, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, 1998.
  • Elibol, Numan and Abdullah Mesud Küçükkalay. “Implementation of the Commercial Treaty of Passarowitz and the Austrian Merchants, 1720–1750.” In The Peace of Passarowitz, 1718, edited by Charles W. Ingrao, Nikola Samardžić, and Jovan Pesalj, 159–178. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2011.
  • Gatejel, Luminita. “Imperial Cooperation at the Margins of Europe: The European Commission of the Danube, 1856–65.” European Review of History/Revue Européenne d’histoire 24, no. 5 (2017): 781–800.
  • Gatejel, Luminita. “Overcoming the Iron Gates: Austrian Transport and River Regulation on the Lower Danube, 1830s–1840s,” Central European History 49, no. 2 (2016): 162–180.
  • Göyünç, Nejat. “Midhat Paşa’nın Niş Valiliği Hakkında Notlar ve Belgeler.” Tarih Enstitüsü Dergisi 12 (1982): 279–316.
  • Guboğlu Mihail P. “Boğazköy—Köstence Arasında İlk Demiryolu İnşası (1855—1860).” In Çağını Yakalayan Osmanlı! Osmanlı Devleti’nde Modern Haberleşme ve Ulaştırma Teknikleri, edited by Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu and Mustafa Kaçar, 217–247. Istanbul: İslam Tarih Sanat ve Kültür Araştırma Merkezi, 1995.
  • Halaçoğlu, Yusuf. Osmanlılarda Ulaşım ve Haberleşme (Menziller). Istanbul: İlgi Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık, 2014.
  • Halm, Hans. Habsburgischer Osthandel im 18. Jahrhundert: Donauhandel und -schiffahrt 1781–1787. Munich: Isar, 1954.
  • Hayrullah Efendi. Avrupa Seyahatnamesi, translated by Belkıs Altuniş-Gürsoy. Ankara: T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı, 2002.
  • Hillebrand, Caspar. “Narrative Strategien der Autor-Leser-Identifikation in Vor- und Nachwort von Hayrullah Efendis Europareisebericht (1863/64).” In ‘Wenn einer eine Reise tut, hat er was zu erzählen’: Präfiguration – Konfiguration – Refiguration in muslimischen Reiseberichten, edited by Bekim Agai and Stephan Conermann, 119–150. Berlin: EB-Verlag, 2013
  • Inalcik, Halil. An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, vol. 1, 1300–1600. Cambride: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
  • Jensen, J.H., and Gerhard Rosegger. “British Railway Builders along the Lower Danube, 1856–1869.” The Slavonic and East European Review 46, no. 106 (1968): 105–128.
  • Kanitz, Felix. Donau-Bulgarien und der Balkan: Historisch-Geographisch-Ethnographische Reisestudien aus den Jahren 1860–1879, sec. ed. Leipzig: Benger, 1882.
  • Keleş, Erdoğan. “Sultan Abdülmecid Döneminde (1839-1861) Tuna-Karadeniz Arasında Kanal Açma Teşebbüsü.” Çanakkale Araştırmaları Türk Yıllığı 16, no. 25 (2018): 167–207.
  • Kılıçaslan, M. Emre. “XVIII. Yüzyılda Tuna Demirkapısı ve Girdaplar İdaresi.” Karadeniz Araştırmaları 25 (2010): 59–76.
  • Kołodziejczyk, Dariusz. “Polish-Ottoman Trade Routes in the Times of Martin Gruneweg.” In Martin Gruneweg (1562–nach 1615): Ein europäischer Lebensweg, edited by Almut Bues, 167–174. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009.
  • Krehbiel, Edward. “The European Commission of the Danube: An Experiment in International Administration.” Political Science Quarterly 33 (1918): 38–55.
  • Luther, G. Die Regulierung der Katarakte in der unteren Donau (Eisernes Thor). Braunschweig: Meyer, 1893.
  • Oplatka, Andreas. Graf Stephan Széchenyi: Der Mann, der Ungarn schuf. Vienna: Zsolnay, 2004.
  • Ortaylı, İlber. Tanzimattan Cumhuriyete Yerel Yönetim Geleneği. Istanbul: Hil, 1985.
  • Petrov, Milen V. “Tanzimat for the Countryside: Midhat Paşa and the Vilayet of Danube, 1864-1868.” PhD diss., Princeton, 2006.
  • Riedler, Florian and Stefan Rohdewald. “Migration and Mobility in a Transottoman Context.” Radovi 51, no. 1 (2019): 37–55.
  • Riedler, Florian. “‘Orta Kol‘ als osmanischer Mobilitätsraum: Eine transregionale Perspektive auf die Geschichte Südosteuropas,” In Jenseits etablierter Meta-Geographien: Der Nahe Osten und Nordafrika in transregionaler Perspektive, edited by Steffen Wippel and Andrea Fischer-Tahir, 131–149. Baden Baden: Nomos, 2018.
  • Riedler, Florian. “Crossroads Edirne: Building Modern Infrastructures on Ancient Routes.” In The Heritage of Edirne in Ottoman and Turkish Times: Continuities, Disruptions and Reconnections, edited by Birgit Krawietz and Florian Riedler, 435–468. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2020.
  • Rohdewald, Stefan, Stephan Conermann, and Albrecht Fuess, eds. Transottomanica – Osteuropäisch-osmanisch-persische Mobilitätsdynamiken. Göttingen: V&R unipress. Sauer, Manfred. “Österreich und die Sulina-Frage (1829–1854).” Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs 40 (1987): 185–236 and 41 (1988/89): 72–155.
  • Šedivý, Miroslav. “From Hostility to Cooperation? Austria, Russia and the Danubian Principalities, 1829–40.” The Slavonic and East European Review 89, no. 4 (2011): 630–661.
  • Zirojević, Olga. “Das türkische Straßennetz (Land und Wasserstraßen) auf dem Gebiet der heutigen Vojvodina und Slawoniens.” Acta Historica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 33, no. 2/4, (1987): 393–403.

Integrating the Danube into Modern Networks of Infrastructure: The Ottoman Contribution

Yıl 2020, Sayı: 5, 97 - 120, 27.12.2020


For the Ottoman Empire, the Danube served as a border, but also as a means of communication and transport, although this function was restricted by the prevailing natural conditions of the river. Because of the geo-political, economic and technological developments of the eighteenth and nineteenth century, older connections with Eastern and Central Europe were substituted by global connections. This article examines the Ottoman role in this transformation of the Danube between 1830 and 1878. It focuses on infrastructure projects such as the regulation of the Iron Gate and in the Danube delta and the construction efforts in the Danube Province during the last decades of Ottoman rule at the Danube.


  • Akün, Ömer Faruk. “Hayrullah Efendi.” Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi, vol. 17, 67-75.
  • Akyıldız, Ali, “Sâdık Rifat Paşa.” Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi, vol. 35, 400-401.
  • Ardeleanu, Constantin. International Trade and Diplomacy at the Lower Danube: The Sulina Question and the Economic Premises of the Crimean War (1829–1853). Braila: Editura Istros, 2014.
  • Babinger, Franz. “Die Donau als Schicksalsstrom des Osmanenreiches.” Südosteuropa-Jahrbuch 5 (1961): 15–25.
  • Davison, Roderic H., Reform in the Ottoman Empire, 1856–1876. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1963.
  • East, W.G. “The Danube Route-Way in History.” Economica 37 (1932): 321–345.
  • Ekinci, İlhan. “Tuna Komisyonu ve Tuna’da Ticaret (1856–1883).” PhD diss., Samsun, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, 1998.
  • Elibol, Numan and Abdullah Mesud Küçükkalay. “Implementation of the Commercial Treaty of Passarowitz and the Austrian Merchants, 1720–1750.” In The Peace of Passarowitz, 1718, edited by Charles W. Ingrao, Nikola Samardžić, and Jovan Pesalj, 159–178. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2011.
  • Gatejel, Luminita. “Imperial Cooperation at the Margins of Europe: The European Commission of the Danube, 1856–65.” European Review of History/Revue Européenne d’histoire 24, no. 5 (2017): 781–800.
  • Gatejel, Luminita. “Overcoming the Iron Gates: Austrian Transport and River Regulation on the Lower Danube, 1830s–1840s,” Central European History 49, no. 2 (2016): 162–180.
  • Göyünç, Nejat. “Midhat Paşa’nın Niş Valiliği Hakkında Notlar ve Belgeler.” Tarih Enstitüsü Dergisi 12 (1982): 279–316.
  • Guboğlu Mihail P. “Boğazköy—Köstence Arasında İlk Demiryolu İnşası (1855—1860).” In Çağını Yakalayan Osmanlı! Osmanlı Devleti’nde Modern Haberleşme ve Ulaştırma Teknikleri, edited by Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu and Mustafa Kaçar, 217–247. Istanbul: İslam Tarih Sanat ve Kültür Araştırma Merkezi, 1995.
  • Halaçoğlu, Yusuf. Osmanlılarda Ulaşım ve Haberleşme (Menziller). Istanbul: İlgi Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık, 2014.
  • Halm, Hans. Habsburgischer Osthandel im 18. Jahrhundert: Donauhandel und -schiffahrt 1781–1787. Munich: Isar, 1954.
  • Hayrullah Efendi. Avrupa Seyahatnamesi, translated by Belkıs Altuniş-Gürsoy. Ankara: T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı, 2002.
  • Hillebrand, Caspar. “Narrative Strategien der Autor-Leser-Identifikation in Vor- und Nachwort von Hayrullah Efendis Europareisebericht (1863/64).” In ‘Wenn einer eine Reise tut, hat er was zu erzählen’: Präfiguration – Konfiguration – Refiguration in muslimischen Reiseberichten, edited by Bekim Agai and Stephan Conermann, 119–150. Berlin: EB-Verlag, 2013
  • Inalcik, Halil. An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, vol. 1, 1300–1600. Cambride: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
  • Jensen, J.H., and Gerhard Rosegger. “British Railway Builders along the Lower Danube, 1856–1869.” The Slavonic and East European Review 46, no. 106 (1968): 105–128.
  • Kanitz, Felix. Donau-Bulgarien und der Balkan: Historisch-Geographisch-Ethnographische Reisestudien aus den Jahren 1860–1879, sec. ed. Leipzig: Benger, 1882.
  • Keleş, Erdoğan. “Sultan Abdülmecid Döneminde (1839-1861) Tuna-Karadeniz Arasında Kanal Açma Teşebbüsü.” Çanakkale Araştırmaları Türk Yıllığı 16, no. 25 (2018): 167–207.
  • Kılıçaslan, M. Emre. “XVIII. Yüzyılda Tuna Demirkapısı ve Girdaplar İdaresi.” Karadeniz Araştırmaları 25 (2010): 59–76.
  • Kołodziejczyk, Dariusz. “Polish-Ottoman Trade Routes in the Times of Martin Gruneweg.” In Martin Gruneweg (1562–nach 1615): Ein europäischer Lebensweg, edited by Almut Bues, 167–174. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009.
  • Krehbiel, Edward. “The European Commission of the Danube: An Experiment in International Administration.” Political Science Quarterly 33 (1918): 38–55.
  • Luther, G. Die Regulierung der Katarakte in der unteren Donau (Eisernes Thor). Braunschweig: Meyer, 1893.
  • Oplatka, Andreas. Graf Stephan Széchenyi: Der Mann, der Ungarn schuf. Vienna: Zsolnay, 2004.
  • Ortaylı, İlber. Tanzimattan Cumhuriyete Yerel Yönetim Geleneği. Istanbul: Hil, 1985.
  • Petrov, Milen V. “Tanzimat for the Countryside: Midhat Paşa and the Vilayet of Danube, 1864-1868.” PhD diss., Princeton, 2006.
  • Riedler, Florian and Stefan Rohdewald. “Migration and Mobility in a Transottoman Context.” Radovi 51, no. 1 (2019): 37–55.
  • Riedler, Florian. “‘Orta Kol‘ als osmanischer Mobilitätsraum: Eine transregionale Perspektive auf die Geschichte Südosteuropas,” In Jenseits etablierter Meta-Geographien: Der Nahe Osten und Nordafrika in transregionaler Perspektive, edited by Steffen Wippel and Andrea Fischer-Tahir, 131–149. Baden Baden: Nomos, 2018.
  • Riedler, Florian. “Crossroads Edirne: Building Modern Infrastructures on Ancient Routes.” In The Heritage of Edirne in Ottoman and Turkish Times: Continuities, Disruptions and Reconnections, edited by Birgit Krawietz and Florian Riedler, 435–468. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2020.
  • Rohdewald, Stefan, Stephan Conermann, and Albrecht Fuess, eds. Transottomanica – Osteuropäisch-osmanisch-persische Mobilitätsdynamiken. Göttingen: V&R unipress. Sauer, Manfred. “Österreich und die Sulina-Frage (1829–1854).” Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs 40 (1987): 185–236 and 41 (1988/89): 72–155.
  • Šedivý, Miroslav. “From Hostility to Cooperation? Austria, Russia and the Danubian Principalities, 1829–40.” The Slavonic and East European Review 89, no. 4 (2011): 630–661.
  • Zirojević, Olga. “Das türkische Straßennetz (Land und Wasserstraßen) auf dem Gebiet der heutigen Vojvodina und Slawoniens.” Acta Historica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 33, no. 2/4, (1987): 393–403.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Articles

Florian Rıedler Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4908-3727

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Rıedler, F. (2020). Integrating the Danube into Modern Networks of Infrastructure: The Ottoman Contribution. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies(5), 97-120.
AMA Rıedler F. Integrating the Danube into Modern Networks of Infrastructure: The Ottoman Contribution. BALKAR. Aralık 2020;(5):97-120.
Chicago Rıedler, Florian. “Integrating the Danube into Modern Networks of Infrastructure: The Ottoman Contribution”. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies, sy. 5 (Aralık 2020): 97-120.
EndNote Rıedler F (01 Aralık 2020) Integrating the Danube into Modern Networks of Infrastructure: The Ottoman Contribution. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies 5 97–120.
IEEE F. Rıedler, “Integrating the Danube into Modern Networks of Infrastructure: The Ottoman Contribution”, BALKAR, sy. 5, ss. 97–120, Aralık 2020.
ISNAD Rıedler, Florian. “Integrating the Danube into Modern Networks of Infrastructure: The Ottoman Contribution”. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies 5 (Aralık 2020), 97-120.
JAMA Rıedler F. Integrating the Danube into Modern Networks of Infrastructure: The Ottoman Contribution. BALKAR. 2020;:97–120.
MLA Rıedler, Florian. “Integrating the Danube into Modern Networks of Infrastructure: The Ottoman Contribution”. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies, sy. 5, 2020, ss. 97-120.
Vancouver Rıedler F. Integrating the Danube into Modern Networks of Infrastructure: The Ottoman Contribution. BALKAR. 2020(5):97-120.