Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2024, Sayı: 12, 19 - 56, 25.06.2024


Proje Numarası



  • Atanasiu, Mihai-Bogdan, Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Beiträge zum Münzwesen des Johannes von Hunyad. Ein unbekannter Denar aus dem Jahre 1447”, in Transylvanian Review XXXII, Supplement No. 2 (2023), 181-199.
  • Avar, Anton (ed.), A Hunyadiak címereslevelei 1447-1489. Budapest, 2018.
  • Bak, János M., Engel, Pál, Sweeney, James Ross, Harvey, Paul B. Jr. (eds.), Decreta regni mediaevalis Hungariae/The Laws of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary, vol. II. 1301-1457. Salt Lake City, 1992.
  • Bonfinis, Antonius de, Rerum Ungaricarum Decades, tomus III. Decas III, I. Fógel, B Ivány, L. Juhás (eds.). Lipisiae, MCMXXXVI.
  • Chassin, Charles-Louis, La Hongrie. Son génie et sa mission. Étude historique suivie de Jean de Hunyad. Récit du Xve siècle. Paris, 1856.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Ex bono tirone miles fortissimus, ex milite imperator optimus emersit. Reflections on the Beginnings of John Hunyadi’s Career”, in Zoltan Jusztin (ed.), Politics and Society in the Central and South-Eastern Europe (13th – 16th centuries). Cluj-Napoca, 2019, 175-203.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, ”Magnificus Johannes de Hunyad, wayuoda Transylvanus, validam potentiam sevissimos Turcorum debelasset, triumphum victorie reportando”, in Transilvania 4 (2019), 86-96.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Campaniile lui Ştefan Báthory, căpitanul lui Matia Corvinul, în Moldova şi Ţara Românească, în vara-toamna anului 1476”, in Analele Putnei XV, 1 (2019), 51-69.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Relaţiile lui Iancu de Hunedoara cu Ţara Românească şi Moldova, 1442-1456. O reevaluare (I)”, in Analele Putnei XV, 2 (2019), 7-20.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Relaţiile lui Iancu de Hunedoara cu Ţara Românească şi Moldova, 1442-1456. O reevaluare (II)”, in Analele Putnei XVI, 1 (2020), 23-38.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Vlad Dracul, diplomaţia ungaro-otomană şi răscumpărarea de robi creştini în contextul Cruciadei de la Varna (1444)”, in Studii şi Matoriale de Istorie Medie XXXVIII (2020), 145-161.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Războiul civil din Ungaria 1440-1442 şi începuturile carierei lui Iancu de Hunedoara”, in Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane Sibiu XXVII (2020), 35-67.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Prestige and Power: The Estates of John Hunyadi (1409-1456)”, in Mihai-Bogdan Atanasiu, Cristian Ploscaru (eds.), Social and Administrative Elite in the Romanian Space (15th – 19th centuries). Konstanz, 2021, 191-206.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Volo pacem per tres annos. O nouă ediţie a tratatului dintre Mehmed al II-lea şi Iancu de Hunedoara (Adrianopol, 20 nov. 1451)”, in Studii şi Materiale de Istorie Medie XXXIX (2021), 247-272.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Bătălia inexistentă: Sibiu, 22 martie 1442. O analiză critiă a izvoarelor privind bătălia decisivă dintre Iancu de Hunedoara şi Mezid Beğ”, in Gianina-Diana Iegar, Péter Levente Szőcs, Gabriela Rusu, Florela Vasilescu (eds.), Evul Mediu neterminat/A befejezetlen középkor/The Unfinished Middle Ages. Omagiu profesorului Adrian Andrei Rusu cu ocazia împlinirii vârstei de 70 ani/Tanulmányok Adrian Andrei Rusu professzor közöntésére 70- születésnapja alkalmából/Studies in honour of Professor Adrian Andrei Rusu on his 70th birthday. Cluj Napoca, 2022, 149-161.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, Neagoe, Claudiu-Ion, “Iancu de Hunedoara versus Şehâbeddîn. Un bilanţ al izvoarelor/Jean Hunyadi versus Şehabeddin. Un bilan des sources”, in Istros XXVIII (2022), 305-376.
  • Iulian Mihai Damian, “The Greek Rite Transylvanian Church in the 1450’: Archbishop John of Caffa and the Crusade in East-Central Europe”, in Ana Dumitran, Loránd Mádly, Alexandru Simon (eds.), Extincta est lucerna orbis: John Hunyadi and his Time. Cluj-Napoca, 2009, 143-153.
  • Documenta Romaniae Historica, seria D. Relații între Țările Române, vol. I (1222–1456), Ștefan Pascu et alii (eds.). București, 1977.
  • Drăgan, Ioan, Nobilimea românească din Transilvania între anii 1440–1514. București, 2000.
  • Drăgan, Ioan, “Familia Muşina de Densuş/Morsinai de Răchitova – rudele Hunedorenilor”, in Gianina-Diana Iegar, Péter Levente Szőcs, Gabriela Rusu, Florela Vasilescu (eds.), Evul Mediu neterminat/A befejezetlen középkor/The Unfinished Middle Ages. Omagiu profesorului Adrian Andrei Rusu cu ocazia împlinirii vârstei de 70 ani/Tanulmányok Adrian Andrei Rusu professzor közöntésére 70- születésnapja alkalmából/Studies in honour of Professor Adrian Andrei Rusu on his 70th birthday. Cluj Napoca, 2022, 127-141.
  • Dümmerth, Dezső, A két Hunyadi. Budapest, 1985.
  • Ebendorfer, Thomas, Chronica Austriae, ed. by Alphons Lhotsky. Berlin-Zürich, 1967.
  • Ebendorfer, Thomas, Chronica regum Romanorum, Teil 1, ed. by Harald Zimmermann. Hannover, 2003.
  • Elekes, Lajos, Hunyadi. Budapesta, 1952.
  • Engel, Pál, “Hunyadi János itineráriuma”, in Századok, 118, 5 (1984), 974–997.
  • Engel, Pál, ”János Hunyadi: The Decisive Years of His Career, 1440–1444”, in János M. Bak, Béla K. Kiraly (eds.), From Hunyadi to Rákóczi. War and Society in Late Medieval and Early Modern Hungary. New York, 1986, 103–123.
  • Engel, Pál, ”János Hunyadi and the ‚of Szeged’ (1444)”, in Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientarum Hungaricae, XLVII, 3 (1994), 241–257.
  • Engel, Pál, ”Hunyadi pályakezdése”, in Marius Diaconescu (ed.) Nobilimea românească din Transilvania/Az erdélyi román nemesség. Satu Mare, 1997, 91–109.
  • Engel, Pál, The Realm of St. Stephen. A History of Medieval Hungary, 895-1526, Translated by Tamás Pálosfalvi, English edition by Andrew Ayton. London-New York, 2001.
  • Fejér, Georgius, Genus, incunabula et virtus Joannis Corvini de Hunyad, regni Hungariae gubernatoris. Buda, 1844.
  • Földi, Pál, Hunyadi János a hadvezér. Budapesta, 2004.
  • Fraknói, Guglielmo, “Alfonso re di Napoli, candidato di Giovanni Hunyadi al trono di Ungheria dopo la bataglia di Varna”, in Corvina 2 (1922), 50-59.
  • Fraknói Vilmos, Ábel Jenő, ”Két magyarországi egyházi iró a XV. századból” in Irodalomtöréneti emlékek, vol. I. Budapest, 1886.
  • Gazavât-i Sultân Murâd bin Mehemmed Hân/The Holy Wars of Sultan Murad Son of Sultan Mehmed Khan, in Colin Imber, The Crusade of Varna, 1443-1445. ASHGATE, 2006, 41-106.
  • Held, Joseph, Hunyadi: legend and reality. Boulder, New York, 1985.
  • Hoensch, Jörg K., Kaiser Sigismund. Kaiser an der Schwelle der Neuzeit 1368-1437. München 1996.
  • Jefferson, John, The Holy Wars of King Wladislas and Sultan Murad. The Ottoman-Christian Conflict from 1438-1444. Leiden-Boston, 2012.
  • Karadja, Constantin I., Poema lui Michael Beheim despre cruciadele împotriva turcilor din anii 1443 şi 1444. Publicată după manuscrisele Pal. Germ. 334 şi 312 din Biblioteca Universităţii de la Heidelberg. Vălenii de Munte, 1936.
  • Koller, Heinrich, Kaiser Friedrich III. [Darmstadt, 2005].
  • Kubinyi, András, Matthias rex. Budapesta, 2008.
  • Lewicki, Anatolii (ed.), Codex epistolaris saeculi decimi quinti, tomus II. Cracovia, 1891.
  • Lupescu, Radu, ”Istoriografia română şi maghiară referitoare la Ioan de Hunedoara (I-II)’’, in Studii şi Materiale de Istorie Medie,” XXVI, 2008, 139-162; ibid. XXVII, 2009, 311-332.
  • Lupescu, Radu, “Matthias Hunyadi: from the Family Origins to the Threshold of Power”, in Matthias Corvinus, the King. Trandition and Renewal in the Hungarian Royal Cout 1458-1490. Budapest, 2008, 35-49.
  • Magyar Nemzeti Országos Levéltára (MNL. OL.), Diplomatikai Levéltár (DL) 14604 (transumpt).
  • MNOL, DL 14605 (transumpt)
  • MNOL, DL 14128.
  • MNOL, DL 24762
  • MNOL, DF 286311, f. 23 v. – 24 v., f. 25 r. – f. 26 v.
  • MNOL, DL 37614
  • MNOL, DL 37617
  • MNOL, DL 37618
  • MNOL, DF 290201 f. 83 v. – 84 r.
  • Marchland, Franz Krones von, Die Freien von Saneck und ihre Chronik als Grafen von Cilli, vol. II Die Cillier Chronik. Graz, 1883.
  • Mixson, James D., The Crusade of 1456. Texts and Documentation in Translation. Toronto-Buffalo-London, 2022.
  • Mureșanu, Camil, Iancu de Hunedoara. București, 1968. (2nd edition).
  • Neumann, Tibor, Varga, Szabolcs, “The Szapolyai Family’s Representation of Power”, in Pál Fodor, Szabolcs Varga (eds.), A Forgotten Hungarian Royal Dynasty: The Szapoyais. Budapest, 2020, 57-82.
  • Pálosfalvi, Tamás, “Cilleiek és Tallóciak: küzdelem Szlavóniáéert (1440-1448)”, in Századok 134, 1 (2000), 45-98.
  • Pálosfalvi, Tamás, „Az 1442. márciusi törökhadjárat. Adalékok Hunyadi János első törökellenes harcaihoz”, in Történelmi Szemle, XLIII, 1–2 (2001), 43–54.
  • Pálosfalvi, Tamás, From Nicopolis to Mohács. A History of Ottoman-Hungarian Warfare, 1389-1526. Leiden-Boston, 2018.
  • Pálosfalvi, Tamás, “Skanderbeg and the Hunyadis: Myth and Reality”, in Csaplár-Degovics Krisztián (ed.),"These were hard times for Skanderbeg, but he had an ally, the Hungarian Hunyadi": Episodes in Albanian-Hungarian Historical Contacts. Budapesta, 2019, 15-21.
  • Pascu, Ştefan, “Rolul cnezilor din Transilvania în lupta antiotomană a lui Iancu de Hunedoara”, in Studii şi Cercetări de Istorie VIII, 1-4 (1957), 25-67.
  • Piccolomini, Aeneas Silvius, Historia Bohemica, vol. I. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe des lateinischen Textes, ed. by Joseph Hejnic şi Hans Rothe, translated in German by Eugen Udolph. Köln-Weimar-Viena, 2005.
  • Pop, Ioan-Aurel, „Din mânile valahilor schismatici...”. Românii şi puterea în Regatul Ungariei medievale (secolele XIII-XIV). Cluj-Napoca, 2017. (2nd edition)
  • Pop, Ioan-Aurel, Hunedoreştii. O familie europeană. Cluj-Napoca, 2020.
  • Ranzanus, Petrus, Epithoma Rerum Hungararum, ed. by P. Kulcsár. Budapest, 1977.
  • Rásonyi, László, “The Old-Hungarian Name Vajk. A Note on the Origin of the Hunyadi Family”, in Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientarum Hungariae, XXXVI, 1-3 (1982), 419-429.
  • Rusu, Adrian Andrei, Ioan de Hunedoara și românii din vremea sa. Cluj-Napoca, 1999.
  • Rusu, Adrian Andrei, Alba Iulia. Între fondarea eparhiei şi capitala principatului Transilvaniei. Alba Iulia, 2009.
  • Setton, Kenneth M., The Papacy and the Levant (1204-1571), vol. II. The Fifteenth Century. Philadelphia, 1978.
  • Szilágyi, Rita Emőke, Nagy, Levente, “Câteva date noi despre genealogia familiilor Olahus, Hunyadi şi Dracula (Vlad Ţepeş)”, in Studii şi Materiale de Istorie Medie, XL, 2022, 125-164.
  • Teke, Zsusza, Hunyadi János és kora. Budapesta, 1980.
  • Teleki, József, Hunyadiak kora Magyarországon, vol. X. Pest, 1853.
  • Thurocz, Johannes de, Chronica Hungarorum, vol. I, ed. by Elisabeth Galántai, Julius Kistó. Budapest, 1985.
  • Thurocz, Johannes de, Chronica Hungarorum, vol. II. Comentarii, 2. Ab anno 1301 usque ad annum 1487, ed. by Elemér Mályusz, Julius Kristó. Budapest, 1988.
  • Tóth-Szabó, Pál, A cseh-huszita mozgalmak és uralom története magyarországon. Budapesta, 1917.
  • Wolkan, Rudolf, (ed.), Der Briefwechsel des Eneas Silvius Piccolomini, I. Briefe aus der Laienzeit (1431-1445), vol. I. Privatbriefe. Viena, 1909.
  • Zichy, Francisc, (ed.), A Zichy és Vásonkeői gróf Zichy-család idősb ágának okmánytára/Codex diplomaticus domus senioris comitum Zichy de Zich et Vásonkeő, vol. IX. Budapest, 1899.
  • Zsolnay, Vilmos von, Vereinigungsversuche Südosteuropas im XV. Jahrhundert – Johann von Hunyadi. Frankfurt-Koblenz, 1967.
  • Vitéz, Johannes de Zredna, Opera quae supersunt, ed. by Iván Boronkai. Budapesta, 1980.

John Hunyadi (ca. 1395-1456). An Outline of his Political and Military Career, According to the Latest Research

Yıl 2024, Sayı: 12, 19 - 56, 25.06.2024


The lack of modern scientific work on John Hunyadi led us six years ago to initiate the research work on a monograph dedicated to his life and times, based on a critical re-evaluation of the sources on the topic, and the older and newer literature. In the pages below, we bring to the attention of the international academic community a synthesis of our research, focusing not only on John Hunyadi's anti-Ottoman campaigns, as most historians of the topic have done before us, but also on his implications in the complicated politics of Central Europe in the mid 15th century.

Etik Beyan


Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Atanasiu, Mihai-Bogdan, Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Beiträge zum Münzwesen des Johannes von Hunyad. Ein unbekannter Denar aus dem Jahre 1447”, in Transylvanian Review XXXII, Supplement No. 2 (2023), 181-199.
  • Avar, Anton (ed.), A Hunyadiak címereslevelei 1447-1489. Budapest, 2018.
  • Bak, János M., Engel, Pál, Sweeney, James Ross, Harvey, Paul B. Jr. (eds.), Decreta regni mediaevalis Hungariae/The Laws of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary, vol. II. 1301-1457. Salt Lake City, 1992.
  • Bonfinis, Antonius de, Rerum Ungaricarum Decades, tomus III. Decas III, I. Fógel, B Ivány, L. Juhás (eds.). Lipisiae, MCMXXXVI.
  • Chassin, Charles-Louis, La Hongrie. Son génie et sa mission. Étude historique suivie de Jean de Hunyad. Récit du Xve siècle. Paris, 1856.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Ex bono tirone miles fortissimus, ex milite imperator optimus emersit. Reflections on the Beginnings of John Hunyadi’s Career”, in Zoltan Jusztin (ed.), Politics and Society in the Central and South-Eastern Europe (13th – 16th centuries). Cluj-Napoca, 2019, 175-203.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, ”Magnificus Johannes de Hunyad, wayuoda Transylvanus, validam potentiam sevissimos Turcorum debelasset, triumphum victorie reportando”, in Transilvania 4 (2019), 86-96.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Campaniile lui Ştefan Báthory, căpitanul lui Matia Corvinul, în Moldova şi Ţara Românească, în vara-toamna anului 1476”, in Analele Putnei XV, 1 (2019), 51-69.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Relaţiile lui Iancu de Hunedoara cu Ţara Românească şi Moldova, 1442-1456. O reevaluare (I)”, in Analele Putnei XV, 2 (2019), 7-20.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Relaţiile lui Iancu de Hunedoara cu Ţara Românească şi Moldova, 1442-1456. O reevaluare (II)”, in Analele Putnei XVI, 1 (2020), 23-38.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Vlad Dracul, diplomaţia ungaro-otomană şi răscumpărarea de robi creştini în contextul Cruciadei de la Varna (1444)”, in Studii şi Matoriale de Istorie Medie XXXVIII (2020), 145-161.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Războiul civil din Ungaria 1440-1442 şi începuturile carierei lui Iancu de Hunedoara”, in Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane Sibiu XXVII (2020), 35-67.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Prestige and Power: The Estates of John Hunyadi (1409-1456)”, in Mihai-Bogdan Atanasiu, Cristian Ploscaru (eds.), Social and Administrative Elite in the Romanian Space (15th – 19th centuries). Konstanz, 2021, 191-206.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Volo pacem per tres annos. O nouă ediţie a tratatului dintre Mehmed al II-lea şi Iancu de Hunedoara (Adrianopol, 20 nov. 1451)”, in Studii şi Materiale de Istorie Medie XXXIX (2021), 247-272.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, “Bătălia inexistentă: Sibiu, 22 martie 1442. O analiză critiă a izvoarelor privind bătălia decisivă dintre Iancu de Hunedoara şi Mezid Beğ”, in Gianina-Diana Iegar, Péter Levente Szőcs, Gabriela Rusu, Florela Vasilescu (eds.), Evul Mediu neterminat/A befejezetlen középkor/The Unfinished Middle Ages. Omagiu profesorului Adrian Andrei Rusu cu ocazia împlinirii vârstei de 70 ani/Tanulmányok Adrian Andrei Rusu professzor közöntésére 70- születésnapja alkalmából/Studies in honour of Professor Adrian Andrei Rusu on his 70th birthday. Cluj Napoca, 2022, 149-161.
  • Cîmpeanu, Liviu, Neagoe, Claudiu-Ion, “Iancu de Hunedoara versus Şehâbeddîn. Un bilanţ al izvoarelor/Jean Hunyadi versus Şehabeddin. Un bilan des sources”, in Istros XXVIII (2022), 305-376.
  • Iulian Mihai Damian, “The Greek Rite Transylvanian Church in the 1450’: Archbishop John of Caffa and the Crusade in East-Central Europe”, in Ana Dumitran, Loránd Mádly, Alexandru Simon (eds.), Extincta est lucerna orbis: John Hunyadi and his Time. Cluj-Napoca, 2009, 143-153.
  • Documenta Romaniae Historica, seria D. Relații între Țările Române, vol. I (1222–1456), Ștefan Pascu et alii (eds.). București, 1977.
  • Drăgan, Ioan, Nobilimea românească din Transilvania între anii 1440–1514. București, 2000.
  • Drăgan, Ioan, “Familia Muşina de Densuş/Morsinai de Răchitova – rudele Hunedorenilor”, in Gianina-Diana Iegar, Péter Levente Szőcs, Gabriela Rusu, Florela Vasilescu (eds.), Evul Mediu neterminat/A befejezetlen középkor/The Unfinished Middle Ages. Omagiu profesorului Adrian Andrei Rusu cu ocazia împlinirii vârstei de 70 ani/Tanulmányok Adrian Andrei Rusu professzor közöntésére 70- születésnapja alkalmából/Studies in honour of Professor Adrian Andrei Rusu on his 70th birthday. Cluj Napoca, 2022, 127-141.
  • Dümmerth, Dezső, A két Hunyadi. Budapest, 1985.
  • Ebendorfer, Thomas, Chronica Austriae, ed. by Alphons Lhotsky. Berlin-Zürich, 1967.
  • Ebendorfer, Thomas, Chronica regum Romanorum, Teil 1, ed. by Harald Zimmermann. Hannover, 2003.
  • Elekes, Lajos, Hunyadi. Budapesta, 1952.
  • Engel, Pál, “Hunyadi János itineráriuma”, in Századok, 118, 5 (1984), 974–997.
  • Engel, Pál, ”János Hunyadi: The Decisive Years of His Career, 1440–1444”, in János M. Bak, Béla K. Kiraly (eds.), From Hunyadi to Rákóczi. War and Society in Late Medieval and Early Modern Hungary. New York, 1986, 103–123.
  • Engel, Pál, ”János Hunyadi and the ‚of Szeged’ (1444)”, in Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientarum Hungaricae, XLVII, 3 (1994), 241–257.
  • Engel, Pál, ”Hunyadi pályakezdése”, in Marius Diaconescu (ed.) Nobilimea românească din Transilvania/Az erdélyi román nemesség. Satu Mare, 1997, 91–109.
  • Engel, Pál, The Realm of St. Stephen. A History of Medieval Hungary, 895-1526, Translated by Tamás Pálosfalvi, English edition by Andrew Ayton. London-New York, 2001.
  • Fejér, Georgius, Genus, incunabula et virtus Joannis Corvini de Hunyad, regni Hungariae gubernatoris. Buda, 1844.
  • Földi, Pál, Hunyadi János a hadvezér. Budapesta, 2004.
  • Fraknói, Guglielmo, “Alfonso re di Napoli, candidato di Giovanni Hunyadi al trono di Ungheria dopo la bataglia di Varna”, in Corvina 2 (1922), 50-59.
  • Fraknói Vilmos, Ábel Jenő, ”Két magyarországi egyházi iró a XV. századból” in Irodalomtöréneti emlékek, vol. I. Budapest, 1886.
  • Gazavât-i Sultân Murâd bin Mehemmed Hân/The Holy Wars of Sultan Murad Son of Sultan Mehmed Khan, in Colin Imber, The Crusade of Varna, 1443-1445. ASHGATE, 2006, 41-106.
  • Held, Joseph, Hunyadi: legend and reality. Boulder, New York, 1985.
  • Hoensch, Jörg K., Kaiser Sigismund. Kaiser an der Schwelle der Neuzeit 1368-1437. München 1996.
  • Jefferson, John, The Holy Wars of King Wladislas and Sultan Murad. The Ottoman-Christian Conflict from 1438-1444. Leiden-Boston, 2012.
  • Karadja, Constantin I., Poema lui Michael Beheim despre cruciadele împotriva turcilor din anii 1443 şi 1444. Publicată după manuscrisele Pal. Germ. 334 şi 312 din Biblioteca Universităţii de la Heidelberg. Vălenii de Munte, 1936.
  • Koller, Heinrich, Kaiser Friedrich III. [Darmstadt, 2005].
  • Kubinyi, András, Matthias rex. Budapesta, 2008.
  • Lewicki, Anatolii (ed.), Codex epistolaris saeculi decimi quinti, tomus II. Cracovia, 1891.
  • Lupescu, Radu, ”Istoriografia română şi maghiară referitoare la Ioan de Hunedoara (I-II)’’, in Studii şi Materiale de Istorie Medie,” XXVI, 2008, 139-162; ibid. XXVII, 2009, 311-332.
  • Lupescu, Radu, “Matthias Hunyadi: from the Family Origins to the Threshold of Power”, in Matthias Corvinus, the King. Trandition and Renewal in the Hungarian Royal Cout 1458-1490. Budapest, 2008, 35-49.
  • Magyar Nemzeti Országos Levéltára (MNL. OL.), Diplomatikai Levéltár (DL) 14604 (transumpt).
  • MNOL, DL 14605 (transumpt)
  • MNOL, DL 14128.
  • MNOL, DL 24762
  • MNOL, DF 286311, f. 23 v. – 24 v., f. 25 r. – f. 26 v.
  • MNOL, DL 37614
  • MNOL, DL 37617
  • MNOL, DL 37618
  • MNOL, DF 290201 f. 83 v. – 84 r.
  • Marchland, Franz Krones von, Die Freien von Saneck und ihre Chronik als Grafen von Cilli, vol. II Die Cillier Chronik. Graz, 1883.
  • Mixson, James D., The Crusade of 1456. Texts and Documentation in Translation. Toronto-Buffalo-London, 2022.
  • Mureșanu, Camil, Iancu de Hunedoara. București, 1968. (2nd edition).
  • Neumann, Tibor, Varga, Szabolcs, “The Szapolyai Family’s Representation of Power”, in Pál Fodor, Szabolcs Varga (eds.), A Forgotten Hungarian Royal Dynasty: The Szapoyais. Budapest, 2020, 57-82.
  • Pálosfalvi, Tamás, “Cilleiek és Tallóciak: küzdelem Szlavóniáéert (1440-1448)”, in Századok 134, 1 (2000), 45-98.
  • Pálosfalvi, Tamás, „Az 1442. márciusi törökhadjárat. Adalékok Hunyadi János első törökellenes harcaihoz”, in Történelmi Szemle, XLIII, 1–2 (2001), 43–54.
  • Pálosfalvi, Tamás, From Nicopolis to Mohács. A History of Ottoman-Hungarian Warfare, 1389-1526. Leiden-Boston, 2018.
  • Pálosfalvi, Tamás, “Skanderbeg and the Hunyadis: Myth and Reality”, in Csaplár-Degovics Krisztián (ed.),"These were hard times for Skanderbeg, but he had an ally, the Hungarian Hunyadi": Episodes in Albanian-Hungarian Historical Contacts. Budapesta, 2019, 15-21.
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Toplam 79 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Uluslararası İlişkilerde Siyaset, Yeniçağ Balkan Tarihi, Yeniçağ Tarihi (Diğer)
Bölüm Articles

Liviu Cîmpeanu

Proje Numarası -
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 23 Haziran 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Mart 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: 12

Kaynak Göster

APA Cîmpeanu, L. (2024). John Hunyadi (ca. 1395-1456). An Outline of his Political and Military Career, According to the Latest Research. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies(12), 19-56.
AMA Cîmpeanu L. John Hunyadi (ca. 1395-1456). An Outline of his Political and Military Career, According to the Latest Research. BALKAR. Haziran 2024;(12):19-56. doi:10.56679/balkar.1429208
Chicago Cîmpeanu, Liviu. “John Hunyadi (ca. 1395-1456). An Outline of His Political and Military Career, According to the Latest Research”. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies, sy. 12 (Haziran 2024): 19-56.
EndNote Cîmpeanu L (01 Haziran 2024) John Hunyadi (ca. 1395-1456). An Outline of his Political and Military Career, According to the Latest Research. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies 12 19–56.
IEEE L. Cîmpeanu, “John Hunyadi (ca. 1395-1456). An Outline of his Political and Military Career, According to the Latest Research”, BALKAR, sy. 12, ss. 19–56, Haziran 2024, doi: 10.56679/balkar.1429208.
ISNAD Cîmpeanu, Liviu. “John Hunyadi (ca. 1395-1456). An Outline of His Political and Military Career, According to the Latest Research”. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies 12 (Haziran 2024), 19-56.
JAMA Cîmpeanu L. John Hunyadi (ca. 1395-1456). An Outline of his Political and Military Career, According to the Latest Research. BALKAR. 2024;:19–56.
MLA Cîmpeanu, Liviu. “John Hunyadi (ca. 1395-1456). An Outline of His Political and Military Career, According to the Latest Research”. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies, sy. 12, 2024, ss. 19-56, doi:10.56679/balkar.1429208.
Vancouver Cîmpeanu L. John Hunyadi (ca. 1395-1456). An Outline of his Political and Military Career, According to the Latest Research. BALKAR. 2024(12):19-56.