Physical Education Preservice Teachers' Adaptations to Lesson Plans in an Introductory Methods Class
Year 2024,
Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 192 - 207, 29.12.2024
Toon Dehandschutter
Hans Van Der Mars
Phillip Ward
Peter Iserbyt
The purpose of this study was to investigate the adaptations made to core practices in lesson plans (LPs) during the first methods class in a physical education teacher education program. In addition, it was assessed whether the adaptations to core practice were classified as modifications or refinements. Trained coders assessed preservice teachers’ (PSTs) (n=71) adaptations to LPs following their teaching episode in frisbee and parkour during an introductory methods class. They also classified the adaptation as either a modification (i.e., substantial change) or a refinement (i.e., finetuning). Overall, 156 adaptations were coded in frisbee and 342 in parkour, with an average of 7 adaptations per lesson plan for both frisbee and parkour. Respectively task presentation (36% of all adaptations for frisbee and 32% for parkour), active supervision and monitoring (20% for frisbee and 25% for parkour), management (20% for frisbee and 15% for parkour), and content development (16% for frisbee and 23% for parkour) were adapted the most by PSTs. In contrast, adaptations for goals and assessment (5% for frisbee and 2% for parkour), and rules and routines (3% for both frisbee and parkour) were rarely made. Most adaptations were modifications instead of refinements, except for active supervision and monitoring. This research deepens our understanding of how preservice physical education teachers develop adaptive competence in a first methods class.
- Anderson, W. G. (1971). Descriptive-analytic research on teaching. Quest, 15(1). https:///
- Anthony, G., Hunter, J. & Hunter, R. (2015). Prospective teachers development of adaptive expertise. Teaching and Teacher Education, 49(3), 108–117.
- Ball, D. L., & Forzani, F. M. (2009). The work of teaching and the challenge for teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(5), 497-511.
- Bosmans, J., Debaillie, J., Dehandschutter, T., Madou, T., Ward, P., & Iserbyt, P. (2024). Preservice teachers’ adaptations to lesson plans in a methods class: a case study. International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education. 8(2), 169-181.
- Bransford, J., Derry, S., Berliner, D., & Hammerness, K. (2005). Theories of learning and their roles in teaching. Darling-Hammond, L, Bransford, J. (Eds.). In Preparing teachers for a changing world: What teachers should learn and be able to do (pp. 40-87). Jossey-Bass.
- Brühwiler, C., & Blatchford, F. (2011). Effects of class size and adaptive teaching competency on classroom processes and academic outcome. Learning and Instruction, 21(1), 95–108.
- Cho, K. (2022). Developing teaching adaptability in pre-service teachers using practice-based teacher education. Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports.
- Cho, K, Tsuda, E., Ward, P., & Chey, WS. (2023). Developing adaptive planning skills by preservice physical education teachers. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 43(2), 238-245.
- Cho, K. Tsuda, E., Ward, P. (2024). Developing adaptive teaching competence in preservice physical education teachers. European Physical Education Review.
- Darling-Hammond, L. (2021). Defining teaching quality around the world. European Journal of Teacher Education, 44(3), 295-308.
- Dehandschutter, T., van der Mars, H., Ward, P., Iserbyt, P. (2024). Two preservice teachers’ adaptive competence in lesson planning across two high school placements. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 1-10.
- Dervent, F., Devrilmez, E., Ince, M L. (2020). A national analysis of the content knowledge of Turkish physical education teacher education students. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 25(6), 613-628.
- Doyle, W. (1986). Classroom organization and management. Wittrock, M.C. (Ed.) In Handbook of research on teaching, 3, pp.392– 431.
- Ericsson, K. A., Krampe, R. T., & Tesch-Römer, C. (1993). The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance: A general overview. Academic Emergency Medicine, 3(4), 390-396.
- Forzani, F. M. (2014). Understanding “core practices” and “practice-based” teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 65(4), 357-368.
- Grossman, P., Hammerness, K., & McDonald, M. (2009). Redefining teaching, re‐imagining teacher education. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 15(2), 273-289.
- Iserbyt, P., & Coolkens, R.(2019). Content development as a function of content knowledge courses in preservice physical education teachers. International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education. 4(2), 41-54.
- Iserbyt, P., Mous, A., Vandenlindenloof, C., & Vanluyten, K. (2024). The effect of content knowledge on content development, task adaptations, and children’s task performance in elementary school. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education (ahead of print).
- Iserbyt, P., Lund, J., and Lux, F. (2024). Instructional alignment in physical education student teachers’ lesson plans for individual sports. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. (ahead of print), 1-11.
- Kim, I. et al. (2018). The influence of content knowledge on pedagogical content knowledge: an evidence-based practice for physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 37, 133-143. Https://doi/10.1123/jtpe.2017-0168
- Lampert, M. (2009). Learning teaching in, from, and for practice: What do we mean? Journal of Teacher Education. 61(1-2), 21-34.
- Lampert, M., Franke, M. L., Kazemi, E., Ghousseini, H., Turrou, A. C., Beasley, H., Cunard, A., & Crowe, K. (2013). Keeping it complex: Using rehearsals to support novice teacher learning of ambitious teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 64(3), 226-243.
- McDonald, M., Kazemi, E., & Kavanagh, S. S. (2013). Core practices and pedagogies of teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 64(5), 378-386.
- Rink, J. (2020). Teaching physical education for learning (8th ed). McGraw-Hill.
- Schön, D. A., (2017). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. Routledge.
- Shulman, L.S. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher, 15, 4–14. https://doi:10.3102/0013189X015002004
- Standal, O.F, Moen, K.M., Moe, V.F. (2014). Theory and practice in the context of practicum: the perspectives of Norwegian physical education student teachers. European Physical Education Review. 20(2).
- Vilaça, B, Iserbyt, P., Mesquita, I., & Farias, C. (2024). Physical education preservice teachers’ adaptive competence during school placement: A case study. International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education, 8(3). 268-283.
- Von Esch, K.S., Kavanagh, S. (2017). Preparing mainstream classroom teachers of English learner students: grounding practice-based designs for teacher learning in theories of adaptive expertise development. Journal of Teacher Education. 69(3).
- Ward, P., Li, W., Kim, I., Lee, Y. S. (2012). Content knowledge courses in physical education programs in South Korea and Ohio. International Journal of Human Movement Science, 6(1), 107-120.
- Ward, P., Kim, I., Ko, B., & Li, W. (2014). Effects of improving teachers’ content knowledge on teaching and student learning in physical education. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86(2), 130-139.
- Ward, P., Ayvazo, S. (2016). Pedagogical content knowledge: conceptions and findings in physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 35, 194-207.
- Ward, P., Chen, Y. J., Higginson, K., & Xie, X. (2018). Teaching rehearsals and repeated teaching: Practice-based physical education teacher education pedagogies. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 89(6), 20–25.
- Ward, P. (2020). Core practices for teaching physical education: Recommendations for teacher education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 40(1), 98–108.
- Ward, P. Ayvazo, S, Dervent, F., Iserbyt, P., & Kim, I. (2020). Instructional progression and the role of working models in physical education. Quest, 72(4), 410-429.
- Ward, P., Dervent, F., Devrilmez, E., Iserbyt, P., Kim, I., Ko. B., Santiago, J., Tsuda, E., & Xiuye, X. (2022). Practice-based teacher education in physical education, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 4(3), 442-451.
- Xie, X., Ward, P., Oh, D., Li, Y., Atkinson, O., Cho, K., & Kim, M. (2021). Preservice physical education teachers’ development of adaptive competence. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 40(4), 538–546.
- Xie, X., Ward, P., Chey, W. S., Dillon, L., Trainer, S., & Cho, K. (2022). Developing preservice teachers’ adaptive competence using repeated rehearsals, opportunities to reflect, and lesson plan modifications. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 41(4), 553–561.
- Xie, X., Ward, P., Chey, WS, Dillon, L, Trainer, S., & Watanabe R. (2023). Teaching adaptive competence to preservice teachers in an introductory methods class. Journal of Physical Education and Sport Studies. 15(2), 90-112.
Beden Eğitimi Öğretmen Adaylarının Giriş Yöntemleri Dersinde Ders Planlarına Yaptıkları Uyarlamalar
Year 2024,
Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 192 - 207, 29.12.2024
Toon Dehandschutter
Hans Van Der Mars
Phillip Ward
Peter Iserbyt
Bu çalışmanın amacı, beden eğitimi öğretmenliği programının ilk yöntemler dersinde ders planlarındaki (DP'ler) temel uygulamalara yapılan uyarlamaları incelemektir. Ayrıca, temel uygulamalara yapılan uyarlamaların "değişiklik" mi (modifications) yoksa "iyileştirme" mi (refinements) olarak sınıflandırıldığı değerlendirilmiştir. Yöntemler. Eğitilmiş kodlayıcılar, öğretmen adaylarının (ÖA'lar) (n=71) giriş düzeyindeki yöntemler dersinde frisbee ve parkur ile ilgili öğretim bölümlerinden sonra DP'lerine yaptıkları uyarlamaları değerlendirmiştir. Ayrıca uyarlamaları ya "değişiklik" (yani, önemli bir değişiklik) ya da "iyileştirme" (yani, küçük düzenleme) olarak sınıflandırmışlardır. Sonuçlar. Genel olarak, frisbee'de 156 ve parkurda 342 uyarlama kodlanmış olup, her iki ders planında (frisbee ve parkur) ortalama 7 uyarlama yapılmıştır. Görev sunumu (tüm uyarlamaların %36'sı frisbee ve %32'si parkur için), aktif gözetim ve izleme (%20'si frisbee ve %25'i parkur için), yönetim (%20'si frisbee ve %15'i parkur için) ve içerik geliştirme (%16'sı frisbee ve %23'ü parkur için) en fazla uyarlanan alanlar olmuştur. Buna karşılık, hedefler ve değerlendirme (%5'i frisbee ve %2'si parkur için), kurallar ve rutinler (%3'ü hem frisbee hem de parkur için) nadiren uyarlanmıştır. Aktif gözetim ve izleme dışındaki çoğu uyarlamalar iyileştirme yerine değişiklik olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Bu araştırma, öğretmen adaylarının ilk yöntemler dersinde nasıl uyum sağlayıcı yetkinlik geliştirdiklerine dair anlayışımızı derinleştirmektedir.
Ethical Statement
Ethical approval was obtained from the institution of the first author
- Anderson, W. G. (1971). Descriptive-analytic research on teaching. Quest, 15(1). https:///
- Anthony, G., Hunter, J. & Hunter, R. (2015). Prospective teachers development of adaptive expertise. Teaching and Teacher Education, 49(3), 108–117.
- Ball, D. L., & Forzani, F. M. (2009). The work of teaching and the challenge for teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(5), 497-511.
- Bosmans, J., Debaillie, J., Dehandschutter, T., Madou, T., Ward, P., & Iserbyt, P. (2024). Preservice teachers’ adaptations to lesson plans in a methods class: a case study. International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education. 8(2), 169-181.
- Bransford, J., Derry, S., Berliner, D., & Hammerness, K. (2005). Theories of learning and their roles in teaching. Darling-Hammond, L, Bransford, J. (Eds.). In Preparing teachers for a changing world: What teachers should learn and be able to do (pp. 40-87). Jossey-Bass.
- Brühwiler, C., & Blatchford, F. (2011). Effects of class size and adaptive teaching competency on classroom processes and academic outcome. Learning and Instruction, 21(1), 95–108.
- Cho, K. (2022). Developing teaching adaptability in pre-service teachers using practice-based teacher education. Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports.
- Cho, K, Tsuda, E., Ward, P., & Chey, WS. (2023). Developing adaptive planning skills by preservice physical education teachers. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 43(2), 238-245.
- Cho, K. Tsuda, E., Ward, P. (2024). Developing adaptive teaching competence in preservice physical education teachers. European Physical Education Review.
- Darling-Hammond, L. (2021). Defining teaching quality around the world. European Journal of Teacher Education, 44(3), 295-308.
- Dehandschutter, T., van der Mars, H., Ward, P., Iserbyt, P. (2024). Two preservice teachers’ adaptive competence in lesson planning across two high school placements. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 1-10.
- Dervent, F., Devrilmez, E., Ince, M L. (2020). A national analysis of the content knowledge of Turkish physical education teacher education students. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 25(6), 613-628.
- Doyle, W. (1986). Classroom organization and management. Wittrock, M.C. (Ed.) In Handbook of research on teaching, 3, pp.392– 431.
- Ericsson, K. A., Krampe, R. T., & Tesch-Römer, C. (1993). The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance: A general overview. Academic Emergency Medicine, 3(4), 390-396.
- Forzani, F. M. (2014). Understanding “core practices” and “practice-based” teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 65(4), 357-368.
- Grossman, P., Hammerness, K., & McDonald, M. (2009). Redefining teaching, re‐imagining teacher education. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 15(2), 273-289.
- Iserbyt, P., & Coolkens, R.(2019). Content development as a function of content knowledge courses in preservice physical education teachers. International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education. 4(2), 41-54.
- Iserbyt, P., Mous, A., Vandenlindenloof, C., & Vanluyten, K. (2024). The effect of content knowledge on content development, task adaptations, and children’s task performance in elementary school. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education (ahead of print).
- Iserbyt, P., Lund, J., and Lux, F. (2024). Instructional alignment in physical education student teachers’ lesson plans for individual sports. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. (ahead of print), 1-11.
- Kim, I. et al. (2018). The influence of content knowledge on pedagogical content knowledge: an evidence-based practice for physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 37, 133-143. Https://doi/10.1123/jtpe.2017-0168
- Lampert, M. (2009). Learning teaching in, from, and for practice: What do we mean? Journal of Teacher Education. 61(1-2), 21-34.
- Lampert, M., Franke, M. L., Kazemi, E., Ghousseini, H., Turrou, A. C., Beasley, H., Cunard, A., & Crowe, K. (2013). Keeping it complex: Using rehearsals to support novice teacher learning of ambitious teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 64(3), 226-243.
- McDonald, M., Kazemi, E., & Kavanagh, S. S. (2013). Core practices and pedagogies of teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 64(5), 378-386.
- Rink, J. (2020). Teaching physical education for learning (8th ed). McGraw-Hill.
- Schön, D. A., (2017). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. Routledge.
- Shulman, L.S. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher, 15, 4–14. https://doi:10.3102/0013189X015002004
- Standal, O.F, Moen, K.M., Moe, V.F. (2014). Theory and practice in the context of practicum: the perspectives of Norwegian physical education student teachers. European Physical Education Review. 20(2).
- Vilaça, B, Iserbyt, P., Mesquita, I., & Farias, C. (2024). Physical education preservice teachers’ adaptive competence during school placement: A case study. International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education, 8(3). 268-283.
- Von Esch, K.S., Kavanagh, S. (2017). Preparing mainstream classroom teachers of English learner students: grounding practice-based designs for teacher learning in theories of adaptive expertise development. Journal of Teacher Education. 69(3).
- Ward, P., Li, W., Kim, I., Lee, Y. S. (2012). Content knowledge courses in physical education programs in South Korea and Ohio. International Journal of Human Movement Science, 6(1), 107-120.
- Ward, P., Kim, I., Ko, B., & Li, W. (2014). Effects of improving teachers’ content knowledge on teaching and student learning in physical education. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86(2), 130-139.
- Ward, P., Ayvazo, S. (2016). Pedagogical content knowledge: conceptions and findings in physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 35, 194-207.
- Ward, P., Chen, Y. J., Higginson, K., & Xie, X. (2018). Teaching rehearsals and repeated teaching: Practice-based physical education teacher education pedagogies. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 89(6), 20–25.
- Ward, P. (2020). Core practices for teaching physical education: Recommendations for teacher education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 40(1), 98–108.
- Ward, P. Ayvazo, S, Dervent, F., Iserbyt, P., & Kim, I. (2020). Instructional progression and the role of working models in physical education. Quest, 72(4), 410-429.
- Ward, P., Dervent, F., Devrilmez, E., Iserbyt, P., Kim, I., Ko. B., Santiago, J., Tsuda, E., & Xiuye, X. (2022). Practice-based teacher education in physical education, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 4(3), 442-451.
- Xie, X., Ward, P., Oh, D., Li, Y., Atkinson, O., Cho, K., & Kim, M. (2021). Preservice physical education teachers’ development of adaptive competence. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 40(4), 538–546.
- Xie, X., Ward, P., Chey, W. S., Dillon, L., Trainer, S., & Cho, K. (2022). Developing preservice teachers’ adaptive competence using repeated rehearsals, opportunities to reflect, and lesson plan modifications. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 41(4), 553–561.
- Xie, X., Ward, P., Chey, WS, Dillon, L, Trainer, S., & Watanabe R. (2023). Teaching adaptive competence to preservice teachers in an introductory methods class. Journal of Physical Education and Sport Studies. 15(2), 90-112.