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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 1 - 21, 31.05.2017


Göç kavramı Türkiye ve Almanya ilişkileri için çok önemlidir. Çünkü hem Türkler hem Almanlar Anadolu ve Avrupa’ya göç sonucu gelmişlerdir. Almanya ve Türkiye’nin 31 Ekim 1961’de imzaladığı antlaşma neticesinde Almanya, Türk işçilerini Almanya’ya davet etmiştir. Bu dönemde, Alman ekonomisi diğer Avrupa ülkelerine göre çok iyi koşullara sahipti. Bunun sonucu Alman toplumunun bir kısmı Türk göçmenlerini kabullenmiş diğer kısmı kabullenmemiştir. Bu çalışma 1980’den 2000’lere kadar Türk göçmenlerin problemlerinden bahsetmektedir. Her şeyden önce, bu çalışma Almanya’daki Türk korkusunun sebepleri hakkında bazı detaylar vermektedir. 12 Eylül 1980’den sonra Türk göçmenlerin profillerinde değişme başlamıştır. Doğu ve Batı Almanya birleştikten sonra Türk göçmenler birçok ekonomik problem yaşamıştır. Bunun sonucu, birçok Türk göçmen Türkiye’ye dönmüştür. Bu süreçte, Türk göçmenler arasında kimlik sorunu ve kuşak çatışması başlamıştır. Bundan dolayı, Türk göçmenler Almanya’da ideolojik, bölgesel, dinsel farklılıklar sebebiyle bölünmüştür. Türk göçmenlerin Almanya’da her birinin kabul ettiği genel bir örgüt yoktur. Bir başka yönden bu çalışma Türkiye ve Almanya’nın Türk göçmenlere karşı politikasını vermeyi amaçlamaktadır.


  • BAKER, David P.(1985), ESER,Yılmaz, “ Effect Of Immigration Workers on EducationalStratification in Germany”, Sociology of Education, Vol.58, No.4. ss. 213-227.
  • BAL, İdris, (2006) “Türkiye’nin Dış Göç Politikası”, İçinde Turgut Göksu”, 21.Yüzyılda Türk Dış Politikası, Ankara: AGAM Yayınları.
  • BOHNİNG,W. R. (1974) , “ImmigrationPolicies of Western Europen Countries”, Special İssuePolicyAndResearch On, Vol. 8, No. 2, ss. 155-163.
  • BORGAS, George j.(1994) “TheEconomic of Immigration”, Journal of EconomicLiterature, Vol. 32, No. 4, ss. 1667- 1717.
  • BURNS, Rob, (1994) “Images of Alterity:SecondGenerationTurks in the Federal Republic” , Univercity of Warnıck, Modern Humanities ResearchAssociation, ss. 744-757.
  • CLARK, John, LEGGE, Jerome S.(1997) “Economics, Racism, and Attitudes TowardImmigration in The New Germany”, PoliticalResearch Quarterly, Vol. 50, No.4,ss. 901-917.
  • DASTİDA, Molica,(2001) “Racism in Germany: Double Talk by Political Parties”, EconomicandPoliticalWeekly, Vol.36, No. 12, ss. 1006-1008.
  • ENGELEN, Ewald, (2006) “A ComparativePoliticalEconomy Of Integration”, TijdschriftvoorEconomische en SocialeGeografie , Vol. 97, No. 1, ss. 69–79.
  • ERBAŞ, Ali,(1996) “21. Yüzyıla Doğru Birleşik Almanya ‘da Neo Nazi Terörizmi”, Avrasya Dosyası, Cilt.3, Sayı.3.
  • FEİCHTİNGER, Gustau, STEİNMANN, Gunder, (1992) “Immigration into a PopulationwithFertilityBelowReplacement Level thecase of Germany”, PopulationStudies, Vol. 46, No. 2, ss. 275-284.
  • FİJALKOWSKİ,Jurgen,(1993) “AgressiveNationalism”, Immigration Review, Vol.27, No.4, ss. 850-869.
  • FRİMAN, H. Richard, (2004) “ The Great Escape ?Globalization, EntrepreneurshipandCriminalEconomy”, Review of International PoliticalEconomy, Vol. 11, No .1, ss. 98-131.
  • HAASEN, Chrıstıan, BLATTER, Andrea, GHRAEI Danial(2004) “PsychosocialAspect of OpiateDepedenceAmongTurkish Migrants in Germany”, Journalof etnhnicity in substance , Vol. 3 (1), ss. 1-10.
  • JOPPKE, Christian, (1998) “Why Liberal StatesAcceptUnwanted Migration”, World politics, Vol. 50, No. 2, ss. 266-293.
  • KRISTINE, Eva, Qstergaar- Nielsen, (2001) “TransnationalPolitical Practices AndTheReceivingState: Turks an Kurds İn Germany and the Netherlands”, Global Networks 1, , ISNN 1470- 2266, ss. 261-281.
  • MALHOTRA, M. K.,(1985) “TheEducational Problem of Foreign Children of DifferentNationalities in West germany”, Etnicand RacialStudies , Vol. 8, No. 2, ss. 291-309.
  • MUNSCHER, Alice, (1984) “TheWorkdayRoutines of TurkişhWomen in FederalRepublic of Germany: Result of a Pılotstudy”, International Review, Vol.18, No.4, SpecialIssue: Women in Migration, ss. 1230-1246.
  • ÖGELMAN,Nedim, (2003) “DocumentingAndExplaningthe Persistence of HomelandPoliticAmongGermany’sTurks”, International Migration Review, Vol.37, No.1, 163-193.
  • SANDER, Oral, (2008)Siyasi Tarih İlk Çağlardan 1918’e, Ankara,: İmge Yayınları.
  • STEFFEN Pischke,, VELLİNG,Johannes, (1997) “EmploymentEffects of Immigrationto Germany : An Analysis Base on Local Markets”, TheReview of EconomicStatistic, Vol.79,No.4, ss. 594-604.
  • TEITELBAUM, Michael S. “Immigration, Refugees, andForeign Policy”, International Organization, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Summer, 1984), ss. 429-450.
  • TOPÇUOĞLU, Abdullah, “Almanya Artık Onlar İçin Acı Vatan Değil”,, (erişim tarihi: 23. 09. 2010).
  • WOOD, William B. (1994),“Forced Migration: LocalConflictsand International Dilemmas, Annals of theAssociation of AmericanGeographers”, Vol. 84, No. 4, ss. 607-634.
  • WHİTE, Jenny B., (1997) “Turks in the Germany “, American Antropoligist, New Series, Vol.99, No.4, ss. 754-769.
  • WORBS, Susanne, (2003) “TheSecond Generation in Germany Between School andLabor Market”, International Migration Review, Vol. 37, No.4, ss. 1011-1038.
  • YILDIRIM, Mustafa, (2001) “Tarihten Günümüze Münih’teki Türkler ve Bazı Türk Eserleri”, SocialSciencesInstituteJournal, Selçuk Universit, ss. 490-506..
  • YURDAKUL,Gökçe, BODEMAN, Micheal, (2006) “WeDontWantto Be Jewsof Tomorrow”, GermanPoliticsandSociety, Issue.79, Vol. 24, No. 2, ss. 44-67.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 1 - 21, 31.05.2017


Concept of immigration is very important fort the relation between Germany and Turkey. Because either Turks and Germans came to Anatolia and Europe in result of immigration. Germany and Turkey signed a agrement that invited Turkish workers to Germany on 31 October 1961. At this period, economy of Germany was very good. As a result, some of the German society has not accepted the all part of the Turkish immigrants. This study focus on the problems of Turkish immigrations from 1980 to 2000’s in Germany. First of all, this study gives some details about reasons of “Turk fobie” in Germany. Profile of Turkish immigrants started to change in Germany after 12 September 1980. After East Germany and West Germany unified, Turkish immigrants lived a lot of economic problems. Therefore, some of Turkish immigrants turned back to Turkey. At this process, identtity problem and generation conflict begun between Turkish immigrants. Therefore, Turkish immigrants was diveded in Germany by ideological, regional, religional lines. Turkish immigrants don’t have a common organization which is accepted by each Turkish immigrant in Germany. On the other hand, this study aims at giving some information about the policy of Turkey and Germany toward Turkish immigrants.


  • BAKER, David P.(1985), ESER,Yılmaz, “ Effect Of Immigration Workers on EducationalStratification in Germany”, Sociology of Education, Vol.58, No.4. ss. 213-227.
  • BAL, İdris, (2006) “Türkiye’nin Dış Göç Politikası”, İçinde Turgut Göksu”, 21.Yüzyılda Türk Dış Politikası, Ankara: AGAM Yayınları.
  • BOHNİNG,W. R. (1974) , “ImmigrationPolicies of Western Europen Countries”, Special İssuePolicyAndResearch On, Vol. 8, No. 2, ss. 155-163.
  • BORGAS, George j.(1994) “TheEconomic of Immigration”, Journal of EconomicLiterature, Vol. 32, No. 4, ss. 1667- 1717.
  • BURNS, Rob, (1994) “Images of Alterity:SecondGenerationTurks in the Federal Republic” , Univercity of Warnıck, Modern Humanities ResearchAssociation, ss. 744-757.
  • CLARK, John, LEGGE, Jerome S.(1997) “Economics, Racism, and Attitudes TowardImmigration in The New Germany”, PoliticalResearch Quarterly, Vol. 50, No.4,ss. 901-917.
  • DASTİDA, Molica,(2001) “Racism in Germany: Double Talk by Political Parties”, EconomicandPoliticalWeekly, Vol.36, No. 12, ss. 1006-1008.
  • ENGELEN, Ewald, (2006) “A ComparativePoliticalEconomy Of Integration”, TijdschriftvoorEconomische en SocialeGeografie , Vol. 97, No. 1, ss. 69–79.
  • ERBAŞ, Ali,(1996) “21. Yüzyıla Doğru Birleşik Almanya ‘da Neo Nazi Terörizmi”, Avrasya Dosyası, Cilt.3, Sayı.3.
  • FEİCHTİNGER, Gustau, STEİNMANN, Gunder, (1992) “Immigration into a PopulationwithFertilityBelowReplacement Level thecase of Germany”, PopulationStudies, Vol. 46, No. 2, ss. 275-284.
  • FİJALKOWSKİ,Jurgen,(1993) “AgressiveNationalism”, Immigration Review, Vol.27, No.4, ss. 850-869.
  • FRİMAN, H. Richard, (2004) “ The Great Escape ?Globalization, EntrepreneurshipandCriminalEconomy”, Review of International PoliticalEconomy, Vol. 11, No .1, ss. 98-131.
  • HAASEN, Chrıstıan, BLATTER, Andrea, GHRAEI Danial(2004) “PsychosocialAspect of OpiateDepedenceAmongTurkish Migrants in Germany”, Journalof etnhnicity in substance , Vol. 3 (1), ss. 1-10.
  • JOPPKE, Christian, (1998) “Why Liberal StatesAcceptUnwanted Migration”, World politics, Vol. 50, No. 2, ss. 266-293.
  • KRISTINE, Eva, Qstergaar- Nielsen, (2001) “TransnationalPolitical Practices AndTheReceivingState: Turks an Kurds İn Germany and the Netherlands”, Global Networks 1, , ISNN 1470- 2266, ss. 261-281.
  • MALHOTRA, M. K.,(1985) “TheEducational Problem of Foreign Children of DifferentNationalities in West germany”, Etnicand RacialStudies , Vol. 8, No. 2, ss. 291-309.
  • MUNSCHER, Alice, (1984) “TheWorkdayRoutines of TurkişhWomen in FederalRepublic of Germany: Result of a Pılotstudy”, International Review, Vol.18, No.4, SpecialIssue: Women in Migration, ss. 1230-1246.
  • ÖGELMAN,Nedim, (2003) “DocumentingAndExplaningthe Persistence of HomelandPoliticAmongGermany’sTurks”, International Migration Review, Vol.37, No.1, 163-193.
  • SANDER, Oral, (2008)Siyasi Tarih İlk Çağlardan 1918’e, Ankara,: İmge Yayınları.
  • STEFFEN Pischke,, VELLİNG,Johannes, (1997) “EmploymentEffects of Immigrationto Germany : An Analysis Base on Local Markets”, TheReview of EconomicStatistic, Vol.79,No.4, ss. 594-604.
  • TEITELBAUM, Michael S. “Immigration, Refugees, andForeign Policy”, International Organization, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Summer, 1984), ss. 429-450.
  • TOPÇUOĞLU, Abdullah, “Almanya Artık Onlar İçin Acı Vatan Değil”,, (erişim tarihi: 23. 09. 2010).
  • WOOD, William B. (1994),“Forced Migration: LocalConflictsand International Dilemmas, Annals of theAssociation of AmericanGeographers”, Vol. 84, No. 4, ss. 607-634.
  • WHİTE, Jenny B., (1997) “Turks in the Germany “, American Antropoligist, New Series, Vol.99, No.4, ss. 754-769.
  • WORBS, Susanne, (2003) “TheSecond Generation in Germany Between School andLabor Market”, International Migration Review, Vol. 37, No.4, ss. 1011-1038.
  • YILDIRIM, Mustafa, (2001) “Tarihten Günümüze Münih’teki Türkler ve Bazı Türk Eserleri”, SocialSciencesInstituteJournal, Selçuk Universit, ss. 490-506..
  • YURDAKUL,Gökçe, BODEMAN, Micheal, (2006) “WeDontWantto Be Jewsof Tomorrow”, GermanPoliticsandSociety, Issue.79, Vol. 24, No. 2, ss. 44-67.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Yusuf Çınar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çınar, Y. (2017). TÜRK ALMAN İLİŞKİLERİNDE ALMANYA’DAKİ TÜRK GÖÇMENLER (1961-2000). Akademik İzdüşüm Dergisi, 2(2), 1-21.

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