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Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 1 Issue: 4, 127 - 132, 01.10.2018



  • Alexander M. 1977. Introduction to soil microbiology. 2nd Edition John Wiley. Sons. Inc. New York, USA, 115-147.
  • Antisari VL, Marinari S, Dell'Abate MT, Baffi C, VianelloG. 2010. Plant Cover and Epipedon SOM Stability as Factors Affecting Brown Soil Profile Development and Microbial Activity, Geoderma, 161, 212-224.
  • Aşkın T, Kızılkaya R. 2009. Soil basal respiration and dehydrogenase activity of aggregates: astudy in a toposequence of pasture soils. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 96(1), 98-112.
  • Babu VSM, Parma V, Kumar, Anıl S. 2010. Enzymes Activities in Soils under Central Dry Agro Climatic Zone of Karnataka, India as Influenced by Soil Depth, Organic and Conventional Management Systems, EuropeanJournal of Soil Biology, 3(1), 50-53.
  • Bouyoucos, GJ.1951. A recalibration of the hydrometer method for making mechanicalanalysis of soils. Agronomy Journal 43, 434-438. Dengiz O, Kızılkaya R, Göl C, HepşenŞ. 2007. Effects of Different Topographic Positions on Soil Properties and Soil Enzymes Activities, Asian Journal of Chemistry,19(3), 2295-2306.
  • Garcia C, Hernandez T, Costa F, Ceccanti B. 1994. Biochemical parameters in soilsregenerated by the addition of organic wastes. Waste Management and Research 12, 457-466.
  • Gök M, Onaç I. 1995. “HilvanveBazikiOvalarındaYer Alan YaygınToprakSerilerininBazıMikro-BiyolojikÖzellikleri”. ToprakİlmiDerneğiİlhanAkalanToprakveÇevreSempozyumu. Ankara.
  • Jackson M L. 1958. Soil Chemical Analysis. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice HallInc.
  • Kızılkaya R, Aşkın T. 2006. The spatial variability of soil dehydrogenase activity: a survey in urban soils. X.Congress of Croatian Society of Soil Science on Soil Functions in the Environment. June 14-17, 2006. Sibenik, Croatia. Abstract Book (ISBN 953-6135-54-X). p.68.
  • Kızılkaya R, Dengiz O, Hepşen Ş, Başkan O. 2007. β-Glucosidase Enzyme Activity and Its Relationships with Physico-Chemical Properties in Çatalkaya Basin, Ankara, Ninth Baku International Congress, Energy, Ecology, Economy, 7-9 June, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • Kızılkaya R, Dengiz O, Alpaslan T, Durmuş M, Işıldak V, Aksu S. 2010. Changes of Soil Microbial Biomass C and Basal Soil Respiration in Different Land Use and Land Cover.
  • International Soil Science Congress on Management of Natural Resources to Sustain SoilHealth and Quality, R.Kizilkaya, C.Gulser, O.Dengiz (Eds.), Sayfa: 1039-1046, 26-28 May,Samsun, Turkey.
  • Lorenz K, Kandeler E. 2004. Biochemical Characterization of Urban Soil Profiles from Stuttgart, Germany, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 37, 1373-1385.
  • Marinari S, VittoriAntisari L. 2010. Effect of Lithological Substrate on Microbial Biomass and Enzyme Activity in Brown Soil Profiles in the Northern Apennines (Italy), Pedobiologia, 53, 313-320.
  • Müller G. 1965. Bodenbiologie. VEB Gustov Fischer Verlag Jena.
  • Okur N.1997. ToprakEnzimleriDersNotları. EgeÜniversitesiZiraatFakültesiToprakBölümü, Bornova, İzmir.
  • PepperIL, Gerba CP, Brendecke JW. 1995. Environmental Microbiology: A laboratoryManual. Academic Press, New York, pp. 175.
  • Rhoades JD. 1986. Cation Exchange Capacity, Chemical and Microbiological Properties. Methods of Soil Analysis, Part II. Madison: ASA and SSSA Agronomy Monograph, No: 9.
  • Rowell MJ, Ladd JN, Paul EA. 1973. Enzymatically Active Complexes of Proteases and Humic and Analogues. Soil Biol. Biochem. (5): 699-703.
  • Schinner F. 1986. “Veröffentlichungen der Landwirtschaftlich-ChemischenBundesanstalt Linz/Donau”. 11. Seminar: Die AdwendungEnzymatischer und Mikrobiologischer Methodenin der Bodenanalyse.
  • Skujins J. 1973. Dehydrogenase: An indicator of biological activities in arid soil. Bulletin Ecological Communication (Stockholm) 17: 97-110.
  • Soil Survey Staff. 1992. Procedures for Collecting Soil Samples and Methods of Analysis for Soil Survey. Soil Surv. Invest. Report, Washington D.C., USA: I. U.S. Gov. Print. Office.
  • Soil Survey Staff. 1993. Soil Survey Manual, USDA Handbook, Washington D.C., No: 18.
  • Tabatabai MA. 1982. Soil Enzymes. In Methods of Analysis, Part 2, 2nd Ed. A. L. Page Et Al (Eds). Agronomy J. (9): 903-947.
  • Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil Taxonomy. A Basic of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting soil Survey. USDA Handbook No: 436, Washington D.C. USA.
  • Soil Survey Staff, 2004. Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual Soil Survey InvestigationsReport, USDA, No:42.
  • Trevors JT. 1984. Rapid Gas Chromatographic Method to Measure H2O2 Oxidoreductase (Catalase) Activity in Soil, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 16, 525-526.

Variation of Dehidrogenase Enzyme Activity and Different Pedogenetic Development on Weathered Basaltic Toposequences

Year 2018, Volume: 1 Issue: 4, 127 - 132, 01.10.2018


The aim of this study is to examine the changes in dehydrogenase enzyme activity in different pedological development soils formed on the same parent material, but with different slopes, land cover and land use under semihumid climatic conditions. It was carried out on the soil formed on the basaltic parent material in different topographical positions within the Dağköy area of Engiz district, which is located at the south of the Samsun-Bafra Highway. In this study, dehydrogenase enzyme activity was assessed in order to reveal the biological properties of the soil of the study area and it was investigated the dehydrogenase enzyme activity in terms of soil biological property. For this aim, six soil profiles formed on weathered basaltic parent material and located on toposequence of north-south transect were described according to genetic horizon and classified as Lithic Ustorthent, Vertic Haplustept, Typic Haplustept and Typic Haplustert. It was determined that the dehydrogenase changed between 0.073-1.170 μg TPF in soils taken from each profile. In addition, when the statistical relationship between dehydrogenase enzyme activity and different profiles, land use, and elevation along the north-south transect was investigated different profiles and different elevation were found to be important at % 1 level of effect on dehydrogenase enzyme activity in the soil. Also the effect of different land use patterns were found to be important at % 5 level on the activity of dehydrogenase enzyme in the soil.


  • Alexander M. 1977. Introduction to soil microbiology. 2nd Edition John Wiley. Sons. Inc. New York, USA, 115-147.
  • Antisari VL, Marinari S, Dell'Abate MT, Baffi C, VianelloG. 2010. Plant Cover and Epipedon SOM Stability as Factors Affecting Brown Soil Profile Development and Microbial Activity, Geoderma, 161, 212-224.
  • Aşkın T, Kızılkaya R. 2009. Soil basal respiration and dehydrogenase activity of aggregates: astudy in a toposequence of pasture soils. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 96(1), 98-112.
  • Babu VSM, Parma V, Kumar, Anıl S. 2010. Enzymes Activities in Soils under Central Dry Agro Climatic Zone of Karnataka, India as Influenced by Soil Depth, Organic and Conventional Management Systems, EuropeanJournal of Soil Biology, 3(1), 50-53.
  • Bouyoucos, GJ.1951. A recalibration of the hydrometer method for making mechanicalanalysis of soils. Agronomy Journal 43, 434-438. Dengiz O, Kızılkaya R, Göl C, HepşenŞ. 2007. Effects of Different Topographic Positions on Soil Properties and Soil Enzymes Activities, Asian Journal of Chemistry,19(3), 2295-2306.
  • Garcia C, Hernandez T, Costa F, Ceccanti B. 1994. Biochemical parameters in soilsregenerated by the addition of organic wastes. Waste Management and Research 12, 457-466.
  • Gök M, Onaç I. 1995. “HilvanveBazikiOvalarındaYer Alan YaygınToprakSerilerininBazıMikro-BiyolojikÖzellikleri”. ToprakİlmiDerneğiİlhanAkalanToprakveÇevreSempozyumu. Ankara.
  • Jackson M L. 1958. Soil Chemical Analysis. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice HallInc.
  • Kızılkaya R, Aşkın T. 2006. The spatial variability of soil dehydrogenase activity: a survey in urban soils. X.Congress of Croatian Society of Soil Science on Soil Functions in the Environment. June 14-17, 2006. Sibenik, Croatia. Abstract Book (ISBN 953-6135-54-X). p.68.
  • Kızılkaya R, Dengiz O, Hepşen Ş, Başkan O. 2007. β-Glucosidase Enzyme Activity and Its Relationships with Physico-Chemical Properties in Çatalkaya Basin, Ankara, Ninth Baku International Congress, Energy, Ecology, Economy, 7-9 June, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • Kızılkaya R, Dengiz O, Alpaslan T, Durmuş M, Işıldak V, Aksu S. 2010. Changes of Soil Microbial Biomass C and Basal Soil Respiration in Different Land Use and Land Cover.
  • International Soil Science Congress on Management of Natural Resources to Sustain SoilHealth and Quality, R.Kizilkaya, C.Gulser, O.Dengiz (Eds.), Sayfa: 1039-1046, 26-28 May,Samsun, Turkey.
  • Lorenz K, Kandeler E. 2004. Biochemical Characterization of Urban Soil Profiles from Stuttgart, Germany, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 37, 1373-1385.
  • Marinari S, VittoriAntisari L. 2010. Effect of Lithological Substrate on Microbial Biomass and Enzyme Activity in Brown Soil Profiles in the Northern Apennines (Italy), Pedobiologia, 53, 313-320.
  • Müller G. 1965. Bodenbiologie. VEB Gustov Fischer Verlag Jena.
  • Okur N.1997. ToprakEnzimleriDersNotları. EgeÜniversitesiZiraatFakültesiToprakBölümü, Bornova, İzmir.
  • PepperIL, Gerba CP, Brendecke JW. 1995. Environmental Microbiology: A laboratoryManual. Academic Press, New York, pp. 175.
  • Rhoades JD. 1986. Cation Exchange Capacity, Chemical and Microbiological Properties. Methods of Soil Analysis, Part II. Madison: ASA and SSSA Agronomy Monograph, No: 9.
  • Rowell MJ, Ladd JN, Paul EA. 1973. Enzymatically Active Complexes of Proteases and Humic and Analogues. Soil Biol. Biochem. (5): 699-703.
  • Schinner F. 1986. “Veröffentlichungen der Landwirtschaftlich-ChemischenBundesanstalt Linz/Donau”. 11. Seminar: Die AdwendungEnzymatischer und Mikrobiologischer Methodenin der Bodenanalyse.
  • Skujins J. 1973. Dehydrogenase: An indicator of biological activities in arid soil. Bulletin Ecological Communication (Stockholm) 17: 97-110.
  • Soil Survey Staff. 1992. Procedures for Collecting Soil Samples and Methods of Analysis for Soil Survey. Soil Surv. Invest. Report, Washington D.C., USA: I. U.S. Gov. Print. Office.
  • Soil Survey Staff. 1993. Soil Survey Manual, USDA Handbook, Washington D.C., No: 18.
  • Tabatabai MA. 1982. Soil Enzymes. In Methods of Analysis, Part 2, 2nd Ed. A. L. Page Et Al (Eds). Agronomy J. (9): 903-947.
  • Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil Taxonomy. A Basic of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting soil Survey. USDA Handbook No: 436, Washington D.C. USA.
  • Soil Survey Staff, 2004. Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual Soil Survey InvestigationsReport, USDA, No:42.
  • Trevors JT. 1984. Rapid Gas Chromatographic Method to Measure H2O2 Oxidoreductase (Catalase) Activity in Soil, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 16, 525-526.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Aylin Erkoçak This is me

Orhan Dengiz

Publication Date October 1, 2018
Submission Date June 14, 2018
Acceptance Date September 11, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 1 Issue: 4


APA Erkoçak, A., & Dengiz, O. (2018). Variation of Dehidrogenase Enzyme Activity and Different Pedogenetic Development on Weathered Basaltic Toposequences. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 1(4), 127-132.
