Research Article
BibTex RIS Cite
Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 212 - 217, 01.10.2019



  • Abbott WS. 1925. A method of computing the effectiveness of an insecticide. J Econ Entomol, 18: 265-267.
  • Ağaoğlu YS. 2003. Bramble fruits production. In: Workshop on development of fruit production in Turkey; 2003 September 24; Ankara, TR, Fruit Juice Industry Asssociation of Turkey (Edition no:2).
  • Anonymous. 2016a. Plant diseases standard pesticide trial methods - Fruit and vine diseases, Vine anthracnose disease [Elsinoe ampelina (De Bary) Shear] standard pesticide trial method, -(Date of access: 01/09/2016).
  • Anonymous. 2016b. Pacifik Nortwest plant disease management handbook, - (Date of access: 01/09/2016).
  • Anonymous. 2016c. UC pest management guidelines, r71100311.html - (Date of access: 01/09/2016).
  • Anonymous. 2018. Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Website, Plant protection products database,, (Date of access: 01/01/2018).
  • Anonymous. 2019. Turkish Statistical Institute Website – Crop production statistics, - (Date of access: 01/01/2019).
  • BoskoviçI. 1986. Contribution to the possibility of protecting blackberries from the causal agent of yellow rust (Kuehneola uredinis (Link) Art.). Jugoslovensko Vocarstvo, 20: 95-97.
  • Clark JR, Finn CE. 2014. Blackberry cultivation in the world. Rev Bras Frutic, 36: 46-47.
  • Ellis MA, Converse RH, Williams RN, Williamson B. 1991. Compendium of raspberry and blackberry diseases and insects. 2nd ed. APS Press, The American Phytopathological Society, Ohio, USA.
  • Erkan M. 2001. New records fungi isolated from raspberry and blackberry plants from BursaProvince in Turkey. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 30 (1): 35-38.
  • Fischer G W, Johnson F. 1950. Cane and leaf rust (Kuehneola uredinis (Link) Arthur) of blackberries in western Washington. Phytopathology, 40: 199-204.
  • Gardner DE, Hodges CS. 1983. Leaf rust caused by Kuehneola uredinis on native and nonnative Rubus species in Hawaii. Plant Disease, 67: 962-963.
  • Reategui JLP, Machado F, Barbero G, Rezende C, Martinez J. 2014. Extraction of antioxidant compounds from blackberry (Rubussp.) bagasse using supercritical CO2 assisted by ultrasound. J Supercrit Fluids, 94: 223-233.
  • StrikBC, Clark JR, Finn CE, Banados MP. 2007. Worldwide blackberry production. Horttechnology, 17 (2): 205-213.
  • Tosun İ, Yüksel S. 2003. Antioxidant capacity of bramble fruits. The Journal of Food, 28 (3):305-311.
  • Townsend GR, Heuberger JW. 1943. Methods for estimating losses caused by diseases in fungicide experiments. Plant Disease Reporter, 27 (17): 340-343.

The Studies on Effectiveness of Conventional and Organic Spraying Programs Against Blackberry Cane and Leaf Rust Caused by Kuehneola uredinis (Link) Arthur

Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 212 - 217, 01.10.2019


Market demand for blackberry fruit (Rubus fruticosus L.), that’s production is more and more being widespread both in
the world and Turkey, is increasing. The most important factor negatively affecting blackberry yield is fungal diseases
but there are not any approved fungicides in Turkey to combat those diseases. This study was carried out in Bursa,
Turkey's leading raspberry and blackberry production region, to develop organic and conventional management
programs for controlling blackberry cane and leaf rust caused by Kuehneola uredinis (Link) Arthur, which was
prevalently observed in blackberry orchards. Copper fungicides (20% copper calcium sulfate) were used to determine
the efficacy against the disease as an organic spraying program. An IPM program recommended to control of blackberry
cane and leaf rust disease in the State of California in the United States of America was applied to blackberry orchards in
Bursa conditions as a conventional spraying program (by using fungicides with active substances Pyraclostrobin +
boscalid and myclobutanil). The evaluations made within the scope of the study were done before the harvest in early
June 2016, when the severity of the disease increased to 26% in the control parcels. In the evaluation, the effectiveness
of the organic spraying program that was applied in the same way as the producers do was determined just as 7.69%,
while the effectiveness of the conventional spraying program was found as 75%. It was observed that the applied
organic spraying program did not reach sufficient efficiency. However, it is thought that conventional spraying program
examined might be used in control of the disease with some improvement. 


  • Abbott WS. 1925. A method of computing the effectiveness of an insecticide. J Econ Entomol, 18: 265-267.
  • Ağaoğlu YS. 2003. Bramble fruits production. In: Workshop on development of fruit production in Turkey; 2003 September 24; Ankara, TR, Fruit Juice Industry Asssociation of Turkey (Edition no:2).
  • Anonymous. 2016a. Plant diseases standard pesticide trial methods - Fruit and vine diseases, Vine anthracnose disease [Elsinoe ampelina (De Bary) Shear] standard pesticide trial method, -(Date of access: 01/09/2016).
  • Anonymous. 2016b. Pacifik Nortwest plant disease management handbook, - (Date of access: 01/09/2016).
  • Anonymous. 2016c. UC pest management guidelines, r71100311.html - (Date of access: 01/09/2016).
  • Anonymous. 2018. Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Website, Plant protection products database,, (Date of access: 01/01/2018).
  • Anonymous. 2019. Turkish Statistical Institute Website – Crop production statistics, - (Date of access: 01/01/2019).
  • BoskoviçI. 1986. Contribution to the possibility of protecting blackberries from the causal agent of yellow rust (Kuehneola uredinis (Link) Art.). Jugoslovensko Vocarstvo, 20: 95-97.
  • Clark JR, Finn CE. 2014. Blackberry cultivation in the world. Rev Bras Frutic, 36: 46-47.
  • Ellis MA, Converse RH, Williams RN, Williamson B. 1991. Compendium of raspberry and blackberry diseases and insects. 2nd ed. APS Press, The American Phytopathological Society, Ohio, USA.
  • Erkan M. 2001. New records fungi isolated from raspberry and blackberry plants from BursaProvince in Turkey. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 30 (1): 35-38.
  • Fischer G W, Johnson F. 1950. Cane and leaf rust (Kuehneola uredinis (Link) Arthur) of blackberries in western Washington. Phytopathology, 40: 199-204.
  • Gardner DE, Hodges CS. 1983. Leaf rust caused by Kuehneola uredinis on native and nonnative Rubus species in Hawaii. Plant Disease, 67: 962-963.
  • Reategui JLP, Machado F, Barbero G, Rezende C, Martinez J. 2014. Extraction of antioxidant compounds from blackberry (Rubussp.) bagasse using supercritical CO2 assisted by ultrasound. J Supercrit Fluids, 94: 223-233.
  • StrikBC, Clark JR, Finn CE, Banados MP. 2007. Worldwide blackberry production. Horttechnology, 17 (2): 205-213.
  • Tosun İ, Yüksel S. 2003. Antioxidant capacity of bramble fruits. The Journal of Food, 28 (3):305-311.
  • Townsend GR, Heuberger JW. 1943. Methods for estimating losses caused by diseases in fungicide experiments. Plant Disease Reporter, 27 (17): 340-343.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Ayşegül Karslı 0000-0002-8711-0207

Himmet Tezcan 0000-0002-6066-7830

Publication Date October 1, 2019
Submission Date June 12, 2019
Acceptance Date September 24, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 2 Issue: 4


APA Karslı, A., & Tezcan, H. (2019). The Studies on Effectiveness of Conventional and Organic Spraying Programs Against Blackberry Cane and Leaf Rust Caused by Kuehneola uredinis (Link) Arthur. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 2(4), 212-217.
