Approximation properties of convolution operators via statistical convergence based on a power series
Year 2025,
Volume: 74 Issue: 1, 92 - 102
Ramazan Dinar
Tuğba Yurdakadim
In this study, our main goal is to obtain approximation properties of convolution operators for multivariables via a special method which is not included in any other methods given before, also known as $P$-statistical convergence. We present the $P$-statistical rate of this approximation and provide examples of convolution operators. It is noteworthy to express that one can not approximate $f$ by earlier results for our examples. Therefore, our results fill an important gap in the existing literature. Furthermore, we also present a $P$-statistical approximation result in the space of periodic continuous functions of period $2\pi$ for short $C^*$.
Ethical Statement
The authors declare that there are no competing interests.
Supporting Institution
There is no funding.
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