Future Prediction for Tax Complaints to Turkish Ombudsman by Models from Polynomial Regression and Parametric Distribution
Year 2024,
, 63 - 72, 31.03.2024
Mehmet Niyazi Çankaya
Murat Aydın
The aim of this study is to forecast the amount of tax complaints filed with the Turkish Ombudsman in the future and whether or not policymakers require a specific tax Ombudsman. The polynomial regression for discrete data set is proposed to fit the number of events of tax complaints in the period from years $2013$ to $2021$. The artificial data set is generated by models which are polynomial regression and parametric distribution. The location, scale and shape parameters are determined according to the smallest value between the observed and predicted dependent variable. After determining the smallest value for the tried values of shape parameter and the parameters of polynomial regression, the best value determined by grid search for shape parameter is around $1.07$. Thus, the heavy-tailed from of exponential power distribution is gained. The artificial data sets are generated and sorted from the smallest to biggest ones. The maximum values are around $700$ and $800$ which can be regarded as future prediction because the distance among observations is taken into account by models from polynomial regression and parametric distribution. Since the polynomial regression and the parametric models are used simultaneously for modelling, the distance among observations can also be modelled by parametric model as an alternative approach provided.
Ethical Statement
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Year 2024,
, 63 - 72, 31.03.2024
Mehmet Niyazi Çankaya
Murat Aydın
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and q-gamma functions. Journal of Approximation Theory 144:
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as the scale mixture of a skew exponential power distribution
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an analytical review of the regulatory framework. Cost and
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