Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Sentinel event statistics. [2006]. Accessed [16 Feb 2022].
Carver N, Gupta V, Hipskind JE. Medical error. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. Updated [9 Jul 2021]. Accessed [20 September 2021].
Moore PJ, Adler NE, Robertson PA. Medical malpractice: The effect of doctor-patient relations on medical patient perceptions and malpractice intentions. Western Journal of Medicine 2000;173(4):244. DOI: 10.1136/ewjm.173.4.244
World Health Organization. Patient safety. 2019. Accessed [16 February 2022].
Yiğitbaş Ç, Oğuzhan H, Tercan B, Bulut A, Bulut A. Hemşirelerin malpraktis ile ilgili algı, tutum ve davranışları. Anadolu Kliniği 2016;21(3):207-214. DOI: 10.21673/anadoluklin.254224 (Turkish)
Makary MA, Daniel M. Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US. BMJ 2016;353:i2139. DOI:
Özkaya, N. Özkaya H, Özkara E. Pediatric malpractice: An overview of Turkey. Pediatrics International 2013;55:637–640. DOI: 10.1111/ped.12116
Kırtışoğlu, M. Yargıtay’da 2010-2017 yılları arasında karara bağlanan hatalı tıbbi uygulama (malpraktis) dava kararlarının değerlendirilmesi (Uzmanlık tezi). Adana, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2018. pp.35. (Turkish).
Zarea K, Mohammadi A, Beiranvand S, Hassani F, Baraz S. Iranian nurses’ medication errors: A survey of the types, the causes, and the related factors. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2018;8:112–116. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijans.2018.05.001
Rothschild JM, Landrigan CP, Cronin JW, Kaushal R, Lockley SW, Burdick E, Stone PH, Lilly CM, Katz JT, Czeisler CA, Bates DW. The critical care safety study: The incidence and nature of adverse events and serious medical errors in intensive care. Critical Care Medicine 2005;33(8):1694-1700. DOI: 10.1097/
Özel F, Akyol AD, Sağit B. Yoğun bakım hemşirelerinin rol ve sorumlulukları ile ilgili görüş ve düşüncelerinin incelenmesi. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi 2011;15(2):51-60. (Turkish).
Balas M, Scott LD, Rogers AE. The prevalence and nature of errors and near errors reported by hospital staff nurses. Applied Nursing Research 2004;17(4):224-230. DOI: 10.1016/j.apnr.2004.09.002.
Akgün Şahin Z, Kardaş Özdemir F. Hemsirelerin tıbbi hata yapma eğilimlerinin incelenmesi. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi 2015;12(3):210-214. DOI: 10.5222/HEAD.2015.210 (Turkish).
Holdsworth MT, Fichtl RE, Behta M, Raisch DW, Mendez-Rico E, Adams A, Greifer M, Bostwick S, Greenwald BM. Incidence and impact of adverse drug events in pediatric inpatients. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 2003;157(1):60-65. DOI: 10.1001/archpedi.157.1.60.
Özata M, Altunkan H. Hemşirelikte tıbbi hataya eğilim ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi ve geçerlilik güvenilirlik analizinin yapılması. In: Kırılmaz H, editör. II. Uluslararası Sağlıkta Performans ve Kalite Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı Cilt 1; 2010 28 Nisan-1 Mayıs; Ankara, Türkiye. Baydan Offset; 2010. pp.38-48. (Turkish).
Işık Andsoy I, Kar G, Öztürk Ö. Hemşirelerin tıbbi hata eğilimlerine yönelik bir çalışma. Journal of Health Science and Profession 2014;1(1):17-27. DOI: 10.17681/hsp.06267 (Turkish).
Rogers AE, Hwang W, Scott LD, Aiken LH, Dinges DF. The working hours of hospital staff nurses and patient safety. Health Affairs 2004;23(4):202-212. DOI 10.1377/hlthaff.23.4.202
Bae SH, Fabry D. Assessing the relationships between nurse work hours/overtime and nurse and patient outcomes: Systematic literature review. Nursing Outlook. 2014;62(2):138-56. DOI:10.1016/j.outlook.2013.10.009
Olds DM, Clarke SP. The effect of work hours on adverse events and errors in health care. Journal of Safety Research. 2010;41(2):153-162. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2010.02.002.
Kunaviktikul W, Wichaikhum O, Nantsupawat A, Nantsupawat R, Chontawan R, Klunklin A, Roongruangsri S, Nantachaipan P, Supamanee T, Chitpakdee B, Akkadechanunt T, Sirakamon S. Nurses’ extended work hours: Patient, nurse, and organizational outcomes. International Nursing Review 2015;62:386–393. DOI: 10.1111/inr.12195.
Akın Korhan E, Dilemek H, Mercan S, Uzelli Yılmaz D. Determination of attitudes of nurses in medical errors and related factors. International Journal of Caring Sciences 2017;10(2):794-801.
Estabrooks CA, Cummings GG, Olivo SA, Squires JE, Giblin C, Simpson N. Effects of shift length on quality of patient care and health provider outcomes: Systematic review. BMJ Quality & Safety 2009;18(3):181-188. DOI:10.1136/qshc.2007.024232
Geiger-Brown J, Trinkoff A, Rogers VE. The impact of work schedules, home, and work demands on self-reported sleep-in registered nurses. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine 2011;53(3):303-307. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0b013e31820c3f87.
Trinkoff AM, Johantgen M, Storr CL, Gurses AP, Liang Y, Han K. Nurses’ work schedule characteristics, nurse staffing, and patient mortality. Nursing Research 2011;60(1):1-8. DOI: 10.1097/NNR.0b013e3181fff15d.
Er F, Altuntaş S. Hemşirelerin tıbbi hata yapma durumları ve nedenlerine yönelik görüşlerinin belirlenmesi. Sağlık ve Hemşirelik Yönetimi Dergisi 2016;3(3):132-139. DOI:10.5222/SHYD.2016.132 (Turkish).
Shahrokhi A, Ebrahimpour F, Ghodousi, A. Factors effective on medication errors: A nursing view. Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice 2013;2(1):18–23. DOI: 10.4103/2279-042X.114084.
Uğurlu M, Vural G. Medical error status of nurses and midwives work in gynecology and obstetrics clinics and their opinions about the reasons. Bezmialem Science 2020; 8(4):403-410. DOI: 10.14235/bas.galenos.2019.3411
Blegen MA, Vaughn TE, Goode CJ. Nurse experience and education: Effect on quality of care. The Journal of Nursing Administration 2001;31(1):33-39. DOI: 10.1097/00005110-200101000-00007.
Sheu SJ, Wei IL, Chen CH, Yu S, Tang FI. Using snowball sampling method with nurses to understand medication administration errors. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2009;18(4):559–569. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2007.02048.x
Yüksel Koçak D, Yaman Ş. Kadın doğum kliniklerinde çalışan hemşirelerin yaptıkları ilaç hataları ve etkileyen faktörler. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi 2015;12(2):99-104. DOI:10.5222/HEAD.2015.099 (Turkish).
Björkstén KS, Bergqvist M, Andersén-Karlsson E, Benson L, Ulfvarson J. Medication errors as malpractice-a qualitative content analysis of 585 medication errors by nurses in Sweden. BMC Health Services Research 2016;16:431. DOI 10.1186/s12913-016-1695-9
Stone PW, Mooney-Kane C, Larson EL, Horan T, Glance LG, Zwanziger J, Dick AW. Nurse working conditions and patient safety outcomes. Medical Care 2007;45(6):571-578. DOI: 10.1097/MLR.0b013e3180383667
Kiekkas P, Sakellaropoulos GC, Brokalaki H, Manolis E, Samios A, Skartsani C, Baltopoulos GI. Association between nursing workload and mortality of intensive care unit patients. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2008; 40:385-390. DOI: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2008.00254.x.
Cho SH, Kim YS, Yeon KN, You SJ, Lee ID. Effects of increasing nurse staffing on missed nursing care. International Nursing Review 2015;62(2):267-274. DOI: 10.1111/inr.12173
Cho E, Chin DL, Kim S, Hong O. The relationships of nurse staffing level and work environment with patient adverse events. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2016;48(1):74-82. DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12183.
Cheragi MA, Manoocheri H, Mohammadnejad E, Ehsani SR. Types and causes of medication errors from nurse's viewpoint. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research 2013;18(3):228–231.
The Australian College of Critical Care Nurses Ltd. Position statement on intensive care nursing staffing. Australian Critical Care 2002;15(1):6-7. DOI: 10.1016/s1036-7314(02)80037-6.
Kleinpell R. ICU Workforce: Revisiting nurse staffing. Critical Care Medicine 2014;42(5):1291-1292. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000000202
Hajibabaee F, Salehi Kamboo M, Faghanipour S, Ashrafizadeh H, Haghighi Zadeh MH. The relationship between medication errors with job satisfaction of nurses in pediatric ward. International Journal of Pediatrics 2019;7(9):10141-10153. DOI:10.22038/ijp.2019.40926.3450
Bolandianbafghi S, Salimi T, Rassouli M, Faraji R, Sarebanhassanabadi M. Sarebanhassanabadi M. Correlation between medication errors with job satisfaction and fatigue of nurses. Electronic Physician 2017;9(8):5142-5148. DOI: 10.19082/5142.
Examination of Factors Affecting the Tendency of Intensive Care Nurses Towards Medical Errors: A Multicenter Study in Turkey
Objective: This study aimed to examine the factors affecting the tendency of intensive care nurses towards medical errors.
Methods: The data of this descriptive and cross-sectional were collected using a Personal Information Form and the Medical Error Trend Scale in Nursing. The population of the study consisted of a total of 647 intensive care unit nurses who worked at two research and training hospitals located in the province of Istanbul and one university hospital located in the province of Edirne. The inclusion criterion was being a registered nurse working in intensive care units for at least two months, and it was aimed to reach the entire population. The sample included 349 nurses (participation rate: 53.12%) who completed the questionnaire.
Results: While76.5% of the participants were female, their mean age was 28.96±5.70 years, and 73.4% had graduated from universities. The order of significance of the four independent variables, which were determined to have significant effects on the Medical Error Trend Scale in Nursing scores of the participants, was satisfaction with working in the intensive care unit, the number of patients per nurse, having an intensive care nurse certificate, and weekly working hours.
Conclusion: The tendencies of the nurses who worked for 40 hours per week, those who were satisfied with working in the intensive care unit, those who provided care for 1 or 2 patients per day, and those who had an intensive care nurse certificate towards medical errors were lower in comparison to the others.
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Sentinel event statistics. [2006]. Accessed [16 Feb 2022].
Carver N, Gupta V, Hipskind JE. Medical error. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. Updated [9 Jul 2021]. Accessed [20 September 2021].
Moore PJ, Adler NE, Robertson PA. Medical malpractice: The effect of doctor-patient relations on medical patient perceptions and malpractice intentions. Western Journal of Medicine 2000;173(4):244. DOI: 10.1136/ewjm.173.4.244
World Health Organization. Patient safety. 2019. Accessed [16 February 2022].
Yiğitbaş Ç, Oğuzhan H, Tercan B, Bulut A, Bulut A. Hemşirelerin malpraktis ile ilgili algı, tutum ve davranışları. Anadolu Kliniği 2016;21(3):207-214. DOI: 10.21673/anadoluklin.254224 (Turkish)
Makary MA, Daniel M. Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US. BMJ 2016;353:i2139. DOI:
Özkaya, N. Özkaya H, Özkara E. Pediatric malpractice: An overview of Turkey. Pediatrics International 2013;55:637–640. DOI: 10.1111/ped.12116
Kırtışoğlu, M. Yargıtay’da 2010-2017 yılları arasında karara bağlanan hatalı tıbbi uygulama (malpraktis) dava kararlarının değerlendirilmesi (Uzmanlık tezi). Adana, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2018. pp.35. (Turkish).
Zarea K, Mohammadi A, Beiranvand S, Hassani F, Baraz S. Iranian nurses’ medication errors: A survey of the types, the causes, and the related factors. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2018;8:112–116. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijans.2018.05.001
Rothschild JM, Landrigan CP, Cronin JW, Kaushal R, Lockley SW, Burdick E, Stone PH, Lilly CM, Katz JT, Czeisler CA, Bates DW. The critical care safety study: The incidence and nature of adverse events and serious medical errors in intensive care. Critical Care Medicine 2005;33(8):1694-1700. DOI: 10.1097/
Özel F, Akyol AD, Sağit B. Yoğun bakım hemşirelerinin rol ve sorumlulukları ile ilgili görüş ve düşüncelerinin incelenmesi. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi 2011;15(2):51-60. (Turkish).
Balas M, Scott LD, Rogers AE. The prevalence and nature of errors and near errors reported by hospital staff nurses. Applied Nursing Research 2004;17(4):224-230. DOI: 10.1016/j.apnr.2004.09.002.
Akgün Şahin Z, Kardaş Özdemir F. Hemsirelerin tıbbi hata yapma eğilimlerinin incelenmesi. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi 2015;12(3):210-214. DOI: 10.5222/HEAD.2015.210 (Turkish).
Holdsworth MT, Fichtl RE, Behta M, Raisch DW, Mendez-Rico E, Adams A, Greifer M, Bostwick S, Greenwald BM. Incidence and impact of adverse drug events in pediatric inpatients. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 2003;157(1):60-65. DOI: 10.1001/archpedi.157.1.60.
Özata M, Altunkan H. Hemşirelikte tıbbi hataya eğilim ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi ve geçerlilik güvenilirlik analizinin yapılması. In: Kırılmaz H, editör. II. Uluslararası Sağlıkta Performans ve Kalite Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı Cilt 1; 2010 28 Nisan-1 Mayıs; Ankara, Türkiye. Baydan Offset; 2010. pp.38-48. (Turkish).
Işık Andsoy I, Kar G, Öztürk Ö. Hemşirelerin tıbbi hata eğilimlerine yönelik bir çalışma. Journal of Health Science and Profession 2014;1(1):17-27. DOI: 10.17681/hsp.06267 (Turkish).
Rogers AE, Hwang W, Scott LD, Aiken LH, Dinges DF. The working hours of hospital staff nurses and patient safety. Health Affairs 2004;23(4):202-212. DOI 10.1377/hlthaff.23.4.202
Bae SH, Fabry D. Assessing the relationships between nurse work hours/overtime and nurse and patient outcomes: Systematic literature review. Nursing Outlook. 2014;62(2):138-56. DOI:10.1016/j.outlook.2013.10.009
Olds DM, Clarke SP. The effect of work hours on adverse events and errors in health care. Journal of Safety Research. 2010;41(2):153-162. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2010.02.002.
Kunaviktikul W, Wichaikhum O, Nantsupawat A, Nantsupawat R, Chontawan R, Klunklin A, Roongruangsri S, Nantachaipan P, Supamanee T, Chitpakdee B, Akkadechanunt T, Sirakamon S. Nurses’ extended work hours: Patient, nurse, and organizational outcomes. International Nursing Review 2015;62:386–393. DOI: 10.1111/inr.12195.
Akın Korhan E, Dilemek H, Mercan S, Uzelli Yılmaz D. Determination of attitudes of nurses in medical errors and related factors. International Journal of Caring Sciences 2017;10(2):794-801.
Estabrooks CA, Cummings GG, Olivo SA, Squires JE, Giblin C, Simpson N. Effects of shift length on quality of patient care and health provider outcomes: Systematic review. BMJ Quality & Safety 2009;18(3):181-188. DOI:10.1136/qshc.2007.024232
Geiger-Brown J, Trinkoff A, Rogers VE. The impact of work schedules, home, and work demands on self-reported sleep-in registered nurses. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine 2011;53(3):303-307. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0b013e31820c3f87.
Trinkoff AM, Johantgen M, Storr CL, Gurses AP, Liang Y, Han K. Nurses’ work schedule characteristics, nurse staffing, and patient mortality. Nursing Research 2011;60(1):1-8. DOI: 10.1097/NNR.0b013e3181fff15d.
Er F, Altuntaş S. Hemşirelerin tıbbi hata yapma durumları ve nedenlerine yönelik görüşlerinin belirlenmesi. Sağlık ve Hemşirelik Yönetimi Dergisi 2016;3(3):132-139. DOI:10.5222/SHYD.2016.132 (Turkish).
Shahrokhi A, Ebrahimpour F, Ghodousi, A. Factors effective on medication errors: A nursing view. Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice 2013;2(1):18–23. DOI: 10.4103/2279-042X.114084.
Uğurlu M, Vural G. Medical error status of nurses and midwives work in gynecology and obstetrics clinics and their opinions about the reasons. Bezmialem Science 2020; 8(4):403-410. DOI: 10.14235/bas.galenos.2019.3411
Blegen MA, Vaughn TE, Goode CJ. Nurse experience and education: Effect on quality of care. The Journal of Nursing Administration 2001;31(1):33-39. DOI: 10.1097/00005110-200101000-00007.
Sheu SJ, Wei IL, Chen CH, Yu S, Tang FI. Using snowball sampling method with nurses to understand medication administration errors. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2009;18(4):559–569. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2007.02048.x
Yüksel Koçak D, Yaman Ş. Kadın doğum kliniklerinde çalışan hemşirelerin yaptıkları ilaç hataları ve etkileyen faktörler. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi 2015;12(2):99-104. DOI:10.5222/HEAD.2015.099 (Turkish).
Björkstén KS, Bergqvist M, Andersén-Karlsson E, Benson L, Ulfvarson J. Medication errors as malpractice-a qualitative content analysis of 585 medication errors by nurses in Sweden. BMC Health Services Research 2016;16:431. DOI 10.1186/s12913-016-1695-9
Stone PW, Mooney-Kane C, Larson EL, Horan T, Glance LG, Zwanziger J, Dick AW. Nurse working conditions and patient safety outcomes. Medical Care 2007;45(6):571-578. DOI: 10.1097/MLR.0b013e3180383667
Kiekkas P, Sakellaropoulos GC, Brokalaki H, Manolis E, Samios A, Skartsani C, Baltopoulos GI. Association between nursing workload and mortality of intensive care unit patients. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2008; 40:385-390. DOI: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2008.00254.x.
Cho SH, Kim YS, Yeon KN, You SJ, Lee ID. Effects of increasing nurse staffing on missed nursing care. International Nursing Review 2015;62(2):267-274. DOI: 10.1111/inr.12173
Cho E, Chin DL, Kim S, Hong O. The relationships of nurse staffing level and work environment with patient adverse events. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2016;48(1):74-82. DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12183.
Cheragi MA, Manoocheri H, Mohammadnejad E, Ehsani SR. Types and causes of medication errors from nurse's viewpoint. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research 2013;18(3):228–231.
The Australian College of Critical Care Nurses Ltd. Position statement on intensive care nursing staffing. Australian Critical Care 2002;15(1):6-7. DOI: 10.1016/s1036-7314(02)80037-6.
Kleinpell R. ICU Workforce: Revisiting nurse staffing. Critical Care Medicine 2014;42(5):1291-1292. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000000202
Hajibabaee F, Salehi Kamboo M, Faghanipour S, Ashrafizadeh H, Haghighi Zadeh MH. The relationship between medication errors with job satisfaction of nurses in pediatric ward. International Journal of Pediatrics 2019;7(9):10141-10153. DOI:10.22038/ijp.2019.40926.3450
Bolandianbafghi S, Salimi T, Rassouli M, Faraji R, Sarebanhassanabadi M. Sarebanhassanabadi M. Correlation between medication errors with job satisfaction and fatigue of nurses. Electronic Physician 2017;9(8):5142-5148. DOI: 10.19082/5142.
Tepehan Eraslan, S., & Bozkurt, G. (2023). Examination of Factors Affecting the Tendency of Intensive Care Nurses Towards Medical Errors: A Multicenter Study in Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 13(4), 732-738.
Tepehan Eraslan S, Bozkurt G. Examination of Factors Affecting the Tendency of Intensive Care Nurses Towards Medical Errors: A Multicenter Study in Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. December 2023;13(4):732-738. doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.1190115
Tepehan Eraslan, Selma, and Gülçin Bozkurt. “Examination of Factors Affecting the Tendency of Intensive Care Nurses Towards Medical Errors: A Multicenter Study in Turkey”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 13, no. 4 (December 2023): 732-38.
Tepehan Eraslan S, Bozkurt G (December 1, 2023) Examination of Factors Affecting the Tendency of Intensive Care Nurses Towards Medical Errors: A Multicenter Study in Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 13 4 732–738.
S. Tepehan Eraslan and G. Bozkurt, “Examination of Factors Affecting the Tendency of Intensive Care Nurses Towards Medical Errors: A Multicenter Study in Turkey”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 732–738, 2023, doi: 10.33808/clinexphealthsci.1190115.
Tepehan Eraslan, Selma - Bozkurt, Gülçin. “Examination of Factors Affecting the Tendency of Intensive Care Nurses Towards Medical Errors: A Multicenter Study in Turkey”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 13/4 (December 2023), 732-738.
Tepehan Eraslan S, Bozkurt G. Examination of Factors Affecting the Tendency of Intensive Care Nurses Towards Medical Errors: A Multicenter Study in Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2023;13:732–738.
Tepehan Eraslan, Selma and Gülçin Bozkurt. “Examination of Factors Affecting the Tendency of Intensive Care Nurses Towards Medical Errors: A Multicenter Study in Turkey”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 13, no. 4, 2023, pp. 732-8, doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.1190115.
Tepehan Eraslan S, Bozkurt G. Examination of Factors Affecting the Tendency of Intensive Care Nurses Towards Medical Errors: A Multicenter Study in Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2023;13(4):732-8.