The Effect of Music on Pregnancy Complaints with Sleep and Quality of Life in Risky Pregnant Women
Year 2024,
, 133 - 138, 28.03.2024
Esra Sabancı Baransel
Tuba Uçar
Objective: This study aimed to examine the effect of music therapy on pregnancy complaints and quality of sleep and life in risky pregnant women.
Methods: This is a prospective randomized controlled study. The sample of the study consisted of a total of 112 pregnant women who referred to a hospital in a city in Turkey for pregnancy follow-up (56 in the experimental group, 56 in the control group). Risky pregnant women in the experimental group were listened to music for four weeks before going to sleep, and those in the control group received no intervention. The data were collected between July and October 2022, using an introductory information form (IIF), a risk assessment form (RAF), the Assessment Scale for Pregnancy Complaints and Their Impact on Life Quality (ASPCILQ), and the Richard-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire (RCSQ).
Results: Risky pregnant women in the experimental group had higher ASPCILQ and RCSQ post-test mean scores than those in the control group, and the difference between them was statistically significant (p<.001).
Conclusions: A music therapy reduced pregnancy complaints in risky pregnant women and increased their sleep and life quality.
Supporting Institution
Scientific Research Projects at Inonu University
Project Number
(Project No: TSA-2022–3021)
We extend our gratitude to all pregnancy for their participation, and the Coordinator ship of Scientific Research Projects at Inonu University for providing financial support (Project No: TSA-2022–3021).
- Atadağ Y, Aydin A, Kaya D, Öksüz A, Köşker HD. Risk assessments, pregnancy and birth processes of pregnant women at primary health care center: A retrospective study. J Surgery Med. 2017;1(1):5-8. DOI: 10.28982/josam.337609
- Sayılı U, Aslaner Ç, Gazanfer ÖB, Solmaz A. Evaluation of the effectiveness of risky pregnancies education for healthcare professionals. J Harran Univ Med Faculty. 2020;17(3):431-437. DOI: 10.35440/hutfd.808639
- Arslan H, Bani B, Güneş K, Eryurt MA. Risky pregnancies in Turkey: TDHS findings 2018. J Population Stud. 2020;42(1):64-91.
- Şahin E, Kılıçarslan S. Depressive, anxiety levels and affecting factors of third trimester pregnant women. Trakya Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi Derg. 2010;27(1).(Turkish)
- Mecdi M, Rathfisch G. Care for evidence-based applications during pregnancy. FN Hem. Derg. 2013;21(2):129-138.(Turkish)
- Özorhan EY, Ejder AS, Altun ÖŞ. Mental health in pregnancy, Yıldırım Beyazıt University J Nurs. 2014;(2):33-42.
- Derya YA, Özşahin Z, Uçar T, Erdemoğlu Ç, Ünver H. The relationship between impact of pregnancy complaints on the life quality of the pregnant women and their psychosocial health level. Turkish J Family Med Primary Care. 2018;(12):171-177. DOI: 10.21763/tjfmpc.452447
- Şanlı Y, Dinçer Y, Oskay Ü, Bulduk S. Merging stressors and coping methods among high-risk pregnancy women:A qualitative study. STED. 2018;27(5):333-342.
- Erbas N, Gülbahtiyar D. Determination of quality of life and affecting factors in pregnant women. Int J Nurs Didactics. 2017;(9):08-12. DOI:10.15520/ijnd.2017.vol7.iss9.247.08-12
- Smyka M, Kosińska-Kaczyńska K, Sochacki-Wójcicka N, Zgliczyńska, M, Wielgoś M. Sleep problems in Pregnancy—A cross-sectional study in over 7000 pregnant women in Poland. Int J Environmental Res Public Health. 2020;17(15):5306. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17155306
- Bacaro V, Benz F, Pappaccogli A, De Bartolo P, Johann AF, Palagini L, ... Baglioni C. Interventions for sleep problems during pregnancy: A systematic review. Sleep Med Reviews. 2020;(50):101234. DOI: 10.1016/j.smrv.2019.101234
- Taskiran N. Pregnancy and sleep quality. J Turkish Society Obst Gynecol. 2011;8(3):181-7. DOI: 10.5505/tjod.2011.14880
- Çelik F, Köse M. The relationship between sleep quality and trimester of pregnancy. Kocatepe Med J. 2017;18(3):85-88. DOI: 10.18229/kocatepetip.344658(Turkish)
- Öztürk DM, Yılmaz A, Müsüroğlu S, Sevinç S, Akcan B. Determination of sleep quality of sleeping pregnancies in last trimester and methods of coping: Sleep in last trimester pregnancy. Süleyman Demirel University J Health Sci. 2019;10(3):212-216. DOI: 10.22312/sdusbed.490651(Turkish)
- Özkan Z, Bozkurt G. The Effect of sleep quality to the labor and labor pain. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Derg. 2015;2(3):334-344. DOI: 10.17681/hsp.55766 (Turkish)
- Hutchison BL, Stone PR, McCowan LM, Stewart AW, Thompson J, Mitchell EA. A postal survey of maternal sleep in late pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2012;12(1):1-7. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2393-12-144
- Won CH. Sleeping for two: The great paradox of sleep in pregnancy. J Clin Sleep Med. 2015;11(6):593-594. DOI: 10.5664/jcsm.4760
- Yılmaz B, Can ÜK. The music used abstract in music therapy practice in Turkey. OPUS Int J Society Res. 2019;13(19):592-620. DOI:10.26466/opus.584795
- Tayaz E, Kutluturkan S. An approach in the management of cancer pain: Music therapy. Ankara Med J. 2019;19(4):784-788. DOI: 10.17098/amj.652013(Turkish)
- Liu YH, Lee CS, Yu CH, Chen CH. Effects of music listening on stress, anxiety, and sleep quality for sleep-disturbed pregnant women. Women & Health. 2016;56(3):296-311. DOI: 10.1080/03630242.2015.1088116
- Corey K, Fallek R, Benattar M. Bedside music therapy for women during antepartum and postpartum hospitalization. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing. 2019;44(5):277-283. DOI: 10.1097/nmc.0000000000000557
- Shimada BMO, Santos MDSOMD, Cabral MA, Silva VO, Vagetti GC. Interventions among pregnant women in the field of music therapy: a systematic review. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetricia/RBGO-Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2021;43(05):403-413. DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1731924
- Yikar SK, Nazik E. Effects of prenatal education on complaints during pregnancy and on quality of life. Patient Education Counseling. 2019;102(1):119-125. DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2018.08.023
- Gür EY, Pasinlioğlu T. The Scale of complaints during pregnancy and their effect on quality of life: The validity and reliability of the Turkish version. J Inonu Univ Health Services Vocational School. 2021;9(2):482-497. DOI: 10.33715/inonusaglik.822370
- Özlü ZK, Özer N. Richard-Campbell sleep scale validity and reliability study. J Turkish Sleep Med. 2015;(2):29-32. DOI: 10.4274/jtsm.02.008
- Lee KA, Gay CL, Alsten CR. Sleep enhancement training for pregnant women. Obstetrics and gynecology. 2016;128(5):964. DOI: 10.1097/aog.0000000000001654
- Kulakaç N, Çolak A, Aktuğ C. The effect of musıc on quality of life. Gümüşhane University J Health Sci. 2016;5(4):67-70.
- KS N, SN G.Yazar isimleri açık yazılmalı Leisure reading experience promoting prenatal attachment among pregnant women: A moderated mediation model. J Leisure Res. 2022;53(1):27-55. DOI: 10.1080/00222216.2020.1834891
- Kisilevsky BS, Hains SMJ, Jacquet AY, Granier‐Deferre C, Lecanuet JP. Maturation of fetal responses to music. Developmental Sci. 2004;7(5):550–559. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-7687.2004.00379
- Shimada BMO, Santos MDSOMD, Cabral MA, Silva VO, Vagetti GC. Intervenções em gestantes na área da musicoterapia: Uma revisão sistemática. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2021;43(5):403-413. DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1731924
- Akmeşe ZB, Oran NT. Effects of progressive muscle relaxation exercises accompanied by music on low back pain and quality of life during pregnancy. J Midwifery & Women's Health. 2014;59(5):503-509. DOI: 10.1111/jmwh.12176
- Chen LC, Wang TF, Shih YN, Wu LJ. Fifteen-minute music intervention reduces pre-radiotherapy anxiety in oncology patients. European J Oncology Nur. 2013;17(4):436-441. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejon.2012.11.002
- Lafçı D, Öztunç G. The relationship between time management skills with the anxiety levels of nursing students. Eur J Ther. 2015;(21):164-171. DOI: 10.5455/gmj-30-175101
- Köroğlu CO, Köroğlu M, Öztürk M. A Look at Ottoman Birth Traditions in the Early Republic Period: An Evaluation of Hamit Zübeyir Koşay's Article "Some Customs and Superstitions Related to Birth". Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Derg. 2020;10(3):425-435. DOI: 10.31020/mutftd.722397 (Turkish)
- Aukia L, Paavonen EJ, Jänkälä T, Tolvanen M, Korja R, Karlsson L, ... Polo-Kantola P. Insomnia symptoms increase during pregnancy, but no increase in sleepiness-Associations with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Sleep Med. 2020;(72):150-156. DOI: 10.1016/j.sleep.2020.03.031
Year 2024,
, 133 - 138, 28.03.2024
Esra Sabancı Baransel
Tuba Uçar
Project Number
(Project No: TSA-2022–3021)
- Atadağ Y, Aydin A, Kaya D, Öksüz A, Köşker HD. Risk assessments, pregnancy and birth processes of pregnant women at primary health care center: A retrospective study. J Surgery Med. 2017;1(1):5-8. DOI: 10.28982/josam.337609
- Sayılı U, Aslaner Ç, Gazanfer ÖB, Solmaz A. Evaluation of the effectiveness of risky pregnancies education for healthcare professionals. J Harran Univ Med Faculty. 2020;17(3):431-437. DOI: 10.35440/hutfd.808639
- Arslan H, Bani B, Güneş K, Eryurt MA. Risky pregnancies in Turkey: TDHS findings 2018. J Population Stud. 2020;42(1):64-91.
- Şahin E, Kılıçarslan S. Depressive, anxiety levels and affecting factors of third trimester pregnant women. Trakya Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi Derg. 2010;27(1).(Turkish)
- Mecdi M, Rathfisch G. Care for evidence-based applications during pregnancy. FN Hem. Derg. 2013;21(2):129-138.(Turkish)
- Özorhan EY, Ejder AS, Altun ÖŞ. Mental health in pregnancy, Yıldırım Beyazıt University J Nurs. 2014;(2):33-42.
- Derya YA, Özşahin Z, Uçar T, Erdemoğlu Ç, Ünver H. The relationship between impact of pregnancy complaints on the life quality of the pregnant women and their psychosocial health level. Turkish J Family Med Primary Care. 2018;(12):171-177. DOI: 10.21763/tjfmpc.452447
- Şanlı Y, Dinçer Y, Oskay Ü, Bulduk S. Merging stressors and coping methods among high-risk pregnancy women:A qualitative study. STED. 2018;27(5):333-342.
- Erbas N, Gülbahtiyar D. Determination of quality of life and affecting factors in pregnant women. Int J Nurs Didactics. 2017;(9):08-12. DOI:10.15520/ijnd.2017.vol7.iss9.247.08-12
- Smyka M, Kosińska-Kaczyńska K, Sochacki-Wójcicka N, Zgliczyńska, M, Wielgoś M. Sleep problems in Pregnancy—A cross-sectional study in over 7000 pregnant women in Poland. Int J Environmental Res Public Health. 2020;17(15):5306. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17155306
- Bacaro V, Benz F, Pappaccogli A, De Bartolo P, Johann AF, Palagini L, ... Baglioni C. Interventions for sleep problems during pregnancy: A systematic review. Sleep Med Reviews. 2020;(50):101234. DOI: 10.1016/j.smrv.2019.101234
- Taskiran N. Pregnancy and sleep quality. J Turkish Society Obst Gynecol. 2011;8(3):181-7. DOI: 10.5505/tjod.2011.14880
- Çelik F, Köse M. The relationship between sleep quality and trimester of pregnancy. Kocatepe Med J. 2017;18(3):85-88. DOI: 10.18229/kocatepetip.344658(Turkish)
- Öztürk DM, Yılmaz A, Müsüroğlu S, Sevinç S, Akcan B. Determination of sleep quality of sleeping pregnancies in last trimester and methods of coping: Sleep in last trimester pregnancy. Süleyman Demirel University J Health Sci. 2019;10(3):212-216. DOI: 10.22312/sdusbed.490651(Turkish)
- Özkan Z, Bozkurt G. The Effect of sleep quality to the labor and labor pain. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Derg. 2015;2(3):334-344. DOI: 10.17681/hsp.55766 (Turkish)
- Hutchison BL, Stone PR, McCowan LM, Stewart AW, Thompson J, Mitchell EA. A postal survey of maternal sleep in late pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2012;12(1):1-7. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2393-12-144
- Won CH. Sleeping for two: The great paradox of sleep in pregnancy. J Clin Sleep Med. 2015;11(6):593-594. DOI: 10.5664/jcsm.4760
- Yılmaz B, Can ÜK. The music used abstract in music therapy practice in Turkey. OPUS Int J Society Res. 2019;13(19):592-620. DOI:10.26466/opus.584795
- Tayaz E, Kutluturkan S. An approach in the management of cancer pain: Music therapy. Ankara Med J. 2019;19(4):784-788. DOI: 10.17098/amj.652013(Turkish)
- Liu YH, Lee CS, Yu CH, Chen CH. Effects of music listening on stress, anxiety, and sleep quality for sleep-disturbed pregnant women. Women & Health. 2016;56(3):296-311. DOI: 10.1080/03630242.2015.1088116
- Corey K, Fallek R, Benattar M. Bedside music therapy for women during antepartum and postpartum hospitalization. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing. 2019;44(5):277-283. DOI: 10.1097/nmc.0000000000000557
- Shimada BMO, Santos MDSOMD, Cabral MA, Silva VO, Vagetti GC. Interventions among pregnant women in the field of music therapy: a systematic review. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetricia/RBGO-Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2021;43(05):403-413. DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1731924
- Yikar SK, Nazik E. Effects of prenatal education on complaints during pregnancy and on quality of life. Patient Education Counseling. 2019;102(1):119-125. DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2018.08.023
- Gür EY, Pasinlioğlu T. The Scale of complaints during pregnancy and their effect on quality of life: The validity and reliability of the Turkish version. J Inonu Univ Health Services Vocational School. 2021;9(2):482-497. DOI: 10.33715/inonusaglik.822370
- Özlü ZK, Özer N. Richard-Campbell sleep scale validity and reliability study. J Turkish Sleep Med. 2015;(2):29-32. DOI: 10.4274/jtsm.02.008
- Lee KA, Gay CL, Alsten CR. Sleep enhancement training for pregnant women. Obstetrics and gynecology. 2016;128(5):964. DOI: 10.1097/aog.0000000000001654
- Kulakaç N, Çolak A, Aktuğ C. The effect of musıc on quality of life. Gümüşhane University J Health Sci. 2016;5(4):67-70.
- KS N, SN G.Yazar isimleri açık yazılmalı Leisure reading experience promoting prenatal attachment among pregnant women: A moderated mediation model. J Leisure Res. 2022;53(1):27-55. DOI: 10.1080/00222216.2020.1834891
- Kisilevsky BS, Hains SMJ, Jacquet AY, Granier‐Deferre C, Lecanuet JP. Maturation of fetal responses to music. Developmental Sci. 2004;7(5):550–559. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-7687.2004.00379
- Shimada BMO, Santos MDSOMD, Cabral MA, Silva VO, Vagetti GC. Intervenções em gestantes na área da musicoterapia: Uma revisão sistemática. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2021;43(5):403-413. DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1731924
- Akmeşe ZB, Oran NT. Effects of progressive muscle relaxation exercises accompanied by music on low back pain and quality of life during pregnancy. J Midwifery & Women's Health. 2014;59(5):503-509. DOI: 10.1111/jmwh.12176
- Chen LC, Wang TF, Shih YN, Wu LJ. Fifteen-minute music intervention reduces pre-radiotherapy anxiety in oncology patients. European J Oncology Nur. 2013;17(4):436-441. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejon.2012.11.002
- Lafçı D, Öztunç G. The relationship between time management skills with the anxiety levels of nursing students. Eur J Ther. 2015;(21):164-171. DOI: 10.5455/gmj-30-175101
- Köroğlu CO, Köroğlu M, Öztürk M. A Look at Ottoman Birth Traditions in the Early Republic Period: An Evaluation of Hamit Zübeyir Koşay's Article "Some Customs and Superstitions Related to Birth". Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Derg. 2020;10(3):425-435. DOI: 10.31020/mutftd.722397 (Turkish)
- Aukia L, Paavonen EJ, Jänkälä T, Tolvanen M, Korja R, Karlsson L, ... Polo-Kantola P. Insomnia symptoms increase during pregnancy, but no increase in sleepiness-Associations with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Sleep Med. 2020;(72):150-156. DOI: 10.1016/j.sleep.2020.03.031