Research Article
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Year 2019, , 21 - 28, 29.03.2019



  • [1] Irwin L. Homophobia and heterosexism: implications for nursing and nursing practice. Aust J Adv Nurs 2007;25(1):70-6.
  • [2] LGBT Terms and Definitions, 2015. Retrieved from LGBT Terms and Definitions, Retrieved from mt-content/uploads/2017/07/lgbt-terms-and-definitions-_- international-spectrum.pdf
  • [3] Scott DS, Pringle A, Lumsdaine C. Social exclusion homophobia and health in equalities: a review. UK Gay Men’s Health Network, Retrieved from report.pdf , 2004.
  • [4] Unlu H, Bedük T, Duyan V. The attitudes of the undergraduate nursing students towards lesbian. J Clin Nurs 2016; 25(23- 24):3697–706.
  • [5] Polimeni A, Hardie E, Buzwell S. Homophobia among Australian heterosexuals: The role of sex, gender role ideology and gender role traits. CRISP 2000;5(4):47-62.
  • [6] Meyer H. Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: Conceptual issues and research evidence. Psychological Bulletin 2003; 129(5): 674–97.
  • [7] Albuquerque GA, Garcia CL, Quirino GS, Alves MJH, Jameson Moreira Belém Figueiredo FWS, et al. Access to health services by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons: systematic literature review. BMC Int Health Hum Rights 2016;16: 2.
  • [8] Royal College of Nursing. The nursing care of lesbian and gay male patients or clients, Guidance for nursing staff, The Royal College of Nursing, London. 2013. Retrieved from http:// care-of-lesbian-and-gay-male-patients-or-clients.pdf.
  • [9] Cohen LA, Romberg E, Grace E. Revisiting the attitudes of dental faculty toward individuals with AIDS. J Dent Educ 2001;65(3):249-52.
  • [10] Röndahl G, Innala S, Carlson M. Nurses’ attitudes towards lesbians and gay men. J Adv Nurs 2004;47(4):386-92.
  • [11] Smith DM, Mathew C. Physicians’ attitudes toward homosexuality and HIV: survey of a California Medical Society – Revisted (PATHH-II). J Homosex 2007;52(1): 1-9.
  • [12] Campo-Arias A, Herazo E, Cogollo Z, Adalberto, CA, Edwin H, Zuleima C. Homophobi a among nursing students. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2010;44(3): 839-43.
  • [13] Yen CF, Pan SM, Hou SY, Liu HC, Wu SJ, Yang WC, Yang HH. Attitudes toward gay men and lesbians and related factors among nurses in Southern Taiwan. Public Health 2007;121(1): 73-9.
  • [14] Carabez R, Pellegrini M, Mankovitz A, Eliason M, Ciano M, Scot M. “Never in All My Years…”: Nurses’ Education About LGBT Health, J Prof Nurs 2015;31(4):323–29.
  • [15] Bowers R, Plummer D, McCann P, McConaghy C, Irwin L. How woman age sexual and gender diversity in the public health system. University of New England and Northern Sydney Central Coast: NSW Health. 2006. Retrieved from http://www.
  • [16] Burke BP, White JC. Wellbeing of gay, lesbian and bisexual doctors. BMJ 2001;322(7283):422‑25.
  • [17] Tate FB, Longo DA. Homophobia: a challenge for psychosocial nursing. J Psychiatr Nurs Ment Health Serv 2004;42(8):26‑33.
  • [18] Kan RWM, Au KP, Chan WK, Cheung LWM, Lam CYY, Liu HHW. Homophobia in medical students of the University of Hong Kong, Journal Sex Education 2009;9(1):65-80.
  • [19] Flórez-Salamanca L, Herazo E, Oviedo HC, Campo-Arias A. Prevalence and Predictors of High Sexual Prejudice Among Medical Students From Two Colombian Cities. SAGE Open 2014;1–8.
  • [20] Wilson CK, West L, Stepleman L, Villarosa M, Ange B, Decker M, Waller JL. Attitudes Toward LGBT Patients Among Students in the Health Professions: Influence of Demographics and Discipline. LGBT Health 2014;1(3): 204-11.
  • [21] Hudson W, Ricketts W. A strategy for measurement of homophobia. J Homosex 1980; 5:357-72.
  • [22] Sakallı N, Ugurlu O. Effects of social contact with homosexuals on heterosexual Turkish University students’ attitudes toward homosexuality. J Homosex 2001;42(1): 53-62.
  • [23] Higa D, Hoppe MJ, Lindhorst T, Mincer S, Beadnell B, Morrison DM, Wells EA, Todd A, Mountz S. Negative and positive factors associated with the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. Youth Soc 2014;46(5):663-87.
  • [24] Richmond JP, McKenna H. Homophobia: an evolutionary an alysis of the concept as applied to nursing. J Adv Nurs 1998;28(2):362-69.
  • [25] Saraç L. Relationships between religiosity level and attitudes toward lesbians and gay men among Turkish university students. J Homosex 2015;62(4):481-94.
  • [26] Chapman R, Watkins R, Zappia T, Combs S, Shields L. Secondlevel hospital health professionals’ attitudes to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents seeking health for their children. J Clin Nurs 2012,21(5-6):880-87.
  • [27] Jenkins M, Lambert EG, Baker DN. The attitudes of black and white college students toward gays and lesbians. J Black Stud 2009;39 (4):589-613.
  • [28] Lewis GB, Taylor HE. Public opinion toward gay and lesbian teachers. Rev Public Pers Adm 2001;21 (2):133-51.
  • [29] Shackelford TK, Besser A. Predicting attitudes to ward homosexuality: Insights from personality psychology. Individ Differ 2007;5 (2): 106-14.
  • [30] Cirakoğlu OC. Perception of homosexuality among Turkish University students: The role of labels, gender, and prior contact. J Soc Psychol 2006;146(3): 293-305.
  • [31] Şah, U. The relationship of the descriptions of homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality with levels of homophobia and acquaintance ship with LGBT People. Studies in Psychology 2012;32(2):23-49.
  • [32] Anderssen, N. Does contact with lesbians and gays lead to friendlier attitudes? A two year longitudinal study. J Community Appl Soc Psychol 2002;12: 124-36. [33] Akhan UL, Ünsal-Barlas, G. Study of health care providers and attitudes against homosexual, bisexual individuals. IJHS 2013; 10(1):434-444.
  • [34] Meystre-Agustoni G, Jeannin A, Dubois-Arber F. Taking about sexuality and HIV prevention in medical offices: The situation in Swizerland. J Sex Relation Ther 2006; 21(2):289-301.
  • [35] Klotzbaugh R, Spencer G. Magnet nurse administrat or attitudes and opportunities: toward improving lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender-specific healthcare. J Nurs Adm 2014; 44(9):481-86.

Determining Homophobic Attitudes of Nursing Students in Turkey and the Factors Affecting Them

Year 2019, , 21 - 28, 29.03.2019


Objective: The investigation of homophobic attitudes of nursing students is an important issue as it may result in homosexual individuals’ refraining
from health services. The study was carried out to determine the homophobic approaches of nursing students and factors affecting them.
Methods: In this descriptive study (n:295), the data were collected using a personal information form developed by the researchers and a
homophobic scale developed by Hudson and Rickett, which is called as Hudson and Rickett Homophobic Scale (HRHS). Frequency and percentage
calculations, sample T-test, one-way Anova analysis and Tukey HSD test were also used for the statistical analysis.
Results: In the light of the findings of the research, it was revealed that 87.8 % of the students had no homosexual friends, and 71.9 % said their
family would not approve a homosexual friend. 98.6% of the students has had no experience of caring a homosexual patient yet. 74.6% of them
reported that their attitudes towards a patient would not change when the patient was homosexual; however, the mean HRHS score (91.83±23.83)
indicates the opposite. In addition, mothers’ having a higher education level, taking sexual health courses, having a homosexual friend, and the
approval of the family were the effective parameters in reducing homophobic attitudes (p<0.05).
Conclusion: In the study, nursing students have a negative attitude towards homosexuality. Homophobic attitudes are one of the factors affecting
the health care of homosexual individuals. It is therefore important to plan initiatives to reduce negative attitudes.


  • [1] Irwin L. Homophobia and heterosexism: implications for nursing and nursing practice. Aust J Adv Nurs 2007;25(1):70-6.
  • [2] LGBT Terms and Definitions, 2015. Retrieved from LGBT Terms and Definitions, Retrieved from mt-content/uploads/2017/07/lgbt-terms-and-definitions-_- international-spectrum.pdf
  • [3] Scott DS, Pringle A, Lumsdaine C. Social exclusion homophobia and health in equalities: a review. UK Gay Men’s Health Network, Retrieved from report.pdf , 2004.
  • [4] Unlu H, Bedük T, Duyan V. The attitudes of the undergraduate nursing students towards lesbian. J Clin Nurs 2016; 25(23- 24):3697–706.
  • [5] Polimeni A, Hardie E, Buzwell S. Homophobia among Australian heterosexuals: The role of sex, gender role ideology and gender role traits. CRISP 2000;5(4):47-62.
  • [6] Meyer H. Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: Conceptual issues and research evidence. Psychological Bulletin 2003; 129(5): 674–97.
  • [7] Albuquerque GA, Garcia CL, Quirino GS, Alves MJH, Jameson Moreira Belém Figueiredo FWS, et al. Access to health services by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons: systematic literature review. BMC Int Health Hum Rights 2016;16: 2.
  • [8] Royal College of Nursing. The nursing care of lesbian and gay male patients or clients, Guidance for nursing staff, The Royal College of Nursing, London. 2013. Retrieved from http:// care-of-lesbian-and-gay-male-patients-or-clients.pdf.
  • [9] Cohen LA, Romberg E, Grace E. Revisiting the attitudes of dental faculty toward individuals with AIDS. J Dent Educ 2001;65(3):249-52.
  • [10] Röndahl G, Innala S, Carlson M. Nurses’ attitudes towards lesbians and gay men. J Adv Nurs 2004;47(4):386-92.
  • [11] Smith DM, Mathew C. Physicians’ attitudes toward homosexuality and HIV: survey of a California Medical Society – Revisted (PATHH-II). J Homosex 2007;52(1): 1-9.
  • [12] Campo-Arias A, Herazo E, Cogollo Z, Adalberto, CA, Edwin H, Zuleima C. Homophobi a among nursing students. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2010;44(3): 839-43.
  • [13] Yen CF, Pan SM, Hou SY, Liu HC, Wu SJ, Yang WC, Yang HH. Attitudes toward gay men and lesbians and related factors among nurses in Southern Taiwan. Public Health 2007;121(1): 73-9.
  • [14] Carabez R, Pellegrini M, Mankovitz A, Eliason M, Ciano M, Scot M. “Never in All My Years…”: Nurses’ Education About LGBT Health, J Prof Nurs 2015;31(4):323–29.
  • [15] Bowers R, Plummer D, McCann P, McConaghy C, Irwin L. How woman age sexual and gender diversity in the public health system. University of New England and Northern Sydney Central Coast: NSW Health. 2006. Retrieved from http://www.
  • [16] Burke BP, White JC. Wellbeing of gay, lesbian and bisexual doctors. BMJ 2001;322(7283):422‑25.
  • [17] Tate FB, Longo DA. Homophobia: a challenge for psychosocial nursing. J Psychiatr Nurs Ment Health Serv 2004;42(8):26‑33.
  • [18] Kan RWM, Au KP, Chan WK, Cheung LWM, Lam CYY, Liu HHW. Homophobia in medical students of the University of Hong Kong, Journal Sex Education 2009;9(1):65-80.
  • [19] Flórez-Salamanca L, Herazo E, Oviedo HC, Campo-Arias A. Prevalence and Predictors of High Sexual Prejudice Among Medical Students From Two Colombian Cities. SAGE Open 2014;1–8.
  • [20] Wilson CK, West L, Stepleman L, Villarosa M, Ange B, Decker M, Waller JL. Attitudes Toward LGBT Patients Among Students in the Health Professions: Influence of Demographics and Discipline. LGBT Health 2014;1(3): 204-11.
  • [21] Hudson W, Ricketts W. A strategy for measurement of homophobia. J Homosex 1980; 5:357-72.
  • [22] Sakallı N, Ugurlu O. Effects of social contact with homosexuals on heterosexual Turkish University students’ attitudes toward homosexuality. J Homosex 2001;42(1): 53-62.
  • [23] Higa D, Hoppe MJ, Lindhorst T, Mincer S, Beadnell B, Morrison DM, Wells EA, Todd A, Mountz S. Negative and positive factors associated with the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. Youth Soc 2014;46(5):663-87.
  • [24] Richmond JP, McKenna H. Homophobia: an evolutionary an alysis of the concept as applied to nursing. J Adv Nurs 1998;28(2):362-69.
  • [25] Saraç L. Relationships between religiosity level and attitudes toward lesbians and gay men among Turkish university students. J Homosex 2015;62(4):481-94.
  • [26] Chapman R, Watkins R, Zappia T, Combs S, Shields L. Secondlevel hospital health professionals’ attitudes to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents seeking health for their children. J Clin Nurs 2012,21(5-6):880-87.
  • [27] Jenkins M, Lambert EG, Baker DN. The attitudes of black and white college students toward gays and lesbians. J Black Stud 2009;39 (4):589-613.
  • [28] Lewis GB, Taylor HE. Public opinion toward gay and lesbian teachers. Rev Public Pers Adm 2001;21 (2):133-51.
  • [29] Shackelford TK, Besser A. Predicting attitudes to ward homosexuality: Insights from personality psychology. Individ Differ 2007;5 (2): 106-14.
  • [30] Cirakoğlu OC. Perception of homosexuality among Turkish University students: The role of labels, gender, and prior contact. J Soc Psychol 2006;146(3): 293-305.
  • [31] Şah, U. The relationship of the descriptions of homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality with levels of homophobia and acquaintance ship with LGBT People. Studies in Psychology 2012;32(2):23-49.
  • [32] Anderssen, N. Does contact with lesbians and gays lead to friendlier attitudes? A two year longitudinal study. J Community Appl Soc Psychol 2002;12: 124-36. [33] Akhan UL, Ünsal-Barlas, G. Study of health care providers and attitudes against homosexual, bisexual individuals. IJHS 2013; 10(1):434-444.
  • [34] Meystre-Agustoni G, Jeannin A, Dubois-Arber F. Taking about sexuality and HIV prevention in medical offices: The situation in Swizerland. J Sex Relation Ther 2006; 21(2):289-301.
  • [35] Klotzbaugh R, Spencer G. Magnet nurse administrat or attitudes and opportunities: toward improving lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender-specific healthcare. J Nurs Adm 2014; 44(9):481-86.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

İlknur Münevver Gonenc This is me 0000-0001-6834-1010

Ayten Senturk Erenel This is me 0000-0002-0841-2099

Publication Date March 29, 2019
Submission Date November 18, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Gonenc, İ. M., & Senturk Erenel, A. (2019). Determining Homophobic Attitudes of Nursing Students in Turkey and the Factors Affecting Them. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 9(1), 21-28.
AMA Gonenc İM, Senturk Erenel A. Determining Homophobic Attitudes of Nursing Students in Turkey and the Factors Affecting Them. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. March 2019;9(1):21-28. doi:10.5152/clinexphealthsci.2018.839
Chicago Gonenc, İlknur Münevver, and Ayten Senturk Erenel. “Determining Homophobic Attitudes of Nursing Students in Turkey and the Factors Affecting Them”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9, no. 1 (March 2019): 21-28.
EndNote Gonenc İM, Senturk Erenel A (March 1, 2019) Determining Homophobic Attitudes of Nursing Students in Turkey and the Factors Affecting Them. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9 1 21–28.
IEEE İ. M. Gonenc and A. Senturk Erenel, “Determining Homophobic Attitudes of Nursing Students in Turkey and the Factors Affecting Them”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 21–28, 2019, doi: 10.5152/clinexphealthsci.2018.839.
ISNAD Gonenc, İlknur Münevver - Senturk Erenel, Ayten. “Determining Homophobic Attitudes of Nursing Students in Turkey and the Factors Affecting Them”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9/1 (March 2019), 21-28.
JAMA Gonenc İM, Senturk Erenel A. Determining Homophobic Attitudes of Nursing Students in Turkey and the Factors Affecting Them. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2019;9:21–28.
MLA Gonenc, İlknur Münevver and Ayten Senturk Erenel. “Determining Homophobic Attitudes of Nursing Students in Turkey and the Factors Affecting Them”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, 2019, pp. 21-28, doi:10.5152/clinexphealthsci.2018.839.
Vancouver Gonenc İM, Senturk Erenel A. Determining Homophobic Attitudes of Nursing Students in Turkey and the Factors Affecting Them. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2019;9(1):21-8.

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