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The Effect of Endocrinological Parameters on Sleep Quality, Life Quality, Depression and Anxiety Levels in Pregnancy

Year 2020, , 33 - 39, 24.03.2020


Objectives: Examining the relation between sleep quality, quality of life, depression and anxiety levels with some endocrinological parameters in pregnancy.

Methods: The oral glucose loading test and thyroid function test results of the pregnant women who were in the 24-29th weeks of pregnancy were used in the study. Non-pregnant women, who were matched with the study group in terms of sociodemographic data, were also included in the study as the healthy control group. All participant completed a standardized sociodemographic data collection form and the following scales; Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Pittsburg Sleep Quality Scale (PDCA), Quality of Life Scale (SF-36).

Results: No significant differences were detected between the sociodemographic data of the participants except for the educational status and living area. As a result, statistically significant differences were detected between the “sleep latency” (p=0.016), “usual sleep activity” (p=0.004), “sleep disorder” (p=0.000) subcomponents compared to the control group. For SF-36, on the other hand, the results of the pregnant group in “physical function” (p=0.000), “physical role limitation” (p=0.002) and “pain” (p=0.000) sub-dimensions were worse than the control group. The Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) value was positively correlated with “sleep time” (r=0.233); the “fasting blood glucose” was positively correlated with “pain” sub-dimensions (r=0.497); and the “physical function” sub-dimension was negatively correlated (r=-0.192).

Conclusion: Our data suggest that the depression and anxiety scores of the pregnant women were high, and life and sleep quality was impaired in certain sub-dimensions.


  • Referans1 Bie´n A, Rzo´nca E, Ka´nczugowska A, IwanowiczPalus G. Factors affecting the quality of life and the illness acceptance of pregnant women with diabetes. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2015;13:68. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13010068.
  • Referans 2 Ryff CD. Psychological well-being revisited: advances in the science and practice of eudaimonia. Psychother Psychosom 2014;83:10-28. doi: 10.1159/000353263.
  • Referans 3 The WHOQOL Group. What Quality of Life. World Health Forum. 1996; 17:354-56.
  • Referans 4 Barion A, Zee PC. A clinical approach to circadian rhythm sleep disorders. Sleep Med 2007; 8(6): 566–77.
  • Referans 5 Yılmaz SD, Beli NK. Gebelerin stresle başa çıkma, depression ve prenatal bağlanma düzeyleri ve bunları etkileyen faktörler. General Tıp Derg 2010;20(3):98-3.
  • Referans 6 Yücel P, Çayır Y, Yücel M. Depression and Anxiety Among First Trimester Pregnancies. J Clin Psy 2013;16:83-7.
  • Referans 7 Dağlar G, Nur N. Gebelerin stresle başa çıkma tarzlarının anksiyete ve depresyon düzeyi ile ilişkisi. J Med Cumhuriyet 2014;36(4)
  • Referans 8 Tunç S, Yenicesu O, Çakar E, Özcan H, Pekçetin S, Danışman N. Anxiety and depression frequency and related factors during pregnancy. J Gynecol Obstet Neonatol 2012; 9: 1431-35.
  • Referans 9 Çalık KY, Aktaş S. Depression in Pregnancy: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Treatment. C Ap Psy 2011;3(1):142-62.
  • Referans10 Figueiredo B, Conde A. Anxiety and depression in women and men from early pregnancy to 3-months postpartum. Arch Womens Ment Health 2011;14(3):247-55. doi: 10.1007/s00737-011-0217-3.
  • Referans 11 Dağlar G, Bilgiç D, Koç S, Yörük B, Çoşkun P. Anxiety and depression levels of women’s pre and post-labor stage and influencing factors. I J MHS 2016;6(4):114-20. 10.15520/ijmhs.2016.vol6.iss4.127.
  • Referans 12 Zaman FK, Özblood N, Toprak D. Depression and Anxiety in Pregnancy. J Med Konuralp 2018;10(1):20-5. Doi: 10.18521/ktd.311793.
  • Referans 13 Özhüner Y, Çelik N. Sleep Quality and Quality of Life in Pregnants. HSP 2019;6 (1):25-33. Doi:10.17681/hsp.434753.
  • Referans 14 Mehta N, Shafi F, Bhat A. Unique Aspects of Sleep in Women. Mo Med 2015;112:430-4.
  • Referans 15 Tamanna S, Geraci SA. Major sleep disorders among women. South Med J 2013;106:470-8. doi: 10.1097/SMJ.0b013e3182a15af5.
  • Referans 16 Herring SJ, Nelson DB, Pien GW, Homko C, Goetzl LM, Davey A et al. Objectively measured sleep duration and hyperglycemia in pregnancy. Sleep med 2014; 15(1): 51-5. /
  • Referans 17 Hawkins M, Marcus B, Pekow P, Rosal MC, Tucker KL, Spencer RM et al. Physical Activity and Sleep Quality and Duration During Pregnancy Among Hispanic Women: Estudio PARTO. Behav Sleep Med 2018; 1-14.
  • Referans 18 Beck AT, Ward CH, Mendelson M, Mock J, Erbaugh J. An inventory for measuring depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1961; 4: 561-571.
  • Referans 19 Hisli-Sahin N. Beck Depresyon Envanterinin geçerliği üzerine bir çalışma. Psikoloji Derg 1988; 6:118-126.
  • Referans 20 Beck AT, Epstein N, Brown G, Ster RA. An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: psychometric properties. J Consul Clin Psychol 1988; 56:893-897.
  • Referans 21 Ulusoy M, Şahin NH, Erkmen H. Turkish version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory: Psychometric properties. J Cog Psychother 1988; 12:163-172.
  • Referans 22 Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF 3rd, Monk TH, Berman SR, Kupfer DJ. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry Res 1989;28(2):193– 213.
  • Referans 23 Agargun MY, Kara H, Anlar O. Pittsburgh uyku kalitesi indeksinin geçerliği ve güvenirliği. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 1996;7(2):107– 15.
  • Referans 24 Ware Jr JE, Sherbourne CD. The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36): I. Conceptual framework and item selection. Med Care. 1992:473- 83. 10.
  • Referans 25 Koçyigit H. Kisa Form-36 (KF-36)'nın Türkce versiyonunun güvenilirliği ve geçerliliği. İlaç ve Tedavi Dergisi. 1999;12:102-6.
  • Referans 26 Chirwa S, Nwabuisi C, Ladson G, Korley L, Whitty J, Atkinson R et al. Poor Sleep Quality Is Associated with Higher Hemoglobin A1c in Pregnant Women: A Pilot Observational Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2018;15(10):2287.
  • Referans 27 Gay CL, Richoux SE, Beebe KR, Lee KA. Sleep disruption and duration in late pregnancy is associated with excess gestational weight gain among overweight and obese women. Birth 2017; 44(2): 173-80.
  • Referans 28 Reutrakul S, Anothaisintawee T, Herring SJ, Balserak BI, Marc I, Thakkinstian A. Short sleep duration and hyperglycemia in pregnancy: Aggregate and individual patient data meta-analysis. Sleep Med Rev 2018; 40: 31-42.
  • Referans 29 Morin M, Vayssiere C, Claris O, Irague F, Mallah S, Molinier L et al. Evaluation of the quality of life of pregnant women from 2005 to 2015. European J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2017; 214: 115-30.
  • Referans 30 Özdemir ÖÇ, Sürmeli M, Özel A, Yavuz İE, Topçuoğlu A, Ankaralı H. Gebelerde fiziksel aktivite ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişki. Anadol Klin 2017; 22(2):95-102. DOI: 10.21673.
  • Referans 31 Abbaszadeh F, Atrian MK, Alavi NM, Bagheri A, Sadat Z, Karimian Z. Relationship between quality of life and depression in pregnant women. Nurs Midwifery Stud 2013;2(2):193.
  • Referans 32 Saadati F, Sehhatiei-Shafaei F, Mirghafourvand M. Sleep quality and its relationship with quality of life among high-risk pregnant women (gestational diabetes and hypertension). The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018;31(2):150-57.
  • Referans 33 Effati-Daryani F, Mirghafourvand M, Mohammad-Charandabi S, Shiri-Sarand F, Zarei S. Sleep quality and its relationship with quality of life in Iranian pregnant women. Int J Nurs Prac 2017; 23(2):12518.
  • Referans 34 Başer SÖ, Özcan S. Diyabet hastalarında social sorun çözme tarzları/yönelimleri, yaşam kaliteleri ve HbA1c düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki. Çukurova Med J 2018; 43(3): 660-68.
  • Referans 35 Parsa P, Ahmadinia-Tabesh R, Mohammadi Y, Khorami N. Investigating the relationship between quality of life with lipid and glucose levels in Iranian diabetic patients. Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome. Clin Res Rev 2017;11:879-83.
Year 2020, , 33 - 39, 24.03.2020



  • Referans1 Bie´n A, Rzo´nca E, Ka´nczugowska A, IwanowiczPalus G. Factors affecting the quality of life and the illness acceptance of pregnant women with diabetes. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2015;13:68. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13010068.
  • Referans 2 Ryff CD. Psychological well-being revisited: advances in the science and practice of eudaimonia. Psychother Psychosom 2014;83:10-28. doi: 10.1159/000353263.
  • Referans 3 The WHOQOL Group. What Quality of Life. World Health Forum. 1996; 17:354-56.
  • Referans 4 Barion A, Zee PC. A clinical approach to circadian rhythm sleep disorders. Sleep Med 2007; 8(6): 566–77.
  • Referans 5 Yılmaz SD, Beli NK. Gebelerin stresle başa çıkma, depression ve prenatal bağlanma düzeyleri ve bunları etkileyen faktörler. General Tıp Derg 2010;20(3):98-3.
  • Referans 6 Yücel P, Çayır Y, Yücel M. Depression and Anxiety Among First Trimester Pregnancies. J Clin Psy 2013;16:83-7.
  • Referans 7 Dağlar G, Nur N. Gebelerin stresle başa çıkma tarzlarının anksiyete ve depresyon düzeyi ile ilişkisi. J Med Cumhuriyet 2014;36(4)
  • Referans 8 Tunç S, Yenicesu O, Çakar E, Özcan H, Pekçetin S, Danışman N. Anxiety and depression frequency and related factors during pregnancy. J Gynecol Obstet Neonatol 2012; 9: 1431-35.
  • Referans 9 Çalık KY, Aktaş S. Depression in Pregnancy: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Treatment. C Ap Psy 2011;3(1):142-62.
  • Referans10 Figueiredo B, Conde A. Anxiety and depression in women and men from early pregnancy to 3-months postpartum. Arch Womens Ment Health 2011;14(3):247-55. doi: 10.1007/s00737-011-0217-3.
  • Referans 11 Dağlar G, Bilgiç D, Koç S, Yörük B, Çoşkun P. Anxiety and depression levels of women’s pre and post-labor stage and influencing factors. I J MHS 2016;6(4):114-20. 10.15520/ijmhs.2016.vol6.iss4.127.
  • Referans 12 Zaman FK, Özblood N, Toprak D. Depression and Anxiety in Pregnancy. J Med Konuralp 2018;10(1):20-5. Doi: 10.18521/ktd.311793.
  • Referans 13 Özhüner Y, Çelik N. Sleep Quality and Quality of Life in Pregnants. HSP 2019;6 (1):25-33. Doi:10.17681/hsp.434753.
  • Referans 14 Mehta N, Shafi F, Bhat A. Unique Aspects of Sleep in Women. Mo Med 2015;112:430-4.
  • Referans 15 Tamanna S, Geraci SA. Major sleep disorders among women. South Med J 2013;106:470-8. doi: 10.1097/SMJ.0b013e3182a15af5.
  • Referans 16 Herring SJ, Nelson DB, Pien GW, Homko C, Goetzl LM, Davey A et al. Objectively measured sleep duration and hyperglycemia in pregnancy. Sleep med 2014; 15(1): 51-5. /
  • Referans 17 Hawkins M, Marcus B, Pekow P, Rosal MC, Tucker KL, Spencer RM et al. Physical Activity and Sleep Quality and Duration During Pregnancy Among Hispanic Women: Estudio PARTO. Behav Sleep Med 2018; 1-14.
  • Referans 18 Beck AT, Ward CH, Mendelson M, Mock J, Erbaugh J. An inventory for measuring depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1961; 4: 561-571.
  • Referans 19 Hisli-Sahin N. Beck Depresyon Envanterinin geçerliği üzerine bir çalışma. Psikoloji Derg 1988; 6:118-126.
  • Referans 20 Beck AT, Epstein N, Brown G, Ster RA. An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: psychometric properties. J Consul Clin Psychol 1988; 56:893-897.
  • Referans 21 Ulusoy M, Şahin NH, Erkmen H. Turkish version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory: Psychometric properties. J Cog Psychother 1988; 12:163-172.
  • Referans 22 Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF 3rd, Monk TH, Berman SR, Kupfer DJ. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry Res 1989;28(2):193– 213.
  • Referans 23 Agargun MY, Kara H, Anlar O. Pittsburgh uyku kalitesi indeksinin geçerliği ve güvenirliği. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 1996;7(2):107– 15.
  • Referans 24 Ware Jr JE, Sherbourne CD. The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36): I. Conceptual framework and item selection. Med Care. 1992:473- 83. 10.
  • Referans 25 Koçyigit H. Kisa Form-36 (KF-36)'nın Türkce versiyonunun güvenilirliği ve geçerliliği. İlaç ve Tedavi Dergisi. 1999;12:102-6.
  • Referans 26 Chirwa S, Nwabuisi C, Ladson G, Korley L, Whitty J, Atkinson R et al. Poor Sleep Quality Is Associated with Higher Hemoglobin A1c in Pregnant Women: A Pilot Observational Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2018;15(10):2287.
  • Referans 27 Gay CL, Richoux SE, Beebe KR, Lee KA. Sleep disruption and duration in late pregnancy is associated with excess gestational weight gain among overweight and obese women. Birth 2017; 44(2): 173-80.
  • Referans 28 Reutrakul S, Anothaisintawee T, Herring SJ, Balserak BI, Marc I, Thakkinstian A. Short sleep duration and hyperglycemia in pregnancy: Aggregate and individual patient data meta-analysis. Sleep Med Rev 2018; 40: 31-42.
  • Referans 29 Morin M, Vayssiere C, Claris O, Irague F, Mallah S, Molinier L et al. Evaluation of the quality of life of pregnant women from 2005 to 2015. European J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2017; 214: 115-30.
  • Referans 30 Özdemir ÖÇ, Sürmeli M, Özel A, Yavuz İE, Topçuoğlu A, Ankaralı H. Gebelerde fiziksel aktivite ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişki. Anadol Klin 2017; 22(2):95-102. DOI: 10.21673.
  • Referans 31 Abbaszadeh F, Atrian MK, Alavi NM, Bagheri A, Sadat Z, Karimian Z. Relationship between quality of life and depression in pregnant women. Nurs Midwifery Stud 2013;2(2):193.
  • Referans 32 Saadati F, Sehhatiei-Shafaei F, Mirghafourvand M. Sleep quality and its relationship with quality of life among high-risk pregnant women (gestational diabetes and hypertension). The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018;31(2):150-57.
  • Referans 33 Effati-Daryani F, Mirghafourvand M, Mohammad-Charandabi S, Shiri-Sarand F, Zarei S. Sleep quality and its relationship with quality of life in Iranian pregnant women. Int J Nurs Prac 2017; 23(2):12518.
  • Referans 34 Başer SÖ, Özcan S. Diyabet hastalarında social sorun çözme tarzları/yönelimleri, yaşam kaliteleri ve HbA1c düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki. Çukurova Med J 2018; 43(3): 660-68.
  • Referans 35 Parsa P, Ahmadinia-Tabesh R, Mohammadi Y, Khorami N. Investigating the relationship between quality of life with lipid and glucose levels in Iranian diabetic patients. Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome. Clin Res Rev 2017;11:879-83.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Filiz Özsoy 0000-0002-5198-8827

Hatice Yılmaz Doğru 0000-0003-3431-2072

Ilhan Bahri Delıbas This is me 0000-0003-3068-2252

Asker Zeki Özsoy 0000-0003-0749-4157

Fazli Demırturk This is me 0000-0002-4168-5865

Publication Date March 24, 2020
Submission Date June 11, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Özsoy, F., Yılmaz Doğru, H., Delıbas, I. B., Özsoy, A. Z., et al. (2020). The Effect of Endocrinological Parameters on Sleep Quality, Life Quality, Depression and Anxiety Levels in Pregnancy. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 10(1), 33-39.
AMA Özsoy F, Yılmaz Doğru H, Delıbas IB, Özsoy AZ, Demırturk F. The Effect of Endocrinological Parameters on Sleep Quality, Life Quality, Depression and Anxiety Levels in Pregnancy. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. March 2020;10(1):33-39. doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.571374
Chicago Özsoy, Filiz, Hatice Yılmaz Doğru, Ilhan Bahri Delıbas, Asker Zeki Özsoy, and Fazli Demırturk. “The Effect of Endocrinological Parameters on Sleep Quality, Life Quality, Depression and Anxiety Levels in Pregnancy”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 10, no. 1 (March 2020): 33-39.
EndNote Özsoy F, Yılmaz Doğru H, Delıbas IB, Özsoy AZ, Demırturk F (March 1, 2020) The Effect of Endocrinological Parameters on Sleep Quality, Life Quality, Depression and Anxiety Levels in Pregnancy. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 10 1 33–39.
IEEE F. Özsoy, H. Yılmaz Doğru, I. B. Delıbas, A. Z. Özsoy, and F. Demırturk, “The Effect of Endocrinological Parameters on Sleep Quality, Life Quality, Depression and Anxiety Levels in Pregnancy”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 33–39, 2020, doi: 10.33808/clinexphealthsci.571374.
ISNAD Özsoy, Filiz et al. “The Effect of Endocrinological Parameters on Sleep Quality, Life Quality, Depression and Anxiety Levels in Pregnancy”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 10/1 (March 2020), 33-39.
JAMA Özsoy F, Yılmaz Doğru H, Delıbas IB, Özsoy AZ, Demırturk F. The Effect of Endocrinological Parameters on Sleep Quality, Life Quality, Depression and Anxiety Levels in Pregnancy. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2020;10:33–39.
MLA Özsoy, Filiz et al. “The Effect of Endocrinological Parameters on Sleep Quality, Life Quality, Depression and Anxiety Levels in Pregnancy”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020, pp. 33-39, doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.571374.
Vancouver Özsoy F, Yılmaz Doğru H, Delıbas IB, Özsoy AZ, Demırturk F. The Effect of Endocrinological Parameters on Sleep Quality, Life Quality, Depression and Anxiety Levels in Pregnancy. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2020;10(1):33-9.

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