Research Article
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Year 2021, , 746 - 753, 26.10.2021



  • Lammert F, Gurusamy K, Ko CW, et al. Gallstones. Nature Revıews / Dısease Prımers 2016; (2):1-17
  • Oddsdottir M, Pham TH, Hunter JG. Gallbladder and the extrahepatic biliary system. In: Bruncardi FC.(Ed.). Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery. 9. Edition Güneş Medical Bookstore; 2010 p.1136 -1164.
  • Tazuma S, Unno M, Igarashi Y, Inui K, Uchiyama K, Kai M, et al. Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for cholelithiasis. Journal of Gastroenterology 2019;(52): 276–300
  • Baykan D. The effect of postoperative local and regional bupivacaine administered to patients with laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Van Medical Journal 2002;9(4):113-118
  • Bisgaard T. Analgesic treatment after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a critical assessment of the evidence. Anesthesiology 2006;104 (4): 835-46.
  • Joshi GP, Kehlet H. Procedure-specific pain management: The road to improve postsurgical pain management? Anesthesiology 2013; 118: 934 – 944
  • Dayılar H, Oyur G, Kamer E, Sarıçicek A, Cengiz F, Hacıyanlı M. Evaluation of anxiety levels of patients before colon surgery. Turk Journal of Colorectal Disease 2017;27: 6-10
  • Karadağ Arlı S. Evaluation of anxiety before surgery with APAIS and STAI-I scales. Hacettepe University Journal of Nursing Faculty 2017; 4(3): 38-47
  • Yılmaz M, Sezer H, Gürler H, Bekar M. Predictors of preoperative anxiety in surgical inpatients. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2012; (21): 956-964
  • Taşdemir A, Erakgun A, Deniz MN, Çertuğ A. Comparison of anxiety levels before and after surgery with State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Test in patients who were informed preoperatively. Turkish Journal of Anaesth Reanim 2013; (41) 44-49
  • Carr E. Barriers to effective pain management. In: Cox F, eds. Perioperative Pain Management. United Kingdom Blackwell Publishing; 2009 p.26 - 48
  • Koraş K, Karabulut N. The effect of foot massage on postoperative pain and anxiety levels in laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery: A randomized controlled experimental study. Journal of Peri Anesthesia Nursing 2019; 34(3):551-558.
  • Memedov C, Menteş Ö, Şimşek A, Kece C, Yağcı G, Harlak A et al. Local anesthetic infiltration to multiple sites in the prevention of postoperative pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: placebo-controlled comparison of ropivacaine and prilocaine. Gülhane Medical Journal 2008; 50: 84-90
  • Asadizaker M, Fathizadeh A, Haidari A, Goharpai S. The effect of foot and hand massage on postoperative cardiac surgery pain. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 2011;3 (10):165-169
  • Babajani S. The effect of foot reflexology massage on the level of pain during chest tuberemoval after open heart surgery. Iran Journal of Critical Care Nursing 2014 ;7(1): 15-22
  • Çankaya A, Sarıtaş S. Effect of classic foot massage on vital signs, pain, and nausea/vomiting symptoms after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2018; 28(6):359 – 365
  • Pasyar N, Rambod MP, Kahkhaee FR. The effect of foot massage on pain ıntensity and anxiety in patients having undergone a tibial shaft fracture surgery: A randomized clinical trial Journal of Orthop Trauma 2018; 32: 482–486
  • Ucuzal M, Kanan N. Foot massage: effectiveness on postoperative pain in breast surgery patients. Pain Management Nursing 2014;15(2): 458-465
  • Tsay SL, Chen NL, Chen SC, Lin HR, Lin KC. Effects of reflexotherapy on acute postoperative pain and anxiety among patients with digestive cancer. Cancer Nursing 2008; 31(2):109 -116
  • Xue M, Fan L, Ge LN, Zhang Y, Ge JL, Gu J. Postoperative foot massage for patients after caesarean delivery. Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol 2016; 220(4):173-8
  • Wang HL, Keck JF. Foot and hand massage as an ıntervention for postoperative pain. Pain Management Nursing 2004; 5(2):59-65
  • Öztürk R, Sevil Ü, Sargın A,Yücebilgin MS.The effects of reflexology on anxiety and pain in patients after abdominal hysterectomy: A randomised controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2017; 36:107-112
  • Degirmen N. Effectiveness of foot and hand massage in postcesarean pain control in a group of Turkish pregnant women. Applied Nursing Research 2010; 23:153–58
  • Dreyer N, Cutshall SM, Huebner M, Foss DM, Lovely JK, Bauer BA. Effect of massage therapy on pain, anxiety, relaxation, and tension after colorectal surgery: a randomized study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2015; 21:154- 159
  • Hudson BF, Davidson J, Whiteley MS. The impact of hand reflexology on pain, anxiety and satisfaction during minimally invasive surgery under local anaesthetic: A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2015; 52: 1789–1797
  • Shehata AE, Elhy AA, Elsalam EAA. Effect of foot massage on pain level among patients after abdominal surgery. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science 2016; 5(2): 18-24
  • Shermeh S. Effect of foot reflex massage on sternotomy pain after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Iranian Journal of Critical Care Nursing 2009; 2(2): 51-54
  • Stephenson NL, Dalton JA. Using Reflexology for Pain Management. Journal of Holistic Nursing 2003; 21(2): 179-191
  • Akın Korhan E, Uyar M. Evidence-based approach to pain control: reflexology. Acıbadem University Journal of Health Sciences 2014; 5(1): 9 -14
  • Aksel Wilhelm Z. Step by Step Health. Reflexology (4. edition). İstanbul Dharma Publications; 2009 p.1 – 57.
  • Çevik K. Complementary and alternative therapy in nursing: reflexology. Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty 2013; 29 (2): 71-82
  • Doğan D. The art of healing hands: Reflexology. Eur J Basic Med Sci 2014; 4(4): 89-94
  • Kandemir D, Öztekin SD. The effect of reflexology on physiological parameters and mechanical ventilation weaning time in patients undergoing open heart surgery? European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2019; 26:43 – 49
  • Yıldız S, Yaşa Öztürk G. Reflexology: Basic and clinical information. Journal of Integrative Medicine 2014;2(1):26-42.
  • Youssef NFA, Hassan ADA. The Effect of hand and foot massage on alleviating pain and anxiety of abdominal post-operative patients at a University Hospital: A randomized control trial. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science 2017; 6 (3): 56-65
  • Chanif W, Petpichetchian W, Chongchareon W. Does foot massage relieve acute postoperative pain? A literature review. Nurse Media Journal of Nursing 2013; 3(1): 483- 497
  • Vardanjani MM, Alavi NM, Razavi NS, Aghajani M, Azizi – Fini E, Vaghefi SM. A randomized-controlled trial examining the effects of reflexology on anxiety of patients undergoing coronary angiography. Nursing and Midwifery Studies 2013; 2(3): 3-9.
  • Abbaszadeh Y, Allahbakhshian A, Seyyedrasooli A, Sarbakhsh P, Goljarian S, Safaei N. Effects of foot reflexology on anxiety and physiological parameters in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery: A clinical trial. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2018; 31: 220 – 228
  • Khorsand A, Tadayonfar MA, Badiee S, Aghaee MA, Azizi H, Baghani S. Evaluation of the effect of reflexology on pain control and analgesic consumption after appendectomy. The Journal of Alternatıve and Complementary Medicine 2015; 21(12): 774–780
  • Silverdale N, Wherry M, Roodhouse A. Massage and reflexology for post-operative cancer cystectomy patients: Evaluation of a pilot service. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2019; 34: 109-112

The Effect of Foot Massage on Pain and Anxiety Levels after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized-Controlled Trial

Year 2021, , 746 - 753, 26.10.2021


Objective: This study was conducted to determine the effect of foot reflexology massage performed on patients after laparoscopic cholecystectomy on pain levels, analgesic use and anxiety levels.
Methods: This prospective, experimental and randomized-controlled study was conducted with patients who underwent cholecystectomy. Ninety patients in total were divided into the experiment (n = 30), control (n = 30) and placebo (n = 30) groups. Foot reflexology massage was performed on the patients in the experiment group two times after surgery. Placebo massage was performed on the patients in the placebo group at the same times. Only routine treatment and care were given to the patients in the control group. The patients’ pain and anxiety levels and their amounts of analgesic use within 24 hours were monitored.
Results: The patients’ state anxiety scores decreased significantly from the preoperative to the postoperative measurements, and the degree of decrease did not differ between the groups (p>0.05). The pain scores of the patients decreased after the first and second massage applications in all groups in comparison to their pre-massage scores, and the pain in the experiment group felt after the second massage was lower than that in the patients in the placebo group (p<0.01). It was found that analgesic administration for the patients within 24 hours after the operation did not differ in terms of quantity or time of administration (p>0.05).
Conclusion: As a result, it may be stated that using reflexology with effectiveness of pain treatment and the quality of nursing care.


  • Lammert F, Gurusamy K, Ko CW, et al. Gallstones. Nature Revıews / Dısease Prımers 2016; (2):1-17
  • Oddsdottir M, Pham TH, Hunter JG. Gallbladder and the extrahepatic biliary system. In: Bruncardi FC.(Ed.). Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery. 9. Edition Güneş Medical Bookstore; 2010 p.1136 -1164.
  • Tazuma S, Unno M, Igarashi Y, Inui K, Uchiyama K, Kai M, et al. Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for cholelithiasis. Journal of Gastroenterology 2019;(52): 276–300
  • Baykan D. The effect of postoperative local and regional bupivacaine administered to patients with laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Van Medical Journal 2002;9(4):113-118
  • Bisgaard T. Analgesic treatment after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a critical assessment of the evidence. Anesthesiology 2006;104 (4): 835-46.
  • Joshi GP, Kehlet H. Procedure-specific pain management: The road to improve postsurgical pain management? Anesthesiology 2013; 118: 934 – 944
  • Dayılar H, Oyur G, Kamer E, Sarıçicek A, Cengiz F, Hacıyanlı M. Evaluation of anxiety levels of patients before colon surgery. Turk Journal of Colorectal Disease 2017;27: 6-10
  • Karadağ Arlı S. Evaluation of anxiety before surgery with APAIS and STAI-I scales. Hacettepe University Journal of Nursing Faculty 2017; 4(3): 38-47
  • Yılmaz M, Sezer H, Gürler H, Bekar M. Predictors of preoperative anxiety in surgical inpatients. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2012; (21): 956-964
  • Taşdemir A, Erakgun A, Deniz MN, Çertuğ A. Comparison of anxiety levels before and after surgery with State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Test in patients who were informed preoperatively. Turkish Journal of Anaesth Reanim 2013; (41) 44-49
  • Carr E. Barriers to effective pain management. In: Cox F, eds. Perioperative Pain Management. United Kingdom Blackwell Publishing; 2009 p.26 - 48
  • Koraş K, Karabulut N. The effect of foot massage on postoperative pain and anxiety levels in laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery: A randomized controlled experimental study. Journal of Peri Anesthesia Nursing 2019; 34(3):551-558.
  • Memedov C, Menteş Ö, Şimşek A, Kece C, Yağcı G, Harlak A et al. Local anesthetic infiltration to multiple sites in the prevention of postoperative pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: placebo-controlled comparison of ropivacaine and prilocaine. Gülhane Medical Journal 2008; 50: 84-90
  • Asadizaker M, Fathizadeh A, Haidari A, Goharpai S. The effect of foot and hand massage on postoperative cardiac surgery pain. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 2011;3 (10):165-169
  • Babajani S. The effect of foot reflexology massage on the level of pain during chest tuberemoval after open heart surgery. Iran Journal of Critical Care Nursing 2014 ;7(1): 15-22
  • Çankaya A, Sarıtaş S. Effect of classic foot massage on vital signs, pain, and nausea/vomiting symptoms after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2018; 28(6):359 – 365
  • Pasyar N, Rambod MP, Kahkhaee FR. The effect of foot massage on pain ıntensity and anxiety in patients having undergone a tibial shaft fracture surgery: A randomized clinical trial Journal of Orthop Trauma 2018; 32: 482–486
  • Ucuzal M, Kanan N. Foot massage: effectiveness on postoperative pain in breast surgery patients. Pain Management Nursing 2014;15(2): 458-465
  • Tsay SL, Chen NL, Chen SC, Lin HR, Lin KC. Effects of reflexotherapy on acute postoperative pain and anxiety among patients with digestive cancer. Cancer Nursing 2008; 31(2):109 -116
  • Xue M, Fan L, Ge LN, Zhang Y, Ge JL, Gu J. Postoperative foot massage for patients after caesarean delivery. Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol 2016; 220(4):173-8
  • Wang HL, Keck JF. Foot and hand massage as an ıntervention for postoperative pain. Pain Management Nursing 2004; 5(2):59-65
  • Öztürk R, Sevil Ü, Sargın A,Yücebilgin MS.The effects of reflexology on anxiety and pain in patients after abdominal hysterectomy: A randomised controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2017; 36:107-112
  • Degirmen N. Effectiveness of foot and hand massage in postcesarean pain control in a group of Turkish pregnant women. Applied Nursing Research 2010; 23:153–58
  • Dreyer N, Cutshall SM, Huebner M, Foss DM, Lovely JK, Bauer BA. Effect of massage therapy on pain, anxiety, relaxation, and tension after colorectal surgery: a randomized study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2015; 21:154- 159
  • Hudson BF, Davidson J, Whiteley MS. The impact of hand reflexology on pain, anxiety and satisfaction during minimally invasive surgery under local anaesthetic: A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2015; 52: 1789–1797
  • Shehata AE, Elhy AA, Elsalam EAA. Effect of foot massage on pain level among patients after abdominal surgery. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science 2016; 5(2): 18-24
  • Shermeh S. Effect of foot reflex massage on sternotomy pain after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Iranian Journal of Critical Care Nursing 2009; 2(2): 51-54
  • Stephenson NL, Dalton JA. Using Reflexology for Pain Management. Journal of Holistic Nursing 2003; 21(2): 179-191
  • Akın Korhan E, Uyar M. Evidence-based approach to pain control: reflexology. Acıbadem University Journal of Health Sciences 2014; 5(1): 9 -14
  • Aksel Wilhelm Z. Step by Step Health. Reflexology (4. edition). İstanbul Dharma Publications; 2009 p.1 – 57.
  • Çevik K. Complementary and alternative therapy in nursing: reflexology. Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty 2013; 29 (2): 71-82
  • Doğan D. The art of healing hands: Reflexology. Eur J Basic Med Sci 2014; 4(4): 89-94
  • Kandemir D, Öztekin SD. The effect of reflexology on physiological parameters and mechanical ventilation weaning time in patients undergoing open heart surgery? European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2019; 26:43 – 49
  • Yıldız S, Yaşa Öztürk G. Reflexology: Basic and clinical information. Journal of Integrative Medicine 2014;2(1):26-42.
  • Youssef NFA, Hassan ADA. The Effect of hand and foot massage on alleviating pain and anxiety of abdominal post-operative patients at a University Hospital: A randomized control trial. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science 2017; 6 (3): 56-65
  • Chanif W, Petpichetchian W, Chongchareon W. Does foot massage relieve acute postoperative pain? A literature review. Nurse Media Journal of Nursing 2013; 3(1): 483- 497
  • Vardanjani MM, Alavi NM, Razavi NS, Aghajani M, Azizi – Fini E, Vaghefi SM. A randomized-controlled trial examining the effects of reflexology on anxiety of patients undergoing coronary angiography. Nursing and Midwifery Studies 2013; 2(3): 3-9.
  • Abbaszadeh Y, Allahbakhshian A, Seyyedrasooli A, Sarbakhsh P, Goljarian S, Safaei N. Effects of foot reflexology on anxiety and physiological parameters in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery: A clinical trial. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2018; 31: 220 – 228
  • Khorsand A, Tadayonfar MA, Badiee S, Aghaee MA, Azizi H, Baghani S. Evaluation of the effect of reflexology on pain control and analgesic consumption after appendectomy. The Journal of Alternatıve and Complementary Medicine 2015; 21(12): 774–780
  • Silverdale N, Wherry M, Roodhouse A. Massage and reflexology for post-operative cancer cystectomy patients: Evaluation of a pilot service. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2019; 34: 109-112
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Ayşegül Abdullayev 0000-0002-6199-7372

Publication Date October 26, 2021
Submission Date January 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Abdullayev, A. (2021). The Effect of Foot Massage on Pain and Anxiety Levels after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized-Controlled Trial. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 11(4), 746-753.
AMA Abdullayev A. The Effect of Foot Massage on Pain and Anxiety Levels after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized-Controlled Trial. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. October 2021;11(4):746-753. doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.871454
Chicago Abdullayev, Ayşegül. “The Effect of Foot Massage on Pain and Anxiety Levels After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized-Controlled Trial”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 11, no. 4 (October 2021): 746-53.
EndNote Abdullayev A (October 1, 2021) The Effect of Foot Massage on Pain and Anxiety Levels after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized-Controlled Trial. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 11 4 746–753.
IEEE A. Abdullayev, “The Effect of Foot Massage on Pain and Anxiety Levels after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized-Controlled Trial”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 746–753, 2021, doi: 10.33808/clinexphealthsci.871454.
ISNAD Abdullayev, Ayşegül. “The Effect of Foot Massage on Pain and Anxiety Levels After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized-Controlled Trial”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 11/4 (October 2021), 746-753.
JAMA Abdullayev A. The Effect of Foot Massage on Pain and Anxiety Levels after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized-Controlled Trial. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2021;11:746–753.
MLA Abdullayev, Ayşegül. “The Effect of Foot Massage on Pain and Anxiety Levels After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized-Controlled Trial”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 11, no. 4, 2021, pp. 746-53, doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.871454.
Vancouver Abdullayev A. The Effect of Foot Massage on Pain and Anxiety Levels after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized-Controlled Trial. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2021;11(4):746-53.

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