Validity And Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Cultural Competence Assessment Tool in Nursing Students
Year 2022,
, 486 - 492, 30.06.2022
Ebru Dığrak
Ayfer Tezel
Objective: Increased cultural diversity in society like Turkey is becoming increasingly important to give a holistic nursing care to meet cultural requirements. It is important to assess cultural competence in order to provide appropriate care for cultural needs. The purpose is to adapt the Cultural Competence Assessment Tool (CCATool) for nursing students into the Turkish language and to determine its validity and reliability.
Methods: A total of 400 nursing students were included in the methodological study in Ankara, Turkey. In the validity study of the CCATool were performed language validity, content validity, construct validity, tool response bias and in the reliability study were performed test-retest reliability and internal consistency analysis.
Results: In the content validity analysis the Item Content Validity Index was .91 and the Scale Content Validity Index was .90. The tool Cronbach's α value is .876 and the Cronbach's α values of the sections vary between .706-.821. The scale was determined there is a statistically positive relationship between test-repeat test score averages of the scale.
Conclusions: The results showed that CCATool adapted to Turkish is a valid and reliable scale in determining the cultural competence level of nursing students.
Supporting Institution
The authors greatly appreciate the continuous support, advice and guidance given by Professor (I)Rena Papadopoulos, Middlesex University and deeply thank her for the provision of her tool and model.
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the pilot study and test-retest reliability. Int J Caring Sci
Year 2022,
, 486 - 492, 30.06.2022
Ebru Dığrak
Ayfer Tezel
- 1] Liu W, Stone TE, Mcmaster R. Increasing undergraduate
nursing students’ cultural competence: an evaluation study.
Glob Health Res Policy 2018;3(7):2-10.
- [2] Turkey Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) Tourism Statistics
Quarter-II: April-June 2021 Available from: URL: https://data.
April-June,-2021-37441 8 August, 2021.
- [3] International Health Services, Data of Health Tourism 2020.
Available from: URL: 8 August, 2021.
- [4] International Organization for Migration. World Migration Report 2020 Available from: URL: 8 August, 2021
- [5] Tanrıverdi G. Different cultures and health approaches in
Turkey: recommendations for health professionals. 1th ed.
Canakkale, Turkey: Rating Academy; 2020.
- [6] Douglas MK, Rosenkoetter M, Pacquiao DF, Callister LC,
Hattar-Pollara M, Lauderdale J, Milstead J, Nardi D, Purnell L.
Guidelines for Implementing Culturally Competent Nursing
Care. J Transcult Nurs 2014;25(2):109-121.
- [7] Rahma NF, Novieastari E. Differences in cultural competence
between nursing students in academic and professional
programs. Enferm Clin 2019;29(S2):528-531.
- [8] Shen Z. Cultural competence models and cultural competence
assessment instruments in nursing: a literature review. J
Transcult Nurs 2015;26(3):308-21.
- [9] Campınha-Bacote J. The Process of cultural competence in the
delivery of health care services: a model of care. J Transcult
Nurs 2002;13(3):181-184.
- [10] Giger JN, Davidhizar R. The Giger and Davidhizar transcultural
assesment model. J Transcult Nurs 2002;13(3):185-188.
- [11] Purnell LD. The Purnell model for cultural competence. J
Transcult Nurs 2002;13(3):193-196.
- [12] Papadopoulos I. Transcultural Health And Social Care:
Development Of Culturally Competent Practitioners. 1th ed.
London: Churchill Livingstone; 2006.
- [13] Osmancevic S, Schoberer S, Lohrmann C, Großschädl F.
Psychometric properties of instruments used to measure the
cultural competence of nurses: a systematic review. Int J Nurs
Stud 2020;113(103789):1-17.
- [14] Papadopoulos I, Lees S. Developing culturally competent
researchers. J Adv Nurs 2002;37(3):258-264.
- [15] Papadopoulos I, Tılkı M, Lees S. Promoting cultural competence
in healthcare through a research based intervention in the UK.
Divers Equal Health Care 2004;1(2):107-116.
- [16] Polit DF, Beck CT. Essentials Of Nursing Research: Appraising
Evidence For Nursing Practice. 10th ed. Philadelphia, Wolters
Kluwer; 2018.
- [17] Andy F. Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics. 5th ed.
London: Sage Publications Ltd; 2017.
- [18] Buyukozturk S. Manual of data analysis for social sciences.
Ankara, Pegem Academy; 2020.
- [19] Lewis TF. Evidence Regarding the Internal Structure:
Confirmatory Factor Analysis. MECD 2017;50(4):239-247.
- [20] Byrne BM. Structural Equation Modeling With AMOS, Basics
Concepts, Applications, And Programming. 2th ed. Hillsdale:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 2001.
- [21] Tavakol M, Dennick R. Making sense of cronbach’s alpha. Int J
Med Educ 2011;2(1):53-55.
- [22] Vasiliou M, Kouta C, Raftopoulos V. The use of the cultural
competence assessment tool (CCATool) ın community nurses:
the pilot study and test-retest reliability. Int J Caring Sci