Year 2014,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 117 - 121, 15.12.2014
Ebru İşık Alturfan
Ünsal Veli Üstündağ
In recent years, the analyses in the saliva have gained importance because of the easy availability using noninvasive methods. Besides many other functions, due to its antioxidant content saliva protects oral mucosa against oxidative damage. Various diseases have been shown to be related with the impaired oxidant-antioxidant status in saliva. Selenium is a trace element involved in the structure of antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase, and may contribute to the antioxidant activity of the organism. On the other hand, contradictory results were reported on the effect of selenium on dental caries. In this review, the studies evaluating the effects of selenium on oral health and the importance of salivary selenium have been reviewed.
- Humphrey SP, Williamson RT. A review of saliva: Normal composition, flow, and function. J Prosthet Dent. 2001;85:162-169.
- Edgar WM. Saliva: Its secretion, composition and functions. Br Dent J. 1992;172:305-312.
- Zahir S, Sarkar S. Study of trace elements in mixed saliva of caries free and caries active children. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2006;24:27- 29.
- Shatzman AR, Henkin RI. Gustin concentration changes relative to salivary zinc and taste in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1981;78:3867–71.
- Emekli-Alturfan E, Demir G, Kasikci E, Tunali-Akbay T, Pisiriciler R, Caliskan E, Yarat A. Altered biochemical parameters in the saliva of patients with breast cancer. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2008;214(2):89-96.
- Duggal MS, Chawla HS, Curzon ME. A study of the relationship between trace elements in saliva and dental caries in children. Arch Oral Biol. 1991;36:881–884.
- Borella P, Fantuzzi G, Aggazzotti G.Trace elements in saliva and dental caries in young adults. Sci Total Environ. 1994;153:219–24.
- Kuntsal L, Firat D, Sirin Y. Prevention of liquid-diet-induced damages on submandibular glands by selenium supplementation in rats. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2003; 201(3):191-199.
- Abbas WA, Fadil A, Al-Khazraji SK. Evaluation of selenium and chloride levels in both sera and saliva samples in renal stone former patients. AJPS.2011;10(2):158-164.
- Hadjimarkos DM, Shearer TR. Selenium concentration in human saliva. Am J Clin Nutr. 1971;1210-1211.
- Hojo Y. Selenium and glutathione peroxidase in human saliva and other human body fluids. Sci Total Environ. 1987;65:85-94.
- Raghunath R, Tripathi RM, Mahapatra S, Sadasivan S. Selenium levels in biological matrices in adult population of Mumbai, India. Sci. Total Environ. 2002;285:21-27.
- Sakly R, Chaouch A, el Hani A, Najjar MF. Effects of intraperitoneally administered vitamin E and selenium on calcium oxalate renal stone formation: Experimental study in rat. Ann Urol (Paris). 2003;37(2):47- 50.
- J L Chicharro, V Serrano, R Ureña, A M Gutierrez, A Carvajal, P Fernández-Hernando, A Lucía.Trace elements and electrolytes in human resting mixed saliva after exercise. Br J Sports Med. 1999;33:204–207.
- Zaichk VE, Bagirov ShT. The chemical element content of mixed unstimulated saliva in periodontal diseases. Stomatologiia (Mosk). 1994;73:8–11.
- Hadjimarkos DM, Bonhorst CW. The selenium content of human teeth. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology. 1959;12(1):113- 116.
- Shearer TR, Hadjimarkos DM. Comparative distribution of 75 Se in the hard and soft tissues of mother rats and their pups. J. Nutr. 1973;103:553-559.
- Johnson JR, Shearer TR. Selenium uptake into teeth determined by fluorimetry. J Dent Res. 1979;58(8):1836-9.
- Claycomb CK, Sorenson FM, Gatewood DC, Jump ΕB, Weaver ME. Further studies on the presence of Se75 in rat saliva and teeth after intracardiac injection of radioactive sodium selenite. J Dental Res. 1961;40:504-510.
- Navia JM. Effects of minerals on dental caries. Dietary chemicals vs. dental caries. In Dietary chemicals vs. dental caries, Editor(s): Robert S. Harris, Volume 94, 1970,139-140.
- Smith MI, Westfall BB. Further field studies on the selenium problem in relation to public health. United States Public Health Report. 1937;52:1375–1384.
- Rosenfeld I, Beath OA. Selenium – Geobotany, biochemistry, toxicity and nutrition. Academic Press, New York, 1964.
- Hadjimarkos DM. Selenium: a caries-enhancing trace element. Caries Res. 1969;3(1):14-22.
- Hadjimarkosa DM, Storvicka CA, Remmerta LF. Selenium and dental caries: An investigation among school children of Oregon. J Pediatrics. 1952;4:451-455.
- Cadell PB, Cousins FB. Urinary selenium and dental caries. Nature. 1960:185,863-864.
- Hadjimarkos DM. Effect of selenium on dental caries. Arch Environ Health. 1965;10:893-899.
- Hadjimarkos DM. Micronutrient elements in relation to dental caries. Bordens Rev Nutr Res. 1966;27(3):1-14.
- Hadjimarkos DM. Effect of trace elements on dental caries. In: Staple PH.,eds., Advances in Oral Biology. Academic Press, New York; 1968;Vol.3, p.253.
- English JA. Experimental effects of thiouracil and selenium on the teeth and jaws of dogs. J Dent Res. 1949; 28:172-194.
- Wheatcroft MG, English JA, Schlack CA. Effects of selenium on the incidence of dental caries in white rats. J Dent Res. 1951;30:523-524.
- Muhler JC, Bixer D, Shafer WC. Effect of replacement therapy on dental caries experience of radiothyroidectomized rats. Proc Soc Exptl Biol Med. 1956;93:328-330.
- Muhler JC, Shafer WC. Experimental dental caries. IV. The effect of feeding desiccated thyroid and thiouracil on dental caries in rats. Science. 1954;119,687-689.
- Muhler JC, Shafer WG. The effect of selenium on the incidence of dental caries in rats. J Dent Res. 1957:36(6):895-896.
- Buttner W. Action of trace elements on the metabolism of fluoride. J Dent Res.1963;42:453-460.
- Claycomb CK, Summers GW, Jump EB. Effect of dietary selenium on dental caries in Sprague-Dawley rats. J Dental Res. 1965;44:826.
- Navia JM, Menaker L, Seltzer J, Harris RS. Effect of NA2SeO3 supplemented in the diet or the water on dental caries of rats. Federation Proc.1968:27: 676.
- Emekli-Alturfan E, Yarat A, Çalışkan-Ak E, Pisiriciler R, Kuru B, Noyan Ü. Determination of storage time of saliva samples obtained from patients with and without chronic periodontitis for the comparison of some biochemical and cytological parameters. J Clin Lab Anal. 2013;27(4):261-266.
- Mates JM, Segura JA, Alonso FJ, Marquez J. Oxidative stress in apoptosis and cancer: an update. Arch Toxicol. 2012;86:1649–1665.
- Schlag P, Seeling W, Merkle P, Betzler M. Changes of serum Zn in breast cancer. Langenbecks Arch. 1978;2:129-133.
- Khanna S, Udas AC, Kumar G K, Suvarna S, Karjodkar F R. Trace elements (copper, zinc, selenium and molybdenum) as markers in oral sub mucous fibrosis and oral squamous cell carcinoma. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2013;27(4):307-311.
Year 2014,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 117 - 121, 15.12.2014
Ebru İşık Alturfan
Ünsal Veli Üstündağ
Son yıllarda invaziv olmayan yöntemler gerektirip daha kolay elde edilebilir olmasından dolayı tükürükte yapılan analizlerin sayısı artmıştır. Birçok önemli fonksiyonunun yanı sıra tükürük antioksidan içeriğine bağlı olarak oral mukozayı oksidatif hasara karşı korur. Çeşitli hastalıkların tükürüğün oksidan-antioksidan dengesinin bozulması ile ilişkili olduğu gösterilmiştir. Selenyum antioksidan olarak görev yapan glutatyon peroksidaz ve tiyoredoksin redüktaz enzimlerinin yapısında olup organizmadaki antioksidan aktiviteye katkıda bulunur. Ancak selenyumun diş çürüğü oluşumu üzerine etkileri ile ilgili olarak yapılmış çalışmaların sonuçları çelişkilidir. Bu derlemede tükürük selenyumunun önemi ve ağız sağlığı üzerine etkileri literatür ışığında ele alınmıştır.
- Humphrey SP, Williamson RT. A review of saliva: Normal composition, flow, and function. J Prosthet Dent. 2001;85:162-169.
- Edgar WM. Saliva: Its secretion, composition and functions. Br Dent J. 1992;172:305-312.
- Zahir S, Sarkar S. Study of trace elements in mixed saliva of caries free and caries active children. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2006;24:27- 29.
- Shatzman AR, Henkin RI. Gustin concentration changes relative to salivary zinc and taste in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1981;78:3867–71.
- Emekli-Alturfan E, Demir G, Kasikci E, Tunali-Akbay T, Pisiriciler R, Caliskan E, Yarat A. Altered biochemical parameters in the saliva of patients with breast cancer. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2008;214(2):89-96.
- Duggal MS, Chawla HS, Curzon ME. A study of the relationship between trace elements in saliva and dental caries in children. Arch Oral Biol. 1991;36:881–884.
- Borella P, Fantuzzi G, Aggazzotti G.Trace elements in saliva and dental caries in young adults. Sci Total Environ. 1994;153:219–24.
- Kuntsal L, Firat D, Sirin Y. Prevention of liquid-diet-induced damages on submandibular glands by selenium supplementation in rats. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2003; 201(3):191-199.
- Abbas WA, Fadil A, Al-Khazraji SK. Evaluation of selenium and chloride levels in both sera and saliva samples in renal stone former patients. AJPS.2011;10(2):158-164.
- Hadjimarkos DM, Shearer TR. Selenium concentration in human saliva. Am J Clin Nutr. 1971;1210-1211.
- Hojo Y. Selenium and glutathione peroxidase in human saliva and other human body fluids. Sci Total Environ. 1987;65:85-94.
- Raghunath R, Tripathi RM, Mahapatra S, Sadasivan S. Selenium levels in biological matrices in adult population of Mumbai, India. Sci. Total Environ. 2002;285:21-27.
- Sakly R, Chaouch A, el Hani A, Najjar MF. Effects of intraperitoneally administered vitamin E and selenium on calcium oxalate renal stone formation: Experimental study in rat. Ann Urol (Paris). 2003;37(2):47- 50.
- J L Chicharro, V Serrano, R Ureña, A M Gutierrez, A Carvajal, P Fernández-Hernando, A Lucía.Trace elements and electrolytes in human resting mixed saliva after exercise. Br J Sports Med. 1999;33:204–207.
- Zaichk VE, Bagirov ShT. The chemical element content of mixed unstimulated saliva in periodontal diseases. Stomatologiia (Mosk). 1994;73:8–11.
- Hadjimarkos DM, Bonhorst CW. The selenium content of human teeth. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology. 1959;12(1):113- 116.
- Shearer TR, Hadjimarkos DM. Comparative distribution of 75 Se in the hard and soft tissues of mother rats and their pups. J. Nutr. 1973;103:553-559.
- Johnson JR, Shearer TR. Selenium uptake into teeth determined by fluorimetry. J Dent Res. 1979;58(8):1836-9.
- Claycomb CK, Sorenson FM, Gatewood DC, Jump ΕB, Weaver ME. Further studies on the presence of Se75 in rat saliva and teeth after intracardiac injection of radioactive sodium selenite. J Dental Res. 1961;40:504-510.
- Navia JM. Effects of minerals on dental caries. Dietary chemicals vs. dental caries. In Dietary chemicals vs. dental caries, Editor(s): Robert S. Harris, Volume 94, 1970,139-140.
- Smith MI, Westfall BB. Further field studies on the selenium problem in relation to public health. United States Public Health Report. 1937;52:1375–1384.
- Rosenfeld I, Beath OA. Selenium – Geobotany, biochemistry, toxicity and nutrition. Academic Press, New York, 1964.
- Hadjimarkos DM. Selenium: a caries-enhancing trace element. Caries Res. 1969;3(1):14-22.
- Hadjimarkosa DM, Storvicka CA, Remmerta LF. Selenium and dental caries: An investigation among school children of Oregon. J Pediatrics. 1952;4:451-455.
- Cadell PB, Cousins FB. Urinary selenium and dental caries. Nature. 1960:185,863-864.
- Hadjimarkos DM. Effect of selenium on dental caries. Arch Environ Health. 1965;10:893-899.
- Hadjimarkos DM. Micronutrient elements in relation to dental caries. Bordens Rev Nutr Res. 1966;27(3):1-14.
- Hadjimarkos DM. Effect of trace elements on dental caries. In: Staple PH.,eds., Advances in Oral Biology. Academic Press, New York; 1968;Vol.3, p.253.
- English JA. Experimental effects of thiouracil and selenium on the teeth and jaws of dogs. J Dent Res. 1949; 28:172-194.
- Wheatcroft MG, English JA, Schlack CA. Effects of selenium on the incidence of dental caries in white rats. J Dent Res. 1951;30:523-524.
- Muhler JC, Bixer D, Shafer WC. Effect of replacement therapy on dental caries experience of radiothyroidectomized rats. Proc Soc Exptl Biol Med. 1956;93:328-330.
- Muhler JC, Shafer WC. Experimental dental caries. IV. The effect of feeding desiccated thyroid and thiouracil on dental caries in rats. Science. 1954;119,687-689.
- Muhler JC, Shafer WG. The effect of selenium on the incidence of dental caries in rats. J Dent Res. 1957:36(6):895-896.
- Buttner W. Action of trace elements on the metabolism of fluoride. J Dent Res.1963;42:453-460.
- Claycomb CK, Summers GW, Jump EB. Effect of dietary selenium on dental caries in Sprague-Dawley rats. J Dental Res. 1965;44:826.
- Navia JM, Menaker L, Seltzer J, Harris RS. Effect of NA2SeO3 supplemented in the diet or the water on dental caries of rats. Federation Proc.1968:27: 676.
- Emekli-Alturfan E, Yarat A, Çalışkan-Ak E, Pisiriciler R, Kuru B, Noyan Ü. Determination of storage time of saliva samples obtained from patients with and without chronic periodontitis for the comparison of some biochemical and cytological parameters. J Clin Lab Anal. 2013;27(4):261-266.
- Mates JM, Segura JA, Alonso FJ, Marquez J. Oxidative stress in apoptosis and cancer: an update. Arch Toxicol. 2012;86:1649–1665.
- Schlag P, Seeling W, Merkle P, Betzler M. Changes of serum Zn in breast cancer. Langenbecks Arch. 1978;2:129-133.
- Khanna S, Udas AC, Kumar G K, Suvarna S, Karjodkar F R. Trace elements (copper, zinc, selenium and molybdenum) as markers in oral sub mucous fibrosis and oral squamous cell carcinoma. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2013;27(4):307-311.