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Year 2018, , 1 - 16, 01.06.2018


A study on the preparation of porous silica from a Nigerian talc ore by acetic acid leaching was investigated. The initial and leached talc products were characterized by Energy Dispersive X-ray fluorescence EDXRF , X-ray diffraction XRD , Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM with Energy Dispersive spectroscopy EDS and the N2 adsorption techniques. The influence of acetic acid concentration, reaction temperature and particle size on the ore leaching kinetics were examined. The results of the dissolution rates were found to be significantly influenced by leachant concentration, temperature and decreasing particle size. The dissolution mechanism process followed the diffusion control shrinking core model with the calculated activation energy of 34.53 kJ/mol supporting the proposed mechanism. The leached product has a specific surface area increased to 2.056 m2 /g from the initial ore surface area of 0.15 m2 /g. At optimal leaching conditions, the pore size distribution calculated by Barret-Joyner-Halenda BJH method based on N2 gas isotherms showed the presence of peaks from micropores and mesopores formation, indicating the porous nature of the leached product.


  • [1] R.P. Orosco, M. Ruiz, C. Del, L.I. Barbosa, and J.A. Gonzalez, Purification of talc by chlorination and leaching. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 101 (2011) 116-120.
  • H. Yang, C. Du, Y. Hu, S. Jin, W. Yang, A. Tang, and E.G. Avvakumov, Preparation of porous material from talc by mechanochemical treatment and subsequent leaching. Applied Clay Science, 31 (2006) 290-297.
  • P.W. Harben, and M. Kuzvart, Talc and soapstone In: P.W. Harben., and M. Kuzvart (eds.) Industrial Minerals: A Global Geology, London, Industrial Minerals Information Ltd, Metal Bulletin PLC, (1996) 407-417.
  • K. Okada, J. Temuujin, Y. Kameshima, and K.J.D. MacKenzie, Selective acid leaching of talc. Clay Science 12 (2003) 159-165.
  • J. Temuujin, K. Okada, T.S. Jadambae, K.J. Makenzie, and J. Amarsanaa, Effect of grinding on the leaching behaviour of pyrophyllite. Journal European Ceramics Society, 23 (2003) 1277-1283.
  • F. Schüth, and W. Schmidt, Microporous and mesoporous materials. Advanced Materials 14 (2002) 629-638.
  • C.Y. Chen, S.L. Burkett, and H. Li, Studies on mesoporous materials, synthesis mechanism of MCM-41. Microporous Materials, 2 (1993) 27-34.
  • R. Herino, Nanocomposite materials from porous silicon. Materials Science & Engineering. B, Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, 69/70 (2000) 70-76.
  • K. Okada, A. Shimai, S. Hayashi, and A. Yasumori, Adsorption properties of microporous silica prepared from metakaolinte by selective leaching method. Clay Science, 11 (1999) 73-82.
  • J. Cejka, and B. Wichterlova, Acid-catalyzed synthesis of mono- and dialkyl benzenes over zeolites: active sites, zeolite topology, and reaction mechanisms. Catalysis Review Science and Engineering, 44/3 (2002) 375-422.
  • A.J. Aznar, E. Gutierrez, P. Diaz, A. Alvarez, and G. Poncelet, Silica from sepiolite: preparation, textural properties, and use as support to catalys. Microporous Materials, 6 (1996) 105-114.
  • D.S. Nikitin, V.A. Zhukov, V.V. Perkov, S.P. Buyakova, and S.N. Kul’kov, Preparation of porous ceramics from nanocrystalline zirconia and their microstructure. Inorganic Materials, 40/7 (2004) 760-776.
  • J. Temuujin, K. Okada, T. Jadambaa, K. Mackenzie, and J. Amarsanaa, Effect of grinding on the preparation of porous material from talc by selective leaching. Journal of Materials Science Letter, 21/20 (2002) 1607-1609.
  • J. Temuujin, and K. Okada, Zeolite formation by hydrothermal treatment of waste solution from selective leached kaolinit. Materials Letters, 52 (2002) 91- 95.
  • J. Temuujin, K. Jadambaa, and G. Burmaa, Characterisation of acid activated montmorillonite clay from Tuulant (Mongolia). Ceramics International, 30 (2004) 251-255.
  • K. Okada, A. Shimai, T. Takei, S. Hayashi, A. Yasumiri, and K.J.D. Mackenzie, Preparation of microporous silica from metakaolinite by selective leaching methods. Microporous Mesoporous Material, 21 (1998) 289-296.
  • L.A. Castillo, S.E. Barbosa, P. Maiza, and N.J. Capiati, Integrated process for purification of low grade talc ores. Journal of Particulate Science and Technology, 32/1 (2014) 1-7.
  • C. Maquedaa, A.S. Romero, E. Morillo, and J.L. Pe´rez-Rodrıguez, Effect of grinding on the preparation of porous materials by acid-leached vermiculite. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 68 (2007) 1220-1224.
  • M. Harkonen, and R. Keiski, Porosity and surface area of acid-leached phlogopite: The effect of leaching conditions and thermal treatment. Colloids and Surfaces 11/3 (1984) 323-339.
  • P. Komadel, J. Madejová, In: F. Bergaya, B.K.G. Theng, and G. Lagaly, (ed.,) Handbook of Clay Science, Developments in Clay Science, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Chapter 7.1 (2006).
  • M. Ogura, S. Shinomiya, J. Tateno, Y. Nara, E. Kikuchi, and M. Matsukata, Formation of uniform mesopores in ZSM-5 zeolite through treatment in alkaline solution. Chemistry Letter, (2000) 882-888.
  • G. Jozefaucik, and G. Bowanko, Effect of acid and alkali treatment on surface areas and adsorption energies of selected minerals. Clay Mineral, 50 (2002) 771- 783.
  • R. Le Van Mao, J.A. Lavigne, B. Sijariel, and C.H. Langford, Mesoporous aluminosilicates prepared from zeolites by treatment with ammonium fluorosilicate. Journal Material Chemistry, 3 (1993) 679-683.
  • A.A. Baba, A.S. Ibrahim, R.B. Bale, F.A. Adekola, and A.G.F. Alabi, Purification of a Nigerian talc ore by acid leaching. Applied Clay Science, 114 (2015) 476-483.
  • B. Donmez, F. Demir, and O. Lacin, Leaching kinetics of calcined magnesite in acetic acid solutions. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15 (2009) 865–869.
  • O. Lacin, B. Donmez, and F. Demir, Dissolution kinetics of natural magnesite in acetic acid solutions. International Journal of Mineral Process, 75 (2005) 91- 99.
  • K. Lund, H. Fogler, and C.C. McCune, Acidization-I: The dissolution of dolomite in hydrochloric acid. Chemical Engineering Science, 28/3 (1973) 691-700.
  • Q. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, 2nd ed. Wiley, New York, NK (1992).
  • C. Edtmaiera, R. Schiessera, C. Meissla, W.D. Schuberta, A. Bockb, A. Schoenb, and B. Zeilerb, Selective removal of the cobalt binder in WC/Co based hardmetal scraps by acetic acid leaching. Hydrometallurgy, 76 (2005) 63-71.
  • A.A. Baba, F.A. Adekola, and R.B. Bale, Development of a pyro- and hydro- metallurgical route to treat zinc-carbon batteries. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 171/1-3 (2009) 837-844.
  • E.A. Abdel-Aal, and M.M. Rashad, Kinetic study on the leaching of spent nickel oxide catalyst with sulfuric acid. Hydrometallurgy, 74 (2005) 189-194.
  • R. Ishii, M. Nakatsuji, and K. Ooi, Preparation of highly porous silica nanocomposites from clay mineral: a new approach using pillaring method combined with selective leaching. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 79 (2005) 111-119.
  • K.S.W. Sing, D.H. Everett, R.A. Haul, L. Moscou, R.A. Pierotti, J. Rouquerol, and T. Siemieniewska, Reporting physisorption data for gas/solid systems with special reference to the determination of surface area and porosity (Recommendations 1984). Pure and Applied Chemistry, 57 (1985) 603-619.
  • Okada, N. Arimitsu, Y. Kameshima, A. Nakajima, and K.J.D. MacKenzie, Preparation of porous silica from chlorite by selective acid leaching. Applied Clay Science, 30 (2005) 116-124.


Year 2018, , 1 - 16, 01.06.2018



  • [1] R.P. Orosco, M. Ruiz, C. Del, L.I. Barbosa, and J.A. Gonzalez, Purification of talc by chlorination and leaching. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 101 (2011) 116-120.
  • H. Yang, C. Du, Y. Hu, S. Jin, W. Yang, A. Tang, and E.G. Avvakumov, Preparation of porous material from talc by mechanochemical treatment and subsequent leaching. Applied Clay Science, 31 (2006) 290-297.
  • P.W. Harben, and M. Kuzvart, Talc and soapstone In: P.W. Harben., and M. Kuzvart (eds.) Industrial Minerals: A Global Geology, London, Industrial Minerals Information Ltd, Metal Bulletin PLC, (1996) 407-417.
  • K. Okada, J. Temuujin, Y. Kameshima, and K.J.D. MacKenzie, Selective acid leaching of talc. Clay Science 12 (2003) 159-165.
  • J. Temuujin, K. Okada, T.S. Jadambae, K.J. Makenzie, and J. Amarsanaa, Effect of grinding on the leaching behaviour of pyrophyllite. Journal European Ceramics Society, 23 (2003) 1277-1283.
  • F. Schüth, and W. Schmidt, Microporous and mesoporous materials. Advanced Materials 14 (2002) 629-638.
  • C.Y. Chen, S.L. Burkett, and H. Li, Studies on mesoporous materials, synthesis mechanism of MCM-41. Microporous Materials, 2 (1993) 27-34.
  • R. Herino, Nanocomposite materials from porous silicon. Materials Science & Engineering. B, Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, 69/70 (2000) 70-76.
  • K. Okada, A. Shimai, S. Hayashi, and A. Yasumori, Adsorption properties of microporous silica prepared from metakaolinte by selective leaching method. Clay Science, 11 (1999) 73-82.
  • J. Cejka, and B. Wichterlova, Acid-catalyzed synthesis of mono- and dialkyl benzenes over zeolites: active sites, zeolite topology, and reaction mechanisms. Catalysis Review Science and Engineering, 44/3 (2002) 375-422.
  • A.J. Aznar, E. Gutierrez, P. Diaz, A. Alvarez, and G. Poncelet, Silica from sepiolite: preparation, textural properties, and use as support to catalys. Microporous Materials, 6 (1996) 105-114.
  • D.S. Nikitin, V.A. Zhukov, V.V. Perkov, S.P. Buyakova, and S.N. Kul’kov, Preparation of porous ceramics from nanocrystalline zirconia and their microstructure. Inorganic Materials, 40/7 (2004) 760-776.
  • J. Temuujin, K. Okada, T. Jadambaa, K. Mackenzie, and J. Amarsanaa, Effect of grinding on the preparation of porous material from talc by selective leaching. Journal of Materials Science Letter, 21/20 (2002) 1607-1609.
  • J. Temuujin, and K. Okada, Zeolite formation by hydrothermal treatment of waste solution from selective leached kaolinit. Materials Letters, 52 (2002) 91- 95.
  • J. Temuujin, K. Jadambaa, and G. Burmaa, Characterisation of acid activated montmorillonite clay from Tuulant (Mongolia). Ceramics International, 30 (2004) 251-255.
  • K. Okada, A. Shimai, T. Takei, S. Hayashi, A. Yasumiri, and K.J.D. Mackenzie, Preparation of microporous silica from metakaolinite by selective leaching methods. Microporous Mesoporous Material, 21 (1998) 289-296.
  • L.A. Castillo, S.E. Barbosa, P. Maiza, and N.J. Capiati, Integrated process for purification of low grade talc ores. Journal of Particulate Science and Technology, 32/1 (2014) 1-7.
  • C. Maquedaa, A.S. Romero, E. Morillo, and J.L. Pe´rez-Rodrıguez, Effect of grinding on the preparation of porous materials by acid-leached vermiculite. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 68 (2007) 1220-1224.
  • M. Harkonen, and R. Keiski, Porosity and surface area of acid-leached phlogopite: The effect of leaching conditions and thermal treatment. Colloids and Surfaces 11/3 (1984) 323-339.
  • P. Komadel, J. Madejová, In: F. Bergaya, B.K.G. Theng, and G. Lagaly, (ed.,) Handbook of Clay Science, Developments in Clay Science, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Chapter 7.1 (2006).
  • M. Ogura, S. Shinomiya, J. Tateno, Y. Nara, E. Kikuchi, and M. Matsukata, Formation of uniform mesopores in ZSM-5 zeolite through treatment in alkaline solution. Chemistry Letter, (2000) 882-888.
  • G. Jozefaucik, and G. Bowanko, Effect of acid and alkali treatment on surface areas and adsorption energies of selected minerals. Clay Mineral, 50 (2002) 771- 783.
  • R. Le Van Mao, J.A. Lavigne, B. Sijariel, and C.H. Langford, Mesoporous aluminosilicates prepared from zeolites by treatment with ammonium fluorosilicate. Journal Material Chemistry, 3 (1993) 679-683.
  • A.A. Baba, A.S. Ibrahim, R.B. Bale, F.A. Adekola, and A.G.F. Alabi, Purification of a Nigerian talc ore by acid leaching. Applied Clay Science, 114 (2015) 476-483.
  • B. Donmez, F. Demir, and O. Lacin, Leaching kinetics of calcined magnesite in acetic acid solutions. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15 (2009) 865–869.
  • O. Lacin, B. Donmez, and F. Demir, Dissolution kinetics of natural magnesite in acetic acid solutions. International Journal of Mineral Process, 75 (2005) 91- 99.
  • K. Lund, H. Fogler, and C.C. McCune, Acidization-I: The dissolution of dolomite in hydrochloric acid. Chemical Engineering Science, 28/3 (1973) 691-700.
  • Q. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, 2nd ed. Wiley, New York, NK (1992).
  • C. Edtmaiera, R. Schiessera, C. Meissla, W.D. Schuberta, A. Bockb, A. Schoenb, and B. Zeilerb, Selective removal of the cobalt binder in WC/Co based hardmetal scraps by acetic acid leaching. Hydrometallurgy, 76 (2005) 63-71.
  • A.A. Baba, F.A. Adekola, and R.B. Bale, Development of a pyro- and hydro- metallurgical route to treat zinc-carbon batteries. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 171/1-3 (2009) 837-844.
  • E.A. Abdel-Aal, and M.M. Rashad, Kinetic study on the leaching of spent nickel oxide catalyst with sulfuric acid. Hydrometallurgy, 74 (2005) 189-194.
  • R. Ishii, M. Nakatsuji, and K. Ooi, Preparation of highly porous silica nanocomposites from clay mineral: a new approach using pillaring method combined with selective leaching. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 79 (2005) 111-119.
  • K.S.W. Sing, D.H. Everett, R.A. Haul, L. Moscou, R.A. Pierotti, J. Rouquerol, and T. Siemieniewska, Reporting physisorption data for gas/solid systems with special reference to the determination of surface area and porosity (Recommendations 1984). Pure and Applied Chemistry, 57 (1985) 603-619.
  • Okada, N. Arimitsu, Y. Kameshima, A. Nakajima, and K.J.D. MacKenzie, Preparation of porous silica from chlorite by selective acid leaching. Applied Clay Science, 30 (2005) 116-124.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

S.abdullah Ibrahım This is me

A.alafara Baba This is me

B.rafiu Bale This is me

T.daud Olaoluwa This is me

A.folahan Adekola This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


Vancouver Ibrahım S, Baba A, Bale B, Olaoluwa T, Adekola A. PREPARATION OF MESOPOROUS SILICA FROM A NIGERIAN TALC ORE BY ACETIC ACID TREATMENT. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. B. 2018;60(1):1-16.

Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series B Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

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