Nigeria is one of the African countries endowed with abundant varieties of solid mineral resources. Despite huge mineral abundance in all States of the Federation, these resources to boost the country’s economy, aid industrialization and revenue generation has
been far less utilized. Thus, the utilization of a Nigerian k-feldspar ore containing an admixture of orthoclase (KAlSiO8 : 96-740-9031), albite (AlSiO8 : 96-940-0741) and quartz (SiO2 : 96-900-9667) impurities to produce pure silica powder (PSP) was investigated using
roast-leaching and co-precipitation method. During leaching, parameters such as leachant concentration, effect of particle size and reaction temperature on the synthesis yield were accordingly examined. At optimal leaching conditions (2.0 mol/L NaOH, 90°C), 87% of the initial 10g/L ore reacted within 120 minutes. The un-reacted product (~13.0%) analyzed by XRD was found to contain siliceous impurities which could serve as a valuable by-product for some defined industries. The leachate at optimal leaching was accordingly co-precipitated using concentrated H2SO4 to obtain pure silica powder (PSP) of industrial value.
A. D. William R. A. Howie and W. S. Wise, Rock-forming minerals: Framework silicates: Slica minerals, feldspathoids and the zeolites. Geological Society, 3/5 (2004) 22-30.
P. J. Heaney, Structure and chemistry of the low-pressure silica polymorphs. Reviews in Mineralogy, 29 (1994) 3-6.
K. Kuniaki, T. Matsumoto and M. Imamura, Structural change of orthorhombic-I tridymite with temperature: A study based on second-order thermal-vibrational parameters. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 6 (1986) 12-17.
J. W. Anthony, R. A. Bideaux, K. W. Bladh and M. C. Nichols, “Tridymite”. Handbook of Mineralogy (PDF). III (Halides, Hydroxides, Oxides). Chantilly, VA, US, Mineralogical Society of America. 2 (2011) 32-54.
S. Music, R. Filipovic-vincekovic and L. Sekovanic, Precipitation of amorphous SiO2 particle and their properties. Brazillian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 128/1 (2011) 89-94.
J. R. Martinez, S. Palomares, G. Ortega-Zarzosa, F. Ruiz and Y. Chumakov, Rietveld refinement of amorphous SiO2 prepared via sol–gel method. Materials Letters, 60 (2006) 3520-3526.
N. Moreno, X. Querol, F. Plana, J. M. Andres, M. Janssen and H. Nugteren, Pure zeolite synthesis from silica extracted from coal fly ashes. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 77 (2002) 274-279.
R. Nadeem, R. Waseem, M. Silvia, A. Henry, V. Kumar and R. Ki-Hyun, Synthesis and characterization of amorphous precipitated silica from alkaline dissolution of olivine. RSC advance, 8 (2018) 32651-32658.
G. Zhang., Y. Xu, D. Xu, D. Wang, Y. Xue and W. Su, Pressure-induced crystallization of amorphous SiO2 with silicon-hydroxy group and the quick synthesis of coesite under lower temperature. High Pressure Research, 28 (2008) 641-648.
E. R. Essien, O. A. Olaniyi, L. A. Adams and R. O. Shaibu, Sol-gel-derived porous silica: economic synthesis and characterization. Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 11 (2012) 976-981.
M. Asmaa, K. Mariam, E. Adnane, K. Mohammed, H. Mohammed and A. Said, The synthesis and characterization of low-cost mesoporous silica SiO2 from local pumice rock. Nanomaterial and Nanotechnology, 5(3) (2015) 1-7.
K. Srivastava, N. Shringi, V. Devra and A. Rani, A facile method for production of amorphous silica from perlite under microwave irradiation. International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research, 4 (2015) 18-24.
A. Rani, S. Sanal, T. Jacob, G. Jacob, P. K. Desy and N. K. Manivarnan, Silica nano particles synthesized from boiler spent ash: Value addition to an industrial waste. Chemistry and Materials Research, 6 (2014) 93-99.
K. M. Rani, P. N. Palanisamy, P. Sivakumar, Synthesis and characterization of amorphous nanosilica from biomass ash. International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science 2 (2014) 71-76.
U. Kalapathy, A. Proctor and J. Shultz, An improved method for production of silica from rice hull ash. Bioresource Technology, 85 (2002) 285-289.
E. V. Todorova, G. E Chernev and S. P. Djambazov, Structure and properties of functionalized porous silica hybrid materials. Open Journal of Inorganic Non-Metallic Materials, (2014) 435-443.
I. K.Ayinla, A. A. Baba, M. A. Raji, C. D. Uzondu, A. A. Mohammed and S. Girigisu, Quantitative leaching of potassium from K-feldspar ore bt Roast-leaching process. Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria, 43/4 (2018) 825-832.
O. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, 2nd ed. Wiley, New York, NK (1992) 5-12.
A. Ekmekyapar, A. Celal, D. Nizamettin, K. Asim, B. Ahmet and C. Kadim, Reductive leaching of manganese ore. Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, 53/211 (2012) 76-84.
H. Wei-Lun, L. Mon-Jyh and H. Jyh-Ping, Kinetic Leaching of ouka iron ore. International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering, 3/5 (2009) 6-9.
A. Alaoui, K. E Kacemi, K. E. Ass, Y. Darmane, S. Kitane. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy IMM Transactions, 125 (2016) 102-109.
A. A. Baba, F. A. Adekola and R. B. Bale, Development of a pyro- and hydro metallurgical route to treat zinc-carbon batteries. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 171/1-3 (2009) 837-844.
E. A. Abdel-Aal and M. M. Rashad, Kinetic study on the leaching of spent nickel oxide catalyst with sulfuric acid. Hydrometallurgy, 74 (2005) 189-194.
I. K. Ayinla, Development of extraction methods and preparation of some industrialchromium compounds from a Nigeria chromite ore. pH.D. thesis, Department of Chemistry, University of Ilorin, Nigeria, 403 (2018)
Year 2019,
Volume: 61 Issue: 1, 69 - 87, 31.12.2019
A. D. William R. A. Howie and W. S. Wise, Rock-forming minerals: Framework silicates: Slica minerals, feldspathoids and the zeolites. Geological Society, 3/5 (2004) 22-30.
P. J. Heaney, Structure and chemistry of the low-pressure silica polymorphs. Reviews in Mineralogy, 29 (1994) 3-6.
K. Kuniaki, T. Matsumoto and M. Imamura, Structural change of orthorhombic-I tridymite with temperature: A study based on second-order thermal-vibrational parameters. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 6 (1986) 12-17.
J. W. Anthony, R. A. Bideaux, K. W. Bladh and M. C. Nichols, “Tridymite”. Handbook of Mineralogy (PDF). III (Halides, Hydroxides, Oxides). Chantilly, VA, US, Mineralogical Society of America. 2 (2011) 32-54.
S. Music, R. Filipovic-vincekovic and L. Sekovanic, Precipitation of amorphous SiO2 particle and their properties. Brazillian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 128/1 (2011) 89-94.
J. R. Martinez, S. Palomares, G. Ortega-Zarzosa, F. Ruiz and Y. Chumakov, Rietveld refinement of amorphous SiO2 prepared via sol–gel method. Materials Letters, 60 (2006) 3520-3526.
N. Moreno, X. Querol, F. Plana, J. M. Andres, M. Janssen and H. Nugteren, Pure zeolite synthesis from silica extracted from coal fly ashes. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 77 (2002) 274-279.
R. Nadeem, R. Waseem, M. Silvia, A. Henry, V. Kumar and R. Ki-Hyun, Synthesis and characterization of amorphous precipitated silica from alkaline dissolution of olivine. RSC advance, 8 (2018) 32651-32658.
G. Zhang., Y. Xu, D. Xu, D. Wang, Y. Xue and W. Su, Pressure-induced crystallization of amorphous SiO2 with silicon-hydroxy group and the quick synthesis of coesite under lower temperature. High Pressure Research, 28 (2008) 641-648.
E. R. Essien, O. A. Olaniyi, L. A. Adams and R. O. Shaibu, Sol-gel-derived porous silica: economic synthesis and characterization. Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 11 (2012) 976-981.
M. Asmaa, K. Mariam, E. Adnane, K. Mohammed, H. Mohammed and A. Said, The synthesis and characterization of low-cost mesoporous silica SiO2 from local pumice rock. Nanomaterial and Nanotechnology, 5(3) (2015) 1-7.
K. Srivastava, N. Shringi, V. Devra and A. Rani, A facile method for production of amorphous silica from perlite under microwave irradiation. International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research, 4 (2015) 18-24.
A. Rani, S. Sanal, T. Jacob, G. Jacob, P. K. Desy and N. K. Manivarnan, Silica nano particles synthesized from boiler spent ash: Value addition to an industrial waste. Chemistry and Materials Research, 6 (2014) 93-99.
K. M. Rani, P. N. Palanisamy, P. Sivakumar, Synthesis and characterization of amorphous nanosilica from biomass ash. International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science 2 (2014) 71-76.
U. Kalapathy, A. Proctor and J. Shultz, An improved method for production of silica from rice hull ash. Bioresource Technology, 85 (2002) 285-289.
E. V. Todorova, G. E Chernev and S. P. Djambazov, Structure and properties of functionalized porous silica hybrid materials. Open Journal of Inorganic Non-Metallic Materials, (2014) 435-443.
I. K.Ayinla, A. A. Baba, M. A. Raji, C. D. Uzondu, A. A. Mohammed and S. Girigisu, Quantitative leaching of potassium from K-feldspar ore bt Roast-leaching process. Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria, 43/4 (2018) 825-832.
O. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, 2nd ed. Wiley, New York, NK (1992) 5-12.
A. Ekmekyapar, A. Celal, D. Nizamettin, K. Asim, B. Ahmet and C. Kadim, Reductive leaching of manganese ore. Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, 53/211 (2012) 76-84.
H. Wei-Lun, L. Mon-Jyh and H. Jyh-Ping, Kinetic Leaching of ouka iron ore. International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering, 3/5 (2009) 6-9.
A. Alaoui, K. E Kacemi, K. E. Ass, Y. Darmane, S. Kitane. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy IMM Transactions, 125 (2016) 102-109.
A. A. Baba, F. A. Adekola and R. B. Bale, Development of a pyro- and hydro metallurgical route to treat zinc-carbon batteries. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 171/1-3 (2009) 837-844.
E. A. Abdel-Aal and M. M. Rashad, Kinetic study on the leaching of spent nickel oxide catalyst with sulfuric acid. Hydrometallurgy, 74 (2005) 189-194.
I. K. Ayinla, Development of extraction methods and preparation of some industrialchromium compounds from a Nigeria chromite ore. pH.D. thesis, Department of Chemistry, University of Ilorin, Nigeria, 403 (2018)