Research Article
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Antioxidant activities of Turkish extra virgin olive oils

Year 2022, , 26 - 38, 30.06.2022


Extra virgin olive oil is the highest grade of virgin olive oil derived by cold mechanical extraction without the use of solvents or refining methods. These olive oils are known for their composition in phenolic compounds that have antioxidant properties. This study aims to determine the total phenolic and flavonoid compounds and antioxidant activities of four Turkish extra virgin olive oil samples: Kilis yağlık, İzmir sofralık, Ayvalık, and Tavşan yüreği. The highest sample concentration used for the experiments was 4 mg/ml while 1 mg/mL was used for ABTS radical scavenging assay. The lowest total phenolic and flavonoid content was observed in Tavşan yüreği sample. All extra virgin olive oil samples showed scavenging activity against DPPH and ABTS free radicals. Extra virgin olive oil samples with high phenolic and flavonoid content presented more effective radical scavenging activity with low IC50 values. This study provides information about the phenolic content and antioxidant activities of four important Turkish olive oil samples.


  • Dag, C., Demirtas, I., Ozdemir, I., Bekiroglu, S., Ertas, E., Biochemical characterization of turkish extra virgin olive oils from six different olive varieties of identical growing conditions. JAOCS, 92 (2015), 1349–1356. https://doi 10.1007/s11746-015-2691-7
  • International Olive Oil Council (IOOC)., Trade standard applying to olive oil and olive-pomace oil. COI/T15/NC No 3 (2015), Rev. 8 February
  • Arslan, D., Schreiner, M., Chemical characteristics and antioxidant activity of olive oils from turkish varieties grown in Hatay province, Sci. Hortic, 144 (2012), 141–152.
  • FAO. FAOSTAT Database. Available from: (2018). Accessed: Aug. 12, 2018.
  • Dağdelen, A., Identifying antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the phenolic extracts and mineral contents of virgin olive oils (Olea europaea L. cv. Edincik Su) from Different Regions in Turkey, Journal of Chemistry, 9589763 (2016), 1-11.
  • Reboredo-Rodríguez, P., Figueiredo-González, M., González-Barreiro, C., Simal-Gándara, J., María D, S., Cancho-Grande, B., Giuseppe, F., State of the art on functional virgin olive oils enriched with bioactive compounds and their properties, Int. J. Mol. Sci, 18 (2017), 668.
  • Servili, M., Sordini, B., Esposto, S., Urbani, S., Veneziani, G., Di Maio, I., Selvaggini, R.; Taticchi, A. Biological activities of phenolic compounds of extra virgin olive oil. Antioxidants, 3(2014), 1–23.
  • Chiara, F., Susanna D, P., Alessandra, V., Laura, D, Marina, R,, Tommasangelo, P., Luigi, M., Laura de, G., Extraction, analysis, and antioxidant activity evaluation of phenolic compounds in different italian extra-virgin olive oils, Molecules, 23 (2018), 3249.
  • Parkinson, L., Cicerale, S., The health benefiting mechanisms of virgin olive oil phenolic compounds, Molecules, 21 (2016), 1734.
  • Lerma-Garcia, M.J. Characterization and authentication of olive and other vegetable oils: New analytical methods. Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Valencia, Spain, (2012), Chapter 1, p. 2.
  • Casas, R., Sacanella, E., Urpí-Sardà, M., Chiva-Blanch, G., Ros, E., Martínez-González, M.A., Covas, M.I., Salas-Salvadó, J., Fiol, M., Arós, F., The effects of the mediterranean diet on biomarkers of vascular wall inflammation and plaque vulnerability in subjects with high risk for cardiovascular disease, A randomized trial. PLoS ONE, 9 (2014), e100084.
  • Schwingshackl, L., Christoph, M., Hoffmann, G., Effects of olive oil on markers of inflammation and endothelial function-a systematic review and meta-analysis, Nutrients, 7 (2015), 7651–7675.
  • Lozano-sanchez, J., segura-carretero, A., Menendez, J., Oliveras-ferraros C., Lorenzo C., Fernandez- Gutierrez, A., Prediction of extra virgin olive oil varieties through their phenolic profile. potential cytotoxic activity against human breast cancer Cells, J. Agric. Food Chem, 58(2010), 9942–9955.
  • Carolina E. Storniolo., Martínez-Hovelman, N., Martínez-Huelamo, M., Rosa, M. Lamuela-Raventos., Juan J. Moren, Extra virgin olive oil minor compounds modulate mitogenic action of oleic acid on colon cancer cell line, J. Agric. Food Chem, 67(2019), 11420−11427.
  • Roman, Jackson G, C., Reis, J., Roman, A.N .,Toledo, J,B ., Toledo, E., Extra-virgin olive oil for potential prevention of Alzheimer disease, Revue Neurologique, 175(2019) 705-723.
  • Ghanbari, S, E., Sivri, O, D., Taha O, M., Ustune, N, F. Changes occurring in chemical composition and oxidative stability of virgin olive oil during storage, Oilseeds & fats Crops and Lipids (OCL), 25(6) (2018), A602.
  • Deiana, P., Santona, M., Dettori, S., Culeddu, N., Dore, A., Molinu, M.G., Multivariate approach to assess the chemical composition of Italian virgin olive oils as a function of variety and harvest period, Food Chemistry, 300 (2019), 125243.
  • Fuentes, E., Paucar, F., Tapia, F., Ortiz, J., Jimenez, P., Effect of the composition of extra virgin olive oils on the differentiation and antioxidant capacities of twelve monovarietals, Food Chemistry, 243 (2018), 285–294.
  • Fuentes, E., Paucar, F., Tapia, F., Ortiz, J., Jimenez, P., Effect of the composition of extra virgin olive oils on the differentiation and antioxidant capacities of twelve monovarietals, Food Chemistry, 243 (2018), 285–294.
  • Amanpour, A., Kelebek, H., Selli, S., LC‐ DAD‐ESI‐MS/MS–based phenolic profiling and antioxidant activity in Turkish cv. Nizip Yaglik olive oils from different maturity olives, J Mass Spectrom. 54 (2019), 227–238.
  • Le Yu., Yongjin, W., Gangcheng Wu., Jun, J., Qingzhe, J., Xingguo, W., Chemical and volatile characteristics of olive oils extracted from four varieties grown in southwest of China, Food Research International, 140 (2021), 109987.
  • Huang, S., Wang, Q., Yaosong, W., Ruifeng, Y., Gongjian, F., Huang, M., Mary, A., and Physicochemical characterization and antioxidant activities of Chongqing virgin olive oil: effects of variety and ripening stage, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 14 (2020), 2010–2020.
  • Yorulmaz, H, O., Konuskan, D, B., Antioxidant activity, sterol and fatty acid compositions of Turkish olive oils as an indicator of variety and ripening degree, J Food Sci Technol (November 2017) 54 (12) (2017), 4067–4077.
  • Reboredo-Rodríguez, P., onzález-Barreiro, C., Cancho-Grande, B., Forbes-Hernández,T,Y., Gasparrini, M., Afrin, S., Cianciosi, D., Carrasco-Pancorbo, A., Simal-Gándara, J., Giampieri, F., Battino, M., Characterization of phenolic extracts from Brava extra virgin olive oils and their cytotoxic effects on MCF-7 breast cancer cells, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 119 (2018), 73–85.
  • Singleton, V.L.; Rossi, J.A. Colorimetry of total phenolics with phosphomolybdic phosphotungstic acid reagents, Am. J. Enol. Vitic, 16 (1965), 44–158.
  • Blois, M.S. Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical, Nature, 181(1958), 1199- 1200.
  • Wu, Y., Wang, X., Xue, J., Enguo, F., Plant phenolics extraction from flos chrysanthemi: response surface methodology based optimization and the correlation between extracts and free radical scavenging activity, Journal of Food Science, Vol. 82 (2017), 11, 2017.
  • Rotondi A., Magli M., Licausi E., Alfei B., Pannelli G Influence of genetic matrix on chemical and sensory profiles of Italian monovarietal olive oils, Acta Hort (ISHS,) 924 (2011), 401–406.
  • Baiano, A., Terracone, C., Viggiani, I., Alessandro, M., Nobile, D., Effects of cultivars and location on quality, phenolic content and antioxidant activity of extra-virgin olive oils, J Am Oil Chem Soc, 90 (2013), 103–111.
  • López-Yerena, A., Ninot, A., Jiménez-Ruiz, N., Lozano-Castellón, J., Pérez, M., Escribano-Ferrer, E., Romero-Aroca, A., Rosa M., Lamuela-Raventós., Vallverdú-Queralt A. Influence of the ripening stage and extraction conditions on the phenolic fingerprint of ‘corbella’ extra-virgin olive oil, Antioxidants, 10 (2021), 877.
  • Uluata, S., Altuntas, U., Beraat, Ö., Biochemical characterization of arbequina extra virgin olive oil produced in Turkey, J Am Oil Chem Soc, 93 (2016). 617–626.
  • Usanmaz, S., öztürkler, F., Helvaci, M., Alas, T., Kahramanoğlu, I.. Aşkin, M, A., Effects of periods and altitudes on the phenolic compounds and oil contents of olives, cv. ayvalik. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Science, 2 (2) (2018), 32-39.
  • Pedan, V., Martin P., Rohn, S., Nyfeler, M., Bongartz, A., Characterization of phenolic compounds and their contribution to sensory properties of olive oil, Molecules, 24 (2019), 2041.
  • Gouvinhas, I., Machado, N., Sobreira, C., Domínguez-Perles, R., Gomes, S., Rosa, E., Ana I. R. N. A. Barros., Critical review on the significance of olive phytochemicals in plant physiology and human health, Molecules, 22 (2017), 1986.
  • De Torres, A., Espínola, F., Moya, M., Alcalá, S., Alfonso, M. Vidal., Castro, E., Assessment of phenolic compounds in virgin olive oil by response surface methodology with particular focus on flavonoids and lignans, WT - Food Science and Technology, 90 (2018), 22–30.
  • Benganan M., Bakhouche, A., Lozano-Sánchez, J., Amir, Y., Youyou, A., Segura-Carretero, A., Fernández-Gutiérrez, A., Influence of olive ripeness on chemical properties and phenolic composition of Chemlal extra-virgin olive oil, Food Research International, 54 (2013), 1868–1875.
  • Lukic, I., Zˇanetic, M., Maja Jukic´ Špika., Lukic´, M., Koprivnjak, O., Bubola, K, B., Complex interactive effects of ripening degree, malaxation duration and temperature on Oblica cv. virgin olive oil phenols, volatiles and sensory quality, Food Chemistry 232 (2017), 610–620.
  • Rózanska, A., Russo, M., Cacciol, F., Salafia, F., Polkowska, Z., Dugo, P., Mondello, L., Concentration of potentially bioactive compounds in italian extra virgin olive oils from various sources by using lc-ms and multivariate data analysis, Foods, 9 (2020), 1120.
  • Hbaieb, R, H., Kotti, F., García-Rodríguez, R., Gargouri, M., Sanz, C., Ana G. Pérez., Monitoring endogenous enzymes during olive fruit ripening and storage: Correlation with virgin olive oil phenolic profiles, Food Chemistry, 174 (2015), 240–247.
  • Hbaieba R, H., Kotti, F., Valli, E., Bendini, A., Toschi, T., Gargouri, G., Effect of Tunisian olive ripeness on endogenous enzymes and virgin olive oil phenolic composition, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 62 (2017), 43–50.
  • Yıldız, G., Uylaşer, V., Profile and total content of phenolics and antioxidant activity of commercial table olives from Turkey, Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 7 (5) (2015), 635-642.
  • Kesen, S., Kelebek,H., Selli, S., Characterization of the volatile, phenolic and antioxidant properties of monovarietal olive oil obtained from cv. Halhali, J Am Oil Chem Soc, 90 (2013), 1685–1696.
  • Kelebek, H., Kesen, S., Selli S., Comparative study of bioactive constituents in Turkish olive oils by LC‐ESI/MS/MS, Int J Food Prop, 18 (10) (2015), 2231‐2245.
Year 2022, , 26 - 38, 30.06.2022



  • Dag, C., Demirtas, I., Ozdemir, I., Bekiroglu, S., Ertas, E., Biochemical characterization of turkish extra virgin olive oils from six different olive varieties of identical growing conditions. JAOCS, 92 (2015), 1349–1356. https://doi 10.1007/s11746-015-2691-7
  • International Olive Oil Council (IOOC)., Trade standard applying to olive oil and olive-pomace oil. COI/T15/NC No 3 (2015), Rev. 8 February
  • Arslan, D., Schreiner, M., Chemical characteristics and antioxidant activity of olive oils from turkish varieties grown in Hatay province, Sci. Hortic, 144 (2012), 141–152.
  • FAO. FAOSTAT Database. Available from: (2018). Accessed: Aug. 12, 2018.
  • Dağdelen, A., Identifying antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the phenolic extracts and mineral contents of virgin olive oils (Olea europaea L. cv. Edincik Su) from Different Regions in Turkey, Journal of Chemistry, 9589763 (2016), 1-11.
  • Reboredo-Rodríguez, P., Figueiredo-González, M., González-Barreiro, C., Simal-Gándara, J., María D, S., Cancho-Grande, B., Giuseppe, F., State of the art on functional virgin olive oils enriched with bioactive compounds and their properties, Int. J. Mol. Sci, 18 (2017), 668.
  • Servili, M., Sordini, B., Esposto, S., Urbani, S., Veneziani, G., Di Maio, I., Selvaggini, R.; Taticchi, A. Biological activities of phenolic compounds of extra virgin olive oil. Antioxidants, 3(2014), 1–23.
  • Chiara, F., Susanna D, P., Alessandra, V., Laura, D, Marina, R,, Tommasangelo, P., Luigi, M., Laura de, G., Extraction, analysis, and antioxidant activity evaluation of phenolic compounds in different italian extra-virgin olive oils, Molecules, 23 (2018), 3249.
  • Parkinson, L., Cicerale, S., The health benefiting mechanisms of virgin olive oil phenolic compounds, Molecules, 21 (2016), 1734.
  • Lerma-Garcia, M.J. Characterization and authentication of olive and other vegetable oils: New analytical methods. Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Valencia, Spain, (2012), Chapter 1, p. 2.
  • Casas, R., Sacanella, E., Urpí-Sardà, M., Chiva-Blanch, G., Ros, E., Martínez-González, M.A., Covas, M.I., Salas-Salvadó, J., Fiol, M., Arós, F., The effects of the mediterranean diet on biomarkers of vascular wall inflammation and plaque vulnerability in subjects with high risk for cardiovascular disease, A randomized trial. PLoS ONE, 9 (2014), e100084.
  • Schwingshackl, L., Christoph, M., Hoffmann, G., Effects of olive oil on markers of inflammation and endothelial function-a systematic review and meta-analysis, Nutrients, 7 (2015), 7651–7675.
  • Lozano-sanchez, J., segura-carretero, A., Menendez, J., Oliveras-ferraros C., Lorenzo C., Fernandez- Gutierrez, A., Prediction of extra virgin olive oil varieties through their phenolic profile. potential cytotoxic activity against human breast cancer Cells, J. Agric. Food Chem, 58(2010), 9942–9955.
  • Carolina E. Storniolo., Martínez-Hovelman, N., Martínez-Huelamo, M., Rosa, M. Lamuela-Raventos., Juan J. Moren, Extra virgin olive oil minor compounds modulate mitogenic action of oleic acid on colon cancer cell line, J. Agric. Food Chem, 67(2019), 11420−11427.
  • Roman, Jackson G, C., Reis, J., Roman, A.N .,Toledo, J,B ., Toledo, E., Extra-virgin olive oil for potential prevention of Alzheimer disease, Revue Neurologique, 175(2019) 705-723.
  • Ghanbari, S, E., Sivri, O, D., Taha O, M., Ustune, N, F. Changes occurring in chemical composition and oxidative stability of virgin olive oil during storage, Oilseeds & fats Crops and Lipids (OCL), 25(6) (2018), A602.
  • Deiana, P., Santona, M., Dettori, S., Culeddu, N., Dore, A., Molinu, M.G., Multivariate approach to assess the chemical composition of Italian virgin olive oils as a function of variety and harvest period, Food Chemistry, 300 (2019), 125243.
  • Fuentes, E., Paucar, F., Tapia, F., Ortiz, J., Jimenez, P., Effect of the composition of extra virgin olive oils on the differentiation and antioxidant capacities of twelve monovarietals, Food Chemistry, 243 (2018), 285–294.
  • Fuentes, E., Paucar, F., Tapia, F., Ortiz, J., Jimenez, P., Effect of the composition of extra virgin olive oils on the differentiation and antioxidant capacities of twelve monovarietals, Food Chemistry, 243 (2018), 285–294.
  • Amanpour, A., Kelebek, H., Selli, S., LC‐ DAD‐ESI‐MS/MS–based phenolic profiling and antioxidant activity in Turkish cv. Nizip Yaglik olive oils from different maturity olives, J Mass Spectrom. 54 (2019), 227–238.
  • Le Yu., Yongjin, W., Gangcheng Wu., Jun, J., Qingzhe, J., Xingguo, W., Chemical and volatile characteristics of olive oils extracted from four varieties grown in southwest of China, Food Research International, 140 (2021), 109987.
  • Huang, S., Wang, Q., Yaosong, W., Ruifeng, Y., Gongjian, F., Huang, M., Mary, A., and Physicochemical characterization and antioxidant activities of Chongqing virgin olive oil: effects of variety and ripening stage, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 14 (2020), 2010–2020.
  • Yorulmaz, H, O., Konuskan, D, B., Antioxidant activity, sterol and fatty acid compositions of Turkish olive oils as an indicator of variety and ripening degree, J Food Sci Technol (November 2017) 54 (12) (2017), 4067–4077.
  • Reboredo-Rodríguez, P., onzález-Barreiro, C., Cancho-Grande, B., Forbes-Hernández,T,Y., Gasparrini, M., Afrin, S., Cianciosi, D., Carrasco-Pancorbo, A., Simal-Gándara, J., Giampieri, F., Battino, M., Characterization of phenolic extracts from Brava extra virgin olive oils and their cytotoxic effects on MCF-7 breast cancer cells, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 119 (2018), 73–85.
  • Singleton, V.L.; Rossi, J.A. Colorimetry of total phenolics with phosphomolybdic phosphotungstic acid reagents, Am. J. Enol. Vitic, 16 (1965), 44–158.
  • Blois, M.S. Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical, Nature, 181(1958), 1199- 1200.
  • Wu, Y., Wang, X., Xue, J., Enguo, F., Plant phenolics extraction from flos chrysanthemi: response surface methodology based optimization and the correlation between extracts and free radical scavenging activity, Journal of Food Science, Vol. 82 (2017), 11, 2017.
  • Rotondi A., Magli M., Licausi E., Alfei B., Pannelli G Influence of genetic matrix on chemical and sensory profiles of Italian monovarietal olive oils, Acta Hort (ISHS,) 924 (2011), 401–406.
  • Baiano, A., Terracone, C., Viggiani, I., Alessandro, M., Nobile, D., Effects of cultivars and location on quality, phenolic content and antioxidant activity of extra-virgin olive oils, J Am Oil Chem Soc, 90 (2013), 103–111.
  • López-Yerena, A., Ninot, A., Jiménez-Ruiz, N., Lozano-Castellón, J., Pérez, M., Escribano-Ferrer, E., Romero-Aroca, A., Rosa M., Lamuela-Raventós., Vallverdú-Queralt A. Influence of the ripening stage and extraction conditions on the phenolic fingerprint of ‘corbella’ extra-virgin olive oil, Antioxidants, 10 (2021), 877.
  • Uluata, S., Altuntas, U., Beraat, Ö., Biochemical characterization of arbequina extra virgin olive oil produced in Turkey, J Am Oil Chem Soc, 93 (2016). 617–626.
  • Usanmaz, S., öztürkler, F., Helvaci, M., Alas, T., Kahramanoğlu, I.. Aşkin, M, A., Effects of periods and altitudes on the phenolic compounds and oil contents of olives, cv. ayvalik. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Science, 2 (2) (2018), 32-39.
  • Pedan, V., Martin P., Rohn, S., Nyfeler, M., Bongartz, A., Characterization of phenolic compounds and their contribution to sensory properties of olive oil, Molecules, 24 (2019), 2041.
  • Gouvinhas, I., Machado, N., Sobreira, C., Domínguez-Perles, R., Gomes, S., Rosa, E., Ana I. R. N. A. Barros., Critical review on the significance of olive phytochemicals in plant physiology and human health, Molecules, 22 (2017), 1986.
  • De Torres, A., Espínola, F., Moya, M., Alcalá, S., Alfonso, M. Vidal., Castro, E., Assessment of phenolic compounds in virgin olive oil by response surface methodology with particular focus on flavonoids and lignans, WT - Food Science and Technology, 90 (2018), 22–30.
  • Benganan M., Bakhouche, A., Lozano-Sánchez, J., Amir, Y., Youyou, A., Segura-Carretero, A., Fernández-Gutiérrez, A., Influence of olive ripeness on chemical properties and phenolic composition of Chemlal extra-virgin olive oil, Food Research International, 54 (2013), 1868–1875.
  • Lukic, I., Zˇanetic, M., Maja Jukic´ Špika., Lukic´, M., Koprivnjak, O., Bubola, K, B., Complex interactive effects of ripening degree, malaxation duration and temperature on Oblica cv. virgin olive oil phenols, volatiles and sensory quality, Food Chemistry 232 (2017), 610–620.
  • Rózanska, A., Russo, M., Cacciol, F., Salafia, F., Polkowska, Z., Dugo, P., Mondello, L., Concentration of potentially bioactive compounds in italian extra virgin olive oils from various sources by using lc-ms and multivariate data analysis, Foods, 9 (2020), 1120.
  • Hbaieb, R, H., Kotti, F., García-Rodríguez, R., Gargouri, M., Sanz, C., Ana G. Pérez., Monitoring endogenous enzymes during olive fruit ripening and storage: Correlation with virgin olive oil phenolic profiles, Food Chemistry, 174 (2015), 240–247.
  • Hbaieba R, H., Kotti, F., Valli, E., Bendini, A., Toschi, T., Gargouri, G., Effect of Tunisian olive ripeness on endogenous enzymes and virgin olive oil phenolic composition, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 62 (2017), 43–50.
  • Yıldız, G., Uylaşer, V., Profile and total content of phenolics and antioxidant activity of commercial table olives from Turkey, Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 7 (5) (2015), 635-642.
  • Kesen, S., Kelebek,H., Selli, S., Characterization of the volatile, phenolic and antioxidant properties of monovarietal olive oil obtained from cv. Halhali, J Am Oil Chem Soc, 90 (2013), 1685–1696.
  • Kelebek, H., Kesen, S., Selli S., Comparative study of bioactive constituents in Turkish olive oils by LC‐ESI/MS/MS, Int J Food Prop, 18 (10) (2015), 2231‐2245.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Research Articles

Sakou Seydou 0000-0003-3485-2845

Gül Koca 0000-0001-8724-8954

Okan Onar 0000-0003-4197-527X

Özlem Yıldırım 0000-0003-1018-0335

Publication Date June 30, 2022
Acceptance Date April 5, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C-Biology.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.