Review Article
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Year 2024, , 145 - 161, 25.12.2024



  • Fortier, L.A., Stem cells: Classifications, controversies, and clinical applications. Veterinary Surgery, 34 (2015), 415-423.
  • Ratajczak M.Z., Zuba-Surma E.K., Wysoczynski M., Wan W., Ratajczak J., Wojakowski W., Hunt for pluripotent stem cell - regenerative medicine search for almighty cell. Journal of Autoimmunology, 30 (2008), 151-162. 10.1016/j.jaut.2007.12.003
  • Zeitlin, B.D., Banking on teeth - Stem cells and the dental office. Biomedical Journal, 43 (2) (2020), 124-133.
  • Yamanaka, S., Induced pluripotent stem cells: Past, present, and future. Cell Stem Cell, 10 (2012), 678-684.
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  • Bojic, S., Volarevic, V., Ljujic, B., Stojkovic, M., Dental stem cells - characteristics and potential. Histology and Histopathology, 29 (2014), 699-706.
  • Li, Y., Duan, X., Chen, Y., Dental stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles as promising therapeutic agents in the treatment of diseases. International Journal of Oral Science, 14 (2) (2022).
  • Dhot, P.S., Nair, V., Swarup, D., Sirohi, D., Ganguli, P., Cord blood stem cell banking and transplantation. Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 70 (12) (2003), 989-992.
  • Lymperi, S., Taraslia, V., Tsatsoulis, I.N., Samara, A., Velentzas, A.D., Agrafioti, A., Anastasiadou, E., Kontakiotis, E., Dental stem cell migration on pulp ceiling cavities filled with MTA, dentin chips, or bio-oss. Biomed Research International, (2015), 189872.
  • Sunil, P.M., Manikandan, R., Yoithapprabhunath, M.T.R., Sivakumar, M., Harvesting dental stem cells – Overview. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences, 7 (2) (2015), 384-386.
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  • Sowmya, S., Chennazhi, K.P., Arzate, H., Jayachandran, P., Nair, S.V., Jayakumar, R., Periodontal specific differentiation of dental follicle stem cells into osteoblast, fibroblast, and cementoblast. Tissue Engineering Part C Methods, 21 (10) (2015), 1044-1058.
  • Matsubara, T., Suardita, K., Ishii, M., Sugiyama, M., Igarashi, A., Alveolar bone marrow as a cell source for regenerative medicine: differences between alveolar and iliac bone marrow stromal cells. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 20 (3) (2005), 399-409.
  • Sonoyama, W., Liu, Y., Fang, D., Yamaza, T., Seo, B.M., Zhang, C., Liu, H., Gronthos, S., Wang, C.Y., Wang, S., Shi, S., Mesenchymal stem cell-mediated functional tooth regeneration in swine. PLoS One, 20 (1) (2006), e79. 10.1371/journal.pone.0000079
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  • Kim, D., Lee, A.E., Xu, Q., Zhang, Q., Le, A.D., Gingiva-derived mesenchymal stem cells: Potential application in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine - A Comprehensive review. Frontiers in Immunology, 16 (12) (2021), 667221.
  • Sampogna, G., Guraya, S.Y., Forgione, A., Regenerative medicine: Historical roots and potential strategies in modern medicine. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure, 3 (3) (2015), 101-107.
  • Zhang, W., Yelick, P.C., Tooth repair and regeneration: Potential of dental stem cells. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 27 (5) (2021), 501-511. 10.1016/j.molmed.2021.02.005
  • Soudi, A., Yazdanian, M., Ranjbar, R., Tebyanian, H., Yazdanian, A., Tahmasebi, E., Keshvad, A., Seifalian, A., Role and application of stem cells in dental regeneration: A comprehensive overview. EXCLI Journal, 20 (2021), 454-489. https://doi: 10.17179/excli2021-3335
  • Feng, F., Akiyama, K., Liu, Y., Yamaza, T., Wang, T.M., Chen, J.H., Utility of PDL progenitors for in vivo tissue regeneration: A report of 3 cases. Oral Diseases, 16 (1) (2010), 20-28. https://doi: 10.1111/j.1601-0825.2009.01593.x
  • Iwata, T., Yamato, M., Washio, K., Yoshida, T., Tsumanuma, Y., Yamada, A., Periodontal regeneration with autologous periodontal ligament-derived cell sheets - a safety and efficacy study in ten patients. Regenerative Therapies, 9 (2018), 38-44. https://doi: 10.1016/j.reth.2018.07.002
  • Zhao, J., Zhou, YH., Zhao, Y.Q., Oral cavity-derived stem cells and preclinical models of jaw-bone defects for bone tissue engineering. Stem Cell Research and Theraphy, 14 (1) (2023), 39-59.
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  • Sramkó, B., Földes, A., Kádár, K., Varga, G., Zsembery, Á., Pircs, K., The wisdom in teeth: Neuronal differentiation of dental pulp cells. Cell Reprogram, 25 (1) (2023), 32-44.
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Dental stem cell banking: a promising future for regenerative medicine applications

Year 2024, , 145 - 161, 25.12.2024


Dental stem cells originating from different oral tissues in and around dental structures have recently gained attention as a potential alternative for regenerative medicine applications. To date, many dental stem cells are identified specific to the tissue from which they originate. They exhibit many valuable advantages including high proliferation ability, self-renewal capacity, and multiple differentiation potentials that make them an important candidate for clinical applications, especially in treating degenerative and inflammatory diseases. The fact that they can be easily obtained from an individual’s waste tooth without any ethical concern provides them an excellent opportunity for autologous treatment with a low risk of immune rejection. Nowadays, the storage of autologous dental stem cells isolated from wisdom teeth or healthy extracted teeth in biobanks without ethical concerns has become a very important approach for the regeneration of damaged and diseased tissue and for the treatment of life-threatening diseases that may be encountered in the future life of the donor. This study provides a comprehensive overview of dental stem cells, recent advances in their clinical use, long-term preservation processes, and the latest advances in Dental Stem Cell Banking.


  • Fortier, L.A., Stem cells: Classifications, controversies, and clinical applications. Veterinary Surgery, 34 (2015), 415-423.
  • Ratajczak M.Z., Zuba-Surma E.K., Wysoczynski M., Wan W., Ratajczak J., Wojakowski W., Hunt for pluripotent stem cell - regenerative medicine search for almighty cell. Journal of Autoimmunology, 30 (2008), 151-162. 10.1016/j.jaut.2007.12.003
  • Zeitlin, B.D., Banking on teeth - Stem cells and the dental office. Biomedical Journal, 43 (2) (2020), 124-133.
  • Yamanaka, S., Induced pluripotent stem cells: Past, present, and future. Cell Stem Cell, 10 (2012), 678-684.
  • Gurdon, J.B., The egg and the nucleus: A battle for supremacy. Development, 140 (12) (2013), 2449-2456.
  • Bojic, S., Volarevic, V., Ljujic, B., Stojkovic, M., Dental stem cells - characteristics and potential. Histology and Histopathology, 29 (2014), 699-706.
  • Li, Y., Duan, X., Chen, Y., Dental stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles as promising therapeutic agents in the treatment of diseases. International Journal of Oral Science, 14 (2) (2022).
  • Dhot, P.S., Nair, V., Swarup, D., Sirohi, D., Ganguli, P., Cord blood stem cell banking and transplantation. Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 70 (12) (2003), 989-992.
  • Lymperi, S., Taraslia, V., Tsatsoulis, I.N., Samara, A., Velentzas, A.D., Agrafioti, A., Anastasiadou, E., Kontakiotis, E., Dental stem cell migration on pulp ceiling cavities filled with MTA, dentin chips, or bio-oss. Biomed Research International, (2015), 189872.
  • Sunil, P.M., Manikandan, R., Yoithapprabhunath, M.T.R., Sivakumar, M., Harvesting dental stem cells – Overview. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences, 7 (2) (2015), 384-386.
  • Gronthos, S., Mankani, M., Brahim, J., Robey, P. G., Shi, S., Postnatal human dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) in vitro and in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 97 (2000), 136213630.
  • Gronthos, S., Brahim, J., Li, W., Fisher, L. W., Cherman, N., Boyde, A., Stem cell properties of human dental pulp stem cells. Journal of Dental Research, 81 (2002), 531-535.
  • Ulmer, F.L., Winkel, A., Kohorst, P., Stiesch, M., Stem cells-prospects in dentistry. Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed, 120 (10) (2010), 860-883.
  • Miura, M., Gronthos, S., Zhao, M., Lu, B., Fisher, L.W., Robey, P.G., Shi, S., SHED: stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 100 (10) (2003), 5807-5812. 10.1073/pnas.0937635100
  • Huang, Y.H., Yang, J.C., Wang, C.W., Lee, S.Y., Dental Stem Cells and Tooth Banking for Regenerative Medicine. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2 (3) (2010), 111-117.
  • Seo, B.M., Miura, M., Gronthos, S., Bartold, P.M., Batouli, S., Brahim, J., Young, M., Investigation of multipotent postnatal stem cells from human periodontal ligament. Lancet, 364 (2004), 149-155.
  • Sowmya, S., Chennazhi, K.P., Arzate, H., Jayachandran, P., Nair, S.V., Jayakumar, R., Periodontal specific differentiation of dental follicle stem cells into osteoblast, fibroblast, and cementoblast. Tissue Engineering Part C Methods, 21 (10) (2015), 1044-1058.
  • Matsubara, T., Suardita, K., Ishii, M., Sugiyama, M., Igarashi, A., Alveolar bone marrow as a cell source for regenerative medicine: differences between alveolar and iliac bone marrow stromal cells. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 20 (3) (2005), 399-409.
  • Sonoyama, W., Liu, Y., Fang, D., Yamaza, T., Seo, B.M., Zhang, C., Liu, H., Gronthos, S., Wang, C.Y., Wang, S., Shi, S., Mesenchymal stem cell-mediated functional tooth regeneration in swine. PLoS One, 20 (1) (2006), e79. 10.1371/journal.pone.0000079
  • Zhang, Q., Shi, S., Liu, Y., Uyanne, J., Shi, Y., Shi, S., Mesenchymal stem cells derived from human gingiva are capable of immunomodulatory functions and ameliorate inflammation-related tissue destruction in experimental colitis. Journal of Immunology, 183 (12) (2009), 7787-7798.
  • Kim, D., Lee, A.E., Xu, Q., Zhang, Q., Le, A.D., Gingiva-derived mesenchymal stem cells: Potential application in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine - A Comprehensive review. Frontiers in Immunology, 16 (12) (2021), 667221.
  • Sampogna, G., Guraya, S.Y., Forgione, A., Regenerative medicine: Historical roots and potential strategies in modern medicine. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure, 3 (3) (2015), 101-107.
  • Zhang, W., Yelick, P.C., Tooth repair and regeneration: Potential of dental stem cells. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 27 (5) (2021), 501-511. 10.1016/j.molmed.2021.02.005
  • Soudi, A., Yazdanian, M., Ranjbar, R., Tebyanian, H., Yazdanian, A., Tahmasebi, E., Keshvad, A., Seifalian, A., Role and application of stem cells in dental regeneration: A comprehensive overview. EXCLI Journal, 20 (2021), 454-489. https://doi: 10.17179/excli2021-3335
  • Feng, F., Akiyama, K., Liu, Y., Yamaza, T., Wang, T.M., Chen, J.H., Utility of PDL progenitors for in vivo tissue regeneration: A report of 3 cases. Oral Diseases, 16 (1) (2010), 20-28. https://doi: 10.1111/j.1601-0825.2009.01593.x
  • Iwata, T., Yamato, M., Washio, K., Yoshida, T., Tsumanuma, Y., Yamada, A., Periodontal regeneration with autologous periodontal ligament-derived cell sheets - a safety and efficacy study in ten patients. Regenerative Therapies, 9 (2018), 38-44. https://doi: 10.1016/j.reth.2018.07.002
  • Zhao, J., Zhou, YH., Zhao, Y.Q., Oral cavity-derived stem cells and preclinical models of jaw-bone defects for bone tissue engineering. Stem Cell Research and Theraphy, 14 (1) (2023), 39-59.
  • Nakashima, M., Iohara, K., Murakami M., Pulp regeneration by transplantation of dental pulp stem cells in pulpitis: a pilot clinical study. Stem Cell Research and Theraphy, 8 (2017), 61-74.
  • Xuan, K., Li, B., Guo, H., Sun, W., Kou, X., He, X., Zhang, Y., Sun, J., Liu, A., Liao, L., Liu, S., Liu, W., Hu, C., Shi, S., Jin, Y., Deciduous autologous tooth stem cells regenerate dental pulp after implantation into injured teeth. Science Translational Medicine, 10 (455) (2018), eaaf3227.
  • Song, W.P., Jin, L.Y., Zhu, M.D., Wang, H., Xia, D.S., Clinical trials using dental stem cells: 2022 update. World Journal of Stem Cells, 15 (3) (2023) 31-51.
  • Shi, X., Mao, J., Liu, Y., Pulp stem cells derived from human permanent and deciduous teeth: Biological characteristics and therapeutic applications. Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 9 (4) 2020, 445-464.
  • Sramkó, B., Földes, A., Kádár, K., Varga, G., Zsembery, Á., Pircs, K., The wisdom in teeth: Neuronal differentiation of dental pulp cells. Cell Reprogram, 25 (1) (2023), 32-44.
  • Liu, P., Zhang, Y., Ma, Y., Tan, S., Ren, B., Liu, S., Application of dental pulp stem cells in oral maxillofacial tissue engineering. International Journal of Medical Science, 19 (2) (2022), 310-320.
  • Awais, S., Balouch, S.S., Riaz, N., Choudhery, M.S., Human dental pulp stem cells exhibit osteogenic differentiation potential. Open Life Science, 15 (2020), 229-236.
  • Armiñán, A., Gandía, C., Bartual, M., García-Verdugo, .M., Lledó, E., Mirabet, V., Cardiac differentiation is driven by NKX2.5 and GATA4 nuclear translocation in tissue-specific mesenchymal stem cells. Stem Cells and Development, 8 (6) (2009), 907-918.
  • Bosch, B.M., Salero, E., Núñez-Toldrà, R., Sabater, A.L., Gil, F.J., Perez, R.A., Discovering the potential of dental pulp stem cells for corneal endothelial cell production: A proof of concept. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9 (2021), 617724.
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There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Industrial Biotechnology (Other)
Journal Section Review Articles

Hatice Büşra Esen 0000-0001-8011-0020

Fadime Kıran 0000-0002-4536-2959

Publication Date December 25, 2024
Submission Date May 27, 2024
Acceptance Date October 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C-Biology.

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