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Year 2018, , 195 - 203, 01.12.2018


Various mixtures of gas-phase, carbon compounds volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by fungi are able to diffuse through the atmosphere and soils due to their small size. Fungal VOCs may contribute to a controversial medical diagnosis called ‘sick building syndrome’ or ‘building related illness’ (BRI). Both atopic and normal people exhibit statistically significant physiological and psychological effects when exposed to the odorant compounds emitted by fungi, so it has been hypothesized that these odorants may cause or contribute to BRI. Mold odors are caused by mixtures of VOCs, low molecular mass compounds with high vapor pressure that exist in the gaseous state at room temperature. Different species and strains of filamentous fungi produce different VOC profiles. Approximately 250 VOCs have been identified from fungi where they occur as mixtures of simple hydrocarbons, heterocycles, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, phenols, thioalcohols, thioesters and derivatives. The diverse functions of fungal VOCs can be developed for use in biotechnological applications for biofuel, biocontrol and mycofumigation. Volatiles represent a new frontier in bioprospecting, and the study of these gas-phase compounds promises the discovery of new products for human exploitation and will generate new hypotheses in fundamental biology


  • [1] N. Fiedler, R. Laumbach, K. Kelly-Mcneil, P. Lioy, Z.-H. Fan, J. Zhang, J. Ottenweller, P. Ohman-Strickland and H. Kipen, Health effects of a mixture of indoor air volatile organics, their ozone oxidation products, and stress. Environmental Health Perspectives, 113, (2005) 1542-1548.
  • [2] A. Nilsson, E. Kihlstrom, V. Lagesson, B. Wessen, B. Szponar, L. Larsson and C. Tagesson, Microorganisms and volatile organic compounds in airborne dust from damp residence. Indoor Air,14, (2004) 74-82.
  • [3] S.U. Morath., R. Hung and J.W. Bennett, A review with emphasis on their biotechnological potential. Fungal Biology Reviews, 26, (2012) 73-83.
  • [4] WHO, Guidelines for ındoor air quality: Dampness and Mold. Druckpartner Moser, (2009), Germany.
  • [5] A. Korpi, J. Jarnberg, and A.- L. Pasanen, Microbial volatile organic compounds. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 39, (2009) 139-193.
  • [6] N. Sahgal and N. Magan, Fungal volatile fingerprints: discrimination between dermatophyte species and strains by electronic nose. Sensors Actuators B, 131, (2008) 117-120.
  • [7] F. Cabanes, N. Sahgal, M. Bragulat and N. Magan, Early discrimination of fungal species responsible of ochratoxin A contamination of wine and other grape products using an electronic nose. Mycotoxin Research, 25, (2009) 187-192.
  • [8] M.C. Leggieri, N.P. Pont, P. Battilani and N. Magan, Detection and discrimination between ochratoxin producer and non-producer strains of Penicillium nordicum on a ham based medium using an electronic nose. Mycotoxin Research, 27 (1), (2011) 29-35.
  • [9] K. Wilkins, K. Larsen and M. Simkus, Volatile metabolites from mold growth on building materials and synthetic media. Chemosphere, 41, (2000) 437-446.
  • [10] R. Atkinson R. and J. Arey, Atmospheric degredation of volatile organic compounds. Chemical Reviews, 103, (2003) 4605-4638.
  • [11] P. Wolkoff, P.A. Clausen, C.K. Wilkins, K.S. Hougaard, and G.D. Nielsen, Formation of strong airway irritants in a model mixture of (+)-alphapinene/ozone. Atmosphere Environment, 33 (5), (1999) 693– 698.
  • [12] P. Wolkoff, P.A. Clausen, C.K.Wilkins and G.D. Nielsen, Formation of strong airway irritants in a terpene/ozone mixtures. Indoor Air, 10 (2), (2000) 82–91.
  • [13] L. Kreja and H.J. Seidel, On the cytotoxicity of some microbial volatile organic compounds as studied in the human lung cell A549. Chemosphere 49, (2002) 105-110.
  • [14] S.A. Batterman, Sampling and analysis of biological volatile organic compounds. CRC Press, (1995) 249-268.
  • [15] A.L. Sunesson, W.H.J. Vaes, C.A. Nilsson, G. Blomquist, B. Andersson and R. Carlson, Identification of volatile metabolites from five fungal species cultivated on two media. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 61, (1995) 2911-2918.
  • [16] A.L. Sunesson, C.A. Nilsson, B. Andersson, and G. Blomquist, Volatile metabolites produced by two fungal species cultivated on building materials. Annals Occupational Hygiene, 40, (1996) 397–410.
  • [17] K. Elke, J. Begerow, H. Oppermann, U. Krämer, E. Jermann and L. Dunemann, Determination of selected microbial volatile organic compounds by diffusion sampling and dual column capillary GC-FID- a new feasible approach for the detection of an exposure to indoor mold fungi. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 1 (5), (1999) 445-452.
  • [18] A.S. Claeson, J.O. Levin, G. Blomquist and A.L. Sunesson, Volatile metabolites from microorganisms grown on humid building materials and synthetic media. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 4, (2002) 667-672.
  • [19] H. Schleibinger, D. Laussmann, C.G. Bornehag, D. Eis and H. Rueden, Microbial volatile organic compounds in the air of moldy and mold-free indoor environments. Indoor Air, 18, (2008) 113-124.
  • [20] A. Korpi, A.L. Pasanen and P. Pasanen, Volatile organic compounds originating from mixed microbial cultures on building materials under various humidity conditions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64 (8), (1998) 2914-2919.
  • [21] H. Schleibinger, D. Laußmann, D. Eis, H. Samwer, A. Nickelmann and H. Rüden, Microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) as indicators for fungal damage. Proceedings Indoor Air, 4, (2002) 707-712.
  • [22] G. Strom, J. West, B. Wessen and U. Palmgren, Health impacts of fungi in indoor environment: quantitative analysis of microbial volatiles in damp Swedish houses. In: Health Impacts of Fungi in Indoor Environments (R.A. Samson, B. Flannigan, M.E. Flannigan et al eds.). Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, (1994) 291–305.
  • [23] W. Lorenz, T. Diedrich and M. Conrad, Practical experiences with MVOC as an indicator for microbial growth. Proceedings Indoor Air, 4, (2002) 341– 346.
  • [24] K. Wilkins and K. Larsen, Variation of volatile organic compounds patterns of mold species from damp buildings. Chemosphere, 31 (5), (1995) 3225- 3236.
  • [25] C.E.W. Herr, S. Harpel, A. zur Nieden, N.I. Stilianakis and T.F Eikmann, Assessing health effects of bioaerosols measuring viable spores and microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) in residential air. Proc. Indoor Air, 3, (2002) 29–34.
  • [26] P. Wolkoff, C.K Wilkins, P.A. Clausen and G.D. Nielsen, Organic compounds in office environments-sensory, irritation, odor measurements and the role of reaction chemistry. Indoor Air, 16 (1), (2006) 7– 19.
  • [27] J.E. Cometto-Muñiz and W.S. Cain, Physicochemical determinants and functional properties of the senses of irritation and smell. In: Indoor air quality and human health, R.B. Gammage, B.A. Berven, eds) CRC Lewis Publishers Press, Boca Raton, (1996) pp.53–65.
  • [28] Y. Alarie, L.F. Hansen and G.D. Nielsen, Irritation of the upper airways. Mechanisms and structure-activity relationships. In: Chemical, microbiological, health and comfort aspects of indoor air quality, state of the art SBS (H. Knoppel, P. Wolkoff, eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, (1992) 99–114.
  • [29] G.D. Nielsen, P. Wolkoff and Y. Alarie, Sensory irritation: risk assessment approaches. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 48 (1), (2007) 6–18.
  • [30] J.-P. Kasanen, A.-L Pasanen, P. Pasanen, J. Liesivuori, V.- M. Kosma, and Y. Alarie, Stereospecifity of the sensory irritation receptor for nonreactive chemicals illustrated by pinene enantiomers. Archives Fur Toxicologie, 72 (8), (1998) 514–523.
  • [31] G.D. Nielsen, S.T. Larsen, K.S. Hougaard, M Hammer, P Wolkoff, P.A Clausen, C.K. Wilkins and Y Alarie, Mechanism of acute inhalation effects of (+9 and (-) α pinene in BALB-c mice. Basic Clinical Pharmacology Toxicology, 96 (6), (2005) 420–428.
Year 2018, , 195 - 203, 01.12.2018



  • [1] N. Fiedler, R. Laumbach, K. Kelly-Mcneil, P. Lioy, Z.-H. Fan, J. Zhang, J. Ottenweller, P. Ohman-Strickland and H. Kipen, Health effects of a mixture of indoor air volatile organics, their ozone oxidation products, and stress. Environmental Health Perspectives, 113, (2005) 1542-1548.
  • [2] A. Nilsson, E. Kihlstrom, V. Lagesson, B. Wessen, B. Szponar, L. Larsson and C. Tagesson, Microorganisms and volatile organic compounds in airborne dust from damp residence. Indoor Air,14, (2004) 74-82.
  • [3] S.U. Morath., R. Hung and J.W. Bennett, A review with emphasis on their biotechnological potential. Fungal Biology Reviews, 26, (2012) 73-83.
  • [4] WHO, Guidelines for ındoor air quality: Dampness and Mold. Druckpartner Moser, (2009), Germany.
  • [5] A. Korpi, J. Jarnberg, and A.- L. Pasanen, Microbial volatile organic compounds. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 39, (2009) 139-193.
  • [6] N. Sahgal and N. Magan, Fungal volatile fingerprints: discrimination between dermatophyte species and strains by electronic nose. Sensors Actuators B, 131, (2008) 117-120.
  • [7] F. Cabanes, N. Sahgal, M. Bragulat and N. Magan, Early discrimination of fungal species responsible of ochratoxin A contamination of wine and other grape products using an electronic nose. Mycotoxin Research, 25, (2009) 187-192.
  • [8] M.C. Leggieri, N.P. Pont, P. Battilani and N. Magan, Detection and discrimination between ochratoxin producer and non-producer strains of Penicillium nordicum on a ham based medium using an electronic nose. Mycotoxin Research, 27 (1), (2011) 29-35.
  • [9] K. Wilkins, K. Larsen and M. Simkus, Volatile metabolites from mold growth on building materials and synthetic media. Chemosphere, 41, (2000) 437-446.
  • [10] R. Atkinson R. and J. Arey, Atmospheric degredation of volatile organic compounds. Chemical Reviews, 103, (2003) 4605-4638.
  • [11] P. Wolkoff, P.A. Clausen, C.K. Wilkins, K.S. Hougaard, and G.D. Nielsen, Formation of strong airway irritants in a model mixture of (+)-alphapinene/ozone. Atmosphere Environment, 33 (5), (1999) 693– 698.
  • [12] P. Wolkoff, P.A. Clausen, C.K.Wilkins and G.D. Nielsen, Formation of strong airway irritants in a terpene/ozone mixtures. Indoor Air, 10 (2), (2000) 82–91.
  • [13] L. Kreja and H.J. Seidel, On the cytotoxicity of some microbial volatile organic compounds as studied in the human lung cell A549. Chemosphere 49, (2002) 105-110.
  • [14] S.A. Batterman, Sampling and analysis of biological volatile organic compounds. CRC Press, (1995) 249-268.
  • [15] A.L. Sunesson, W.H.J. Vaes, C.A. Nilsson, G. Blomquist, B. Andersson and R. Carlson, Identification of volatile metabolites from five fungal species cultivated on two media. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 61, (1995) 2911-2918.
  • [16] A.L. Sunesson, C.A. Nilsson, B. Andersson, and G. Blomquist, Volatile metabolites produced by two fungal species cultivated on building materials. Annals Occupational Hygiene, 40, (1996) 397–410.
  • [17] K. Elke, J. Begerow, H. Oppermann, U. Krämer, E. Jermann and L. Dunemann, Determination of selected microbial volatile organic compounds by diffusion sampling and dual column capillary GC-FID- a new feasible approach for the detection of an exposure to indoor mold fungi. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 1 (5), (1999) 445-452.
  • [18] A.S. Claeson, J.O. Levin, G. Blomquist and A.L. Sunesson, Volatile metabolites from microorganisms grown on humid building materials and synthetic media. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 4, (2002) 667-672.
  • [19] H. Schleibinger, D. Laussmann, C.G. Bornehag, D. Eis and H. Rueden, Microbial volatile organic compounds in the air of moldy and mold-free indoor environments. Indoor Air, 18, (2008) 113-124.
  • [20] A. Korpi, A.L. Pasanen and P. Pasanen, Volatile organic compounds originating from mixed microbial cultures on building materials under various humidity conditions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64 (8), (1998) 2914-2919.
  • [21] H. Schleibinger, D. Laußmann, D. Eis, H. Samwer, A. Nickelmann and H. Rüden, Microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) as indicators for fungal damage. Proceedings Indoor Air, 4, (2002) 707-712.
  • [22] G. Strom, J. West, B. Wessen and U. Palmgren, Health impacts of fungi in indoor environment: quantitative analysis of microbial volatiles in damp Swedish houses. In: Health Impacts of Fungi in Indoor Environments (R.A. Samson, B. Flannigan, M.E. Flannigan et al eds.). Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, (1994) 291–305.
  • [23] W. Lorenz, T. Diedrich and M. Conrad, Practical experiences with MVOC as an indicator for microbial growth. Proceedings Indoor Air, 4, (2002) 341– 346.
  • [24] K. Wilkins and K. Larsen, Variation of volatile organic compounds patterns of mold species from damp buildings. Chemosphere, 31 (5), (1995) 3225- 3236.
  • [25] C.E.W. Herr, S. Harpel, A. zur Nieden, N.I. Stilianakis and T.F Eikmann, Assessing health effects of bioaerosols measuring viable spores and microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) in residential air. Proc. Indoor Air, 3, (2002) 29–34.
  • [26] P. Wolkoff, C.K Wilkins, P.A. Clausen and G.D. Nielsen, Organic compounds in office environments-sensory, irritation, odor measurements and the role of reaction chemistry. Indoor Air, 16 (1), (2006) 7– 19.
  • [27] J.E. Cometto-Muñiz and W.S. Cain, Physicochemical determinants and functional properties of the senses of irritation and smell. In: Indoor air quality and human health, R.B. Gammage, B.A. Berven, eds) CRC Lewis Publishers Press, Boca Raton, (1996) pp.53–65.
  • [28] Y. Alarie, L.F. Hansen and G.D. Nielsen, Irritation of the upper airways. Mechanisms and structure-activity relationships. In: Chemical, microbiological, health and comfort aspects of indoor air quality, state of the art SBS (H. Knoppel, P. Wolkoff, eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, (1992) 99–114.
  • [29] G.D. Nielsen, P. Wolkoff and Y. Alarie, Sensory irritation: risk assessment approaches. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 48 (1), (2007) 6–18.
  • [30] J.-P. Kasanen, A.-L Pasanen, P. Pasanen, J. Liesivuori, V.- M. Kosma, and Y. Alarie, Stereospecifity of the sensory irritation receptor for nonreactive chemicals illustrated by pinene enantiomers. Archives Fur Toxicologie, 72 (8), (1998) 514–523.
  • [31] G.D. Nielsen, S.T. Larsen, K.S. Hougaard, M Hammer, P Wolkoff, P.A Clausen, C.K. Wilkins and Y Alarie, Mechanism of acute inhalation effects of (+9 and (-) α pinene in BALB-c mice. Basic Clinical Pharmacology Toxicology, 96 (6), (2005) 420–428.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Evrim Özkale Kaya

Publication Date December 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C-Biology.

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