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[2] Lee Y. S., Radiopharmaceuticals for Molecular Imaging, The Open Nuclear Medicine Journal, 2 (2010) 178-185.
[3] Grupen C., Buvat I., Handbook of Particle Detection and Imaging, New York: Springer, (2012) 859-881.
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[8] Salmanoğlu E., Peksoy İ., Tc-99m MDP’nin intraarteryal enjeksiyonu, Cukurova Medical Journal, 41(1) (2016) 75-78.
[9] IAEA., International basic safety standards for protection against ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation sources, International Atomic Energy Agency. Safety Series No. 115. Vienna, (1996) 20-30.
[10] Valantin J., Radiological Protection in Medicine. ICRP Publication 105. Ann. ICRP 3 (2008) 17-22.
[11] Eckerman K., Harrison J., Menzel H. G., Clement C. H., Compendium of Dose Coefficients based on ICRP Publication 60. ICRP Publication 119, Ann. ICRP, 41(1) (2011) 13-22.
[12] IAEA., Release of Patients After Radionuclide Therapy, International Atomic Energy Agency. Safety Report Series No. 63. Vienna, (2009) 3-15.
[13] TAEK., Radyonüklit Tedavisi Gören Hastaların Taburcu Edilmesine İlişkin Kılavuz. Ankara: RSGD-KLV-009 (Rev.2), Türkiye Atom Enerji Kurumu, (2016) 7-22.
[14] ASM 990 Series, Advanced Survey Meter, Available at:
https://www.flukebiomedical.com/products/radiation-measurement. Retrieved March 25, 2020.
[15] Chabot G., Instrumentation and Measurements Surveys and Measurements (SM), Health Physics Society, Available at:
http://hps.org/publicinformation/ate/q4148.html. Retrieved May 25, 2020.
[16] Vennart J., Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceutcals, ICRP Publication 53. Ann. ICRP, 18 (1-4) (1998) 213-217.
[17] Bartlett M. L., Estimated Dose From Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine Patients to People Outside The Nuclear Medicine Department, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 157 (1) (2013) 44-52.
[18] Harding L. K., Mostafa A. B., Roden L., Williams N., Dose rates from patients having nuclear medicine investigations, Nuclear Medicine Communications, 6 (1985) 191-194.
[19] Mountford P. J., Odoherty M. J., Forge N. I., Jeffries A., Coakley A. J., Radiation Dose Rates From Adult Patients Undergoing Nuclear Medicine Investigations, Nuclear Medicine Communications, 12 (1991) 767-777.
[20] Martin J. E., Physics for Radiation Protection. 2nd ed. Veinheim: Viley-Vch, (2006) 305-310.
[21] Stenstad L. I., Pedersen G. A., Landmark A. D., Brattheim B., Nuclear Radiation Dose to the Surroundings From Patients Who are Undergoing Nuclear Medicine Examinations, Peer Reviewed Article, 1 (2014) 11-18.
[22] Gomez-Palacios M., Terron J. A., Domınguez P., Vera D. R., Osuna R. F., Radiation Doses in the Surroundings of Patients Undergoing Nuclear Medicine Diagnostic Studies, The Radiation Safety Journal, 89 (2) (2005) 27-34.
[23] Bayram T., Yilmaz A. H., Demir M., Sonmez B., Radiation Dose to Technologists per Nuclear Medicine Examination and Estimation of Annual Dose, Journal of Nuclear
Medicine Technology, 39 (2011) 55-59.
Examination of 99mTc-mdp radioactivity after ınjection according to time and distance
Year 2021,
Volume: 42 Issue: 2, 389 - 396, 30.06.2021
In nuclear medicine, the imaging process used to diagnose diseases and to examine the functions of organs is carried out with radiopharmaceuticals containing radioisotope. In this study, the amount of external radiation emitted from bone scintigraphy patients who were given 99mTc-MDP kit was examined. The measurements have been performed using FLUKE Victoreen ASM 990 portable detector at Nuclear Medicine Department Medicine Faculty in Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University. The external dose rate values have been measured at 0.50 m, 1.0 m, 2.0 m and 3.0 m away from the patient considered as the source of radiation. All measurements have been taken within approximately one hour and 10 minutes at 10 minutes intervals after injection of the pharmaceutical. In this study, the highest external dose rate value is measured 13.81 μSv h-1 from 0.50 m distance after 30 minutes from the radiopharmaceutical injection and the lowest external dose rate value 1.53 μSv h-1 is obtained from 3.0 m distance after 60 minutes. Then, dose rate values per unit activity were calculated and the highest value was found as 20.57 μSv h-1 GBq-1 30 minutes after injection at 0.50 m. The results obtained were compared with other studies in the literature.
[1] Saha G. B., Fundamentals of Nuclear Pharmacy, 6nd ed. London: Springer, (2010) 83-100.
[2] Lee Y. S., Radiopharmaceuticals for Molecular Imaging, The Open Nuclear Medicine Journal, 2 (2010) 178-185.
[3] Grupen C., Buvat I., Handbook of Particle Detection and Imaging, New York: Springer, (2012) 859-881.
[4] Teksöz S., Müftüler F. Z., Nükleer Tıpta Kullanılan Radyoizotoplar ve Biyomedikal Uygulamaları, Nuclear Medicine Seminar, 5 (2019) 10-14.
[5] Gündoğdu E. A., Özgenç E., Ekinci M., Özdemir D. İ., Aşıkoglu M., Nükleer Tıpta Görüntüleme ve Tedavide Kullanılan Radyofarmasötikler, Journal of Literature Pharmacy Sciences , 7 (1) (2018) 24-34.
[6] Subramanian G., McAfee J. G., Blair R. J., KallfeIz F. A., Thomas, F. D., Technetium-99m-Methylene Diphosphonate a Superior Agent for Skeletal İmaging: Comparison with other Technetium Complexes, Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 16 (1975) 744-755.
[7] Önsel Ç., Kantarcı F., Görüntüleme Yöntemleri Sempozyumu, İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Etkinlikleri. Birinci Basım, İstanbul, 2010.
[8] Salmanoğlu E., Peksoy İ., Tc-99m MDP’nin intraarteryal enjeksiyonu, Cukurova Medical Journal, 41(1) (2016) 75-78.
[9] IAEA., International basic safety standards for protection against ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation sources, International Atomic Energy Agency. Safety Series No. 115. Vienna, (1996) 20-30.
[10] Valantin J., Radiological Protection in Medicine. ICRP Publication 105. Ann. ICRP 3 (2008) 17-22.
[11] Eckerman K., Harrison J., Menzel H. G., Clement C. H., Compendium of Dose Coefficients based on ICRP Publication 60. ICRP Publication 119, Ann. ICRP, 41(1) (2011) 13-22.
[12] IAEA., Release of Patients After Radionuclide Therapy, International Atomic Energy Agency. Safety Report Series No. 63. Vienna, (2009) 3-15.
[13] TAEK., Radyonüklit Tedavisi Gören Hastaların Taburcu Edilmesine İlişkin Kılavuz. Ankara: RSGD-KLV-009 (Rev.2), Türkiye Atom Enerji Kurumu, (2016) 7-22.
[14] ASM 990 Series, Advanced Survey Meter, Available at:
https://www.flukebiomedical.com/products/radiation-measurement. Retrieved March 25, 2020.
[15] Chabot G., Instrumentation and Measurements Surveys and Measurements (SM), Health Physics Society, Available at:
http://hps.org/publicinformation/ate/q4148.html. Retrieved May 25, 2020.
[16] Vennart J., Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceutcals, ICRP Publication 53. Ann. ICRP, 18 (1-4) (1998) 213-217.
[17] Bartlett M. L., Estimated Dose From Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine Patients to People Outside The Nuclear Medicine Department, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 157 (1) (2013) 44-52.
[18] Harding L. K., Mostafa A. B., Roden L., Williams N., Dose rates from patients having nuclear medicine investigations, Nuclear Medicine Communications, 6 (1985) 191-194.
[19] Mountford P. J., Odoherty M. J., Forge N. I., Jeffries A., Coakley A. J., Radiation Dose Rates From Adult Patients Undergoing Nuclear Medicine Investigations, Nuclear Medicine Communications, 12 (1991) 767-777.
[20] Martin J. E., Physics for Radiation Protection. 2nd ed. Veinheim: Viley-Vch, (2006) 305-310.
[21] Stenstad L. I., Pedersen G. A., Landmark A. D., Brattheim B., Nuclear Radiation Dose to the Surroundings From Patients Who are Undergoing Nuclear Medicine Examinations, Peer Reviewed Article, 1 (2014) 11-18.
[22] Gomez-Palacios M., Terron J. A., Domınguez P., Vera D. R., Osuna R. F., Radiation Doses in the Surroundings of Patients Undergoing Nuclear Medicine Diagnostic Studies, The Radiation Safety Journal, 89 (2) (2005) 27-34.
[23] Bayram T., Yilmaz A. H., Demir M., Sonmez B., Radiation Dose to Technologists per Nuclear Medicine Examination and Estimation of Annual Dose, Journal of Nuclear
Medicine Technology, 39 (2011) 55-59.
Gökbulut, M. (2021). Examination of 99mTc-mdp radioactivity after ınjection according to time and distance. Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 42(2), 389-396. https://doi.org/10.17776/csj.814482