In this paper, we construct a generalisation of Ostrowski’s type inequalities with the help of new identity. By using this identity, we construct further results for ģ^'∈L^1 [c ̇,d ̆ ],ģ^'∈L^2 [c ̇,d ̆ ],ģ^''∈L^2 [c ̇,d ̆ ]. To prove our main and related results, we utilized some famous inequalities such as Gruss-inequality, Diaz-Mıtcaf’s inequality and Cauchy’s inequality. To prove our main results, we used a new multistep kernel (9-step linear kernel). Some related results are also discussed. In the end, we apply our results to numerical integration also.
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Year 2023,
Volume: 44 Issue: 3, 522 - 530, 29.09.2023
[1] D. S.Mitrinovic', J. E. Pec ̆aric', A. M. Fink, Inequalities involving functions and their integrals and derivatives, Kluwer Acadamic Publishers, Dordrecht, (1991).
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[11] A. Qayyum, M. Shoaib, I. Faye, Refinements of Some New Efficient Quadrature Rules, AIP conference proceedings 1787, 080003(2016).
[12] S. Erden, Companions Of Perturbed Type Inequalities For Higher-Order Differentiable Functions, Cumhuriyet Sci. J., 40(4) (2019) 819-829.
[13] N. Ujevi´c, New bounds for the first Inequality of Ostrowski-Grūss type and applications, Computer and Mathematics with Application, 46 (2003) 421-427.
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