Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 49 - 59, 29.12.2022



  • Anttonen, J. J. (2012). Multi-Donor Efforts for Improving Land Administration Systems in Developing Countries: Lessons Learnt from the Cambodian Land Management and Administration Project (LMAP). FIG Working Week 2012, Knowing to manage the territory, protect the environment, evaluate the cultural heritage, 6-10, Rome, Italy.
  • Blancot, C. (1997). La reconstruction. Phnom Penh, development urbain et patrimoine. Atelier parisien d’urbanisme, 61-70. ISBN: 2-900222-10-9
  • Blancot, C. (2003). Phnom Penh Centre Ancien. Phnom Penh à l’aube du XXIe siècle. Atelier parisien d’urbamisme d’urbanisme, 79-72. ISBN: 2-900222-12-5
  • Blancot, C. (2006). Changements au centre-ville. Phnom Penh Centre. Atlier Atelier parisien d’urbamisme d’urbanisme, 12-19 ISBN: 2-900222-52-4
  • Carrier, A. (2019). Phnom Penh Privatise. Irasec & Péninsule. IBSN 978-616-7571-35-5
  • Carta, M. (2014), Reimagining Urbanism. LISt. ISBN: 978-8-895-62375-7
  • Chandler, D. P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History. Silkworm. ISBN: 978-9-747-04707-3
  • Clement, G. (2004). Manifeste pour le Tiers paysage. Sujet. ISBN: 978-91-527-1602-1
  • Clergeau, F. (2020), Urbanism et Biodivesité Biodiversité. Editions Apogée. ISBN:978-2-84398-642-0
  • Decant, D., Mam, M., Ollivary, F. & Sin, V. (2009). Gérer la circulation et le stationnement pour empêcher la congestion. Phnom Penh, Croissance et Transformation. Atlier Atelier parisien d’urbamisme d’urbanisme, 106-108. ISBN: 978-2-36089-000-2
  • Downton, P. F. (2009). Ecopolis: Architecture and cities for a changing climate. Spinger. ISBN: 978-1-4020-8496-6
  • Fauveaud, G. (2014). Mutations of real estate actors’ strategies and modes of capital appropriation in contemporary Phnom Penh, Urban Studies 51(16), 3479-3494
  • Fauveaud, G. (2015). La Production des espaces urbains à Phnom Penh. Publication de la Sorbonne. IBSN 978-2-859-44925-4
  • GGGI - Global Green Growth Institute. (2019). Phnom Penh Sustaınable Cıty Sustainable City Plan 2018-2030. (Developed in consultation with the Ministry of Environment of Cambodia and the Phnom Penh Capital Administration)
  • Hetreau-Pottier, A. (1997). Relevé et analyse du patrimoine architectural et urbain de Phnom Penh Phnom Penh, development urbain et patrimoine. Atelier parisien d’urbanism, 92-117. ISBN: 2-900222-10-9
  • Igout, M. (1993). Phnom Penh Then and Now. White Lotus, II Ed. 2001. ISBN: 978-9-748-49584-2
  • Lerner, J. (2014). Urban Acupunture. Island Press. ISBN: 978-1-610-91584-7
  • Lydon, M., & Garcia, A. (2015). Tactical Urbanism. Springer. IBSN:978-1-61091-567-0
  • McCluskey, W., Davis, P., Mccord, M., McIlhatton, D. & Haran, M. (2012). Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal and The Property Tax. in A Primer on Property Tax: Administration and Policy, Wiley-Blackwell, 307-338. ISBN: 978-1-405-12649-6
  • Molyvann, V. (2006). Les Cités Khméres Modernes. Reyum. ISBN:978-9-995-05539-4
  • Montani, V. (2013). Il Project Fınancıg Financing tra Inquadramento Teorıco Teorico e Rınegozıazıone Rinegoziazione delle Sopravvenıenze Sopravvenienze. PhD Thesis, University of Padua, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI), Padua, (in Italy)
  • National Institute of Statistic (2020). National Report on Final Census Results. Ministry of Planning Kingdom of Cambodia.
  • Oldenburg, R. (1989). The Great Goog Place. Paragon House. IBSN: 978-1-557-78110-9
  • Ottone, F. & Cocci Grifoni, R. (2017). Tecnologie Urbane. LISt. ISBN: 978-8-899-85401-0
  • Pierdet, C. (2011). Private Investors in Phnom Penh (Cambodia) and the Reconfiguration of the City Center in Relation to the Perihery Periphery since the 1990s. Annales de geographie 681(5), 486-508
  • Percival, T. & Waley, P. (2012). Articulating Intra-Asian Urbanism: The Production of Satellite Cities in Phnom Penh. Urban Studies, 49(13), 2873–2888.
  • Stetten, G. (1997). La ville et l’eau. Phnom Penh, development urbain et patrimoine. Atelier parisien d’urbanisme, 19-23. ISBN: 2-900222-10-9
  • Strangio, S. (2014). Hun Sen’s Cambodia. Sılkworm Silkworm. ISBN: 978-6-162-15085-2
  • Thiel, F. (2010). Donor-Drıven Driven Land Reform in Cambodıa Cambodia. Property Rıghts Plannıng Rights, Planning, and Landvalue Taxatıon Taxation. Erdkunde, 64(3), 227-239.
  • Törhönen, M. P. (2001). Developing Land Administration in Cambodia. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems., 25(4-5), Elsevier Science, 407-428. ISBN 951-22-6491-9
  • UN-Habitat (2009). The emergence and spread of contemporary urban planning. Planning sustainable Cities, Earthscan, 47-71 IBSN: 978-92-113-1929-3
  • United Nation Cambodia (2019). Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Development (Report). Cambodıa Cambodia Urban Forum, organized by Ministery of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Viganò, P. (2018). Porosity: Why This Figure Is Still Useful. Porous City, Birkhauser, 50–56 IBSN: 978-3-035-61601-9
  • Waldheim, C. (2016). Landscape as Urbanism: A General Theory. Princeton University Press. IBSN: 978-0-691-16790-9
  • Word Bank Group (2016). Urban Development in Phnom Penh (Report). Published by Word Bank Group.

Negotiating the urban space: Unlocking the development of the historic center in the modern city

Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 49 - 59, 29.12.2022


The paper introduces a brief analysis of the historical processes that have contributed to the paralysis and degradation of downtown Phnom Penh (capital of Cambodia). It shows the impossibility of implementing stringent regulation in favor of negotiating practices among various urban actors based on relationships established by social and economic subordination and culturally embedded in the population. It seems that these unavoidable mechanisms should be explored to devise strategies aimed instead at the redevelopment of green space and the consequent valorization of historic real estate, creating a stimulus for the emergence of public-private cooperation capable of supporting the necessary investments. The paper discusses the actual situation in the city of Phnom Penh and tries to indicate possible solution in order to make a compromise between the conservation of the historical centers, or what is left of it, and a socially useful rehabilitation of the districts. A more pragmatic and sustainable operation will mitigate the risk of fragmentation or worse the disappearance of the historic fabric, focusing on the once-recognized identity of the city, considered a "green garden" and the "pearl of Asia." To support the analysis carried out in the paper some reference from other similar experiences in other city in the world are presented.


  • Anttonen, J. J. (2012). Multi-Donor Efforts for Improving Land Administration Systems in Developing Countries: Lessons Learnt from the Cambodian Land Management and Administration Project (LMAP). FIG Working Week 2012, Knowing to manage the territory, protect the environment, evaluate the cultural heritage, 6-10, Rome, Italy.
  • Blancot, C. (1997). La reconstruction. Phnom Penh, development urbain et patrimoine. Atelier parisien d’urbanisme, 61-70. ISBN: 2-900222-10-9
  • Blancot, C. (2003). Phnom Penh Centre Ancien. Phnom Penh à l’aube du XXIe siècle. Atelier parisien d’urbamisme d’urbanisme, 79-72. ISBN: 2-900222-12-5
  • Blancot, C. (2006). Changements au centre-ville. Phnom Penh Centre. Atlier Atelier parisien d’urbamisme d’urbanisme, 12-19 ISBN: 2-900222-52-4
  • Carrier, A. (2019). Phnom Penh Privatise. Irasec & Péninsule. IBSN 978-616-7571-35-5
  • Carta, M. (2014), Reimagining Urbanism. LISt. ISBN: 978-8-895-62375-7
  • Chandler, D. P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History. Silkworm. ISBN: 978-9-747-04707-3
  • Clement, G. (2004). Manifeste pour le Tiers paysage. Sujet. ISBN: 978-91-527-1602-1
  • Clergeau, F. (2020), Urbanism et Biodivesité Biodiversité. Editions Apogée. ISBN:978-2-84398-642-0
  • Decant, D., Mam, M., Ollivary, F. & Sin, V. (2009). Gérer la circulation et le stationnement pour empêcher la congestion. Phnom Penh, Croissance et Transformation. Atlier Atelier parisien d’urbamisme d’urbanisme, 106-108. ISBN: 978-2-36089-000-2
  • Downton, P. F. (2009). Ecopolis: Architecture and cities for a changing climate. Spinger. ISBN: 978-1-4020-8496-6
  • Fauveaud, G. (2014). Mutations of real estate actors’ strategies and modes of capital appropriation in contemporary Phnom Penh, Urban Studies 51(16), 3479-3494
  • Fauveaud, G. (2015). La Production des espaces urbains à Phnom Penh. Publication de la Sorbonne. IBSN 978-2-859-44925-4
  • GGGI - Global Green Growth Institute. (2019). Phnom Penh Sustaınable Cıty Sustainable City Plan 2018-2030. (Developed in consultation with the Ministry of Environment of Cambodia and the Phnom Penh Capital Administration)
  • Hetreau-Pottier, A. (1997). Relevé et analyse du patrimoine architectural et urbain de Phnom Penh Phnom Penh, development urbain et patrimoine. Atelier parisien d’urbanism, 92-117. ISBN: 2-900222-10-9
  • Igout, M. (1993). Phnom Penh Then and Now. White Lotus, II Ed. 2001. ISBN: 978-9-748-49584-2
  • Lerner, J. (2014). Urban Acupunture. Island Press. ISBN: 978-1-610-91584-7
  • Lydon, M., & Garcia, A. (2015). Tactical Urbanism. Springer. IBSN:978-1-61091-567-0
  • McCluskey, W., Davis, P., Mccord, M., McIlhatton, D. & Haran, M. (2012). Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal and The Property Tax. in A Primer on Property Tax: Administration and Policy, Wiley-Blackwell, 307-338. ISBN: 978-1-405-12649-6
  • Molyvann, V. (2006). Les Cités Khméres Modernes. Reyum. ISBN:978-9-995-05539-4
  • Montani, V. (2013). Il Project Fınancıg Financing tra Inquadramento Teorıco Teorico e Rınegozıazıone Rinegoziazione delle Sopravvenıenze Sopravvenienze. PhD Thesis, University of Padua, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI), Padua, (in Italy)
  • National Institute of Statistic (2020). National Report on Final Census Results. Ministry of Planning Kingdom of Cambodia.
  • Oldenburg, R. (1989). The Great Goog Place. Paragon House. IBSN: 978-1-557-78110-9
  • Ottone, F. & Cocci Grifoni, R. (2017). Tecnologie Urbane. LISt. ISBN: 978-8-899-85401-0
  • Pierdet, C. (2011). Private Investors in Phnom Penh (Cambodia) and the Reconfiguration of the City Center in Relation to the Perihery Periphery since the 1990s. Annales de geographie 681(5), 486-508
  • Percival, T. & Waley, P. (2012). Articulating Intra-Asian Urbanism: The Production of Satellite Cities in Phnom Penh. Urban Studies, 49(13), 2873–2888.
  • Stetten, G. (1997). La ville et l’eau. Phnom Penh, development urbain et patrimoine. Atelier parisien d’urbanisme, 19-23. ISBN: 2-900222-10-9
  • Strangio, S. (2014). Hun Sen’s Cambodia. Sılkworm Silkworm. ISBN: 978-6-162-15085-2
  • Thiel, F. (2010). Donor-Drıven Driven Land Reform in Cambodıa Cambodia. Property Rıghts Plannıng Rights, Planning, and Landvalue Taxatıon Taxation. Erdkunde, 64(3), 227-239.
  • Törhönen, M. P. (2001). Developing Land Administration in Cambodia. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems., 25(4-5), Elsevier Science, 407-428. ISBN 951-22-6491-9
  • UN-Habitat (2009). The emergence and spread of contemporary urban planning. Planning sustainable Cities, Earthscan, 47-71 IBSN: 978-92-113-1929-3
  • United Nation Cambodia (2019). Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Development (Report). Cambodıa Cambodia Urban Forum, organized by Ministery of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Viganò, P. (2018). Porosity: Why This Figure Is Still Useful. Porous City, Birkhauser, 50–56 IBSN: 978-3-035-61601-9
  • Waldheim, C. (2016). Landscape as Urbanism: A General Theory. Princeton University Press. IBSN: 978-0-691-16790-9
  • Word Bank Group (2016). Urban Development in Phnom Penh (Report). Published by Word Bank Group.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Software Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Carlo Santoro 0000-0002-7560-9297

Publication Date December 29, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Santoro, C. (2022). Negotiating the urban space: Unlocking the development of the historic center in the modern city. Cultural Heritage and Science, 3(2), 49-59.

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Online ISSN: 2757-9050

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