Polieter Eter Keton (Peek) Lifleri
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 38 Sayı: 2, 168 - 186, 24.04.2017
Ece Kalaycı
Ozan Avinç
Arzu Yavaş
Polieter eter keton (PEEK) lifleri, kimyasallara, ısıya ve aleve
dayanıklılık özellikleri ile yüksek performanslı lifler arasında öne
çıkmaktadır. Aşınma ve sürtünme dayanımının yanı sıra biyouyumluluğu ve zararlı
maddeler içermeyen yapısı sayesinde başlıca medikal tekstillerde, taşımacılık
tekstillerinde ve endüstriyel tekstillerde geniş bir kullanıma sahiptir. Bu
çalışmada PEEK liflerinin yapısı, özellikleri ve kullanım uygulamaları
- [1] Hearle, J.W. High-performance fibres, CRC Press, Cambridge,2001.
- [2] Eichhorn, S.J., Hearle, J.W.S., Jaffe, M., Kikutani, T. Handbook of textile fibre structure volume 2, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge,2009.
- [3] Ram, A. Fundamentals of polymer engineering, Springer Science & Business Media,2013.
- [4] Sperling, L.H. Introduction to physical polymer science, John Wiley & Sons,2005.
- [5] Nicholson, J.W. The chemistry of polymers, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge,2012.
- [6] Lawrence, C. High performance textiles and their applications, Elsevier,2014.
- [7] Shekar, R.I., Kotresh T., Rao P., Kumar K. Properties of high modulus peek yarns for aerospace applications, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 112, (4),2009, 2497-2510.
- [8] Bourbigot, S., Flambard X. Heat resistance and flammability of high performance fibres: A review, Fire and Materials, 26, (4-5),2002, 155-168.
- [9] Carraher Jr, C.E. Carraher's polymer chemistry, CRC Press,2013.
- [10] Meyers, R.A. Encyclopedia of physical science and technology, Academic Press, Orlando,1987.
- [11] Ebnesajjad, S., Khaladkar P.R. Fluoropolymer applications in the chemical processing industries: The definitive user's guide and databook, William Andrew,2004.
- [12] Crawford, R., Crawford R.J. Plastics engineering, Butterworth-Heinemann,1998.
- [13] Carraher Jr, C.E. Introduction to polymer chemistry, CRC press,2012.
- [14] Chanda, M., Roy S.K. Plastics fundamentals, properties, and testing, CRC Press, Florida,2010.
- [15] Performance fibers,
http://www.performancefibers.com/PDFs/Europe/PF%20PEEK%20White%20Paper,%20Feb%202011.pdf, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [16] Van der Vegt, A. From polymers to plastics, Delf University Press, Delft,2006.
- [17] Seymour, R.B., Carraher C.E. Polymer chemistry, Marcel Dekker,1981.
- [18] Odian, G.G., Odian G. Principles of polymerization, Wiley-Interscience, New York,2004.
- [19] Polyether ether ketone (peek) market - global trends & forecasts to 2018, http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/polyether-ether-ketone-peek-market---global-trends--forecasts-to-2018-243930651.html, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [20] Scott, R.A. Textiles for protection, CRC Press, Cambridge,2005.
- [21] Glossary, C.T. Celanese acetate volume 10016, New York,2001, 63.
- [22] Gupta, V., Kothari V. Manufactured fibre technology, Chapman and Hall, London,1997.
- [23] Mukhopadhyay, S.K. High performance synthetic fibers for composites, National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.,1992.
- [24] Mikitaev, A.K., Ligidov M.K., Zaikov G.E. Polymers, polymer blends, polymer composites and filled polymers: Synthesis, properties and applications, Nova Publishers,2006.
- [25] McKeen, L.W. Fluorinated coatings and finishes handbook: The definitive user's guide, William Andrew,2006.
- [26] Richard A. Pethrick, Zaikov G.E., Pielichowski J. Monomers, oligomers, polymers, composites and nanocomposites research: Synthesis, properties and applications, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. , New York,2009.
- [27] Houcks, M.M. Identification of textile fibers, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Oxford,2009.
- [28] Mazumdar, S. Composites manufacturing: Materials, product, and process engineering, CRC press,2001.
- [29] Mortensen, A. Concise encyclopedia of composite materials, Elsevier, Amsterdam,2006.
- [30] Kelly, A., Zweben C.H. Comprehensive composite materials, Elsevier,2000.
- [31] Gao, S., Gao S., Xu B., Yu H. Effects of different ph-values on the nanomechanical surface properties of peek and cfr-peek compared to dental resin-based materials, Materials, 8, (8),2015, 4751-4767.
- [32] Crompton, T.R. Polymer reference book, iSmithers Rapra Publishing, Shropshire,2006.
- [33] Buckley, R.W. Polymer enhancement of technical textiles, Rapra Technology Limited,2003.
- [34] Messler, R.W. Joining of materials and structures: From pragmatic process to enabling technology, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Burlington, MA,2004.
- [35] Pohl, G. Textiles, polymers and composites for buildings, Elsevier,2010.
- [36] Alagirusamy, R., Das A. Technical textile yarns, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge,2010.
- [37] Callister, W.D., Rethwisch D.G. Fundamentals of materials science and engineering: An integrated approach, John Wiley & Sons,2012.
- [38] Mark, J.E. Physical properties of polymers handbook, Springer, New York,2007.
- [39] Stylios, G.K. International journal of clothing science and technology, IJCST, 136.
- [40] Shishoo, R. Textiles in sport, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge,2005.
- [41] Hearle, J.W., Morton W.E. Physical properties of textile fibres, CRC Press, Cambridge,2008.
- [42] Mera, H., Takata T. High‐performance fibers, Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry,1989.
- [43] High performance peek (polyetheretherketone) yarn and fibers, http://www.swicofil.com/zyex.html, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [44] LI, M., ZHANG T. Flame-retardant properties of peek fabric, Journal of Textile Research, 1,2010, 019.
- [45] Miraftab, M. Fatigue failure of textile fibres, Elsevier,2009.
- [46] Morgan, P. Carbon fibers and their composites, CRC press,2005.
- [47] Eker, A.A. Plastİk matrİslİ kompozİtler,
http://www.yildiz.edu.tr/~akdogan/lessons/imalattakompozit/Plastik_Matrisli_Kompozitler.pdf, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
[48] Zor, M. Kompozit malzemelerle İlgili genel bilgiler, http://kisi.deu.edu.tr//mehmet.zor/composite%20materials/2-Genel_bilgiler.pdf, Retrieved: ağustos 2015.
- [49] Parry, D. Nrl licenses new polymer resin for commercial applications, http://www.nrl.navy.mil/media/news-releases/2015/nrl-licenses-new-polymer-resin-for-commercial-applications#sthash.4z0xQRMm.dpuf, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [50] Zyex fibre endurance, http://www.zyex.com/fibreendurance.html, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [51] Mattila, H.R. Intelligent textiles and clothing, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge,2006.
- [52] Rohs compliance faq, http://www.rohscompliancedefinition.com/rohs-compliance-faq.html, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
[53] Hu, J. 3-d fibrous assemblies: Properties, applications and modelling of three-dimensional textile structures, Elsevier,2008.
- [54] Hongu, T., Takigami M., Phillips G. New millennium fibers, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge,2005.
- [55] Ramakrishna, S., Fujihara K., Teo W.-E., Lim T.-C., Ma Z. An introduction to electrospinning and nanofibers, World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore,2005.
- [56] Pastore, C., Kiekens P. Surface characteristics of fibers and textiles, CRC Press,2000.
- [57] Jang, J., Kim H. Improvement of carbon fiber/peek hybrid fabric composites using plasma treatment, Polymer composites, 18, (1),1997, 125-132.
- [58] Voss, H., Friedrich K. On the wear behaviour of short-fibre-reinforced peek composites, Wear, 116, (1),1987, 1-18.
- [59] Hanchi, J., Eiss Jr N.S. Dry sliding friction and wear of short carbon-fiber-reinforced polyetheretherketone (peek) at elevated temperatures, Wear, 203–204,1997, 380-386.
- [60] Kalaycı, E., Avinç O., Yavaş A. Polibenzimidazol (pbi) lifleri, Tekstil ve Mühendis, 21, (96),2014, 51-67.
- [61] Composites march to the beat of revolutionary concepts in approach to design,
https://essjaycomposites.wordpress.com/category/aerospace/, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [62] Biron, M. Thermosets and composites: Technical information for plastics users, Elsevier Advanced Technology, Oxford,2003.
- [63] Custom gas treating systems, http://ugs.solutions/products/custom-gas-treating-systems/, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [64] Mecit, D., Ilgaz S., Duran D., Başal D., Gülümser T., Tarakçıoğlu I. Teknik tekstiller ve kullanım alanları (bölüm 2), Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 17, (3),2007, 154-161.
- [65] Aydın, Ö., Günaydın G.K. Elektromanyetik kalkanlama amaçlı koruyucu tekstiller, Akdeniz Sanat Dergisi, 4, (7),2014.
- [66] Solid concepts adds high temperature peek to laser sintering materials portfolio,
http://www.medicalplasticsnews.com/technology/solid-concepts-adds-high-temperature-peek-to-laser-sintering/, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [67] The definitive guide to tennis racquets, http://therevelationist.hubpages.com/hub/The-Definitive-Guide-to-Tennis-Racquets, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [68] Friedrich, K., Fakirov S., Zhang Z. Polymer composites: From nano-to macro-scale, Springer Science & Business Media,2005.
- [69] Majumdar, A. Soft computing in textile engineering, Elsevier,2010.
- [70] Hufenbach, W., Modler N., Winkler A. Sensitivity analysis for the manufacturing of thermoplastic e-preforms for active textile reinforced thermoplastic composites, Procedia Materials Science, 2,2013, 1-9.
- [71] Cranston, R.W., Kyratzis I.L., Nichols L.V., O'shea M.S., Peeters G., Van Der Werff L.C. Composite sensor fibres and applications therefor, Google Patents, 2012.
- [72] Vielstich, W., Lamm A., Gasteiger H.A. Handbook of fuel cells, John Wiley & Sons, New York,2010.
- [73] Mittal, V. High performance polymers and engineering plastics, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey,2011.
- [74] Kickelbick, G. Hybrid materials: Synthesis, characterization, and applications, John Wiley & Sons,2007.
- [75] Hidrojen yakıt pili teknolojileri, http://scelik.tr.gg, Retrieved: Ağustos 2014
- [76] Bartels, V. Handbook of medical textiles, Elsevier,2011.
- [77] Jockisch, K., Brown S., Bauer T., Merritt K. Biological response to chopped‐carbon‐fiber‐reinforced peek, Journal of biomedical materials research, 26, (2),1992, 133-146.
- [78] Chan, F.W., Coleman J.C., Murrell B., Nockels R.P., Taylor B.A., Lanman T.H., Ochoa J.A. Biomechanical assessment of a peek rod system for semi-rigid fixation of lumbar fusion constructs.
- [79] Knotless suture anchors, http://www.arthrex.com/hand-wrist/knotless-suture-anchors, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [80] Schmieding, J.W., Schaneville T.L. Suture with filaments formed of polyether-ketone variant, Google Patents, 2012.
- [81] Fda approves first ever additively manufactured long term plastic implant, http://www.medicalplasticsnews.com/medical-devices/FDA-Approves-First-Ever-Additively-Manufactured-Long-Term-Plastic-Implant/, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [82] Catheter componentry, http://www.zeusinc.com/industries/medical, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [83] Marya, K., Dua J., Chawla S., Sonoo P.R., Aggarwal A., Singh V. Polyetheretherketone (peek) dental implants: A case for immediate loading, International Journal of Oral Implantology and Clinical Research, 2, (2),2011, 97-103.
- [84] Çayır, F., Osseointegrasyon, Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ağız, Diş ve Çene Hastalıkları Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, Ege Üniversitesi, İzmir, 2011.
- [85] Radyoopasite, http://www.saglikkitabi.org/radyoopasite, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [86] Andersson, C. Soft power: How biomedical textiles are driving innovation in orthopaedics,
http://www.emdt.co.uk/article/soft-power-how-biomedical-textiles-are-driving-innovation-orthopaedics, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
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- [91] Peek for medical devices, http://medical.vestakeep.com/product/medical/en/applications/Pages/PEEK%20for%20Medical%20Devices.aspx, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
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Polyether Ether Ketone (Peek) Fibers
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 38 Sayı: 2, 168 - 186, 24.04.2017
Ece Kalaycı
Ozan Avinç
Arzu Yavaş
Polyether ether ketone
(PEEK) fibers become prominent amongst high performance fibers with their
chemical, heat and flame resistance properties. These fibers have a wide range
of usage mainly in transportation textiles, industrial textiles, medical
textiles due to not only their wear and abrasion resistances but also their
biocompatibility and nonhazardous structure. In this study, structure,
properties and end-use applications of PEEK fibers are examined.
- [1] Hearle, J.W. High-performance fibres, CRC Press, Cambridge,2001.
- [2] Eichhorn, S.J., Hearle, J.W.S., Jaffe, M., Kikutani, T. Handbook of textile fibre structure volume 2, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge,2009.
- [3] Ram, A. Fundamentals of polymer engineering, Springer Science & Business Media,2013.
- [4] Sperling, L.H. Introduction to physical polymer science, John Wiley & Sons,2005.
- [5] Nicholson, J.W. The chemistry of polymers, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge,2012.
- [6] Lawrence, C. High performance textiles and their applications, Elsevier,2014.
- [7] Shekar, R.I., Kotresh T., Rao P., Kumar K. Properties of high modulus peek yarns for aerospace applications, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 112, (4),2009, 2497-2510.
- [8] Bourbigot, S., Flambard X. Heat resistance and flammability of high performance fibres: A review, Fire and Materials, 26, (4-5),2002, 155-168.
- [9] Carraher Jr, C.E. Carraher's polymer chemistry, CRC Press,2013.
- [10] Meyers, R.A. Encyclopedia of physical science and technology, Academic Press, Orlando,1987.
- [11] Ebnesajjad, S., Khaladkar P.R. Fluoropolymer applications in the chemical processing industries: The definitive user's guide and databook, William Andrew,2004.
- [12] Crawford, R., Crawford R.J. Plastics engineering, Butterworth-Heinemann,1998.
- [13] Carraher Jr, C.E. Introduction to polymer chemistry, CRC press,2012.
- [14] Chanda, M., Roy S.K. Plastics fundamentals, properties, and testing, CRC Press, Florida,2010.
- [15] Performance fibers,
http://www.performancefibers.com/PDFs/Europe/PF%20PEEK%20White%20Paper,%20Feb%202011.pdf, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [16] Van der Vegt, A. From polymers to plastics, Delf University Press, Delft,2006.
- [17] Seymour, R.B., Carraher C.E. Polymer chemistry, Marcel Dekker,1981.
- [18] Odian, G.G., Odian G. Principles of polymerization, Wiley-Interscience, New York,2004.
- [19] Polyether ether ketone (peek) market - global trends & forecasts to 2018, http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/polyether-ether-ketone-peek-market---global-trends--forecasts-to-2018-243930651.html, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [20] Scott, R.A. Textiles for protection, CRC Press, Cambridge,2005.
- [21] Glossary, C.T. Celanese acetate volume 10016, New York,2001, 63.
- [22] Gupta, V., Kothari V. Manufactured fibre technology, Chapman and Hall, London,1997.
- [23] Mukhopadhyay, S.K. High performance synthetic fibers for composites, National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.,1992.
- [24] Mikitaev, A.K., Ligidov M.K., Zaikov G.E. Polymers, polymer blends, polymer composites and filled polymers: Synthesis, properties and applications, Nova Publishers,2006.
- [25] McKeen, L.W. Fluorinated coatings and finishes handbook: The definitive user's guide, William Andrew,2006.
- [26] Richard A. Pethrick, Zaikov G.E., Pielichowski J. Monomers, oligomers, polymers, composites and nanocomposites research: Synthesis, properties and applications, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. , New York,2009.
- [27] Houcks, M.M. Identification of textile fibers, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Oxford,2009.
- [28] Mazumdar, S. Composites manufacturing: Materials, product, and process engineering, CRC press,2001.
- [29] Mortensen, A. Concise encyclopedia of composite materials, Elsevier, Amsterdam,2006.
- [30] Kelly, A., Zweben C.H. Comprehensive composite materials, Elsevier,2000.
- [31] Gao, S., Gao S., Xu B., Yu H. Effects of different ph-values on the nanomechanical surface properties of peek and cfr-peek compared to dental resin-based materials, Materials, 8, (8),2015, 4751-4767.
- [32] Crompton, T.R. Polymer reference book, iSmithers Rapra Publishing, Shropshire,2006.
- [33] Buckley, R.W. Polymer enhancement of technical textiles, Rapra Technology Limited,2003.
- [34] Messler, R.W. Joining of materials and structures: From pragmatic process to enabling technology, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Burlington, MA,2004.
- [35] Pohl, G. Textiles, polymers and composites for buildings, Elsevier,2010.
- [36] Alagirusamy, R., Das A. Technical textile yarns, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge,2010.
- [37] Callister, W.D., Rethwisch D.G. Fundamentals of materials science and engineering: An integrated approach, John Wiley & Sons,2012.
- [38] Mark, J.E. Physical properties of polymers handbook, Springer, New York,2007.
- [39] Stylios, G.K. International journal of clothing science and technology, IJCST, 136.
- [40] Shishoo, R. Textiles in sport, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge,2005.
- [41] Hearle, J.W., Morton W.E. Physical properties of textile fibres, CRC Press, Cambridge,2008.
- [42] Mera, H., Takata T. High‐performance fibers, Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry,1989.
- [43] High performance peek (polyetheretherketone) yarn and fibers, http://www.swicofil.com/zyex.html, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [44] LI, M., ZHANG T. Flame-retardant properties of peek fabric, Journal of Textile Research, 1,2010, 019.
- [45] Miraftab, M. Fatigue failure of textile fibres, Elsevier,2009.
- [46] Morgan, P. Carbon fibers and their composites, CRC press,2005.
- [47] Eker, A.A. Plastİk matrİslİ kompozİtler,
http://www.yildiz.edu.tr/~akdogan/lessons/imalattakompozit/Plastik_Matrisli_Kompozitler.pdf, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
[48] Zor, M. Kompozit malzemelerle İlgili genel bilgiler, http://kisi.deu.edu.tr//mehmet.zor/composite%20materials/2-Genel_bilgiler.pdf, Retrieved: ağustos 2015.
- [49] Parry, D. Nrl licenses new polymer resin for commercial applications, http://www.nrl.navy.mil/media/news-releases/2015/nrl-licenses-new-polymer-resin-for-commercial-applications#sthash.4z0xQRMm.dpuf, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [50] Zyex fibre endurance, http://www.zyex.com/fibreendurance.html, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [51] Mattila, H.R. Intelligent textiles and clothing, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge,2006.
- [52] Rohs compliance faq, http://www.rohscompliancedefinition.com/rohs-compliance-faq.html, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
[53] Hu, J. 3-d fibrous assemblies: Properties, applications and modelling of three-dimensional textile structures, Elsevier,2008.
- [54] Hongu, T., Takigami M., Phillips G. New millennium fibers, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge,2005.
- [55] Ramakrishna, S., Fujihara K., Teo W.-E., Lim T.-C., Ma Z. An introduction to electrospinning and nanofibers, World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore,2005.
- [56] Pastore, C., Kiekens P. Surface characteristics of fibers and textiles, CRC Press,2000.
- [57] Jang, J., Kim H. Improvement of carbon fiber/peek hybrid fabric composites using plasma treatment, Polymer composites, 18, (1),1997, 125-132.
- [58] Voss, H., Friedrich K. On the wear behaviour of short-fibre-reinforced peek composites, Wear, 116, (1),1987, 1-18.
- [59] Hanchi, J., Eiss Jr N.S. Dry sliding friction and wear of short carbon-fiber-reinforced polyetheretherketone (peek) at elevated temperatures, Wear, 203–204,1997, 380-386.
- [60] Kalaycı, E., Avinç O., Yavaş A. Polibenzimidazol (pbi) lifleri, Tekstil ve Mühendis, 21, (96),2014, 51-67.
- [61] Composites march to the beat of revolutionary concepts in approach to design,
https://essjaycomposites.wordpress.com/category/aerospace/, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [62] Biron, M. Thermosets and composites: Technical information for plastics users, Elsevier Advanced Technology, Oxford,2003.
- [63] Custom gas treating systems, http://ugs.solutions/products/custom-gas-treating-systems/, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [64] Mecit, D., Ilgaz S., Duran D., Başal D., Gülümser T., Tarakçıoğlu I. Teknik tekstiller ve kullanım alanları (bölüm 2), Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 17, (3),2007, 154-161.
- [65] Aydın, Ö., Günaydın G.K. Elektromanyetik kalkanlama amaçlı koruyucu tekstiller, Akdeniz Sanat Dergisi, 4, (7),2014.
- [66] Solid concepts adds high temperature peek to laser sintering materials portfolio,
http://www.medicalplasticsnews.com/technology/solid-concepts-adds-high-temperature-peek-to-laser-sintering/, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [67] The definitive guide to tennis racquets, http://therevelationist.hubpages.com/hub/The-Definitive-Guide-to-Tennis-Racquets, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [68] Friedrich, K., Fakirov S., Zhang Z. Polymer composites: From nano-to macro-scale, Springer Science & Business Media,2005.
- [69] Majumdar, A. Soft computing in textile engineering, Elsevier,2010.
- [70] Hufenbach, W., Modler N., Winkler A. Sensitivity analysis for the manufacturing of thermoplastic e-preforms for active textile reinforced thermoplastic composites, Procedia Materials Science, 2,2013, 1-9.
- [71] Cranston, R.W., Kyratzis I.L., Nichols L.V., O'shea M.S., Peeters G., Van Der Werff L.C. Composite sensor fibres and applications therefor, Google Patents, 2012.
- [72] Vielstich, W., Lamm A., Gasteiger H.A. Handbook of fuel cells, John Wiley & Sons, New York,2010.
- [73] Mittal, V. High performance polymers and engineering plastics, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey,2011.
- [74] Kickelbick, G. Hybrid materials: Synthesis, characterization, and applications, John Wiley & Sons,2007.
- [75] Hidrojen yakıt pili teknolojileri, http://scelik.tr.gg, Retrieved: Ağustos 2014
- [76] Bartels, V. Handbook of medical textiles, Elsevier,2011.
- [77] Jockisch, K., Brown S., Bauer T., Merritt K. Biological response to chopped‐carbon‐fiber‐reinforced peek, Journal of biomedical materials research, 26, (2),1992, 133-146.
- [78] Chan, F.W., Coleman J.C., Murrell B., Nockels R.P., Taylor B.A., Lanman T.H., Ochoa J.A. Biomechanical assessment of a peek rod system for semi-rigid fixation of lumbar fusion constructs.
- [79] Knotless suture anchors, http://www.arthrex.com/hand-wrist/knotless-suture-anchors, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [80] Schmieding, J.W., Schaneville T.L. Suture with filaments formed of polyether-ketone variant, Google Patents, 2012.
- [81] Fda approves first ever additively manufactured long term plastic implant, http://www.medicalplasticsnews.com/medical-devices/FDA-Approves-First-Ever-Additively-Manufactured-Long-Term-Plastic-Implant/, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [82] Catheter componentry, http://www.zeusinc.com/industries/medical, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
- [83] Marya, K., Dua J., Chawla S., Sonoo P.R., Aggarwal A., Singh V. Polyetheretherketone (peek) dental implants: A case for immediate loading, International Journal of Oral Implantology and Clinical Research, 2, (2),2011, 97-103.
- [84] Çayır, F., Osseointegrasyon, Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ağız, Diş ve Çene Hastalıkları Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, Ege Üniversitesi, İzmir, 2011.
- [85] Radyoopasite, http://www.saglikkitabi.org/radyoopasite, Retrieved: Ağustos 2015.
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