Research Article
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Year 2024, , 85 - 95, 31.12.2024



  • 1. Abdallah A. A., 2019- Structure and Meaning of Arabic Personal Names in Brunei Darussalam - A pilot study-JALL | Journal of Arabic Linguistics and Literature, 1(1), Page 97–112.
  • 2. Al sawaheli M.M.R, 2022; Arabic Names in the Malay Archipelago: Patterns and Anecdotes. JALL | Journal of Arabic Linguistics and Literature, April 2022, 17 P.
  • 3. Ali-Shtayeh M.S., Jamous R.M., and. Hamad A. Kh., 2003 - Guide to Trees and Shrubs from Palestine. Biodiversity & Biotechnology Research Unit (BBRU), Palestine, 181 p.
  • 4. Aljbour A, 2019: An Investigation of Feminine Personal Names in Beni Sakhr Tribe of Jordan: A Sociolinguistic Study Atef Aljbour (Corresponding author) Language Center, Hashemite University Zarqa, Jordan Tel: 962-772-400-199 E-mail:
  • 5. Almekaoui A. M., 1995 :Environment and names: A study of meanings and semantics.
  • 6. Alzamil I.A., 2020: Analysis of the Sociolinguistic Status of Saudi Female Personal Names. International Journal of Linguistics. 2020, Vol. 12, No. 4. doi:10.5296/ijl.v12i4.17214. URL:
  • 7. Alzumor A.Q.,2009: A socio-cultural and linguistic analysis of Yemeni Arabic personal names; Article in GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies · January 2009.
  • 8. Amara A. and Ledada S., (2013)Evolution of the given name in Algeria , comparison of their use from 1970 and 2012 (case of town of Kaderia), Mémoire of Licence, University of Akli Mohand Oulhadj, Bouira Algeria, 67 P. 9. Baiyewu R.A., Amusa N.A., and Olayiwola O., 2005 : Survey on the use of ornamental plants for environmental management in southwestern Nigeria. Res J. Agric. Bio Sci 1 : 237-240.
  • 10. Boulaoued A, 2009 :Medicinales plantes of Algeria. Edition Office of universities publication. 284 P.
  • 11. Djebbas H., 2005: Name: Identity and Heritage, An Anthropological Approach to Meaning of names in Constantine (1901-2001).Humanities, double number29-30 julyseptember, p-p :143-171.
  • 12. Elhaye R.N., 2003 Dictionary of Arabic and arabian names: explanation and meaning Ed: El kotob El Ailmya, 168 p. / waq71097/page/n1/mode/2up?view=theater
  • 13. HareeriH.Sh. A., 2009- Dictionary of Islamic names derived from Quraan, Ahadith, Serah, and history with meaning and pronunciatin. Riyadh, 2009
  • 14. Kaddam N, 2009: Les plantes médicinalesen Algérie, Ed Le monde des pharmaciens, 181 p.
  • 15. Krisanapook k., S. Siriphanich and T. Havananda, 2019. Ornamental plants for Thai gardening based on Thai beliefs. Acta Hortic. 1240. ISHS 2019. DOI 0.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1240.5
  • 16. Lahmadi S., Zeguerrou R. and Guesmia H., 2013 ; La florespontanée de la plainesd’Eloutaya (Ziban), Ed C.R.S.T.R.A. Algeria , 112 p.
  • 17. Lakhdari K., Kherfi Y. and Boulassel A., 2014 : Atlas des semences locales ou acclimatées dans les oasis de l’Oued Righ, Ed C.R.S.T.R.A. Algeria , 78p.
  • 18. Rahman T., 2013 : Personal names and islamic identity in Pakistan . Islamic studies 52 : 3-4(2013). Pp :239-2969.
  • 19. Rahman T., 2013: personal names of pakistanmuslims/ An Essay On Onomastics . Journal pakistan perspectives vol 18 , N°1, january-June 2013.
  • 20. Rejam H, 2008: Encyclopedea universalis of usefull plants. Tom 2 , 382 p, Ed Alternative medicine sources and origins.
  • 21. Saad B and Said 2011 : The current state of knowledge of Arab herbal medicine. Greco-Arab And Islamic Herbal Medicine, Traditional System, Ethics, Safety,Efficacy,And Regulatory issues, Chapter 9 ; p-p: 229-251.
  • 22. Touati F. and Hassini A. , 2021 : the shameful surnames in Aleria (its truth, its effecs and the procedures for changing it). Algerian Journal of Legal and Political Sciences n 58 /04 . p-p : 517-542
  • 23. Zeguerrou R., Guesmia H. and Lahmadi S., 2013 :Receuil des plantes médicinlaes dans la région des Ziban , Ed C.R.S.T.R.A. Algeria , 110 p.
  • 24. http//:
  • 25. http//
  • 26. http//:names

Evolution of Algerian’s given names referring to Arabic plant names

Year 2024, , 85 - 95, 31.12.2024


The Arabic personal names meaning can be classified in several categories, those related with nature, plant or agricuiture are common in the Algerian anthroponymy. The naming of the new born is the dutty of the parents who must choose a good, a blessful, shining name, specific to the gender of the newborn. The aim of this paper is to evaluate how much the names related to floriculture is commonly used and constant in genrations.
In this paper we examined the evolution of given names of Algerian people. The analyzed sample was the lists of names of person (male and female) of three generations: old people, youth and kids . To estimate the frequency of those given names we exanime about 1000 names of lecturers, students and pupils.
The obtained results show that the given names referring to floriculture are about 45 plants in Algerian anthroponymy , females are named more than male names referring to Arabic plant names. There are common names found in the 3 generations (the case of Zahra(Citrus sp)an aromatic plant, Nesrine (Rosa canina) an ornamental plant), other classic names (case of Khoukha (Prunus persicae) a fruit tree) and modern (case of Bailassan (Sambiscus nigra) a medicinal plant.
According to Algerian beliefs, the floriculture species that arround a person make it inspirational, that the people use one plant name, or a combination of names as given names for a newborn,


  • 1. Abdallah A. A., 2019- Structure and Meaning of Arabic Personal Names in Brunei Darussalam - A pilot study-JALL | Journal of Arabic Linguistics and Literature, 1(1), Page 97–112.
  • 2. Al sawaheli M.M.R, 2022; Arabic Names in the Malay Archipelago: Patterns and Anecdotes. JALL | Journal of Arabic Linguistics and Literature, April 2022, 17 P.
  • 3. Ali-Shtayeh M.S., Jamous R.M., and. Hamad A. Kh., 2003 - Guide to Trees and Shrubs from Palestine. Biodiversity & Biotechnology Research Unit (BBRU), Palestine, 181 p.
  • 4. Aljbour A, 2019: An Investigation of Feminine Personal Names in Beni Sakhr Tribe of Jordan: A Sociolinguistic Study Atef Aljbour (Corresponding author) Language Center, Hashemite University Zarqa, Jordan Tel: 962-772-400-199 E-mail:
  • 5. Almekaoui A. M., 1995 :Environment and names: A study of meanings and semantics.
  • 6. Alzamil I.A., 2020: Analysis of the Sociolinguistic Status of Saudi Female Personal Names. International Journal of Linguistics. 2020, Vol. 12, No. 4. doi:10.5296/ijl.v12i4.17214. URL:
  • 7. Alzumor A.Q.,2009: A socio-cultural and linguistic analysis of Yemeni Arabic personal names; Article in GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies · January 2009.
  • 8. Amara A. and Ledada S., (2013)Evolution of the given name in Algeria , comparison of their use from 1970 and 2012 (case of town of Kaderia), Mémoire of Licence, University of Akli Mohand Oulhadj, Bouira Algeria, 67 P. 9. Baiyewu R.A., Amusa N.A., and Olayiwola O., 2005 : Survey on the use of ornamental plants for environmental management in southwestern Nigeria. Res J. Agric. Bio Sci 1 : 237-240.
  • 10. Boulaoued A, 2009 :Medicinales plantes of Algeria. Edition Office of universities publication. 284 P.
  • 11. Djebbas H., 2005: Name: Identity and Heritage, An Anthropological Approach to Meaning of names in Constantine (1901-2001).Humanities, double number29-30 julyseptember, p-p :143-171.
  • 12. Elhaye R.N., 2003 Dictionary of Arabic and arabian names: explanation and meaning Ed: El kotob El Ailmya, 168 p. / waq71097/page/n1/mode/2up?view=theater
  • 13. HareeriH.Sh. A., 2009- Dictionary of Islamic names derived from Quraan, Ahadith, Serah, and history with meaning and pronunciatin. Riyadh, 2009
  • 14. Kaddam N, 2009: Les plantes médicinalesen Algérie, Ed Le monde des pharmaciens, 181 p.
  • 15. Krisanapook k., S. Siriphanich and T. Havananda, 2019. Ornamental plants for Thai gardening based on Thai beliefs. Acta Hortic. 1240. ISHS 2019. DOI 0.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1240.5
  • 16. Lahmadi S., Zeguerrou R. and Guesmia H., 2013 ; La florespontanée de la plainesd’Eloutaya (Ziban), Ed C.R.S.T.R.A. Algeria , 112 p.
  • 17. Lakhdari K., Kherfi Y. and Boulassel A., 2014 : Atlas des semences locales ou acclimatées dans les oasis de l’Oued Righ, Ed C.R.S.T.R.A. Algeria , 78p.
  • 18. Rahman T., 2013 : Personal names and islamic identity in Pakistan . Islamic studies 52 : 3-4(2013). Pp :239-2969.
  • 19. Rahman T., 2013: personal names of pakistanmuslims/ An Essay On Onomastics . Journal pakistan perspectives vol 18 , N°1, january-June 2013.
  • 20. Rejam H, 2008: Encyclopedea universalis of usefull plants. Tom 2 , 382 p, Ed Alternative medicine sources and origins.
  • 21. Saad B and Said 2011 : The current state of knowledge of Arab herbal medicine. Greco-Arab And Islamic Herbal Medicine, Traditional System, Ethics, Safety,Efficacy,And Regulatory issues, Chapter 9 ; p-p: 229-251.
  • 22. Touati F. and Hassini A. , 2021 : the shameful surnames in Aleria (its truth, its effecs and the procedures for changing it). Algerian Journal of Legal and Political Sciences n 58 /04 . p-p : 517-542
  • 23. Zeguerrou R., Guesmia H. and Lahmadi S., 2013 :Receuil des plantes médicinlaes dans la région des Ziban , Ed C.R.S.T.R.A. Algeria , 110 p.
  • 24. http//:
  • 25. http//
  • 26. http//:names
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Botany (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Keltoum Benaissa 0000-0001-8123-8165

Early Pub Date November 6, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date June 19, 2024
Acceptance Date September 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Benaissa, K. (2024). Evolution of Algerian’s given names referring to Arabic plant names. Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 7(2), 85-95.


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