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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 409 - 423, 23.10.2023


Energy has been one of the main factors that human beings have been dealing with since the early periods of human history.With the industrial revolution, its importance has increased and it has played an important role in the industrialization of countries. Energy, which is one of the main sources of sustainable growth, has not been evaluated as a production input by not being considered by traditional economic movements. However, after 1970, the economists in the ecological economics approach which is a new economic theory, evaluated energy as the primary source of economic growth. As a result of the exhaustible nature of non-renewable energy resources, which became crucial to every sector of the economy after the oil crisis, and their adverse effects on the environment, many countries have amended their energy policies and shifted towards renewable energy resources. These sources are abundant, clean, affordable, and environmentally friendly. In this study, the asymmetric relationship between renewable, nonrenewable energy consumption and economic growth in the selected mid-high income economies such as China, Peru, Indonesia, Thailand, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil has been analysed over the period of 1965-2018. DF-GLS, KPSS and Ng-Perron unit root analyzed were performed and the variables were found to be stationary in the first difference. The long-term relationship between the variables was analyzed by using the hidden cointegration test, which is one of the new generation tests. Causality relations were examined by using asymmetric causality test based on crouching error-correction model. The relationship between the different components was determined in the sample group and appropriate policy proposals were presented.examined by using asymmetric causality test based on crouching error-correction model.


  • Aneja, R., Banday, U. J., Hasnat, T., & Koçoğlu, M. (2017). Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and economic growth: Empirical evidence from panel error correction model. Jindal Journal of Business Research, 6(1), 76-85.
  • Apaergis, N., & Daneletiu, D.C. (2014). Renewable energy and economic growth: Evidence from the sign of panel long-run causality. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 4(4), 578-587.
  • Chen, C., Pınar, M., ve Stergos, T. (2020). Renewable energy consumption and economic growth nexus: Evidence froma Threshold model. Energy Policy, 139, 1-13.
  • Coester, A., Hofkes, M. W., & Papyrakis E. (2018). An optimal mix of conventional power systems in the presence of renewable energy: A new design for the German electricity market.Energy Policy, 116, 312-322.
  • Fan, W., & Hao, Y. (2020). An empirical research on the relationship amongst renewable energy consumption, economic growth and foreign direct ınvestment in China. Renewable Energy, 146, 598-608.
  • Hao, Y., Wang, L., & Lee, C.C. (2020). Financial development, energy consumption and China's economic growth: New evidence from provincial panel data. International Review of Economics and Finance,1-20.
  • İnançlı, S., & İnal, V. (2012). Türkiye’ de alternatif enerji üretimi ile ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişkinin saklı eşbütünleşme testi ile analizi. Kastamonu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 20 (4), 102-106.
  • Kahouli, B. (2019). Does static and dynamic relationship between economic growth and energy consumption exist in OECD countries? Energy Reports, 5, 104-116.
  • Kourtsidis, S.A., Tzeremes, P., & Tzeremes, N. (2018). Re-evaluating the energy consumption-economic growth nexus for the United States: An asymmetric threshold cointegration analysis. Energy, 148, 547-545.
  • Maji, İ.K., Sulaiman, C., & Abduldahim, A.S. (2019). Renewable energy consumption and economic growth nexus: A fresh evidence from West Africa. Energy Reports, 5, 384-392.
  • Mirza, F. M., & Kanwal, A. (2017). Energy consumption, carbon emissions and economic growth in Pakistan: Dynamic causality analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72, 1233-1240.
  • Nasreen, S., Mbarek, M. B., & Rehman, M. (2020). Long-run causal relationship between economic growth, transport energy consumption and environmental quality in Asian countries: Evidence from heterogeneous panel methods. Energy, 192, 1-10.
  • Ocal, O., & Aslan, A. (2013). Renewable energy consumption–economic growth nexus in Turkey. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 28, 494-499.
  • Özcan, B., &Öztürk, İ. (2019). Renewable energy consumption-economic growth nexus in emerging countries: A bootstrap panel causality test. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 104, 30-37.
  • Rahman, M. M., & Valeyutham, E. (2020). Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption-economic growth nexus: new evidence from South Asia. Renewable Energy, 147, 399-408.
  • Saad, W., & Taleb, A. (2018). The causal relationship between renewable energy consumption and economic growth: Evidence from Europe. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 20, 127-136.
  • Shahbas, M., Van-Hong, T., Mahalik, M.K., & Roubaud, D. (2017). Energy consumption, financial development and economic growth in India: New evidence from a nonlinear and asymmetric analysis. Energy Economics, 63, 199-212.
  • Tafti, M. A. D., & Mottaghitalab, A. (2017). Renewable energy consumption and ıts ımpact on economic growth of OPEC members. International Journal of Chemoinformatics and Chemical Engineering, 6(1), 39–47. 10.4018/IJCCE.2017010103
  • Troster, V., Shahbaz, M., & Uddin, G. S. (2018).Renewable energy, oil prices, and economic activity: A Granger-causality in quantiles analysis. 1-42.
  • Tugcu, C.T., & Topcu, M. (2018). Total, renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and economic growth: Revisiting the ıssue with an asymmetric point of view. Energy, 152, 64-74.10.1016/
  • Tuna, G., & Tuna, V. E. (2019).The asymmetric causal relationship between renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and economic growth in the ASEAN-5 countries. Resources Policy, 62,114-124.
  • Usta, C. (2015), Türkiye’de enerji tüketimi ekonomik büyüme ilişkisinin bölgesel ve sektörel analizi, (yayımlanmamış doktora tezi), Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Trabzon.
  • Usta, C., & Berber, M. (2017). Türkiye’de enerji tüketimi ekonomik büyüme ilişkisinin sektörel analizi.Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13(1),173-187.
  • Yanar, R., & Kerimoğlu, G. (2011). Türkiye’de enerji tüketimi, ekonomik büyüme ve cari açık ilişkisi.Ekonomi Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 191-201.
  • Zaidi, S., Gmiden, S., & Saidi, K. (2017). How energy consumption affects economic development in selected African countries. Qual Quant, 52, 501-513.


Yıl 2023, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 409 - 423, 23.10.2023


Enerji, ilk dönemlerden beri insanoğlunun ele aldığı temel faktörlerden biri olmuştur. Sanayi devrimiyle birlikte önemi artmış ve ülkelerin sanayileşmesinde önemli rol oynamıştır. Sürdürülebilir büyümenin temel kaynaklarından biri olan enerji, geleneksel ekonomi akımları tarafından dikkate alınmayarak bir üretim girdisi olarak görülmemiştir. Ancak 1970 yılından sonra yeni bir ekonomi teorisi olan ekolojik iktisat yaklaşımı iktisatçıları enerjiyi ekonomik büyümenin birincil kaynağı olarak görmüşlerdir. Meydana gelen petrol krizleriyle birlikte ekonominin her sektörü için önemli olan yenilemeyen enerji kaynaklarının tükenebilir olması ve ekolojik dengeyi bozması nedeniyle ülkeler enerji politikalarında değişime giderek tükenemeyen temiz, ucuz ve çevre dostu olan yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarına yönelmişlerdir. Bu çalışmada yenilenebilir, yenilenemeyen enerji tüketimi ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki asimetrik ilişki Çin, Peru, Endonezya, Tayland, Kolombiya, Ekvator, Brezilya ve Meksika gibi seçilmiş orta-yüksek gelirli ekonomilerde 1965-2018 dönemi itibariyle analiz edilmiştir. Değişkenlerin logaritmik değerlerinin DF-GLS, KPSS ve Ng-Perron birim kök analizleri yapılmış ve değişkenlerin birinci farkında durağan olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Değişkenler arasındaki uzun dönem ilişkisi yeni nesil testlerden biri olan saklı eşbütünleşme testi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Uzun dönem katsayıları FMOLS tahmincisi kullanılarak, nedensellik ilişkileri de saklı hata düzeltme modeline dayalı asimetrik nedensellik testi ile incelenmiştir.


  • Aneja, R., Banday, U. J., Hasnat, T., & Koçoğlu, M. (2017). Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and economic growth: Empirical evidence from panel error correction model. Jindal Journal of Business Research, 6(1), 76-85.
  • Apaergis, N., & Daneletiu, D.C. (2014). Renewable energy and economic growth: Evidence from the sign of panel long-run causality. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 4(4), 578-587.
  • Chen, C., Pınar, M., ve Stergos, T. (2020). Renewable energy consumption and economic growth nexus: Evidence froma Threshold model. Energy Policy, 139, 1-13.
  • Coester, A., Hofkes, M. W., & Papyrakis E. (2018). An optimal mix of conventional power systems in the presence of renewable energy: A new design for the German electricity market.Energy Policy, 116, 312-322.
  • Fan, W., & Hao, Y. (2020). An empirical research on the relationship amongst renewable energy consumption, economic growth and foreign direct ınvestment in China. Renewable Energy, 146, 598-608.
  • Hao, Y., Wang, L., & Lee, C.C. (2020). Financial development, energy consumption and China's economic growth: New evidence from provincial panel data. International Review of Economics and Finance,1-20.
  • İnançlı, S., & İnal, V. (2012). Türkiye’ de alternatif enerji üretimi ile ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişkinin saklı eşbütünleşme testi ile analizi. Kastamonu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 20 (4), 102-106.
  • Kahouli, B. (2019). Does static and dynamic relationship between economic growth and energy consumption exist in OECD countries? Energy Reports, 5, 104-116.
  • Kourtsidis, S.A., Tzeremes, P., & Tzeremes, N. (2018). Re-evaluating the energy consumption-economic growth nexus for the United States: An asymmetric threshold cointegration analysis. Energy, 148, 547-545.
  • Maji, İ.K., Sulaiman, C., & Abduldahim, A.S. (2019). Renewable energy consumption and economic growth nexus: A fresh evidence from West Africa. Energy Reports, 5, 384-392.
  • Mirza, F. M., & Kanwal, A. (2017). Energy consumption, carbon emissions and economic growth in Pakistan: Dynamic causality analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72, 1233-1240.
  • Nasreen, S., Mbarek, M. B., & Rehman, M. (2020). Long-run causal relationship between economic growth, transport energy consumption and environmental quality in Asian countries: Evidence from heterogeneous panel methods. Energy, 192, 1-10.
  • Ocal, O., & Aslan, A. (2013). Renewable energy consumption–economic growth nexus in Turkey. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 28, 494-499.
  • Özcan, B., &Öztürk, İ. (2019). Renewable energy consumption-economic growth nexus in emerging countries: A bootstrap panel causality test. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 104, 30-37.
  • Rahman, M. M., & Valeyutham, E. (2020). Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption-economic growth nexus: new evidence from South Asia. Renewable Energy, 147, 399-408.
  • Saad, W., & Taleb, A. (2018). The causal relationship between renewable energy consumption and economic growth: Evidence from Europe. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 20, 127-136.
  • Shahbas, M., Van-Hong, T., Mahalik, M.K., & Roubaud, D. (2017). Energy consumption, financial development and economic growth in India: New evidence from a nonlinear and asymmetric analysis. Energy Economics, 63, 199-212.
  • Tafti, M. A. D., & Mottaghitalab, A. (2017). Renewable energy consumption and ıts ımpact on economic growth of OPEC members. International Journal of Chemoinformatics and Chemical Engineering, 6(1), 39–47. 10.4018/IJCCE.2017010103
  • Troster, V., Shahbaz, M., & Uddin, G. S. (2018).Renewable energy, oil prices, and economic activity: A Granger-causality in quantiles analysis. 1-42.
  • Tugcu, C.T., & Topcu, M. (2018). Total, renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and economic growth: Revisiting the ıssue with an asymmetric point of view. Energy, 152, 64-74.10.1016/
  • Tuna, G., & Tuna, V. E. (2019).The asymmetric causal relationship between renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and economic growth in the ASEAN-5 countries. Resources Policy, 62,114-124.
  • Usta, C. (2015), Türkiye’de enerji tüketimi ekonomik büyüme ilişkisinin bölgesel ve sektörel analizi, (yayımlanmamış doktora tezi), Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Trabzon.
  • Usta, C., & Berber, M. (2017). Türkiye’de enerji tüketimi ekonomik büyüme ilişkisinin sektörel analizi.Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13(1),173-187.
  • Yanar, R., & Kerimoğlu, G. (2011). Türkiye’de enerji tüketimi, ekonomik büyüme ve cari açık ilişkisi.Ekonomi Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 191-201.
  • Zaidi, S., Gmiden, S., & Saidi, K. (2017). How energy consumption affects economic development in selected African countries. Qual Quant, 52, 501-513.
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Servet Kapçak 0000-0003-0397-9704

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Ocak 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2

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