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Kavunda Bakteriyel Fide Yanıklığı Hastalığı’nın Biyolojik Mücadelesinde Rizosfer Bakterilerinin in vitro ve in vivo Koşullarda Kullanım Olanaklarının Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 2, 352 - 366, 30.12.2024


Bu çalışmada, Acidovorax citrulli’nin neden olduğu kavunda Bakteriyel Fide Yanıklığı Hastalığı’nın biyolojik mücadelesinde rizosfer bakterilerinin kullanım olanakları in vitro ve in vivo koşullarda araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla çeşitli bitkilerin rizosferinden alınan toprak örneklerinden 241 adet, laboratuvarımız koleksiyonundan 157 adet olmak üzere toplam 398 aday antagonist bakterinin in vitro antagonistik ve bitki gelişimini teşvik eden etki mekanizmaları (antibakteriyel etki, siderofor üretme yeteneği, fosforu çözme yeteneği ve indol asetik asit üretme miktarları) incelenmiştir. Bu testler sonucunda, 8 bakteriyel izolatın biyokontrol potansiyelleri in vivo koşullarda tohum denemeleri ile belirlenmiştir. Birinci tohum denemesinde, 8 uygulama hastalık şiddetini %0.48-39.45 oranında baskılamıştır. En başarılı iki izolat ile kurulan ikinci tohum denemesinde ise Y90 izolatı hastalığı %46.37 oranında engellerken Y28 izolatı hastalığı %18.97 oranında baskılamıştır. Başarılı antagonist bakteriyel izolatlar Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum Y90 ve Providencia rettgeri Y28 olarak tanılanmıştır.


Başarısı kanıtlanan antagonist bakteriyel izolatların tanılanmasında değerli katkılar sunan Prof. Dr. Soner Soylu’ya teşekkür ederiz.


  • Adebavo, T. A., Oio, O. A., Olaniran, O. A. (2007) Effect of two insecticides Karate and Thiodan on population dynamics of four different soil microorganisms. Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(5): 557-560.
  • Adhikari, M., Yadav, D. R., Kim, S.W., Um, Y. H., Kim, H. S., Lee, S.C., Song, J.Y., Kim, H. G., and Lee, Y. S. (2017) Biological control of bacterial fruit blotch of watermelon pathogen (Acidovorax citrulli) with rhizosphere associated bacteria. The Plant Pathology Journal, 33(2): 170–183.
  • Ahmad, F., Babalola, O. O., and Tak, H. I. (2012) Potential of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry as a rapid detection technique in plant pathology: identification of plant-associated microorganisms. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 404: 1247-1255.
  • Aktan, Z.C., ve Soylu, S. (2020) Diyarbakır ilinde yetişen badem ağaçlarından endofit ve epifit bakteri türlerinin izolasyonu ve bitki gelişimini teşvik eden mekanizmalarının karakterizasyonu. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 23(3): 641-654.
  • Aktepe, B. P., and Aysan, Y. (2023) Biological control of fire blight disease caused by Erwinia amylovora on apple. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 65(4): 645-654.
  • Anonim (2023) TUIK. [Erişim Tarihi:16.12.2023].
  • Arora, N. K., Tewari, S., Singh, R. (2013) Multifaceted plant-associated microbes and their mechanisms diminish the concept of direct and indirect PGPRs. Plant Microbe Symbiosis: Fundamentals and Advances. New Delhi: Springer India, 411-449.
  • Beneduzi, A., Ambrosini, A., Passaglia, L.M. (2012) Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR): their potential as antagonists and biocontrol agents. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 35: 1044–1051.
  • Block, C. C., and Shepherd, L. M. (2008) Long-term survival and seed transmission of Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli in melon and watermelon seed. Plant Health Progress, 9(1): 36.
  • Boiteau, R. M., Mende, D. R., Hawco, N. J., Mcllvin, M. R., Fitzsimmons, J. N., Saito, M. A., Sedwick, P. N., Delong, E. F., and Repeta, D. J. (2016) Siderophore-based microbial adaptations to iron scarcity across the eastern Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(50): 14237-14242.
  • Bozkurt, İ. A. ve Soylu S. (2019) Elma kök uru hastalığı etmeni Rhizobium radiobacter’e karşı epifit ve endofit bakteri izolatlarının antagonistik belirlenmesi. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16: 348-361.
  • Burdman, S., and Walcott R. (2012) Acidovorax citrulli: generating basic and applied, knowledge to tackle a global threat to the cucurbit industry. Molecular Plant Pathology, 13(8): 805–815.
  • Duman, K. and Soylu, S. (2019) Characterization of plant growth-promoting traits and antagonistic potentials of endophytic bacteria from bean plants against Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 59: 59-69.
  • Fan, H., Zhang, Z., Li, Y., Zhang, X., Duan, Y., Wang, Q. (2017) Biocontrol of bacterial fruit blotch by Bacillus subtilis 9407 via surfactin-mediated antibacterial activity and colonization. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8: 1973.
  • Frankle, W. G., Hopkıns, D. L. and Stall, R. E. (1993) Ingress of the watermelon fruit blotch bacterium into fruit. Plant Disease, 77: 1090-1092.
  • Hopkins, D. L., Thompson, C. M., Hilgren, J., and Lovic, B. (2003) Wet seed treatment with peroxyacetic acid for the control of bacterial fruit blotch and other seedborne diseases of watermelon. Plant Disease, 87(12): 1495-1499.
  • Horuz S., and Aysan Y. (2018a) Biological control of watermelon seedling blight caused by Acidovorax citrulli using antagonistic bacteria from the genera Curtobacterium, Microbacterium and Pseudomonas. Plant Protection Science, 54(3): 138–146.
  • Horuz, S., and Aysan, Y. (2018b) Biocontrol of watermelon fruit blotch [Acidovorax citrulli (Schaad et al.) Schaad et al.] under greenhouse and field conditions. Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 58(3):171-182.
  • Horuz, S. (2021) Pseudomonas oryzihabitans: a potential bacterial antagonist for the management of bacterial fruit blotch (Acidovorax citrulli) of cucurbits. Journal of Plant Pathology, 103(3): 751–758.
  • Jiang, C. H., Wu, F., Yu, Z. Y., Xie, P., Ke, H. J., Li, H. W., ve Guo, J. H. (2015) Study on screening and antagonistic mechanisms of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 54 against bacterial fruit blotch (BFB) caused by Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli. Microbiological research, 170: 95-104.
  • Johnson, L. F., ve E. A. Curl. (1972) Method for research on ecology of soil borne pathogens. Burgess Publishing Co., Minnesota, 247 s.
  • Kara, M., and Soylu, S. (2022) Isolation of endophytic bacterial isolates from healthy banana trees and determination of their in vitro antagonistic activities against crown rot disease agent Fusarium verticillioides. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 27(1): 36-46.
  • Khalid, A., Arshad, M., Shaharoona, B., Mahmood T. (2009) Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and sustainable agriculture. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 358 s.
  • Klement Z., Rudolph K. ve Sands D. C. (1990). Methods in Phytobacteriology, Akademia Kiado, Budapest, 568 s.
  • Kloepper, J. W., Leong, J., Teintze, M., and Schroth, M. N. (1980) Pseudomonas siderophores: a mechanism explaining disease-suppressive soils. Current microbiology, 4: 317-320.
  • Li, B., Shi, Y., Shan, C., Zhou, Q., Ibrahim, M., Wang, Y., Wu, G., Li, H., Xie, G., ve Sun, G. (2013) Effect of chitosan solution on the inhibition of Acidovorax citrulli causing bacterial fruit blotch of watermelon. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93(5): 1010-1015.
  • Lim, H. S., Jung, M. L., ve Sang, D. K. (2002) A plant growth-promoting Pseudomonas fluorescens GL20: mechanism for disease suppression, outer membrane receptors for ferric siderophore, and genetic improvement for increased biocontrol efficacy. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 12(2): 249-257.
  • Lwin, K. M., Myint, M. M., Tar, T., and Aung, W. Z. M. (2012) Isolation of plant hormone (indole-3-acetic acid-IAA) producing rhizobacteria and study on their effects on maize seedling. Engineering Journal, 16(5): 137-144.
  • Mirik, M., Aysan, Y., Cinar, O. (2008) Biological control of bacterial spot disease of pepper with Bacillus strains. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 32(5): 381-390.
  • Mohammed, A. F., Oloyede, A. R., and Odeseye, A. O. (2020) Biological control of bacterial wilt of tomato caused by Ralstonia solanacearum using Pseudomonas species isolated from the rhizosphere of tomato plants. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 53(1-2): 1-16.
  • Oliveira A., Santos M. H. M., Silveira E. B., Gomes A. M. A., Mariano R. L. R. (2006) Biological control of bacterial blotch of melon by seed treatment with epiphytic and endophytic bacteria. Horticultura Brasileira, 24: 373–377.
  • Pampulha, M. E, and Oliveira, A. (2006) Impact of an herbicide combination of bromoxynil and prosulfuron on soil microorganisms. Current Microbiology, 53: 238-243.
  • Patten, C. L. and Glick, B. R. (2002) Role of Pseudomonas putida indoleacetic acid in development of the host plant root system. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68: 3795-3801.
  • Paul, D., and Sinha S. N. (2017) Isolation and characterization of phosphate solubilizing bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa KUPSB12 with antibacterial potential from river Ganga, India. Annals of Agrarian Science, 15(1): 130-136
  • Pikovskaya, R. I. (1948) Mobilization of phosphorus in soil in connection with vital activity of some microbes species. Microbiology. 17: 362–370.
  • Reetha, S., Bhuvaneswari, G., Thamizhiniyan, P., and Mycin, T. R. (2014) Isolation of indole acetic acid (IAA) producing rhizobacteria of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis and enhance growth of onion (Allium cepa L.). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 3(2): 568-574.
  • Saha, M., Sarkar, S., Sarkar, B., Sharma, B. K, Bhattacharjee, S., and Tribedi, P. (2016) Microbial siderophores and their potential applications: a review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23: 984-3999.
  • Saikia, N., and Bezbruah, B. (1995) Iron dependent plant pathogen inhibition through Azotobacter RRL J203 isolated from iron rich acid soil. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 33(8), 571-575.
  • Santos, E.R., Gouveıa, E.R., Marıano, R.L.R. and Souto-Maıor, A.M. (2006) Bicontrol of bacterial fruit blotch of melon by bioactive compounds produced by Bacillus spp. Summa Phytopathologica, 32(4): 376-378.
  • Sari, N., Solmaz, I., and Yetisir, H. (2007) Watermelon genetic resources in Turkey and characteristics. Acta Horticulturae, 731(731): 433-438.
  • Schwyn B., and Neilands JB. (1987) Universal chemical assay for the detection and determination of siderophores. Analytical Biochemistry, 160(1): 47-56.
  • Seçer, M. (1989) Doğal büyüme düzenleyicilerin (bitkisel hormonların) bitkilerdeki fizyolojik etkileri ve bu alanda yapılan araştırmalar, Derim, 6(3): 109-124.
  • Selçuk, H., 2014. Acidovorax citrulli’nin Karpuzun Tohum, Fide, Meyvesinden İzolasyonu ve Farklı Tohum Uygulamalarının Bakteriyel Fide Yanıklığı Hastalığının Çıkışı Üzerine Etkisi. Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 126 sayfa.
  • Singal, R., Gupta, R., ve Saxena, R.K. (1994) Rock phosphate solubilization under alkaline conditions by Aspergillus japonicus and A. foetidus. Folia Microbiologica, 39: 33-36.
  • Soylu, S., Kara, M., Uysal, A., Kurt, Ş. and Soylu, E. M. (2021) Determination of antagonistic potential of endophytic bacteria isolated from lettuce against lettuce white mould disease caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Zemdirbyste- Agriculture, 108: 303-312.
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Determination of the Potential Use of Rhizosphere Bacteria in in vitro and in vivo Conditions for the Biological Control of Bacterial Seedling Blight Disease in Melon

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 2, 352 - 366, 30.12.2024


In this study, the potential use of rhizosphere bacterial isolates in the biological control of Bacterial Seedling Blight Disease in melon caused by Acidovorax citrulli was investigated under in vitro and in vivo conditions. A total of 398 candidate antagonist bacteria, including 241 soil samples from the rhizosphere of various plants and 157 isolates from our laboratory collection, were screened for their in vitro antagonistic and plant growth promoting mechanisms (antibacterial activity, siderophore production capability, phosphorus solubilization ability, and indole acetic acid production levels). As a result of these tests, 8 bacterial isolates were selected for use in biological seed trials. In the first seed trial, the 8 applications suppressed disease severity by 0.48-39.45%. In the second seed trial with the two most successful isolates, Y90 isolate prevented the disease by 46.37% while Y28 isolate prevented the disease by 18.97%. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum Y90 and Providencia rettgeri Y28 were identified as successful antagonist bacterial isolates.


  • Adebavo, T. A., Oio, O. A., Olaniran, O. A. (2007) Effect of two insecticides Karate and Thiodan on population dynamics of four different soil microorganisms. Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(5): 557-560.
  • Adhikari, M., Yadav, D. R., Kim, S.W., Um, Y. H., Kim, H. S., Lee, S.C., Song, J.Y., Kim, H. G., and Lee, Y. S. (2017) Biological control of bacterial fruit blotch of watermelon pathogen (Acidovorax citrulli) with rhizosphere associated bacteria. The Plant Pathology Journal, 33(2): 170–183.
  • Ahmad, F., Babalola, O. O., and Tak, H. I. (2012) Potential of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry as a rapid detection technique in plant pathology: identification of plant-associated microorganisms. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 404: 1247-1255.
  • Aktan, Z.C., ve Soylu, S. (2020) Diyarbakır ilinde yetişen badem ağaçlarından endofit ve epifit bakteri türlerinin izolasyonu ve bitki gelişimini teşvik eden mekanizmalarının karakterizasyonu. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 23(3): 641-654.
  • Aktepe, B. P., and Aysan, Y. (2023) Biological control of fire blight disease caused by Erwinia amylovora on apple. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 65(4): 645-654.
  • Anonim (2023) TUIK. [Erişim Tarihi:16.12.2023].
  • Arora, N. K., Tewari, S., Singh, R. (2013) Multifaceted plant-associated microbes and their mechanisms diminish the concept of direct and indirect PGPRs. Plant Microbe Symbiosis: Fundamentals and Advances. New Delhi: Springer India, 411-449.
  • Beneduzi, A., Ambrosini, A., Passaglia, L.M. (2012) Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR): their potential as antagonists and biocontrol agents. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 35: 1044–1051.
  • Block, C. C., and Shepherd, L. M. (2008) Long-term survival and seed transmission of Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli in melon and watermelon seed. Plant Health Progress, 9(1): 36.
  • Boiteau, R. M., Mende, D. R., Hawco, N. J., Mcllvin, M. R., Fitzsimmons, J. N., Saito, M. A., Sedwick, P. N., Delong, E. F., and Repeta, D. J. (2016) Siderophore-based microbial adaptations to iron scarcity across the eastern Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(50): 14237-14242.
  • Bozkurt, İ. A. ve Soylu S. (2019) Elma kök uru hastalığı etmeni Rhizobium radiobacter’e karşı epifit ve endofit bakteri izolatlarının antagonistik belirlenmesi. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16: 348-361.
  • Burdman, S., and Walcott R. (2012) Acidovorax citrulli: generating basic and applied, knowledge to tackle a global threat to the cucurbit industry. Molecular Plant Pathology, 13(8): 805–815.
  • Duman, K. and Soylu, S. (2019) Characterization of plant growth-promoting traits and antagonistic potentials of endophytic bacteria from bean plants against Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 59: 59-69.
  • Fan, H., Zhang, Z., Li, Y., Zhang, X., Duan, Y., Wang, Q. (2017) Biocontrol of bacterial fruit blotch by Bacillus subtilis 9407 via surfactin-mediated antibacterial activity and colonization. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8: 1973.
  • Frankle, W. G., Hopkıns, D. L. and Stall, R. E. (1993) Ingress of the watermelon fruit blotch bacterium into fruit. Plant Disease, 77: 1090-1092.
  • Hopkins, D. L., Thompson, C. M., Hilgren, J., and Lovic, B. (2003) Wet seed treatment with peroxyacetic acid for the control of bacterial fruit blotch and other seedborne diseases of watermelon. Plant Disease, 87(12): 1495-1499.
  • Horuz S., and Aysan Y. (2018a) Biological control of watermelon seedling blight caused by Acidovorax citrulli using antagonistic bacteria from the genera Curtobacterium, Microbacterium and Pseudomonas. Plant Protection Science, 54(3): 138–146.
  • Horuz, S., and Aysan, Y. (2018b) Biocontrol of watermelon fruit blotch [Acidovorax citrulli (Schaad et al.) Schaad et al.] under greenhouse and field conditions. Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 58(3):171-182.
  • Horuz, S. (2021) Pseudomonas oryzihabitans: a potential bacterial antagonist for the management of bacterial fruit blotch (Acidovorax citrulli) of cucurbits. Journal of Plant Pathology, 103(3): 751–758.
  • Jiang, C. H., Wu, F., Yu, Z. Y., Xie, P., Ke, H. J., Li, H. W., ve Guo, J. H. (2015) Study on screening and antagonistic mechanisms of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 54 against bacterial fruit blotch (BFB) caused by Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli. Microbiological research, 170: 95-104.
  • Johnson, L. F., ve E. A. Curl. (1972) Method for research on ecology of soil borne pathogens. Burgess Publishing Co., Minnesota, 247 s.
  • Kara, M., and Soylu, S. (2022) Isolation of endophytic bacterial isolates from healthy banana trees and determination of their in vitro antagonistic activities against crown rot disease agent Fusarium verticillioides. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 27(1): 36-46.
  • Khalid, A., Arshad, M., Shaharoona, B., Mahmood T. (2009) Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and sustainable agriculture. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 358 s.
  • Klement Z., Rudolph K. ve Sands D. C. (1990). Methods in Phytobacteriology, Akademia Kiado, Budapest, 568 s.
  • Kloepper, J. W., Leong, J., Teintze, M., and Schroth, M. N. (1980) Pseudomonas siderophores: a mechanism explaining disease-suppressive soils. Current microbiology, 4: 317-320.
  • Li, B., Shi, Y., Shan, C., Zhou, Q., Ibrahim, M., Wang, Y., Wu, G., Li, H., Xie, G., ve Sun, G. (2013) Effect of chitosan solution on the inhibition of Acidovorax citrulli causing bacterial fruit blotch of watermelon. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93(5): 1010-1015.
  • Lim, H. S., Jung, M. L., ve Sang, D. K. (2002) A plant growth-promoting Pseudomonas fluorescens GL20: mechanism for disease suppression, outer membrane receptors for ferric siderophore, and genetic improvement for increased biocontrol efficacy. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 12(2): 249-257.
  • Lwin, K. M., Myint, M. M., Tar, T., and Aung, W. Z. M. (2012) Isolation of plant hormone (indole-3-acetic acid-IAA) producing rhizobacteria and study on their effects on maize seedling. Engineering Journal, 16(5): 137-144.
  • Mirik, M., Aysan, Y., Cinar, O. (2008) Biological control of bacterial spot disease of pepper with Bacillus strains. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 32(5): 381-390.
  • Mohammed, A. F., Oloyede, A. R., and Odeseye, A. O. (2020) Biological control of bacterial wilt of tomato caused by Ralstonia solanacearum using Pseudomonas species isolated from the rhizosphere of tomato plants. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 53(1-2): 1-16.
  • Oliveira A., Santos M. H. M., Silveira E. B., Gomes A. M. A., Mariano R. L. R. (2006) Biological control of bacterial blotch of melon by seed treatment with epiphytic and endophytic bacteria. Horticultura Brasileira, 24: 373–377.
  • Pampulha, M. E, and Oliveira, A. (2006) Impact of an herbicide combination of bromoxynil and prosulfuron on soil microorganisms. Current Microbiology, 53: 238-243.
  • Patten, C. L. and Glick, B. R. (2002) Role of Pseudomonas putida indoleacetic acid in development of the host plant root system. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68: 3795-3801.
  • Paul, D., and Sinha S. N. (2017) Isolation and characterization of phosphate solubilizing bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa KUPSB12 with antibacterial potential from river Ganga, India. Annals of Agrarian Science, 15(1): 130-136
  • Pikovskaya, R. I. (1948) Mobilization of phosphorus in soil in connection with vital activity of some microbes species. Microbiology. 17: 362–370.
  • Reetha, S., Bhuvaneswari, G., Thamizhiniyan, P., and Mycin, T. R. (2014) Isolation of indole acetic acid (IAA) producing rhizobacteria of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis and enhance growth of onion (Allium cepa L.). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 3(2): 568-574.
  • Saha, M., Sarkar, S., Sarkar, B., Sharma, B. K, Bhattacharjee, S., and Tribedi, P. (2016) Microbial siderophores and their potential applications: a review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23: 984-3999.
  • Saikia, N., and Bezbruah, B. (1995) Iron dependent plant pathogen inhibition through Azotobacter RRL J203 isolated from iron rich acid soil. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 33(8), 571-575.
  • Santos, E.R., Gouveıa, E.R., Marıano, R.L.R. and Souto-Maıor, A.M. (2006) Bicontrol of bacterial fruit blotch of melon by bioactive compounds produced by Bacillus spp. Summa Phytopathologica, 32(4): 376-378.
  • Sari, N., Solmaz, I., and Yetisir, H. (2007) Watermelon genetic resources in Turkey and characteristics. Acta Horticulturae, 731(731): 433-438.
  • Schwyn B., and Neilands JB. (1987) Universal chemical assay for the detection and determination of siderophores. Analytical Biochemistry, 160(1): 47-56.
  • Seçer, M. (1989) Doğal büyüme düzenleyicilerin (bitkisel hormonların) bitkilerdeki fizyolojik etkileri ve bu alanda yapılan araştırmalar, Derim, 6(3): 109-124.
  • Selçuk, H., 2014. Acidovorax citrulli’nin Karpuzun Tohum, Fide, Meyvesinden İzolasyonu ve Farklı Tohum Uygulamalarının Bakteriyel Fide Yanıklığı Hastalığının Çıkışı Üzerine Etkisi. Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 126 sayfa.
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Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Aysel Zübeyde Erdevil 0000-0001-6013-9301

Yesim Aysan 0000-0003-2647-5111

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 23 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 39 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdevil, A. Z., & Aysan, Y. (2024). Kavunda Bakteriyel Fide Yanıklığı Hastalığı’nın Biyolojik Mücadelesinde Rizosfer Bakterilerinin in vitro ve in vivo Koşullarda Kullanım Olanaklarının Belirlenmesi. Çukurova Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 39(2), 352-366.
AMA Erdevil AZ, Aysan Y. Kavunda Bakteriyel Fide Yanıklığı Hastalığı’nın Biyolojik Mücadelesinde Rizosfer Bakterilerinin in vitro ve in vivo Koşullarda Kullanım Olanaklarının Belirlenmesi. Çukurova Tarım Gıda Bil. Der. Aralık 2024;39(2):352-366.
Chicago Erdevil, Aysel Zübeyde, ve Yesim Aysan. “Kavunda Bakteriyel Fide Yanıklığı Hastalığı’nın Biyolojik Mücadelesinde Rizosfer Bakterilerinin in Vitro Ve in Vivo Koşullarda Kullanım Olanaklarının Belirlenmesi”. Çukurova Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi 39, sy. 2 (Aralık 2024): 352-66.
EndNote Erdevil AZ, Aysan Y (01 Aralık 2024) Kavunda Bakteriyel Fide Yanıklığı Hastalığı’nın Biyolojik Mücadelesinde Rizosfer Bakterilerinin in vitro ve in vivo Koşullarda Kullanım Olanaklarının Belirlenmesi. Çukurova Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi 39 2 352–366.
IEEE A. Z. Erdevil ve Y. Aysan, “Kavunda Bakteriyel Fide Yanıklığı Hastalığı’nın Biyolojik Mücadelesinde Rizosfer Bakterilerinin in vitro ve in vivo Koşullarda Kullanım Olanaklarının Belirlenmesi”, Çukurova Tarım Gıda Bil. Der., c. 39, sy. 2, ss. 352–366, 2024.
ISNAD Erdevil, Aysel Zübeyde - Aysan, Yesim. “Kavunda Bakteriyel Fide Yanıklığı Hastalığı’nın Biyolojik Mücadelesinde Rizosfer Bakterilerinin in Vitro Ve in Vivo Koşullarda Kullanım Olanaklarının Belirlenmesi”. Çukurova Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi 39/2 (Aralık 2024), 352-366.
JAMA Erdevil AZ, Aysan Y. Kavunda Bakteriyel Fide Yanıklığı Hastalığı’nın Biyolojik Mücadelesinde Rizosfer Bakterilerinin in vitro ve in vivo Koşullarda Kullanım Olanaklarının Belirlenmesi. Çukurova Tarım Gıda Bil. Der. 2024;39:352–366.
MLA Erdevil, Aysel Zübeyde ve Yesim Aysan. “Kavunda Bakteriyel Fide Yanıklığı Hastalığı’nın Biyolojik Mücadelesinde Rizosfer Bakterilerinin in Vitro Ve in Vivo Koşullarda Kullanım Olanaklarının Belirlenmesi”. Çukurova Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 39, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 352-66.
Vancouver Erdevil AZ, Aysan Y. Kavunda Bakteriyel Fide Yanıklığı Hastalığı’nın Biyolojik Mücadelesinde Rizosfer Bakterilerinin in vitro ve in vivo Koşullarda Kullanım Olanaklarının Belirlenmesi. Çukurova Tarım Gıda Bil. Der. 2024;39(2):352-66.

Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi” yayın hayatına 1 Ocak 2016 tarihi itibariyle “Çukurova Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi” adıyla devam etmektedir.

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