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The Effect of Intra Coronal Bleaching Treatment on Microleakage of Silorane Based Composite Resin

Year 2015, Volume: 42 Issue: 2 - Volume: 42 Issue: 2, 67 - 74, 01.08.2015


Silorane based composite has been developed for preventing polimerization shrinkage which is one of the major problems at composite resins. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of intra coronal bleaching treatment on the microleakage of a Siloran based composite resin. 30 extracted human maxillary central tooth were used in this study. Standard access cavities were opened on the palatinal surfaces of tooth, root canals were enlarged and obtured. After base materials were applied, the tooth were divided in three groups n:10 and following procedures were performed on groups; I. Bleaching agent was not applied Control group , cotton pellets were placed into cavities, - II. A mixture of sodium perborate tetra hidrat and water were applied into cavities, III. A mixture of sodium perborate tetra hidrat and 30 % hydrogen peroxide were applied into cavities. All of the teeth were restored with a temporary filling material and stored in incubator for 72 h. Then, temporary filling material were chased and cavities were washed. Subsequently, tooth were restored with composite material Filtek Silorane, 3M, ESPE, USA and set for 24 h in water. Root tips were covered by wax and the all surfaces of the teeth were covered by a double layer nail polish except the restorations. The tooth were immersed in 0.5 % basic fuchsine for 24 h. Their bucco- palatinal sections were obtained from the centre of the restorations, examined under microscope x30 and scored. Results were evaluated statistically. The goup III was found to be different I and II. It was concluded that, the mixture of sodium perborate tetra hidrat and 30 % hydrogen peroxide were increased to microleakage of Siloran based composite material.


  • 1. Plotino G, Buono L, Grande NM, Pameijer CH, Somma F. Nonvital Tooth Bleaching: A Review of the Literature and Clinical Procedures. J Endod 2008; 34 (4) : 394–407.
  • 2. Goldstein GR, Kiremidjian SL. Bleaching: Is it safe and effective ? J Prosthet Dent 1993; 69: 325-8.
  • 3. Swift JE, Perdigao J. Effects of bleaching on teeth and restorations. Compend Contin Educ Dent 1998; 19: 815-20.
  • 4. Dishman MV, Covey DH, Baughan LW. The effects of peroxide bleaching on composite to enamel bond strength. Dent Mater 1994; 9: 33-6.
  • 5. Hannig C, Duong S, Becker K, Brunner E, Kahler E, Attin T. Effect of bleaching on subsurface micro hardness of composite and a polyacid modified composite. Dent Mater 2007; 23: 198-203.
  • 6. Kao EC, Peng P, Johnston WM. Color changes of teeth and restorative materials exposed to bleaching. J Dent Res 1991; 70: 570 (Abstract No: 2436).
  • 7. Cooley RL, Burger KM. Effects of carbamide peroxide on composite resins. Quint Int 1991; 22: 817-22.
  • 8. Hafez R, Ahmed D, Yousry M, ElBadrawy W, El-Mowafy O. Effect of in-office bleaching on color and surface roughness of composite restoratives. Eur J Dent 2010; 4: 118-27.
  • 9. Bailey SJ, Swift EJ. Effect of home bleaching products on composite resin. Quint Int 1992; 23: 489-94.
  • 10. Adibfar A, Steele A, Torneck CD, Titley KC, Ruse D. Leaching of hydrogen peroxide from bleached bovine enamel. J Endod 1992; 18: 488-91.
  • 11. Bolay Ş, Kiremitçi A. Farklı karbamit peroksit jelleri ile ağartılmış mine yüzeylerine kompozit rezin bağlanma gücünün değerlendirilmesi. Ege Ü Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Derg 1995; 16: 84-9.
  • 12. Dayangaç GB. Kompozit rezin restorasyonlar. Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti., Ankara, 2000.
  • 13. Kidd EAM. Microleakage: A review. J Dent 1976; 4: 199-206.
  • 14. Weinman W, Thalacker C, Gungenberger R. Siloranes in dental composites. Dent Mater 2005; 21: 68-74.
  • 15. Lien W, Vandewalle KS. Physical properties of a new silorane-based restorative system. Dent Mater 2010; 26(4): 337-44.
  • 16. Al-Boni R, Raja OM. Microleakage evaluation of silorane based composite versus methacrylate composite. J Conserv Dent 2010; 13(3): 152-5.
  • 17. Joseph A, Santhosh L, Hegde J, Panchajanya S, George R. Microleakage evaluation of Silorane-based composite and methacrylate-based composite in class II box preparations using two different layering techniques: an in vitro study. Indian J Dent Res 2013; 24(1) :148-55.
  • 18. Kusgoz A, Ülker M, Yesilyurt C, Yoldas OH, Ozil M, Tanriver M. Siloranebased composite: depth of cure, surface hardness, degree of conversion, and cervical microleakage in Class II cavities. J Esthet Restor Dent 2011; 23(5): 324-35.
  • 19. Titley KC, Torneck CD, Smith DC, Chernecky R, Adibfar A. Scanning Electron Microscopy observations on the penetration and structure of resin tags in bleached and unbleached bovine enamel. J Endod 1991; 17: 72-5.
  • 20.Torneck CD, Titley KC, Smith DC, Adibfar A. The influence of time of hydrogen peroxide exposure on the adhesion of composite resin to bleached bovine enamel. J Endod 1990; 16: 123-8.
  • 21. Toshiaki U, Shinji T, Masayuki H, Masao Y, Eiji K, Yutaka O. Influence of peroxide treatment on bovine enamel surface ―Cross-sectional analysis― Dent Mater J 2009; 28(3): 315–23.
  • 22. Tiritoğlu M, Önen A. Yüksek konsantrasyonda karbamid peroksitle ağartılmış dişlere uygulanan kompozit rezin restorasyonlarda kenar sızıntısının in vitro incelenmesi. S Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 1993; 3: 82-5.
  • 23. Bağış YH, Ertaş E. Kompozit restorasyonların yapımından önce ve sonra uygulanan vital ağartma işlemlerinin mikrosızıntı üzerindeki etkileri. A Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 2000; 27: 137-42.
  • 24. Crim AG. Post-operative bleaching: effect on microleakage. Am J Dent 1992; 5: 109-12.
  • 25. Barkhordar RA, Kempler D, Plesh O. Effect of nonvital tooth bleaching on microleakage of resin composite restorations. Quint Int 1997; 28: 341-4.
  • 26. Crim AG. Prerestorative bleaching: effect on microleakage of Class V cavities. Quint Int 1992; 23: 823-5.
  • 27. Gökay O. Devital dişlere uygulanan ağartma ajanlarının kompozit rezinlerin mikrosızıntısı üzerindeki etkisinin in vitro değerlendirilmesi. A Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 1993; 20: 195-200.
  • 28. Shinohara MS, Rodrigues JA,Pimenta LA. In vitro microleakage of composite restorations after non vital bleaching. Quint Int 1992; 23: 413-7.
  • 29. Chan MFW Y, Glyn Jones JC. A comparison of four in vitro marginal leakage tests applied to root surface restorations. J Dent 1992; 20: 287-93.
  • 30. Hashemi Kamangar SS, Ghavam M, Mahinfar N, Pourhashemi SJ. Effect of 38% carbamide peroxide on the microleakage of silorane-based versus methacrylate-based composite restorations. 2014; 39(3): 172-9.
  • 31. Cullen DR, Nelson JA, Sandrik JL. Peroxide bleaches: Effect of tensile strength of composite resins. J Prosthet Dent 1993; 69: 247-249.
  • 32. Rotstein I, Lehr Z, Gedalia I. Effect of bleaching agents on inorganic components of human dentin and cementum. J Endod 1992; 18: 290-3.
  • 33. Gökay O, Müjdeci A. Ağartma ajanları uygulanmış ve uygulanmamış dişlerde restoratif materyaller ve mine dokusu arayüz ilişkisinin SEM ile değerlendirilmesi. A Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 1998; 3: 229-39.
  • 34. Krifka S, Federlin M, Hiller KA, Schmalz G. Microleakage of silorane- and methacrylate-based class V composite restorations. Clin Oral Investig 2012; 16(4): 1117-24.
  • 35. Gregor L, Bortolotto T, Feilzer AJ, Krejci I. Shrinkage kinetics of a methacrylateand a silorane-based resin composite: effect on marginal integrity. J Adhes Dent 2013; 15(3): 245-50.
  • 36. Bagis YH, Baltacioglu IH, Kahyaogullari S. Comparing microleakage and the layering methods of silorane-based resin composite in wide Class II MOD cavities. Oper Dent 2009; 34(5): 578-85.

Kron içi beyazlatma tedavisinin siloran esaslı kompozit rezinin mikrosızıntısı üzerine etkisi

Year 2015, Volume: 42 Issue: 2 - Volume: 42 Issue: 2, 67 - 74, 01.08.2015


Kompozit rezinlerin en önemli problemi olan polimerizasyon büzülmesinin önlenebilmesi amacı ile Siloran esaslı kompozit rezin geliştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı kron içi beyazlatma tedavisinin Siloran esaslı kompozit rezinin mikrosızıntısı üzerine etkisinin invitro olarak değerlendirilmesidir. Beyazlatma ajanı uygulanmadı Kontrol grubu , kron pulpa odasına pamuk pelet yerleştirildi, II. Sodyum perborat tetra hidrat ve su karışımı pat halinde kron pulpa odasına uygulandı, III. Sodyum perborat tetra hidrat ve % 30 hidrojen peroksit karışımı pat halinde kron pulpa odasına uygulandı, Tüm dişler geçici dolgu maddesi ile restore edilip, etüvde 72 saat bekletildi. Süre sonunda geçici dolgu maddeleri uzaklaştırıldıktan sonra, dişlerin giriş kaviteleri su spreyi ile 30 s yıkandı ve kurulandı. Tüm dişlerin giriş kavitelerine üretici firma tavsiyesi doğrultusunda kompozit rezin Filtek Silorane, 3M, ESPE, USA restorasyonlar yapıldı ve 24 saat distile suda bekletildi. Kök uçları mum ve restorasyon çevreleri hariç tüm diş yüzeyleri ise iki kat tırnak cilası ile kaplandıktan sonra dişler 24 saat % 0,5’lik bazik fuksin solüsyonunda bekletildiler. Dişler bucco-palatinal yönde restorasyonların ortasından geçecek şekilde su soğutması altında kesildi. Her restorasyon mikroskop altında incelendi x30 ve skala yardımı ile skorlandı. Mikrosızıntı sonuçları istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi. İstatistiksel değerlendirmeye göre III. grubun diğer iki gruptan farklı olduğu saptandı α=0.05 . Sonuçlar intra koronal beyazlatmada kullanılan sodyum perborat ve % 30 hidrojen peroksit karışımının Siloran kompozit rezinin mikrosızıntısını arttırdığını gösterdi


  • 1. Plotino G, Buono L, Grande NM, Pameijer CH, Somma F. Nonvital Tooth Bleaching: A Review of the Literature and Clinical Procedures. J Endod 2008; 34 (4) : 394–407.
  • 2. Goldstein GR, Kiremidjian SL. Bleaching: Is it safe and effective ? J Prosthet Dent 1993; 69: 325-8.
  • 3. Swift JE, Perdigao J. Effects of bleaching on teeth and restorations. Compend Contin Educ Dent 1998; 19: 815-20.
  • 4. Dishman MV, Covey DH, Baughan LW. The effects of peroxide bleaching on composite to enamel bond strength. Dent Mater 1994; 9: 33-6.
  • 5. Hannig C, Duong S, Becker K, Brunner E, Kahler E, Attin T. Effect of bleaching on subsurface micro hardness of composite and a polyacid modified composite. Dent Mater 2007; 23: 198-203.
  • 6. Kao EC, Peng P, Johnston WM. Color changes of teeth and restorative materials exposed to bleaching. J Dent Res 1991; 70: 570 (Abstract No: 2436).
  • 7. Cooley RL, Burger KM. Effects of carbamide peroxide on composite resins. Quint Int 1991; 22: 817-22.
  • 8. Hafez R, Ahmed D, Yousry M, ElBadrawy W, El-Mowafy O. Effect of in-office bleaching on color and surface roughness of composite restoratives. Eur J Dent 2010; 4: 118-27.
  • 9. Bailey SJ, Swift EJ. Effect of home bleaching products on composite resin. Quint Int 1992; 23: 489-94.
  • 10. Adibfar A, Steele A, Torneck CD, Titley KC, Ruse D. Leaching of hydrogen peroxide from bleached bovine enamel. J Endod 1992; 18: 488-91.
  • 11. Bolay Ş, Kiremitçi A. Farklı karbamit peroksit jelleri ile ağartılmış mine yüzeylerine kompozit rezin bağlanma gücünün değerlendirilmesi. Ege Ü Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Derg 1995; 16: 84-9.
  • 12. Dayangaç GB. Kompozit rezin restorasyonlar. Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti., Ankara, 2000.
  • 13. Kidd EAM. Microleakage: A review. J Dent 1976; 4: 199-206.
  • 14. Weinman W, Thalacker C, Gungenberger R. Siloranes in dental composites. Dent Mater 2005; 21: 68-74.
  • 15. Lien W, Vandewalle KS. Physical properties of a new silorane-based restorative system. Dent Mater 2010; 26(4): 337-44.
  • 16. Al-Boni R, Raja OM. Microleakage evaluation of silorane based composite versus methacrylate composite. J Conserv Dent 2010; 13(3): 152-5.
  • 17. Joseph A, Santhosh L, Hegde J, Panchajanya S, George R. Microleakage evaluation of Silorane-based composite and methacrylate-based composite in class II box preparations using two different layering techniques: an in vitro study. Indian J Dent Res 2013; 24(1) :148-55.
  • 18. Kusgoz A, Ülker M, Yesilyurt C, Yoldas OH, Ozil M, Tanriver M. Siloranebased composite: depth of cure, surface hardness, degree of conversion, and cervical microleakage in Class II cavities. J Esthet Restor Dent 2011; 23(5): 324-35.
  • 19. Titley KC, Torneck CD, Smith DC, Chernecky R, Adibfar A. Scanning Electron Microscopy observations on the penetration and structure of resin tags in bleached and unbleached bovine enamel. J Endod 1991; 17: 72-5.
  • 20.Torneck CD, Titley KC, Smith DC, Adibfar A. The influence of time of hydrogen peroxide exposure on the adhesion of composite resin to bleached bovine enamel. J Endod 1990; 16: 123-8.
  • 21. Toshiaki U, Shinji T, Masayuki H, Masao Y, Eiji K, Yutaka O. Influence of peroxide treatment on bovine enamel surface ―Cross-sectional analysis― Dent Mater J 2009; 28(3): 315–23.
  • 22. Tiritoğlu M, Önen A. Yüksek konsantrasyonda karbamid peroksitle ağartılmış dişlere uygulanan kompozit rezin restorasyonlarda kenar sızıntısının in vitro incelenmesi. S Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 1993; 3: 82-5.
  • 23. Bağış YH, Ertaş E. Kompozit restorasyonların yapımından önce ve sonra uygulanan vital ağartma işlemlerinin mikrosızıntı üzerindeki etkileri. A Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 2000; 27: 137-42.
  • 24. Crim AG. Post-operative bleaching: effect on microleakage. Am J Dent 1992; 5: 109-12.
  • 25. Barkhordar RA, Kempler D, Plesh O. Effect of nonvital tooth bleaching on microleakage of resin composite restorations. Quint Int 1997; 28: 341-4.
  • 26. Crim AG. Prerestorative bleaching: effect on microleakage of Class V cavities. Quint Int 1992; 23: 823-5.
  • 27. Gökay O. Devital dişlere uygulanan ağartma ajanlarının kompozit rezinlerin mikrosızıntısı üzerindeki etkisinin in vitro değerlendirilmesi. A Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 1993; 20: 195-200.
  • 28. Shinohara MS, Rodrigues JA,Pimenta LA. In vitro microleakage of composite restorations after non vital bleaching. Quint Int 1992; 23: 413-7.
  • 29. Chan MFW Y, Glyn Jones JC. A comparison of four in vitro marginal leakage tests applied to root surface restorations. J Dent 1992; 20: 287-93.
  • 30. Hashemi Kamangar SS, Ghavam M, Mahinfar N, Pourhashemi SJ. Effect of 38% carbamide peroxide on the microleakage of silorane-based versus methacrylate-based composite restorations. 2014; 39(3): 172-9.
  • 31. Cullen DR, Nelson JA, Sandrik JL. Peroxide bleaches: Effect of tensile strength of composite resins. J Prosthet Dent 1993; 69: 247-249.
  • 32. Rotstein I, Lehr Z, Gedalia I. Effect of bleaching agents on inorganic components of human dentin and cementum. J Endod 1992; 18: 290-3.
  • 33. Gökay O, Müjdeci A. Ağartma ajanları uygulanmış ve uygulanmamış dişlerde restoratif materyaller ve mine dokusu arayüz ilişkisinin SEM ile değerlendirilmesi. A Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 1998; 3: 229-39.
  • 34. Krifka S, Federlin M, Hiller KA, Schmalz G. Microleakage of silorane- and methacrylate-based class V composite restorations. Clin Oral Investig 2012; 16(4): 1117-24.
  • 35. Gregor L, Bortolotto T, Feilzer AJ, Krejci I. Shrinkage kinetics of a methacrylateand a silorane-based resin composite: effect on marginal integrity. J Adhes Dent 2013; 15(3): 245-50.
  • 36. Bagis YH, Baltacioglu IH, Kahyaogullari S. Comparing microleakage and the layering methods of silorane-based resin composite in wide Class II MOD cavities. Oper Dent 2009; 34(5): 578-85.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Osman Gökay This is me

Aylin Kalaycı This is me

Evrim Meriç Altun This is me

Ömer Can This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 42 Issue: 2 - Volume: 42 Issue: 2


Vancouver Gökay O, Kalaycı A, Altun EM, Can Ö. Kron içi beyazlatma tedavisinin siloran esaslı kompozit rezinin mikrosızıntısı üzerine etkisi. EADS. 2015;42(2):67-74.