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Assessment of Some Atypical Structures, Oral Mucosal Lesions and Halitosis in Children and Adolescents

Year 2013, Volume: 40 Issue: 1 - Volume: 40 Issue: 1, 7 - 12, 01.02.2013


The purpose of this study is to determine the prevelance of some atypical developmental structures, oral lesions in oral soft tissues and halitosis that observed children in primary 3-5 years old , mixed 6-12 years old and permanent 13-17 years old dentition. In this study, 188 children 27 primary, 99 mixed and 62 permanent dentition randomly selected that applied to SDU Dentistry Faculty, Pedodontics Department. We assesed the frequency of some atypical developmental structures like “geographic tongue”, “fissured tongue”, “ankyloglossia”, some oral lesions like “recurrent aphthous stomatit”, “herpes labialis”, “oral ulcerations” and “halitosis”. The incidence of atypical developmental structures of all dentitions are; “fissured tongue” % 7.4 , “geographic tongue” % 1.6 , “ankyloglossia” % 0.5 . The incidence of some oral lesions of all dentitions are; “recurrent aphthous stomatit” % 3.7 primary, % 0 mixed, % 4.8 permanent , “herpes labialis” % 0 primary, % 2 mixed, % 3.2 permanent , “oral ulcerations” % 0 primary, % 1 mixed, %1.6 permanent . The incidence of halitosis symptome was like % 7.4 primary , % 9.1 mixed , % 6.5 permanent .


  • Parlak AH, Koybasi S, Yavuz T, Ye- sildal N, Anul H, Aydogan I, Cetinkaya R, Ka- vak A. Prevalence of oral lesions in 13- to 16- year-old students in Duzce, Turkey. Oral Dis 2006; 12 : 553-8.
  • Andreasen JO, Pindborg JJ, Hjorting- Hansen E, Axell T. Oral health care: more than caries and periodontal disease. A survey of ep- idemiological studies on oral disease. Int Dent J 1986; 36: 207-14.
  • Bezerra S, Costa Isabel. Oral condi- tions in childrens from birth to 5 years: the findings of a children’s dental program. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2000; 25: 79-81.
  • Gonsalves WC, Chi AC, Neville BW. Common oral lesions: Part I. Superficial mu- cosal lesions. Am Fam Physician 2007; 75: 501-7.
  • Majorana A, Bardellini E, Flocchini P, Amadori F, Conti G, Campus G. Oral mucosal lesions in children from 0 to 12 years old: ten years' experience. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 110: 13-8.
  • Sawyer DR, Taiwo EA, Mosadomi A. Oral anomalies in Nigerian children. Commu- nity Dent Oral Epidemiol 1984; 12: 269-73.
  • Crivelli MR, Adler AS, Quarracino C, Bazerque P. Influence of socioeconomic status on oral mucosa lesion prevalence in school children. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1988; 16: 58-60.
  • Bessa CFN, Santos PJB, Aguiar CF, do Carmo MAV. Prevalence of oral mucosal alterations in children from 0 to 12 years old. J Oral Pathol Med 2004; 33: 17–22.
  • dos Santos PJ, Bessa CF, de Aguiar MC, do Carmo MA. Cross-sectional study of oral mucosal conditions among a central Ama- zonian Indian community, Brazil. J Oral Pathol Med 2004; 33: 7-12.
  • Shulman JD. Prevalence of oral muco- sal lesions in children and youths in the USA. Int J Paediatr Dent 2005; 15: 89-97.
  • Lee SS, Zhang W, Li Y. Halitosis up- date: a review of causes, diagnoses, and treat- ments. J Calif Dent Assoc 2007; 35: 258-68.
  • Miyazaki H, Sakao S, Katoh Y, Take- hara T. Correlation between volatile sulphur compounds and certain oral health measure- ments in the general population. J Periodontol 1995; 66: 679-84.
  • Liu XN, Shinada K, Chen XC, Zhang BX, Yaegaki K, Kawaguchi Y. Oral malodor- related parameters in the Chinese general pop- ulation. J Clin Periodontol 2006; 33: 31-6.
  • Al-Ansari JM, Boodai H, Al-Sumait N, Al-Khabbaz AK, Al- Shammari KF, Salako N. Factors associated with self-reported halitosis in Kuwaiti patients. J Dent 2006; 34: 444-9.
  • Cortelli JR, Barbosa MD, Westphal MA. Halitosis: a review of associated factors and therapeutic approach. Braz Oral Res 2008; 22: 44-54.
  • Reamy BV, Derby R, Bunt CW. Common tongue conditions in primary care. Am Fam Physician 2010; 81: 627-34.
  • Leão JC, Gomes VB, Porter S. Ulcera- tive lesions of the mouth: an update for the general medical practitioner. Clinics (Sao Pau- lo) 2007; 62: 769-80.
  • Notestine G. The importance of the identification of ankyloglossia (short lingual frenulum) as a cause of breastfeeding prob- lems. J Hum Lact 1990; 6: 113-5.
  • Rioboo-Crespo Mdel R, Planells-del Pozo P, Rioboo-García R. Epidemiology of the most common oral mucosal diseases in chil- dren. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2005; 10: 376-87.
  • Banoczy J, Rigó O, Albrecht M. Prevalence study of tongue lesions in a Hun- garian population. Community Dent Oral Epi- demiol 1993; 21: 224-6.
  • Segal LM, Stephenson R, Dawes M, Feldman P. Prevalence, diagnosis, and treat- ment of ankyloglossia: methodologic review. Can Fam Physician 2007; 53: 1027-33.
  • Ugar-Cankal D, Denizci S, Hocaoglu T. Prevalence of tongue lesions among Turkish schoolchildren. Saudi Med J 2005; 26: 1962-7.
  • Chaubal TV, Dixit MB. Ankyloglossia and its management. J Indian Soc Periodontol 2011; 15: 270-2.
  • Buryk M, Bloom D, Shope T. Efficacy of neonatal release of ankyloglossia: a random- ized trial. Pediatrics 2011; 128: 280-8.
  • Shulman JD. An exploration of point, annual, and lifetime prevalence in characteriz- ing recurrent aphthous stomatitis in USA chil- dren and youths. J Oral Pathol Med 2004; 33: 558-66.
  • Mathew AL, Pai KM, Sholapurkar AA, Vengal M. The prevalence of oral muco- sal lesions in patients visiting a dental school in Southern India. Indian J Dent Res 2008; 19: 99-103.
  • Nalçaci R, Dülgergil T, Oba AA, Gel- gör IE. Prevalence of breath malodour in 7- 11-year-old children living in Middle Anatolia, Turkey. Community Dent Health 2008; 25: 173-7.

Çocuklarda ve adölesanlarda bazı atipik yapıların, oral mukozal lezyonların ve halitozisin değerlendirilmesi

Year 2013, Volume: 40 Issue: 1 - Volume: 40 Issue: 1, 7 - 12, 01.02.2013


Bu çalışmanın amacı; süt 3-5yaş , karma 6- 12yaş ve daimi 13-17yaş dişlenme dönemlerindeki çocuklarda gözlenen oral yumuşak dokulardaki bazı atipik gelişimsel yapıların, oral lezyonların ve halitozisin sıklığının değerlendirilmesidir. SDÜ Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Pedodonti A.D Kliniğimize başvuran hastalardan rastgele seçilen 188 çocuk 27 süt, 99 karma, 62 daimi dişlenme dönemlerinde çalışmada yer almıştır. Muayene sırasında; “coğrafik dil”, “fissürlü dil”, “ankiloglossi” gibi bazı atipik gelişimsel yapıların, “rekürrent aftöz stomatit”, “herpes labialis”, “oral ülserasyonlar” gibi bazı oral lezyonların ve “halitozis” bulgusunun sıklığı değerlendirilmiştir. Dişlenme dönemlerine ait atipik gelişimsel yapıların toplam görülme sıklığı; “fissürlü dil” %7.4 , “coğrafik dil” %1.6 , “ankiloglossi” %0.5 olarak belirlenmiştir. Dişlenme dönemlerine göre bazı oral lezyonların görülme sıklığıysa; “rekürrent aftöz stomatit” %3.7 süt, %0 karma, % 4.8 daimi , “herpes labialis” %0 süt, %2 karma, %3.2 daimi , “oral ülserasyonlar” %0 süt, %1 karma, %1.6 daimi şeklinde tespit edilmiştir. Halitozis bulgusuysa; %7.4 süt , %9.1 karma , %6.5 daimi şeklinde belirlenmiştir. Her üç dişlenme için en fazla “fissürlü dil”in gözlendiği, süt ve daimi dişlenmede en fazla “rekürrent aftöz stomatitın”, karma dişlenmedeyse en fazla “herpes labialis”in izlendiği belirlenmiştir. Halitozis ise en fazla karma dişlenme döneminde görülmüştür.


  • Parlak AH, Koybasi S, Yavuz T, Ye- sildal N, Anul H, Aydogan I, Cetinkaya R, Ka- vak A. Prevalence of oral lesions in 13- to 16- year-old students in Duzce, Turkey. Oral Dis 2006; 12 : 553-8.
  • Andreasen JO, Pindborg JJ, Hjorting- Hansen E, Axell T. Oral health care: more than caries and periodontal disease. A survey of ep- idemiological studies on oral disease. Int Dent J 1986; 36: 207-14.
  • Bezerra S, Costa Isabel. Oral condi- tions in childrens from birth to 5 years: the findings of a children’s dental program. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2000; 25: 79-81.
  • Gonsalves WC, Chi AC, Neville BW. Common oral lesions: Part I. Superficial mu- cosal lesions. Am Fam Physician 2007; 75: 501-7.
  • Majorana A, Bardellini E, Flocchini P, Amadori F, Conti G, Campus G. Oral mucosal lesions in children from 0 to 12 years old: ten years' experience. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 110: 13-8.
  • Sawyer DR, Taiwo EA, Mosadomi A. Oral anomalies in Nigerian children. Commu- nity Dent Oral Epidemiol 1984; 12: 269-73.
  • Crivelli MR, Adler AS, Quarracino C, Bazerque P. Influence of socioeconomic status on oral mucosa lesion prevalence in school children. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1988; 16: 58-60.
  • Bessa CFN, Santos PJB, Aguiar CF, do Carmo MAV. Prevalence of oral mucosal alterations in children from 0 to 12 years old. J Oral Pathol Med 2004; 33: 17–22.
  • dos Santos PJ, Bessa CF, de Aguiar MC, do Carmo MA. Cross-sectional study of oral mucosal conditions among a central Ama- zonian Indian community, Brazil. J Oral Pathol Med 2004; 33: 7-12.
  • Shulman JD. Prevalence of oral muco- sal lesions in children and youths in the USA. Int J Paediatr Dent 2005; 15: 89-97.
  • Lee SS, Zhang W, Li Y. Halitosis up- date: a review of causes, diagnoses, and treat- ments. J Calif Dent Assoc 2007; 35: 258-68.
  • Miyazaki H, Sakao S, Katoh Y, Take- hara T. Correlation between volatile sulphur compounds and certain oral health measure- ments in the general population. J Periodontol 1995; 66: 679-84.
  • Liu XN, Shinada K, Chen XC, Zhang BX, Yaegaki K, Kawaguchi Y. Oral malodor- related parameters in the Chinese general pop- ulation. J Clin Periodontol 2006; 33: 31-6.
  • Al-Ansari JM, Boodai H, Al-Sumait N, Al-Khabbaz AK, Al- Shammari KF, Salako N. Factors associated with self-reported halitosis in Kuwaiti patients. J Dent 2006; 34: 444-9.
  • Cortelli JR, Barbosa MD, Westphal MA. Halitosis: a review of associated factors and therapeutic approach. Braz Oral Res 2008; 22: 44-54.
  • Reamy BV, Derby R, Bunt CW. Common tongue conditions in primary care. Am Fam Physician 2010; 81: 627-34.
  • Leão JC, Gomes VB, Porter S. Ulcera- tive lesions of the mouth: an update for the general medical practitioner. Clinics (Sao Pau- lo) 2007; 62: 769-80.
  • Notestine G. The importance of the identification of ankyloglossia (short lingual frenulum) as a cause of breastfeeding prob- lems. J Hum Lact 1990; 6: 113-5.
  • Rioboo-Crespo Mdel R, Planells-del Pozo P, Rioboo-García R. Epidemiology of the most common oral mucosal diseases in chil- dren. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2005; 10: 376-87.
  • Banoczy J, Rigó O, Albrecht M. Prevalence study of tongue lesions in a Hun- garian population. Community Dent Oral Epi- demiol 1993; 21: 224-6.
  • Segal LM, Stephenson R, Dawes M, Feldman P. Prevalence, diagnosis, and treat- ment of ankyloglossia: methodologic review. Can Fam Physician 2007; 53: 1027-33.
  • Ugar-Cankal D, Denizci S, Hocaoglu T. Prevalence of tongue lesions among Turkish schoolchildren. Saudi Med J 2005; 26: 1962-7.
  • Chaubal TV, Dixit MB. Ankyloglossia and its management. J Indian Soc Periodontol 2011; 15: 270-2.
  • Buryk M, Bloom D, Shope T. Efficacy of neonatal release of ankyloglossia: a random- ized trial. Pediatrics 2011; 128: 280-8.
  • Shulman JD. An exploration of point, annual, and lifetime prevalence in characteriz- ing recurrent aphthous stomatitis in USA chil- dren and youths. J Oral Pathol Med 2004; 33: 558-66.
  • Mathew AL, Pai KM, Sholapurkar AA, Vengal M. The prevalence of oral muco- sal lesions in patients visiting a dental school in Southern India. Indian J Dent Res 2008; 19: 99-103.
  • Nalçaci R, Dülgergil T, Oba AA, Gel- gör IE. Prevalence of breath malodour in 7- 11-year-old children living in Middle Anatolia, Turkey. Community Dent Health 2008; 25: 173-7.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Çiğdem Küçükesmen This is me

Zuhal Kırzıoğlu This is me

Yıldrım Erdoğan This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 40 Issue: 1 - Volume: 40 Issue: 1


Vancouver Küçükesmen Ç, Kırzıoğlu Z, Erdoğan Y. Çocuklarda ve adölesanlarda bazı atipik yapıların, oral mukozal lezyonların ve halitozisin değerlendirilmesi. EADS. 2013;40(1):7-12.