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Revascularization Of İmmature Permenant Teeth: 3 Case reports

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 3 - Cilt: 39 Sayı: 3, 135 - 141, 01.10.2012


The aim of these case reports were to present 1 year follow up results of 3 cases with necrotic and immature teeth treated by revascularization aiming to induce root development. After disinfection of the infected root canal spaces with a topical antibiotic paste, periapical tissues were irritated to form blood clot in the canal spaces and white MTA was placed over the blood clot. Final restorations were completed with composite resin. After a year of follow up time, in one case, increased


  • Ding RY, Cheung GS, Chen J, Yin XZ, Wang QQ, Zhang CF. Pulp revascularza- tion of immature teeth with apical periodonti- tis. J Endod 2009; 35: 745-749.
  • Thibodeau B. Case report: pulp revas- cularization of necrotic, infected, immature, permenant tooth. Pediatr Dent 2009; 31: 145-8.
  • Hargreaves KM, Giesler T, Henry M, Wang Y. Regeneration potential of the young tooth: what does the future hold? Pediatr Dent 2008; 30: 253-60.
  • Neha K, Kansal R, Garg P, Joshi R, Garg D, Grover HS. Management of immature teeth by dentin-pulp regeneration: a recent ap- proach. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Buccal 2011: Nov 1;16(7): e997-1004.
  • Nosrat A, Seifi A., Asgary S. Regener- ative endodontic treatment (revascularization) for necrotic immature permenant molars: a re- view and report of two cases with a new bio- material. JOE 2011; 37 (4): 562-7.
  • Petrino JA, Boda KK, Shambarger S, Bowles WR, McClanahan SB. Challenges in regenerative endodontics: a case series. JOE 2010; 36(3): 536-541.
  • Andreasen JO, Farik B, Mungsgard EC. Long term calcium hydroxide as a root ca- nal dressing may increase root fracture. Dent Traumatol 2002; 18: 134-137.
  • Caplan DJ, Cai J, Yin G, White BA. Root canal filled versus non-root canal filled teeth: a retrospective comparison of survival times. J Public Health Dent 2005; 65: 90-96.
  • Iohara K, Hakashima M, Ito M, Ishi- kawa M, Nakashima A, Akamine A. Dentin regeneration by dental pulp stem cell therapy with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2. J Dent Res 2004; 83(8): 590-595.
  • Friedlander LT, Cullinan MP, Love RM. Dental stem cells and their potential role in apexogenesis and apexification. Int Endod J 2009: 42; 955-962.
  • Banchs F, Trope M. Revascularization of immature permenant teeth with apical peri- odontitis: new treatment protocol? J Endod 2004; 30: 196-200.
  • Chueh LH, Huang GT-J. Immature te- eth with periradicular periodontitis or abscess undergoing apexogenesis: a paradigm shift. J Endod 2006; 32: 1205-1213.
  • Trope M. Regenerative potential of dental pulp. J Endod 2008; 34: S13-S17.
  • Thibodeau B., Teixeira F, Yamauchi M, Caplan DJ, Trope M. Pulp revasculariza- tion of immature dog teeth with apical perio- dontitis. JOE 2007; 33: 6: 680-689.
  • Nygaard-Ostby B, Hjortdal O. Tissue formation in the root canal following pulp re- moval. Scand J Dent Res 1971; 79: 333-349.
  • Hoshino E, Kurihara-Ando N, Sato I, Uematsu H, Sato M, Kota K, Iwaku M. In vitro antibacterial susceptibility of bacteria taken from infected root dentine to a mixture of cip- rofloxacin, metronidazole and minocycline. Int Endod J 1996; 29(2): 125-30.
  • Gelman R, Park H. Pulp revasculariza- tion in an immature necrotic tooth: a case re- port. Pediatr Dent 2012; 34(7): 496-9.
  • Dabbagh B, Alvaro E, Vu DD, Rizkal- lah J, Schwartz S. Clinical complications in the revascularization of immature necrotic perma- nent teeth. Pediatr Dent. 2012; 34(5): 414-7.
  • Shivashankar VY, Johns DA, Vidya- nath S, Kumar MR. Platelet Rich Fibrin in the revitalization of tooth with necrotic pulp and open apex. J Conserv Dent. 2012; 15(4): 395- 8.
  • Vijayaraghavan R, Mathian VM, Sundaram AM, Karunakaran R, Vinodh S. Triple antibiotic paste in root canal therapy. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2012; 4(Suppl 2): S230-3.
  • Silva, LAB, Nelson-Filho P, Silva RAB, Flores, DSH, Heilborn C, Johnson JD, Cohenca N. Revascularization and periapical repair after endodontic treatment using apical negative pressure irrigation versus conventio- nal irrigation plus antibiotic intracanal dressing in dogs’ teeth with apical periodontitis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 779-787.
  • Wang X, Thibodeau B, Trope M, Lin LM, Huang GT-J. Histologic characterization of regenerated tissues in canal space after the revitalization/ revascularization procedure of immature dog teeth with apical periodontitis. J Endod 2010; 36: 56-63.
  • Shah N, Logani A, Bhaskar U, Ag- garwal V. Efficacy of revascularization to in- duce apexification/apexogenesis in infected , non-vital, immature teeth: a pilot study. J En- dod 2008; 34: 919-25.
  • Cottie E, Mereu M, Lusso D. Regen- erative treatment of an immature traumatized tooth with apical periodontitis: report of a case. J Endod 2008; 34: 611-6.
  • Gronthos S, Brahim J, Li W, Fisher LW, Cherman N, Boyde A. Stem cell proper- ties of human dental pulp stem cells. J Dent Res 2002; 81: 531-5.
  • Srisuwan T, Tilkorn DJ, Al-Benna S, Abberton K, Messer HH, Thompson EW. Re- vascularization and tissue regeneration of an empty root canal space is enhanced by a direct blood supply and stem cells. Dental Traumatol 2012; 1-8.
  • Fischer EJ, Arens DE, Miller CH. bac- terial leakage of mineral trioxide aggregate as compared with zinc-free amalgam, intermedi- ate restorative material, and super-EBA as a root-end filling material. J Endod 1998; 24: 176-9.
  • Bates CF, Carnes DL, Del Rio CE. Longitudinal sealing ability of mineral trioxide aggregate as a root-end filling material. J En- dod 1996; 22: 575-8.
  • Torabinejad M, Higa RK, McKendry DJ, Pitt Ford TR. Dye leakage of four root end filling materails; effects of blood contamina- tion. J Endod 1994; 20: 159-63.

Daimi immatür dişlerde revaskülarizasyon: 3 olgu sunumu

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 3 - Cilt: 39 Sayı: 3, 135 - 141, 01.10.2012


Bu olgu sunumunun amacı 3 immatür daimi dişte kök gelişiminin devamını sağlamak amacıyla uygulanan revaskülarizasyon tedavisinin 1 yıllık başarısını değerlendirmektir. Enfekte kök kanallarının dezenfeksiyonu topikal antibiyotik patı ile sağlandıktan sonra periapikal dokular irrite edilerek kök kanalları içerisinde kan pıhtısı oluşumu sağlanmış ve pıhtının üzeri beyaz Mineral Trioxide Aggregate MTA ile kapatılmıştır. Restorasyon kompozit rezin ile tamamlanmıştır. 1 yıllık takip süresinin sonucunda bir olguda kök uzunluğunun arttığı, apeksin kapanmasının sağlandığı ve kök dentini duvarlarında kalınlık artışı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Diğer iki olguda kök gelişimine dair herhangi bir bulgu olmamasına rağmen klinik ya da radyografik olarak patolojik bir bulguya rastlanmamıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda revaskülarizasyon tedavisinin immatür dişler için konvansiyonel apeksifikasyon tedavisine bir alternatif olabileceği düşünülmektedir


  • Ding RY, Cheung GS, Chen J, Yin XZ, Wang QQ, Zhang CF. Pulp revascularza- tion of immature teeth with apical periodonti- tis. J Endod 2009; 35: 745-749.
  • Thibodeau B. Case report: pulp revas- cularization of necrotic, infected, immature, permenant tooth. Pediatr Dent 2009; 31: 145-8.
  • Hargreaves KM, Giesler T, Henry M, Wang Y. Regeneration potential of the young tooth: what does the future hold? Pediatr Dent 2008; 30: 253-60.
  • Neha K, Kansal R, Garg P, Joshi R, Garg D, Grover HS. Management of immature teeth by dentin-pulp regeneration: a recent ap- proach. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Buccal 2011: Nov 1;16(7): e997-1004.
  • Nosrat A, Seifi A., Asgary S. Regener- ative endodontic treatment (revascularization) for necrotic immature permenant molars: a re- view and report of two cases with a new bio- material. JOE 2011; 37 (4): 562-7.
  • Petrino JA, Boda KK, Shambarger S, Bowles WR, McClanahan SB. Challenges in regenerative endodontics: a case series. JOE 2010; 36(3): 536-541.
  • Andreasen JO, Farik B, Mungsgard EC. Long term calcium hydroxide as a root ca- nal dressing may increase root fracture. Dent Traumatol 2002; 18: 134-137.
  • Caplan DJ, Cai J, Yin G, White BA. Root canal filled versus non-root canal filled teeth: a retrospective comparison of survival times. J Public Health Dent 2005; 65: 90-96.
  • Iohara K, Hakashima M, Ito M, Ishi- kawa M, Nakashima A, Akamine A. Dentin regeneration by dental pulp stem cell therapy with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2. J Dent Res 2004; 83(8): 590-595.
  • Friedlander LT, Cullinan MP, Love RM. Dental stem cells and their potential role in apexogenesis and apexification. Int Endod J 2009: 42; 955-962.
  • Banchs F, Trope M. Revascularization of immature permenant teeth with apical peri- odontitis: new treatment protocol? J Endod 2004; 30: 196-200.
  • Chueh LH, Huang GT-J. Immature te- eth with periradicular periodontitis or abscess undergoing apexogenesis: a paradigm shift. J Endod 2006; 32: 1205-1213.
  • Trope M. Regenerative potential of dental pulp. J Endod 2008; 34: S13-S17.
  • Thibodeau B., Teixeira F, Yamauchi M, Caplan DJ, Trope M. Pulp revasculariza- tion of immature dog teeth with apical perio- dontitis. JOE 2007; 33: 6: 680-689.
  • Nygaard-Ostby B, Hjortdal O. Tissue formation in the root canal following pulp re- moval. Scand J Dent Res 1971; 79: 333-349.
  • Hoshino E, Kurihara-Ando N, Sato I, Uematsu H, Sato M, Kota K, Iwaku M. In vitro antibacterial susceptibility of bacteria taken from infected root dentine to a mixture of cip- rofloxacin, metronidazole and minocycline. Int Endod J 1996; 29(2): 125-30.
  • Gelman R, Park H. Pulp revasculariza- tion in an immature necrotic tooth: a case re- port. Pediatr Dent 2012; 34(7): 496-9.
  • Dabbagh B, Alvaro E, Vu DD, Rizkal- lah J, Schwartz S. Clinical complications in the revascularization of immature necrotic perma- nent teeth. Pediatr Dent. 2012; 34(5): 414-7.
  • Shivashankar VY, Johns DA, Vidya- nath S, Kumar MR. Platelet Rich Fibrin in the revitalization of tooth with necrotic pulp and open apex. J Conserv Dent. 2012; 15(4): 395- 8.
  • Vijayaraghavan R, Mathian VM, Sundaram AM, Karunakaran R, Vinodh S. Triple antibiotic paste in root canal therapy. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2012; 4(Suppl 2): S230-3.
  • Silva, LAB, Nelson-Filho P, Silva RAB, Flores, DSH, Heilborn C, Johnson JD, Cohenca N. Revascularization and periapical repair after endodontic treatment using apical negative pressure irrigation versus conventio- nal irrigation plus antibiotic intracanal dressing in dogs’ teeth with apical periodontitis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 779-787.
  • Wang X, Thibodeau B, Trope M, Lin LM, Huang GT-J. Histologic characterization of regenerated tissues in canal space after the revitalization/ revascularization procedure of immature dog teeth with apical periodontitis. J Endod 2010; 36: 56-63.
  • Shah N, Logani A, Bhaskar U, Ag- garwal V. Efficacy of revascularization to in- duce apexification/apexogenesis in infected , non-vital, immature teeth: a pilot study. J En- dod 2008; 34: 919-25.
  • Cottie E, Mereu M, Lusso D. Regen- erative treatment of an immature traumatized tooth with apical periodontitis: report of a case. J Endod 2008; 34: 611-6.
  • Gronthos S, Brahim J, Li W, Fisher LW, Cherman N, Boyde A. Stem cell proper- ties of human dental pulp stem cells. J Dent Res 2002; 81: 531-5.
  • Srisuwan T, Tilkorn DJ, Al-Benna S, Abberton K, Messer HH, Thompson EW. Re- vascularization and tissue regeneration of an empty root canal space is enhanced by a direct blood supply and stem cells. Dental Traumatol 2012; 1-8.
  • Fischer EJ, Arens DE, Miller CH. bac- terial leakage of mineral trioxide aggregate as compared with zinc-free amalgam, intermedi- ate restorative material, and super-EBA as a root-end filling material. J Endod 1998; 24: 176-9.
  • Bates CF, Carnes DL, Del Rio CE. Longitudinal sealing ability of mineral trioxide aggregate as a root-end filling material. J En- dod 1996; 22: 575-8.
  • Torabinejad M, Higa RK, McKendry DJ, Pitt Ford TR. Dye leakage of four root end filling materails; effects of blood contamina- tion. J Endod 1994; 20: 159-63.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Başak Güler Bu kişi benim

Simge Vural

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 39 Sayı: 3 - Cilt: 39 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Güler B, Vural S. Daimi immatür dişlerde revaskülarizasyon: 3 olgu sunumu. EADS. 2012;39(3):135-41.