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Radiographic Assessment of Root Canal Numbers in Premolars by Use of Different Speed Films and a Direct Digital System

Year 2006, Volume: 33 Issue: 1 - Volume: 33 Issue: 1, 83 - 88, 01.05.2006


The aim of this study is to compare the accuracy of D, E, F speed intraoral radiographs anddigital radiographic images with respect to the rootcanal numbers in premolars. Twenty extractedhuman mandibular and maxillary premolar teethwere imaged using 3 conventional and a direct digital system. Two endodontists and two radiologistsevaluated the radiographs and determined thenumber of root canals in each tooth. After the radiographic evaluation, the teeth were cleared andtrue number of canals in each tooth was determinedby observing the cleared tooth on the display of adigital photographic image. The data were compared using the chi-square test. There were no significant differences among D, E, F speed conventional film images and original and enhanced RVGimages for determination of root canal numbers butE speed film showed the better result


  • Nance R, Tyndall D, Levin LG, Trope M. Identification of root canals in molars by tuned-aper- tura computed tomography. Int Endod J 2000; 33: 392-6.
  • Omer OE, Al Shalabi RM, Jennings M, Glennon J, Claffey NM. A comparison between clearing and radiographic techniques in the study of the root-canal anatomy of maxillary first and second molars. Int Endod J 2004; 37: 291-6.
  • Baisden MK, Kulild JC, Weller RN. Root canal configuration of the mandibular first premolar. J Endod 1992; 18: 505-7.
  • Bram SM, Fleisher R. Endodontic therapy in a mandibular second bicuspid with four canals. J Endod 1991; 17: 513-5.
  • England MC, Hartwell GR, Lance JR. Detection and treatment of multiple canals in mandibular premolars. J Endod 1991; 17: 174-8.
  • Rödig T, Hülsmann M. Diagnosis and root canal treatment of a mandibular second premolar with three root canals. Int Endod J 2003; 36: 912-9.
  • Nallapati S. Three canal mandibular first and second premolars: A treatment approach. A case report. J Endod 2005; 31: 474-6.
  • Vertucci FJ. Root canal anatomy of the human permanent teeth. Oral Surg 1984; 58: 589-99.
  • Kartal N, Yanıkoğlu F. The incidence of mandibular premolars with more than one root canal in a Turkish population. J Marmara Univ Dent Fac 1992a; 1: 203-10.
  • Sert S, Aslanalp V, Tanalp J. Investigation of the root canal configurations of mandibular per- manent teeth in the Turkish population. Int Endod J 2004; 37: 494-9.
  • Yoshioka T, Villegas JC, Kobayashi C, Suda H. Radiographic evaluation of root canal mul- tiplicity in mandibular first premolars. J Endod 2004; 30: 73-4.
  • Martínez-Lozano MÁ, Forner-Navarro L, Sánchez-Cortés JL. Analysis of radiologic factors in determining premolar root canal systems. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1999; 88: 719-22.
  • Woolhiser GA, Brand JW, Hoen MM, Geist JR, Pikula AA, Pink FE. Accuracy of film-based, digital, and enhanced digital images for endodontic length determination. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2005; 99: 499-504.
  • Morner-Svalling A-C, Tronje G, Andersson LG, Walendar U. Comparison of the diagnostic potential of direct digital and conventional intraoral radiography in the evaluation of peri-implant condi- tions. Clin Oral Impl Res 2003; 14: 714-9.
  • Akdeniz BG, Soğur E. An ex vivo compari- son of conventional and digital radiography for per- ceived image quality of root fillings. Int Endod J 2005; 38: 397-401.
  • Hoen MM, Pink FE. Contemporary endodontic retreatments: an analysis based on clini- cal treatment findings. J Endod 2002; 28: 834-6.
  • Kaeppler G, Vogel A, Krcmar DA. Intraoral storage phosphor and conventional radiography in the assessment of alveolar bone structures. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2000; 29: 362-7.
  • Abreu M, Mol A, Ludlow JB. Performance of RVGui sensor and Kodak Ektaspeed Plus film for proximal caries detection. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2001; 91: 381-5.
  • Khocht A, Janal M, Harasty L, Chang K-M. Comparison of direct digital and conventional intra- oral radiographs in detecting alveolar bone loss. JADA 2003; 134: 1468-75.
  • Sheaffer JC, Eleazer PD, Scheetz JP, Clark JP, Farman AG. A comparison of D-, E-, and F- speed conventional intraoral radiographic films in endodontic measurement. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2002; 93: 337-40.


Year 2006, Volume: 33 Issue: 1 - Volume: 33 Issue: 1, 83 - 88, 01.05.2006


Bu çalışmanın amacı, D, E, F hızındaki dental filmler ve bir dijital görüntüleme sistemiyle eldeedilen radyograflarla belirlenen premolar dişlerinkök kanal sayılarının doğruluğununkarşılaştırılmasıdır. Bu amaçla, 20 adet çekilmişmaksiller ve mandibular premolar dişin, farklıhızdaki 3 konvansiyonel film ve bir dijital sistem kullan›larak radyografik görüntüleri elde edilmiştir. Radyograflar, 4 gözlemci 2 oral radyolog, 2 endodontist taraf›ndan değerlendirilerek dişlerin kaç kanall› olduğunu belirlemeleri istenmiştir. Radyografik değerlendirme sonras› dişler şeffaflaşt›r›lm›ş, dijital fotoğraf makinas› ile elde edilen görüntülerde, dişlerin kanal say›lar› tam olarak belirlenmiştir. İstatistiksel analiz için ki kare testi kullan›lm›şt›r. Araşt›rmam›z›n sonuçlar›na göre, konvansiyonel D, E, F h›z›ndaki filmlerle, normal RVG ve tam ekran RVG ile elde edilen dijital görüntüler aras›nda kök kanal say›lar›n› belirleme aç›s›ndan istatistiksel olarak bir fark olmamas›na rağmen E grubu fimler say›sal olarak daha iyi sonuçlar vermiştir


  • Nance R, Tyndall D, Levin LG, Trope M. Identification of root canals in molars by tuned-aper- tura computed tomography. Int Endod J 2000; 33: 392-6.
  • Omer OE, Al Shalabi RM, Jennings M, Glennon J, Claffey NM. A comparison between clearing and radiographic techniques in the study of the root-canal anatomy of maxillary first and second molars. Int Endod J 2004; 37: 291-6.
  • Baisden MK, Kulild JC, Weller RN. Root canal configuration of the mandibular first premolar. J Endod 1992; 18: 505-7.
  • Bram SM, Fleisher R. Endodontic therapy in a mandibular second bicuspid with four canals. J Endod 1991; 17: 513-5.
  • England MC, Hartwell GR, Lance JR. Detection and treatment of multiple canals in mandibular premolars. J Endod 1991; 17: 174-8.
  • Rödig T, Hülsmann M. Diagnosis and root canal treatment of a mandibular second premolar with three root canals. Int Endod J 2003; 36: 912-9.
  • Nallapati S. Three canal mandibular first and second premolars: A treatment approach. A case report. J Endod 2005; 31: 474-6.
  • Vertucci FJ. Root canal anatomy of the human permanent teeth. Oral Surg 1984; 58: 589-99.
  • Kartal N, Yanıkoğlu F. The incidence of mandibular premolars with more than one root canal in a Turkish population. J Marmara Univ Dent Fac 1992a; 1: 203-10.
  • Sert S, Aslanalp V, Tanalp J. Investigation of the root canal configurations of mandibular per- manent teeth in the Turkish population. Int Endod J 2004; 37: 494-9.
  • Yoshioka T, Villegas JC, Kobayashi C, Suda H. Radiographic evaluation of root canal mul- tiplicity in mandibular first premolars. J Endod 2004; 30: 73-4.
  • Martínez-Lozano MÁ, Forner-Navarro L, Sánchez-Cortés JL. Analysis of radiologic factors in determining premolar root canal systems. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1999; 88: 719-22.
  • Woolhiser GA, Brand JW, Hoen MM, Geist JR, Pikula AA, Pink FE. Accuracy of film-based, digital, and enhanced digital images for endodontic length determination. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2005; 99: 499-504.
  • Morner-Svalling A-C, Tronje G, Andersson LG, Walendar U. Comparison of the diagnostic potential of direct digital and conventional intraoral radiography in the evaluation of peri-implant condi- tions. Clin Oral Impl Res 2003; 14: 714-9.
  • Akdeniz BG, Soğur E. An ex vivo compari- son of conventional and digital radiography for per- ceived image quality of root fillings. Int Endod J 2005; 38: 397-401.
  • Hoen MM, Pink FE. Contemporary endodontic retreatments: an analysis based on clini- cal treatment findings. J Endod 2002; 28: 834-6.
  • Kaeppler G, Vogel A, Krcmar DA. Intraoral storage phosphor and conventional radiography in the assessment of alveolar bone structures. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2000; 29: 362-7.
  • Abreu M, Mol A, Ludlow JB. Performance of RVGui sensor and Kodak Ektaspeed Plus film for proximal caries detection. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2001; 91: 381-5.
  • Khocht A, Janal M, Harasty L, Chang K-M. Comparison of direct digital and conventional intra- oral radiographs in detecting alveolar bone loss. JADA 2003; 134: 1468-75.
  • Sheaffer JC, Eleazer PD, Scheetz JP, Clark JP, Farman AG. A comparison of D-, E-, and F- speed conventional intraoral radiographic films in endodontic measurement. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2002; 93: 337-40.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Kattıran Gulşahı This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 33 Issue: 1 - Volume: 33 Issue: 1
