The aim of this study was to record the incidence of anatomic variations in the stylohyoid complex. 1027 panoramic radiographs obtained frompatients who referred to Ankara University, Facultyof Dentistry, Oral Diagnosis and RadiologyDepartment from 1997 to 1999, were evaluated. Themorphology of the stylohyoid complex was allocated to one of 12 patterns.The rate of mineralization or calcification ofstylohyoid complex evaluated using 1027 panoramic radiographs was 18%. The prevalence of D typecalcification of stylohyoid complex was the highestpattern for both right and left sides. The vast majority of normal, elongated or calcified styloidprocesses were symmetrical. In addition, the highest symmetry ratio was seen in pattern D. When theright and left sides were compared from anatomicaland nonanatomical point of view according to sex,no significant difference was seen in right sidebetween males and females. However there was asignificant difference between males and femalesfor the left side p< 0,01 .In this study three patients who had bilaterally elongated styloid processes were classified ashaving Eagle syndrome. If a patient has bilaterallyelongated styloid processes, anamnesis and clinicaldiagnose must be detailed for Eagle’ s syndrome
Bu çal›şman›n amac›, stylohyoid kompleksteki anatomik varyasyonlar›n insidans›n› saptamakt›r. 1997-1999 y›llar› aras›nda, Ankara Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi, Oral Diagnoz ve Radyoloji Anabilim Dal›’na başvuran hastalardan al›nan 1027 panoramik radyograf değerlendirilerek stylohyoid kompleks morfolojisinin, Carroll s›n›flamas›ndaki 12 tipten hangisine uyduğu kaydedildi. 1027 panoramik radyografta bulunan stylohyoid kompleks mineralizasyonu veya kalsifikasyonunun oran› %18’di. En yüksek stylohyoid kompleks prevalans›, hem sağ hem de sol taraf için, D grubu olarak bulundu. Normal, uzam›ş veya kalsifiye styloid proçeslerin büyük çoğunluğu simetrikti. Buna ek olarak, en yüksek simetri oran› da D grubunda görüldü. Sağ ve sol bölgeler, cinsiyete göre anatomik ve anatomik olmayan olarak karş›laşt›r›ld›ğ›nda, kad›n ve erkek aras›nda sağ tarafta herhangi bir fark saptanmad›. Ancak kad›n ve erkek aras›nda sol tarafta anlaml› bir fark olduğu gözlendi p
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | May 1, 2005 |
Published in Issue | Year 2005 Volume: 32 Issue: 2 - Volume: 32 Issue: 2 |