Evaluation Process

EAJCL is an international, peer-reviewed journal that will be published twice a year. The language of publication is English. The journal accepts articles on comparative law, especially articles on the legal systems and specific legal problems of the European and Eurasian Region countries and the general theory of comparative law.

The journal aims to contribute to the development of comparative law.

Articles to be sent to the journal for publication will first be evaluated in terms of acceptability conditions. However, at the same time, the articles will be subject to serious editorial scrutiny. Articles submitted to the journal will be subject to a Turnitin query. Publications with a similarity rate of more than 10% will not be accepted.

The next stage is the referee evaluation phase, and EAJCL has adopted the double-blind referee system.

All processes, including article submissions to the Eurasian Journal of Comparative Law, are free of charge, and no fees will be charged for articles accepted for publication. Authors submitting articles to the journal are considered to have declared that they have not committed any ethical violations. Works found to have instances of plagiarism will not be published in our journal. A report regarding this issue will be sent to the author.

Submissions to the journal must be prepared in accordance with the journal's writing guidelines. All types of submissions sent for publication undergo various evaluation processes.

1. Initial Impression Review
Submissions received by our journal are reviewed by the editorial team within 30 days. Works that are deemed insufficient will be returned to the author without undergoing the peer review process.

2. Preliminary Review Process
Articles reviewed by the editor proceed to the preliminary review process. At this stage, a plagiarism check is conducted using Turnitin. A maximum similarity rate of 10% is accepted in our journal. Manuscripts are examined for adherence to the journal's writing guidelines, and the findings are documented in a preliminary evaluation form. The manuscript is sent back to the author for revisions. During the preliminary review process, submissions are assessed for compliance with the journal's writing guidelines only once. If the requested changes are not made, the manuscript will be rejected and will not be processed in the same publication period. The preliminary review is completed within a maximum of 20 days.

3. Peer Review Process

Following the preliminary review stage, submissions are included in the peer review process. The "Field Editor" assigned based on the topic of the work manages the peer review process.
The Field Editor primarily presents the manuscript to at least two referees who have relevant expertise in the subject area. The peer review process is conducted confidentially within the framework of double-blind peer review. Referees are requested to indicate their opinions and judgments about the work on the manuscript evaluation form and to write their thoughts in the provided text box. Authors have the right to appeal and defend their views if they do not agree with the referees' feedback. The Field Editor facilitates mutual communication between the author and referees while maintaining confidentiality. Referees are required to commit that they will not use the reviewed work for their own benefit and that they will not share any information or documents related to the work with third parties.

For a manuscript to be accepted by the journal, it must receive positive evaluations from at least two referees. If one referee gives a positive review while the second referee provides a negative review, the manuscript may be sent to a third referee. If both referees provide negative evaluations, the manuscript will not be published in the journal.

If referees request corrections to the manuscript they have reviewed, the corresponding reports will be sent to the author, who will be asked to make revisions. The revisions should be completed within a maximum of 10 days. The author submits the revised manuscript to the Field Editor, indicating the changes made.

The Field Editor checks whether the author has made the requested corrections and completes this process within a maximum of 7 days. If a referee wishes to see the revised manuscript, they will review it again. The feedback from referees will be reviewed by the editors, and a decision on the manuscript will be made within a maximum of two weeks.

4. Publication Process

4.1. Language Review
Manuscripts that have successfully navigated the peer review process and have been revised by the authors will be assessed by Language Editors. Should the need arise, authors may be requested to make necessary corrections. This review process shall be completed within a two-week timeframe. Language editors reserve the right to request modifications from the authors.

4.2. Editorial Board Evaluation
Articles that have completed the peer review process and have passed the language review will be published in the volume and issue designated by the Editorial Board..

4.3. Final Proofreading
A final proofreading will be conducted before the journal is officially published.

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 4.10.2024 01:07:07