Research Article
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Reconstruction of Pre-Service EFL Teachers’ Conceptual Understandings About SLA and Language Pedagogy Through Experiential Tasks

Year 2024, , 11 - 25, 26.09.2024


The course on Second Language Acquisition (SLA), which is a component of language teacher education programs, includes consciousness-raising and experiential activities that prepare pre-service teachers for the profession. Pre-service English teachers need to have a well-grounded understanding of how SLA relates to language teaching to comprehend how SLA theories contribute to their language teaching processes. To address this need, this study examined the effects of an SLA course on pre-service teachers’ conceptual changes and beliefs regarding language pedagogy. To identify the extent of their conceptual changes and awareness, a language-learning autobiography project was used to decode multifaceted processes and elements of their first and second language acquisition. Pre-service teachers were asked to describe their language acquisition processes before taking the SLA course and then to revise their autobiographies in line with the theories and concepts covered in the SLA course. Content analysis was used to compare the two versions gathered from 54 pre-service teachers, and emerging themes and concepts in both forms were identified. The overall findings indicate that their initial versions are limited to basic linguistic descriptions, whereas they have gained a rich repertoire of grounds and connections and an understanding of the relevance of SLA to language pedagogy. Relatedly, instructional implications were suggested to facilitate their professional stance and understanding of the relationship between SLA and language pedagogy.


  • Angelova, M. (2005). Using Bulgarian mini-lessons in an SLA course to improve the KAL of American ESL teachers. In N. Bartels (Ed.), Applied linguistics and language teacher education. Kluwer Academic.
  • Bartels, N. (Ed.) (2005). Applied linguistics and language teacher education. Kluwer Academic.
  • Borg, S. (2011). The impact of in-service teacher education on language teachers’ beliefs. System, 39(3), 370-380.
  • Brown, J., & McGannon, J. (1998, June). What do I know about language learning? The story of the beginning teacher. In Proceedings of the 1998 ALAA (Australian linguistics association of Australia) Congress.
  • Busch, D. (2010). Pre-service teacher beliefs about language learning: The second language acquisition course as an agent for change. Language Teaching Research 14(3), 318-337.
  • Cabaroğlu, N., & Roberts, J. (2000). Development in student teachers’ pre-existing beliefs during a 1-year PGCE programme. System, 28(3), 387-402.
  • Cheng, M. M., Chan, K. W., Tang, S. Y., & Cheng, A. Y. (2009). Pre-service teacher education students' epistemological beliefs and their conceptions of teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(2), 319-327.
  • Clark-Goff, K., & Eslami, Z. (2016). Exploring change in preservice teachers’ beliefs about English language learning and teaching. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, 4(3- Special Issue), 21-36.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2018). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches (4th ed.). Sage.
  • Denzin, N. K. (2017). The research act: A theoretical introduction to sociological methods. Transaction publishers.
  • Ellis, R. (2010). Second language acquisition, teacher education and language pedagogy. Language Teaching, 43(2), 182-201.
  • Eslami, Z. R., & Fatahi, A. (2008). Teachers’ sense of self-efficacy, English proficiency, and instructional strategies: A study of nonnative EFL teachers in Iran. TESL-EJ, 11(4), 1-19.
  • Fagan, D. (2015). Course syllabus for the second language acquisition course. Accessed January 10, 2022 from
  • Farrell, T. S. (2006). The teacher is an octopus’ uncovering preservice English language teachers’ prior beliefs through metaphor analysis. RELC Journal, 37(2), 236-248.
  • Firestone, W. A., & Pennell, J. R. (1993). Teacher commitment, working conditions, and differential incentive policies. Review of Educational Research, 63, 489-525.
  • Gao, X. (2015). Promoting experiential learning in pre-service teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching, 41(4), 435-438.
  • Gorsuch, G., & Beglar, D. (2004). Teaching second language acquisition courses: Views from new faculty. TESL-EJ, 8(1).
  • Kızıltan, N. (2011). Pre-service EFL teachers’ attitudes towards ‘Language Acquisition Courses’. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 7(1), 72-86.
  • Kaufman, D. (1996). Constructivist-based experiential learning in teacher education. Action in Teacher Education, 18(2), 40-50.
  • Knutson, S. (2003). Experiential learning in second-language classrooms. TESL Canada Journal, 52-64.
  • Kohonen, V., Jaatinen, R., Kaikkonen, P., & Lehtovaara, J. (Eds.). (2001). Experiential learning in foreign language education. Pearson.
  • Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Prentice-Hall.
  • MacDonald, M., Badger, R., & White, G. (2001). Changing values: What use are theories of language learning and teaching? Teaching and Teacher Education, 17, 949-63.
  • Markham, P., Rice, M., Darban, B., & Weng, T. H. (2017). Teachers’ declared intentions to shift practice to incorporate second language acquisition (SLA) theories. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 8(6), 1023-1031.
  • Mattheoudakis, M. (2007). Tracking changes in pre-service EFL teacher beliefs in Greece: A longitudinal study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(8), 1272-1288.
  • Moustakas, C. (1994). Phenomenological research methods. Sage.
  • Nazari, M., Boustani, A., & Sheikhi, M. (2022). A case study of the impact of a teacher education course on two Iranian EFL teachers’ beliefs and practices about grammar teaching. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education, 7(1), 1-19.
  • Olson, K., & Jimenez-Silva, M. (2008). The campfire effect: A preliminary analysis of preservice teachers' beliefs about teaching English language learners after state-mandated endorsement courses. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 22(3), 246-260.
  • Pajares, M. F. (1992). Teachers’ beliefs and educational research: Cleaning up a messy construct. Review of Educational Research, 62(3), 307-332.
  • Peacock, M. (2001). Pre-service ESL teachers’ beliefs about second language learning: A longitudinal study. System, 29, 177-195.
  • Pennington, M. C. (1992). Motivating English language teachers through job enrichment. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 5, 199-218.
  • Pennington, M. C. (1996). When input becomes intake: Tracing sources of teachers’ attitude change. In D. Freeman & J. C. Richards (Eds.), Teacher learning in language teaching. Cambridge.
  • Peter, L., Markham, P., & Frey, B. B. (2012). Preparing teachers for success with English language learners: Challenges and opportunities for university TESOL educators. The Teacher Educator, 47(4), 302-327.
  • Richards, J. C., & Farrell, T. S. (2005). Professional development for language teachers: Strategies for teacher learning. Cambridge University Press.
  • Thompson, A., & Erdil-Moody, Z. (2015). The role of Turkish lessons and reflective practice in teaching SLA as content. TESL-EJ, 18(4), 1-25. Retrieved from

İngilizce Öğretmen Adaylarının Dil Edinimi ve Dil Öğretimine İlişkin Kavramsal Anlayışlarının Deneyimsel Etkinliklerle Yeniden Yapılanması

Year 2024, , 11 - 25, 26.09.2024


Dil öğretmeni yetiştirme programlarının bir bileşeni olan İkinci Dil Edinimi dersi, İngilizce öğretmen adaylarının mesleki beceri ve yeterliliklerini artıran bilinçlendirmeyi ve deneyimsel etkinlikleri içermektedir. Dil edinim kuramlarının dil öğretim süreçlerine nasıl katkıda bulunduğunu anlamak için dil ediniminin dil öğretimiyle bağlantısına dair sağlam temelli bir anlayışa sahip olmaları da önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışma bu ihtiyaca cevap vermek için dil edinimi dersinin öğretmen adaylarının dil öğretimine ilişkin kavramsal değişimleri ve inançları üzerindeki etkilerini incelemiştir. Kavramsal değişimlerinin ve farkındalıklarının kapsamını belirlemek için, birinci ve ikinci dil edinimlerinin çok yönlü süreçlerini ve öğelerini çözmek için bir dil öğrenme otobiyografi projesi kullanılmıştır. Öğretmen adaylarından dil edinim kuramları dersini almadan önce kendi dil edinim süreçlerini anlatmaları ve daha sonra dil edinimi dersinde işlenen teori ve kavramlar doğrultusunda otobiyografilerini gözden geçirmeleri istenmiştir. 54 öğretmen adayından toplanan bu iki versiyonun karşılaştırılmasında içerik analizi kullanılmış ve her iki metinde ortaya çıkan temalar ve kavramlar belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, ilk versiyonların temel dilbilimsel açıklamalarla sınırlı olduğunu, gözden geçirilmiş metinlerde ise dil edinimi ve öğretimine dair bağlantıların ve öğretmen adaylarının dil edinim kuramlarınının kendi dil öğrenme yaşantıları ve dil öğretimine ilişkin bağlantılarla ayrıntılandığı saptanmıştır. Sonuçlar ışığında İngilizce öğretmen adaylarının dil edinimi ve öğretimine yönelik ilişkileri kavramsallaştırmalarına yönelik öğretimsel öneriler paylaşılmıştır.


  • Angelova, M. (2005). Using Bulgarian mini-lessons in an SLA course to improve the KAL of American ESL teachers. In N. Bartels (Ed.), Applied linguistics and language teacher education. Kluwer Academic.
  • Bartels, N. (Ed.) (2005). Applied linguistics and language teacher education. Kluwer Academic.
  • Borg, S. (2011). The impact of in-service teacher education on language teachers’ beliefs. System, 39(3), 370-380.
  • Brown, J., & McGannon, J. (1998, June). What do I know about language learning? The story of the beginning teacher. In Proceedings of the 1998 ALAA (Australian linguistics association of Australia) Congress.
  • Busch, D. (2010). Pre-service teacher beliefs about language learning: The second language acquisition course as an agent for change. Language Teaching Research 14(3), 318-337.
  • Cabaroğlu, N., & Roberts, J. (2000). Development in student teachers’ pre-existing beliefs during a 1-year PGCE programme. System, 28(3), 387-402.
  • Cheng, M. M., Chan, K. W., Tang, S. Y., & Cheng, A. Y. (2009). Pre-service teacher education students' epistemological beliefs and their conceptions of teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(2), 319-327.
  • Clark-Goff, K., & Eslami, Z. (2016). Exploring change in preservice teachers’ beliefs about English language learning and teaching. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, 4(3- Special Issue), 21-36.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2018). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches (4th ed.). Sage.
  • Denzin, N. K. (2017). The research act: A theoretical introduction to sociological methods. Transaction publishers.
  • Ellis, R. (2010). Second language acquisition, teacher education and language pedagogy. Language Teaching, 43(2), 182-201.
  • Eslami, Z. R., & Fatahi, A. (2008). Teachers’ sense of self-efficacy, English proficiency, and instructional strategies: A study of nonnative EFL teachers in Iran. TESL-EJ, 11(4), 1-19.
  • Fagan, D. (2015). Course syllabus for the second language acquisition course. Accessed January 10, 2022 from
  • Farrell, T. S. (2006). The teacher is an octopus’ uncovering preservice English language teachers’ prior beliefs through metaphor analysis. RELC Journal, 37(2), 236-248.
  • Firestone, W. A., & Pennell, J. R. (1993). Teacher commitment, working conditions, and differential incentive policies. Review of Educational Research, 63, 489-525.
  • Gao, X. (2015). Promoting experiential learning in pre-service teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching, 41(4), 435-438.
  • Gorsuch, G., & Beglar, D. (2004). Teaching second language acquisition courses: Views from new faculty. TESL-EJ, 8(1).
  • Kızıltan, N. (2011). Pre-service EFL teachers’ attitudes towards ‘Language Acquisition Courses’. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 7(1), 72-86.
  • Kaufman, D. (1996). Constructivist-based experiential learning in teacher education. Action in Teacher Education, 18(2), 40-50.
  • Knutson, S. (2003). Experiential learning in second-language classrooms. TESL Canada Journal, 52-64.
  • Kohonen, V., Jaatinen, R., Kaikkonen, P., & Lehtovaara, J. (Eds.). (2001). Experiential learning in foreign language education. Pearson.
  • Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Prentice-Hall.
  • MacDonald, M., Badger, R., & White, G. (2001). Changing values: What use are theories of language learning and teaching? Teaching and Teacher Education, 17, 949-63.
  • Markham, P., Rice, M., Darban, B., & Weng, T. H. (2017). Teachers’ declared intentions to shift practice to incorporate second language acquisition (SLA) theories. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 8(6), 1023-1031.
  • Mattheoudakis, M. (2007). Tracking changes in pre-service EFL teacher beliefs in Greece: A longitudinal study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(8), 1272-1288.
  • Moustakas, C. (1994). Phenomenological research methods. Sage.
  • Nazari, M., Boustani, A., & Sheikhi, M. (2022). A case study of the impact of a teacher education course on two Iranian EFL teachers’ beliefs and practices about grammar teaching. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education, 7(1), 1-19.
  • Olson, K., & Jimenez-Silva, M. (2008). The campfire effect: A preliminary analysis of preservice teachers' beliefs about teaching English language learners after state-mandated endorsement courses. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 22(3), 246-260.
  • Pajares, M. F. (1992). Teachers’ beliefs and educational research: Cleaning up a messy construct. Review of Educational Research, 62(3), 307-332.
  • Peacock, M. (2001). Pre-service ESL teachers’ beliefs about second language learning: A longitudinal study. System, 29, 177-195.
  • Pennington, M. C. (1992). Motivating English language teachers through job enrichment. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 5, 199-218.
  • Pennington, M. C. (1996). When input becomes intake: Tracing sources of teachers’ attitude change. In D. Freeman & J. C. Richards (Eds.), Teacher learning in language teaching. Cambridge.
  • Peter, L., Markham, P., & Frey, B. B. (2012). Preparing teachers for success with English language learners: Challenges and opportunities for university TESOL educators. The Teacher Educator, 47(4), 302-327.
  • Richards, J. C., & Farrell, T. S. (2005). Professional development for language teachers: Strategies for teacher learning. Cambridge University Press.
  • Thompson, A., & Erdil-Moody, Z. (2015). The role of Turkish lessons and reflective practice in teaching SLA as content. TESL-EJ, 18(4), 1-25. Retrieved from
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Sibel Söğüt 0000-0002-3395-7445

Early Pub Date September 26, 2024
Publication Date September 26, 2024
Submission Date April 17, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Söğüt, S. (2024). Reconstruction of Pre-Service EFL Teachers’ Conceptual Understandings About SLA and Language Pedagogy Through Experiential Tasks. Educational Academic Research(54), 11-25.

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