Etik İlkeler ve Yayın Politikası

Eurasian Journal of Anthropology (EJA) adopts an open access policy for all published manuscripts.

No application or evaluation fee is charged from the authors for the studies submitted to be published in the journal. In addition, no payment is made to authors or referees.
In order for the articles sent to the journal to be published; it must not have been previously published elsewhere, submitted for publication elsewhere, and accepted for publication elsewhere. Previously published papers are not included in the journal.

Manuscripts sent to the journal are first examined by the Editorial Board. The evaluation of the studies sent for publication is made by adhering to academic and scientific ethical values. Once your paper has been assessed for suitability by the editor, it will then be single or double blind peer reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees.

It is deemed to have been accepted by the authors that the copyrights of all the works submitted for publication in EJA have been transferred to the journal. The journal does not pay copyright to the authors for the submitted works.