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Using GIS Techniques for Modeling Noise Propagation from Mechanized Harvesting Equipment

Year 2019, , 92 - 98, 21.12.2019


The noise is a kind of environmental pollutions that
affects human health and decreases performance of people, education, and home
life. Harvesting activities in forestry are one of working environments where
noise effect is very intense. Noise is an element of environmental pollution
that is effective on human health and needs to be controlled. To evaluate the
noise effect, maps of noise propagation are used. The noise map is defined as
numerical model of noise sources. The changes in sound level determined by
measurements in certain points are shown in noise map. Noise maps are used in
calculation of average sound level if it is within acceptable limits and in
determination of risky areas where employees are adversely effected.
Computer-aided systems have been used in modeling noise propagation in recent
years. SPreAD-GIS is free program developed to estimate acoustic effects of
anthropogenic noise propagation and adapted to ArcGIS software. In this study,
it was aimed to introduce SPreAD-GIS program that can be used to model noise
propagation caused by mechanized harvesting equipment. In addition, main
factors affecting noise propagation in forest (elevation, land use type,
temperature, humidity, wind direction and intensity, climate and weather
conditions) were evaluated.

Project Number



This study is funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) with the project number 119O736.


  • Aydın, B. 2015. Noise mapping on an university campus area: case study for Istanbul Technical University Ayazaga Campus. Master Thesis, İTÜ FBE, İstanbul. 98 p.
  • Cavalli, R., Miola, P., Sartori, L. 2004. Diffusione del rumore prodotto dalla motosega in boschi con differenti forme di governo. L’Italia Forestale e Montana, 59(3): 375-390.
  • Barber, J.R., Burdett, C.L., Reed, S.E., Warner, K.A., Formichella, C., Crooks, K.R., Theobald, D.M., Fristrup, K.M., 2011. Anthropogenic noise exposure in protected natural areas: estimating the scale of ecological consequences. Landsc. Ecol. 26: 1281-1295.
  • Delaney, D.K., Grubb, T.G., Beier, P., Pater, L.L., Hildegard Reiser, M. 1999. Effects of helicopter noise on Mexican spotted owls. Journal of Wildlife Management, 63(1): 60-76.
  • Francis, C.D., Ortega, C.P., Cruz, A. 2009. Noise pollution changes avian communities and species interactions. Current Biology, 19: 1415–1419. Grade, A.M., Sieving, K.E., 2016. When the birds go unheard: highway noise disrupts information transfer between bird species. Biol. Lett. 12, 20160113.
  • Güvercin, Ö., Aybek, A. 2003. Noise Problem In Stone Pulverizing and Sieving Plants. KSU Journal of Science and Engineering. 6(2): 101-107. Italo, C., Guedes, M., Bertoli, S.R., Zannin, P.H.T. 2011. Influence of urban shapes on environmental noise: A case study in Aracaju, Brazil, Science of the Total Environment, 412-413: 66–76.
  • Keyel, A.C., Reed, S.E., McKenna, M.F., Wittemyer, G. 2017. Modeling anthropogenic noise propagation using the Sound Mapping Tools ArcGIS toolbox. Environmental Modelling & Software, 97:56-60.
  • Kleist, N.J., Guralnick, R.P., Cruz, A., Lowry, C.A., Francis, C.D. 2018. Chronic anthropogenic noise disrupts glucocorticoid signaling and has multiple effects on fitness in an avian community. PNAS, 115(4): 648-657.
  • Kurra, S. 1991. Noise, Turkey's Environmental Problems, Turkey Environment Foundation Publications, Ankara. pp. 447-484.
  • Liptai, P., Badida, M., Katarína, L., 2015. Influence of Atmospheric Conditions on Sound Propagation - Mathematical Modeling, Óbuda University e-Bulletin, 5(1): 2015-127.
  • Maraş, E.E., Maraş, H.H., Maraş, S.S., Alkış, Z. 2011. Analysis of the Prediction Method Used in Environmental Noise Mapping from GIS Data. Mapping Journal. 145: 52-60.
  • Martin, S.A., Leung, A., Pallini, P. 2005. California off-highway vehicle noise study. Wyle Laboratories, Inc., El Segundo, CA.
  • Martínez, E., Recuero, M. 2007. Comparison of Computer Software for External Noise Prediction”, 19th International Congress on Acoustics, 2-7 September, Madrid, Spain.
  • Mennitt, D., Sherrill, K., Fristrup, K., 2014. A geospatial model of ambient sound pressure levels in the contiguous United States. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135: 2746-2764.
  • Neitzel, R., Yost, M. 2001. Task-based Assessment of Occupational Vibration and Noise Exposures in Forestry Workers. The International Mountain Logging and 11th Pacific Northwest Skyline Symposium, 10-12 December, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp: 21-27.
  • Polat, S., Kırıkkaya, E.B. 2004. Effects of Noise on Education and Teaching. XIII. National Educational Sciences Congress, 6-9 July, İnönü University, Faculty of Education, Malatya, Turkey.
  • Potocnik, I., Poje, A. 2010. Noise pollution in forest environment due to forest operations. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering. 32(2): 137-148.
  • Probst, W., Huber, B. 2003. The Sound Power Level of Cities, Sound and Vibration, 37(5): 14-17.
  • Proto, A.R., Grigolato, S., Mologni, O., Macrì, G., Zimbalatti, G., Cavalli, R. 2016. Modelling noise propagation generated by forest operations: a case study in Southern Italy. Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences. 223: 841– 848.
  • Reed, S.E., Mann, J.P., Boggs, J.L. 2009. SPreAD-GIS: an ArcGIS toolbox for modeling the propagation of engine noise in a wildland setting. Version 1.2. The Wilderness Society, San Francisco, CA. 32 p.
  • Reed, S.E., Boggs, J.L., Mann, J.P., 2012. A GIS tool for modeling anthropogenic noise propagation in natural ecosystems. Environ. Model. Softw. 37: 1-5.
  • Rivas, S., Hernandz, R., Cueto, J.L. 2003. Evaluation and Prediction of Noise Pollution Levels in Urban Areas of Cdiz (Spain). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 114: 2439-2439.
  • Serin, H., Akay, A.E. 2008. Analysis of Noise Level During Logging. XIV. National Ergonomics Congress 30 October-1 November, Trabzon, Turkey. pp. 412-416.
  • Serin, H., Akay, A. E. 2010. Noise Level Analysis of a Bulldozer Used in Constructing a Forest Road in Mediterranean Region of Turkey, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(19): 2624-2628.
  • Shannon, G., McKenna, M.F., Angeloni, L.M., Crooks, K.R., Fristrup, K.M., Brown, E., Warner, K.A., Nelson, M.D., White, C., Briggs, J., McFarland, S., Wittemyer, G. 2016. A synthesis of two decades of research documenting the effects of noise on wildlife. Biol. Rev., 91: 982–1005.
  • Taş, İ., Akay, A.E., Büyüksakallı, H. 2018. Analysis of Noise Level Caused by a Chainsaw During Tree Felling Operations. INES Congress, 30 Octorber-3 November. Alanya, Turkey.
  • Yılmaz, S. 2007. Environmental and Building Acoustics Handbook for Architects and Engineers, Birsen Publications. 511 p.
Year 2019, , 92 - 98, 21.12.2019


Project Number



  • Aydın, B. 2015. Noise mapping on an university campus area: case study for Istanbul Technical University Ayazaga Campus. Master Thesis, İTÜ FBE, İstanbul. 98 p.
  • Cavalli, R., Miola, P., Sartori, L. 2004. Diffusione del rumore prodotto dalla motosega in boschi con differenti forme di governo. L’Italia Forestale e Montana, 59(3): 375-390.
  • Barber, J.R., Burdett, C.L., Reed, S.E., Warner, K.A., Formichella, C., Crooks, K.R., Theobald, D.M., Fristrup, K.M., 2011. Anthropogenic noise exposure in protected natural areas: estimating the scale of ecological consequences. Landsc. Ecol. 26: 1281-1295.
  • Delaney, D.K., Grubb, T.G., Beier, P., Pater, L.L., Hildegard Reiser, M. 1999. Effects of helicopter noise on Mexican spotted owls. Journal of Wildlife Management, 63(1): 60-76.
  • Francis, C.D., Ortega, C.P., Cruz, A. 2009. Noise pollution changes avian communities and species interactions. Current Biology, 19: 1415–1419. Grade, A.M., Sieving, K.E., 2016. When the birds go unheard: highway noise disrupts information transfer between bird species. Biol. Lett. 12, 20160113.
  • Güvercin, Ö., Aybek, A. 2003. Noise Problem In Stone Pulverizing and Sieving Plants. KSU Journal of Science and Engineering. 6(2): 101-107. Italo, C., Guedes, M., Bertoli, S.R., Zannin, P.H.T. 2011. Influence of urban shapes on environmental noise: A case study in Aracaju, Brazil, Science of the Total Environment, 412-413: 66–76.
  • Keyel, A.C., Reed, S.E., McKenna, M.F., Wittemyer, G. 2017. Modeling anthropogenic noise propagation using the Sound Mapping Tools ArcGIS toolbox. Environmental Modelling & Software, 97:56-60.
  • Kleist, N.J., Guralnick, R.P., Cruz, A., Lowry, C.A., Francis, C.D. 2018. Chronic anthropogenic noise disrupts glucocorticoid signaling and has multiple effects on fitness in an avian community. PNAS, 115(4): 648-657.
  • Kurra, S. 1991. Noise, Turkey's Environmental Problems, Turkey Environment Foundation Publications, Ankara. pp. 447-484.
  • Liptai, P., Badida, M., Katarína, L., 2015. Influence of Atmospheric Conditions on Sound Propagation - Mathematical Modeling, Óbuda University e-Bulletin, 5(1): 2015-127.
  • Maraş, E.E., Maraş, H.H., Maraş, S.S., Alkış, Z. 2011. Analysis of the Prediction Method Used in Environmental Noise Mapping from GIS Data. Mapping Journal. 145: 52-60.
  • Martin, S.A., Leung, A., Pallini, P. 2005. California off-highway vehicle noise study. Wyle Laboratories, Inc., El Segundo, CA.
  • Martínez, E., Recuero, M. 2007. Comparison of Computer Software for External Noise Prediction”, 19th International Congress on Acoustics, 2-7 September, Madrid, Spain.
  • Mennitt, D., Sherrill, K., Fristrup, K., 2014. A geospatial model of ambient sound pressure levels in the contiguous United States. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135: 2746-2764.
  • Neitzel, R., Yost, M. 2001. Task-based Assessment of Occupational Vibration and Noise Exposures in Forestry Workers. The International Mountain Logging and 11th Pacific Northwest Skyline Symposium, 10-12 December, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp: 21-27.
  • Polat, S., Kırıkkaya, E.B. 2004. Effects of Noise on Education and Teaching. XIII. National Educational Sciences Congress, 6-9 July, İnönü University, Faculty of Education, Malatya, Turkey.
  • Potocnik, I., Poje, A. 2010. Noise pollution in forest environment due to forest operations. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering. 32(2): 137-148.
  • Probst, W., Huber, B. 2003. The Sound Power Level of Cities, Sound and Vibration, 37(5): 14-17.
  • Proto, A.R., Grigolato, S., Mologni, O., Macrì, G., Zimbalatti, G., Cavalli, R. 2016. Modelling noise propagation generated by forest operations: a case study in Southern Italy. Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences. 223: 841– 848.
  • Reed, S.E., Mann, J.P., Boggs, J.L. 2009. SPreAD-GIS: an ArcGIS toolbox for modeling the propagation of engine noise in a wildland setting. Version 1.2. The Wilderness Society, San Francisco, CA. 32 p.
  • Reed, S.E., Boggs, J.L., Mann, J.P., 2012. A GIS tool for modeling anthropogenic noise propagation in natural ecosystems. Environ. Model. Softw. 37: 1-5.
  • Rivas, S., Hernandz, R., Cueto, J.L. 2003. Evaluation and Prediction of Noise Pollution Levels in Urban Areas of Cdiz (Spain). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 114: 2439-2439.
  • Serin, H., Akay, A.E. 2008. Analysis of Noise Level During Logging. XIV. National Ergonomics Congress 30 October-1 November, Trabzon, Turkey. pp. 412-416.
  • Serin, H., Akay, A. E. 2010. Noise Level Analysis of a Bulldozer Used in Constructing a Forest Road in Mediterranean Region of Turkey, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(19): 2624-2628.
  • Shannon, G., McKenna, M.F., Angeloni, L.M., Crooks, K.R., Fristrup, K.M., Brown, E., Warner, K.A., Nelson, M.D., White, C., Briggs, J., McFarland, S., Wittemyer, G. 2016. A synthesis of two decades of research documenting the effects of noise on wildlife. Biol. Rev., 91: 982–1005.
  • Taş, İ., Akay, A.E., Büyüksakallı, H. 2018. Analysis of Noise Level Caused by a Chainsaw During Tree Felling Operations. INES Congress, 30 Octorber-3 November. Alanya, Turkey.
  • Yılmaz, S. 2007. Environmental and Building Acoustics Handbook for Architects and Engineers, Birsen Publications. 511 p.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Review Article

Abdullah Emin Akay 0000-0001-6558-9029

H. Hulusi Acar 0000-0001-7864-1009

Project Number TUBITAK 119O736
Publication Date December 21, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Akay, A. E., & Acar, H. H. (2019). Using GIS Techniques for Modeling Noise Propagation from Mechanized Harvesting Equipment. European Journal of Forest Engineering, 5(2), 92-98. https://doi.org/10.33904/ejfe.635715

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The works published in European Journal of Forest Engineering (EJFE) are licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.