Article Evaluation Process

Articles sent for publication to the Eurasian Journal of Science Engineering and Technology go through the following processes.

1) Pre-Check
If the article is prepared according to the article template of the journal and within the scope of the journal, as a result of the pre-evaluation made by the editor or co-editor, it is directed to the relevant Field Editor.

2) Scientific Evaluation
In the scientific evaluation process of the article, Blind Refereeing is applied. In this process;

• The field editor sends the article to at least three reviewers, who are experts in their fields, through the DergiPark system. This process is carried out using the double-blind referee evaluation method. After the evaluations submitted by the reviewers are reviewed by the field editor, the result is sent to the responsible author of the article as acceptance, rejection or revision via the DergiPark system.

• For the article requested to be revised, the opinions of the reviewers are forwarded to the corresponding author of the article via the DergiPark system and the necessary changes are requested. Corresponding author submits the article revised in line with the reviewer comments and the reply file prepared in response to the reviewer comments to the editor who receives it through the DergiPark system.

• If the revised article and answer file are requested by the reviewers for review, they are sent again to the reviewers and the reviewers send an evaluation report for the article they have reviewed again. According to this evaluation report, the field editor re-transmits the decision of acceptance, rejection or revision to the corresponding author. The revision process continues until the decision of acceptance or rejection of the article is made.

• The articles for which the acceptance decision is made are sent to the layout editor for the layout stage and language editor for the language check after getting their doi numbers on the DergiPark system.

3) Proofreading Process
After the layout of the accepted article is arranged, it is sent to the corresponding author for proof through the DergiPark system. The article, which was examined for the last time in terms of form and content by the corresponding author, is uploaded again through the DergiPark system. The printing of the article, whose proof reading process is not completed by the corresponding author, is suspended until the proof reading process is completed. The article, whose proof reading process is completed by the corresponding author, is published in the next edition.

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 30.09.2024 11:35:01