Research Article
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Year 2017, , 238 - 248, 01.07.2017



  • Abbas, Z., Akmal, M., Khan, K.S., Hassan, F., 2014. Effect of buctril super (Bromoxynil) herbicide on soil microbial biomass and bacterial population. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 57(1): 9-14.
  • Ahmad, I., Malloch, D., 1995. Interaction of soil microflora with the bioherbicide phosphinothricin. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 54(3): 165–174.
  • Ahn, I.P., 2008. Glufosinate ammonium-induced pathogen inhibition and defense responses culminate in disease protection in bar-transgenic rice.. Plant Physiology 146(1): 213–227.
  • Anderson, J.A., Kolmer, J.A., 2005. Rust control in glyphosate tolerant wheat following application of the herbicide glyphosate. Plant Disease 89(11): 1136–1142.
  • Anderson, J.P.E., Armstrong, R.A., Smith, S.N., 1981. Methods to evaluate pesticide damage to the biomass of the soil microflora. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 13(2): 149-153.
  • Ayansina, A.D.V., Ogunshe, A.A.O., Fagade, O.E., 2003. Environment impact assessment and microbiologist: An overview. In: Proceedings of 11th Annual National Conference of Environment and Behaviour Association of Nigeria. (EBAN). pp. 26-27.
  • Ayansina, A.D.V., Oso, B.A., 2006. Effect of two commonly used herbicides on soil microflora at two different concentrations. African Journal of Biotechnology 5(2): 129-132.
  • Baćmaga, M.,Borowik, A.,Kucharski, J.,Tomkiel, M.,Wyszkowska, J., 2015. Microbial and enzymatic activity of soil contaminated with a mixture of diflufenican + mesosulfuron-methyl + iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22(1): 643–656.
  • Barnett, H.L., Hunter, B.B., 1972. Illustrated genera of imperfect fungi. 3rd edition, Burgess Publishing Co., 273 pp.
  • Battaglin, W.A., Kolpin, D.A. Scribner, E.A. Kuivila, K.M., Sandstrom, M.W., 2005. Glyphosate, other herbicides, and transformation products in midwestern streams, 20021. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 41(2): 323-332.
  • Bentley, R., 1990. The shikimate pathway- a metabollic tree with many branche. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 25(5); 307-384.
  • Borowik, A., Wyszkowska, J., Kucharski, J., Baćmaga, M., Tomkiel, M., 2017. Response of microorganisms and enzymes to soil contamination with a mixture of terbuthylazine, mesotrione, and S-metolachlor. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (In press) pp.1-16.
  • Bremner, J.M., 1960. Determination of nitrogen in soil by Kjeldahl method. The Journal of Agricultural Science 55(1): 11-33.
  • Cerkauskas, R.F., Sinclair, J.B., 1982. Effect of paraquat on soybean pathogens and tissues. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 78(3): 495–502.
  • Cox, C., 2001. Herbicide factsheet, atrazine: Toxicology. Journal of Pesticide Reform 21(2).
  • Cupples, A.M., Sanford, R.A., Sims, G.K., 2005. Dehalogenation of the herbicides bromoxynil (3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile) and ioxynil (3,5-diiodino-4-hydroxybenzonitrile) by Desulfitobacterium chlororespirans. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71(7): 3741-3746.
  • Das, A., Prasad, R., Bhatnagar, K., Lavekar, G.S., Varma, A., 2006. Synergism between medicinal plants and microbes. In: Microbes: Health and Environment, Chauhan, A.K., Varma A. (Eds.). IK. International Publication House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India. pp: 13–64.
  • Das, A.C., Das, S.J., Dey, S., 2012. Effect of herbicides on microbial biomass in relation to availability of plant nutrients in soil. Journal of Crop and Weed 8(1): 129-132.
  • De Lorenzo, M.E., Scott, G.I., Ross, P.E., 2001. Toxicity of pesticides to aquatic microorganisms: A review. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20(1): 84-98.
  • El-Ghamry, A.M., Chang-Huang, Y., Jian-Ming, X, Zheng-Miao, X., 2000. Changes in soil biological properties with the addition of metsulfuron-methyl herbicide. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A 1(4): 442–447.
  • Franz, J.E., Mao, M.K., Sikorski, J.A., 1997. Glyphosate: A unique global herbicide. American Chemical Society. Washington DC, USA. 653 p.
  • Gee, G.W., Bauder, J.W., 1986. Particle size analysis. In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1, Physical and Minerological Methods. 2d edition. Klute, A. (Ed.). American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 383-411.
  • Hance, R.J., 1980. Interactions between herbicides and the soil. Academic Press, London, UK. 349p.
  • Hoerlein, G., 1994. Glufosinate (phosphinothricin), a natural amino acid with unexpected herbicidal properties. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 138: 73–145.
  • Hütsch, B.W., 2001. Methane oxidation in non-flooded soils as affected by crop production-invited paper. European Journal of Agronomy 14(4): 237-260.
  • Jayamadhuri, R., Rangaswamy, V., 2005. Influence of orghorous and carbamate insecticides on enzymatic activities of amylase, cellulase and invertase in two groundnut soil. Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology 4: 385-393.
  • Jayasumana, C., Gunatilake, S., Senanayake, P., 2014. Glyphosate, Hard Water and Nephrotoxic Metals: Are They the Culprits Behind the Epidemic of Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health 11(2): 2125–2147.
  • Kalia, A., S. K., Gosal., 2011. Effect of pesticide application on soil microorganisms. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 57(6): 25- 38
  • Kunc, A., F., Tichy, P., Vancura, V., 1985. 2-4 dichlorophetexoxy acetic acid in the soil: Mineralization and changes in the counts of bacteria decomposer. Versailles Ed.INRA Publ (Les Colloques de I’NRA No. 31).
  • Meriles, J.M., Vargas Gil, S., Haro, R.J., March, G.J., Guzmán, C.A., 2006. Glyphosate and Previous Crop Residue Effect on Deleterious and Beneficial Soil-borne Fungi from a Peanut–Corn–Soybean Rotations. Journal of Phytopathology 154(5): 309–316.
  • National Pesticide Information Center, 2010. Glyphosate technical fact sheet (revised June 2015). Retrieved September 1, 2015. Available at:
  • Nongthombam, S., Nayek, H., Das, A.C., 2008. Effect of anilofos and pendimethalin herbicides on N2-fixing and phosphate solubilizing microorganisms in relation to availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in a Typic haplustept soil. Journal of Crop and Weed 4: 1-6.
  • Novak, A., Michalcewic W., Jakubiszyn B. 1999. Effect of fertilization with manure, straw and biohumus on numbers of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and microbial biomass in soil. Rzecz Nauki Polskiej /AR Szczecini 57: 101-113.
  • Okalebo, J.R., Gathua, K.W., Woomer, P.L., 2002. Laboratory methods of soil and plant analysis: A working manual. 2nd Edition. TSBF-CIAT and SACRED Africa, Nairobi, Kenya. 128 pp.
  • Pandey, R.R., Sharma, G., Tripathi, S.K., Singh A.K., 2007. Litterfall, litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics in a subtropical natural oak forest and managed plantation in northeastern India. Forest Ecology and Management 240(1-3): 96-106.
  • Rao, P.S.C., Davidson, J.M., 1980. Estimation of pesticide retention and transformation parameters required in nonpoint source pollution models. In: Environmental Impact of Non-point source Pollution. Overcash, M.R., Davidson, J.M. (Eds.). Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Ann Arbor, MI, 10-114.
  • Riaz, M., Jamil, M., Mahmood, T.Z., 2007. Yield and yield components of maize as affected by various weed control methods under rain-fed conditions of Pakistan. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 9(1);152–155.
  • Romero, M.C., Urrutia, M.I., Reinoso, E.H., Kiernan, A.M., 2009. Wild soil fungi able to degrade the herbicide isoproturon. Revista Mexicana De Micologia 29: 1–7.
  • Sannino, F., Gianfreda, L., 2001. Pesticide influence on soil enzymatic activities. Chemosphere 45(4-5); 417-425.
  • Sebiomo, A., Ogundero, V.W., Bankole, S.A., 2011. Effects of four herbicides on microbial population, soil organic matter and dehydrogenase activity. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(5): 770–778.
  • Shaner D.L., Leonard. P., 2001. Regulatory aspects of resistance management for herbicides and other crop protection products. In: Herbicide resistance and World grains, Powles, S.B. Shaner, D.L. (Eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA. pp; 279-291.
  • Simon-Sylvestre, G, Fournier, J.C., 1980. Effects of pesticides on soil micro flora. Advances in Agronomy 31: 1-92.
  • Slade, P., 1965. Photochemical degradation of paraquat. Nature 207: 515-516.
  • Smith, E.A., Mayfield, C.I., 1977. Effects of paraquat on selected microbial activities in soil. Microbial Ecology 3(4): 333–343.
  • Taiwo, L.B., Oso, B.A., 1997. The influence of some pesticides on soil microbial flora in relation to changes in nutrient level, rock phosphate solubilization and P release under laboratory conditions. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 65(1): 59-68.
  • USDA, 2003. A compendium of on-line soil survey information: soil classification systems. Available at:
  • Varshney, S., Hayat, S., Alyemeni, M.N., Ahmad, A., 2012. Effects of herbicide applications in wheat fields; Is phytohormones application a remedy? Plant Signaling and Behaviour 7(5): 570–575.
  • Walkey, A., Black, I.A., 1934. An examination of Degtjareff method for determining soil organic matter and proposed modification of chromic acid titration method. Soil Science 37: 29-37
  • Wauchope, R.D., Buttler, T.M., Hornsby, A.G., Augustijn-Beckers, P.W.M., Burt, J.P., 1992. SCS/ARS/CES Pesticide properties database for environmental decision making. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 123: 1-155.
  • Weaver, M.A., Krutz, L.J., Zablotowicz, R.M., Reddy, K.N., 2007. Effects of glyphosate on soil microbial communities and its mineralization in a Mississippi soil. Pesticide Management Science 63(4): 388–393.
  • Westerhuis, D., Vawdrey L.L., Piper, R., 2007. An in vitro study into the effect of glyphosate on Sclerotium rolfsii. Australasian Plant Disease Notes 2(1): 23–24.
  • Wiegand, C., Krause, E., Steinberg, C., Pflugmacher, S., 2001. Toxicokinetics of Atrazine in Embryos of the Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 49(3); 199-205.
  • Xia, X., M. Zhao, M., Wang, H., Ma, H., 2012. Influence of butachlor on soil enzymes and microbial growth. Food, Agriculture and Environment 9(2): 753-756.
  • Yaron, B., Gerstl, Z., Spencer, W.F., 1985. Behaviour of herbicides in irrigated soils. In: Advances in Soil Science. Steward, B.A. (Ed.). Volume 3. Springer-Verlag, New York, USA. pp.121-211
  • Zain, N.M.M., Mohamad, R.B., Sijam, K., Morshed, M.M., Awang, Y., 2013. Effects of selected herbicides on soil microbial populations in oil palm plantation of Malaysia: a microcosom experiment, African Journal of Microbiology Research 7(5): 367-374.

Glyphosate, 1,1’- dimethyl-4,4’-bipyridinium dichloride and Atrazine induces changes in Soil organic carbon, bacterial and fungal communities in a tropical alfisol

Year 2017, , 238 - 248, 01.07.2017


The increasing use of
agrochemicals for weed control has raised concerns about their ecotoxicological
effects on soil micro-biota communities and soil functions which serve as
indicators of soil quality. Thus, this study was conducted to evaluate the
effects of continuous field applied herbicides glyphosate, paraquat, atrazine
and their combined forms over a period of five years on soil organic carbon,
bacterial and fungal population in Akure, Ondo State Nigeria. Soil samples from
farmer’s field which have been exposed to continuous herbicide application were
collected and analysed for physio-chemical properties, organic carbon, total
bacterial and fungal population. Simultaneously, soil samples designated as
control were collected from adjacent fields with no history of herbicide
application and analysed. Results showed a significant (P=0.05) 86% and 128%
increase in bacterial population from glyphosate and atrazine treated fields
respectively and 42% decrease in paraquat and Glyphosate + paraquat fields when
compared with the untreated field.
A significant 35% decrease in fungal population
was observed in fields applied with atrazine and a further 10% decrease in
fungal populations in all herbicide treated fields irrespective of herbicide
type and combinations when compared with the untreated field. These changes
also correlates with the abundance of beneficial microbes such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas
fluorescens, Proteus mirabilis, Aspergillus flavius
with a probable
influence on plant growth promotion and potentials for biodegradation of
persistent herbicides. SOC, SOM and pH was significantly (P=0.05) increased in
atrazine and atrazine + paraquat treated fields when compared with the
untreated fields and other herbicide treatments.


  • Abbas, Z., Akmal, M., Khan, K.S., Hassan, F., 2014. Effect of buctril super (Bromoxynil) herbicide on soil microbial biomass and bacterial population. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 57(1): 9-14.
  • Ahmad, I., Malloch, D., 1995. Interaction of soil microflora with the bioherbicide phosphinothricin. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 54(3): 165–174.
  • Ahn, I.P., 2008. Glufosinate ammonium-induced pathogen inhibition and defense responses culminate in disease protection in bar-transgenic rice.. Plant Physiology 146(1): 213–227.
  • Anderson, J.A., Kolmer, J.A., 2005. Rust control in glyphosate tolerant wheat following application of the herbicide glyphosate. Plant Disease 89(11): 1136–1142.
  • Anderson, J.P.E., Armstrong, R.A., Smith, S.N., 1981. Methods to evaluate pesticide damage to the biomass of the soil microflora. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 13(2): 149-153.
  • Ayansina, A.D.V., Ogunshe, A.A.O., Fagade, O.E., 2003. Environment impact assessment and microbiologist: An overview. In: Proceedings of 11th Annual National Conference of Environment and Behaviour Association of Nigeria. (EBAN). pp. 26-27.
  • Ayansina, A.D.V., Oso, B.A., 2006. Effect of two commonly used herbicides on soil microflora at two different concentrations. African Journal of Biotechnology 5(2): 129-132.
  • Baćmaga, M.,Borowik, A.,Kucharski, J.,Tomkiel, M.,Wyszkowska, J., 2015. Microbial and enzymatic activity of soil contaminated with a mixture of diflufenican + mesosulfuron-methyl + iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22(1): 643–656.
  • Barnett, H.L., Hunter, B.B., 1972. Illustrated genera of imperfect fungi. 3rd edition, Burgess Publishing Co., 273 pp.
  • Battaglin, W.A., Kolpin, D.A. Scribner, E.A. Kuivila, K.M., Sandstrom, M.W., 2005. Glyphosate, other herbicides, and transformation products in midwestern streams, 20021. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 41(2): 323-332.
  • Bentley, R., 1990. The shikimate pathway- a metabollic tree with many branche. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 25(5); 307-384.
  • Borowik, A., Wyszkowska, J., Kucharski, J., Baćmaga, M., Tomkiel, M., 2017. Response of microorganisms and enzymes to soil contamination with a mixture of terbuthylazine, mesotrione, and S-metolachlor. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (In press) pp.1-16.
  • Bremner, J.M., 1960. Determination of nitrogen in soil by Kjeldahl method. The Journal of Agricultural Science 55(1): 11-33.
  • Cerkauskas, R.F., Sinclair, J.B., 1982. Effect of paraquat on soybean pathogens and tissues. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 78(3): 495–502.
  • Cox, C., 2001. Herbicide factsheet, atrazine: Toxicology. Journal of Pesticide Reform 21(2).
  • Cupples, A.M., Sanford, R.A., Sims, G.K., 2005. Dehalogenation of the herbicides bromoxynil (3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile) and ioxynil (3,5-diiodino-4-hydroxybenzonitrile) by Desulfitobacterium chlororespirans. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71(7): 3741-3746.
  • Das, A., Prasad, R., Bhatnagar, K., Lavekar, G.S., Varma, A., 2006. Synergism between medicinal plants and microbes. In: Microbes: Health and Environment, Chauhan, A.K., Varma A. (Eds.). IK. International Publication House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India. pp: 13–64.
  • Das, A.C., Das, S.J., Dey, S., 2012. Effect of herbicides on microbial biomass in relation to availability of plant nutrients in soil. Journal of Crop and Weed 8(1): 129-132.
  • De Lorenzo, M.E., Scott, G.I., Ross, P.E., 2001. Toxicity of pesticides to aquatic microorganisms: A review. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20(1): 84-98.
  • El-Ghamry, A.M., Chang-Huang, Y., Jian-Ming, X, Zheng-Miao, X., 2000. Changes in soil biological properties with the addition of metsulfuron-methyl herbicide. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A 1(4): 442–447.
  • Franz, J.E., Mao, M.K., Sikorski, J.A., 1997. Glyphosate: A unique global herbicide. American Chemical Society. Washington DC, USA. 653 p.
  • Gee, G.W., Bauder, J.W., 1986. Particle size analysis. In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1, Physical and Minerological Methods. 2d edition. Klute, A. (Ed.). American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 383-411.
  • Hance, R.J., 1980. Interactions between herbicides and the soil. Academic Press, London, UK. 349p.
  • Hoerlein, G., 1994. Glufosinate (phosphinothricin), a natural amino acid with unexpected herbicidal properties. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 138: 73–145.
  • Hütsch, B.W., 2001. Methane oxidation in non-flooded soils as affected by crop production-invited paper. European Journal of Agronomy 14(4): 237-260.
  • Jayamadhuri, R., Rangaswamy, V., 2005. Influence of orghorous and carbamate insecticides on enzymatic activities of amylase, cellulase and invertase in two groundnut soil. Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology 4: 385-393.
  • Jayasumana, C., Gunatilake, S., Senanayake, P., 2014. Glyphosate, Hard Water and Nephrotoxic Metals: Are They the Culprits Behind the Epidemic of Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health 11(2): 2125–2147.
  • Kalia, A., S. K., Gosal., 2011. Effect of pesticide application on soil microorganisms. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 57(6): 25- 38
  • Kunc, A., F., Tichy, P., Vancura, V., 1985. 2-4 dichlorophetexoxy acetic acid in the soil: Mineralization and changes in the counts of bacteria decomposer. Versailles Ed.INRA Publ (Les Colloques de I’NRA No. 31).
  • Meriles, J.M., Vargas Gil, S., Haro, R.J., March, G.J., Guzmán, C.A., 2006. Glyphosate and Previous Crop Residue Effect on Deleterious and Beneficial Soil-borne Fungi from a Peanut–Corn–Soybean Rotations. Journal of Phytopathology 154(5): 309–316.
  • National Pesticide Information Center, 2010. Glyphosate technical fact sheet (revised June 2015). Retrieved September 1, 2015. Available at:
  • Nongthombam, S., Nayek, H., Das, A.C., 2008. Effect of anilofos and pendimethalin herbicides on N2-fixing and phosphate solubilizing microorganisms in relation to availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in a Typic haplustept soil. Journal of Crop and Weed 4: 1-6.
  • Novak, A., Michalcewic W., Jakubiszyn B. 1999. Effect of fertilization with manure, straw and biohumus on numbers of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and microbial biomass in soil. Rzecz Nauki Polskiej /AR Szczecini 57: 101-113.
  • Okalebo, J.R., Gathua, K.W., Woomer, P.L., 2002. Laboratory methods of soil and plant analysis: A working manual. 2nd Edition. TSBF-CIAT and SACRED Africa, Nairobi, Kenya. 128 pp.
  • Pandey, R.R., Sharma, G., Tripathi, S.K., Singh A.K., 2007. Litterfall, litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics in a subtropical natural oak forest and managed plantation in northeastern India. Forest Ecology and Management 240(1-3): 96-106.
  • Rao, P.S.C., Davidson, J.M., 1980. Estimation of pesticide retention and transformation parameters required in nonpoint source pollution models. In: Environmental Impact of Non-point source Pollution. Overcash, M.R., Davidson, J.M. (Eds.). Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Ann Arbor, MI, 10-114.
  • Riaz, M., Jamil, M., Mahmood, T.Z., 2007. Yield and yield components of maize as affected by various weed control methods under rain-fed conditions of Pakistan. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 9(1);152–155.
  • Romero, M.C., Urrutia, M.I., Reinoso, E.H., Kiernan, A.M., 2009. Wild soil fungi able to degrade the herbicide isoproturon. Revista Mexicana De Micologia 29: 1–7.
  • Sannino, F., Gianfreda, L., 2001. Pesticide influence on soil enzymatic activities. Chemosphere 45(4-5); 417-425.
  • Sebiomo, A., Ogundero, V.W., Bankole, S.A., 2011. Effects of four herbicides on microbial population, soil organic matter and dehydrogenase activity. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(5): 770–778.
  • Shaner D.L., Leonard. P., 2001. Regulatory aspects of resistance management for herbicides and other crop protection products. In: Herbicide resistance and World grains, Powles, S.B. Shaner, D.L. (Eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA. pp; 279-291.
  • Simon-Sylvestre, G, Fournier, J.C., 1980. Effects of pesticides on soil micro flora. Advances in Agronomy 31: 1-92.
  • Slade, P., 1965. Photochemical degradation of paraquat. Nature 207: 515-516.
  • Smith, E.A., Mayfield, C.I., 1977. Effects of paraquat on selected microbial activities in soil. Microbial Ecology 3(4): 333–343.
  • Taiwo, L.B., Oso, B.A., 1997. The influence of some pesticides on soil microbial flora in relation to changes in nutrient level, rock phosphate solubilization and P release under laboratory conditions. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 65(1): 59-68.
  • USDA, 2003. A compendium of on-line soil survey information: soil classification systems. Available at:
  • Varshney, S., Hayat, S., Alyemeni, M.N., Ahmad, A., 2012. Effects of herbicide applications in wheat fields; Is phytohormones application a remedy? Plant Signaling and Behaviour 7(5): 570–575.
  • Walkey, A., Black, I.A., 1934. An examination of Degtjareff method for determining soil organic matter and proposed modification of chromic acid titration method. Soil Science 37: 29-37
  • Wauchope, R.D., Buttler, T.M., Hornsby, A.G., Augustijn-Beckers, P.W.M., Burt, J.P., 1992. SCS/ARS/CES Pesticide properties database for environmental decision making. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 123: 1-155.
  • Weaver, M.A., Krutz, L.J., Zablotowicz, R.M., Reddy, K.N., 2007. Effects of glyphosate on soil microbial communities and its mineralization in a Mississippi soil. Pesticide Management Science 63(4): 388–393.
  • Westerhuis, D., Vawdrey L.L., Piper, R., 2007. An in vitro study into the effect of glyphosate on Sclerotium rolfsii. Australasian Plant Disease Notes 2(1): 23–24.
  • Wiegand, C., Krause, E., Steinberg, C., Pflugmacher, S., 2001. Toxicokinetics of Atrazine in Embryos of the Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 49(3); 199-205.
  • Xia, X., M. Zhao, M., Wang, H., Ma, H., 2012. Influence of butachlor on soil enzymes and microbial growth. Food, Agriculture and Environment 9(2): 753-756.
  • Yaron, B., Gerstl, Z., Spencer, W.F., 1985. Behaviour of herbicides in irrigated soils. In: Advances in Soil Science. Steward, B.A. (Ed.). Volume 3. Springer-Verlag, New York, USA. pp.121-211
  • Zain, N.M.M., Mohamad, R.B., Sijam, K., Morshed, M.M., Awang, Y., 2013. Effects of selected herbicides on soil microbial populations in oil palm plantation of Malaysia: a microcosom experiment, African Journal of Microbiology Research 7(5): 367-374.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Segun Oladele This is me

Olatunde Ayodele This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Oladele, S., & Ayodele, O. (2017). Glyphosate, 1,1’- dimethyl-4,4’-bipyridinium dichloride and Atrazine induces changes in Soil organic carbon, bacterial and fungal communities in a tropical alfisol. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 6(3), 238-248.