Research Article
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Phosphorus release dynamics under phosphate rock and ammonium sulphate in soil amendment

Year 2017, , 312 - 318, 01.10.2017


This study was undertaken to assess the release
pattern of available phosphorus in a Togo phosphate rock and ammonium sulphate
soil amendment. Treatments were prepared through the combinations of soil,
phosphate rock (PR) and ammonium sulphate (AS) fertilizer. The treatments were;
Control, 12.5g PR, 25g PR, 12.5g PR+1g AS, 12.5g PR+2g AS, 25.0g PR+1g AS and
25.0g PR+2g AS kg-1 soil. Standard laboratory methods were used to
assess pH, available phosphorus (P) and total phosphorus (P). Generally, the pH
of treatments decreased to the lowest levels between the 4th and 6th
weeks after amendment. The AS fertilizer treatments had significantly (p≤0.05)
lower pH values than those without. Amendments with the 2gAS kg-1
soil had significantly (p≤0.05) lower mean pH values than those with the 1gAS
kg-1 soil. The AS fertilizer treatments also had significantly (p ≤
0.05) higher levels of the available P than those without. The higher the
amount of the AS in the amendment, the higher the level of the available P
concentration. Increase in the level of AS in the amendment also increased the
mean value of the available P released. The peaks of available P released were
observed between the 6th and the 8th weeks, after the
lowest pH values had been attained. Decreased soil pH relatively increased the
amount of phosphorus released (
y = -12.47x + 111.4; R2=0.53).
Addition of PR in the treatments increased the total P levels. In conclusion,
combined application of AS and PR has the potential to increase soil P
availability, which is beneficial to crop farmers.


  • Agyarko, K., Abunyewa, A.A., Asiedu, A.K., Heva, E., 2016. Dissolution of rock phosphate in animal manure soil amendment and lettuce growth. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 5(2): 84-88.
  • Anderson, J.M., Ingram, J.S.I., 1989. Tropical soil biology and fertility: A handbook of methods. CAB International. Wallingford, UK.
  • Apthorp, J. N., Hedley, M. J., Tillman, R. W., 1987. The effects of nitrogen fertilizer form on the plant availability of phosphate from soil, phosphate rock and mono-calcium phosphate. Fertilizer Research 12(3):269–283.
  • Bationo, A., 2009. Constraints and new opportunities for achieving a green revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa through Integrated Soil Fertility Management. The Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI. Available at [13.01.2017]::
  • Bolan, N. S., Hedley, M. J., 2003. Role of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles in soil acidification. In: Handbook of soil acidity. Rengel, Z. (Ed.). Marcel Dekker. New York, USA. pp. 29–56.
  • Bray, R. H., Kurtz, L. T., 1945. Determination of total, organic and available forms of phosphorus in soils. Soil Science 59(1): 39–46.
  • Buresh, J. R., Smithson, P.C., 1997. Building soil phosphorus capital in Africa. In: Replenishing soil fertility in Africa. Buresh R.J. et al. (Eds.). SSSA Special Publications 51. SSSA, Madison, WI, USA. pp.111-150.
  • Caravaca, F., Alguacil, M.M., Azcón, R., Dı́az, G., Roldán, A., 2004. Comparing the effectiveness of mycorrhizal inoculation and amendment with sugar beet, rock phosphate and Aspergillus niger to enhance field performance of the leguminous shrub Dorycnium pentaphyllum L. Applied Soil Ecology 25(2): 169‒180.
  • Chien, S.H., 1979. Dissolution of phosphate rock in acid soils as influenced by nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. Soil Science 127: 371–376.
  • Delvasto, P., Valverde, A., Ballester, A., Igual, J.M., Muñoz, J.A., González, F.,Blázquez, M.L., García, C., 2006. Characterization of brushite as a re-crystallization product formed during bacterial solubilization of hydroxyapatite in batch cultures. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38(9): 2645‒2654.
  • Dorozhkin, S.V., 2012. Dissolution mechanism of calcium apatites in acids: A review of literature. World Journal of Methodology 2(1): 1–17.
  • Fageria, N.K., sos Santos, A.B., Moraes, M.F., 2010. Influence of urea and ammonium sulphate on soil acidity indices in lowland rice production. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 41(13): 1565–1575.
  • Ferrari, S., Júnior, E.F., Grava de Godoy, L.J., Ferrari, J.V., Oliveira de Souza, W.J., Alves, E., 2015. Effects on soil chemical attributes and cotton yield from ammonium sulfate and cover crops. Acta Scientiarum Agronomy 37(1): 75-83.
  • Friesen, D.K., Sale, P.W.G., Blair, G.J., 1987. Long-term greenhouse evaluation of partially acidulated phosphate rock fertilizers II. Effect of cogranulation with elemental S on availability of P from two phosphate rocks. Fertilizer Research 13: 45-54.
  • Ghosal, P.K., Chakraborty, T., 2012. Comparative solubility study of four phosphatic fertilizers in different solvents and the effect of soil. Resources and Environment 2(4): 175-179.
  • Hellal, F.A., Nagumo, F., Zewainy, R.M., 2012. Influence of phospho-composting on enhancing phosphorus solubility from inactive rock phosphate. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 6(5): 268-276. IPNI (International Plant Nutrition Institute), 2016. Ammonium Sulphate No. 12. USA. Available at [13.01.2017]:$FILE/NSS-12%20Ammonium%20Sulfate.pdf
  • IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture), 1985. Laboratory manual of selected methods for soil and plant analysis. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria.
  • Kumari, K., Phogat, V.K., 2008. Rock phosphate: its availability and solubilization in the soil – A review. Agricultural Reviews 29 (2): 108 – 116.
  • Kumar, C.S., Rajeew, K., Singh, A. K., Rakesh, K., 2015. Effect of acidulated rock phosphate on growth yield attributes and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 49(6): 574-576.
  • Lluch, C., Olivares, J., 1979. Effect of elemental sulphur and sulphate on soil microflora. Agrochimica 23(2/3): 273-278.
  • Lorion, R.M., 2004. Rock phosphate, manure and compost use in Garlic and potato systems in a high Intermontane valley in Bolivia. Master Science Thesis, Washington State University, USA. Available at [13.01.2017]:
  • Morris, M., Kelly, V.A., Kopicki, R.J., Byerlee, D., 2007. Fertilizer use in African Agriculture: lessons learned and good practices guide-line. World Bank, Washington, USA. 144p.
  • Müftüoğlu, N.M., Sarımehmet, M., 1993. Soil acidity of the tea soils of the Eastern Black Sea Region. Ege University Journal of Agricultural Faculty 30(3): 41-48.
  • Osman, M.A., 2015. Studies on the Possible use of Rock phosphate in Agriculture. International Journal of Chem Tech Research 8(10): 53 - 68.
  • Prasanna, A., Deepa, V., Murthy, P.B., Deecaraman, M., Sridhar, R., Dhandapani, P., 2011. Insoluble phosphate solubilization by bacterial strains isolated from rice rhizosphere soils from Southern India. International Journal of Soil Science 6(2): 134‒141.
  • Penn State Agronomy Guide, 2017. Nitrogen Fertilizers. Available at [13.01.2017]:
  • Rajan, S.S.S., O'Connor, M.B., Sinclair, A.G., 1994. Partially acidulated phosphate rocks: Controlled release phosphorus fertilizers for more sustainable agriculture. Fertilizer Research 37(1): 69 -78.
  • Rodríguez, H., Fraga, R., Gonzalez, T., Bashan, Y., 2006. Genetics of phosphate solubilization and its potential applications for improving plant growth-promoting bacteria. Plant and Soil 287(1): 15‒21.
  • Rowell, D.L., 1994. Soil science: methods and applications. Longman Group Ltd., London, UK.
  • Ullah, B., Ullah, A., Khan, S. A., Rehaman, A. U., Khan, M. J., Khan, S. A., Irfan, M., 2012. Effect of acidulated rock phosphate on micronutrients uptake by maize. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 7(8): 638- 644.
  • Van den Berghe, C.H., 1996. The effect of Matongo rock phosphate and urea as compared to di-ammonium phosphate in the composting process and the yield of potatoes in the Mugamba region in Burundi. Fertilizer Research 45(1): 51-59.
  • Zapata, F., Roy, R.N., 2004. Use of phosphate rocks for sustainable agriculture. FAO Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin 13, Rome, Italy.
Year 2017, , 312 - 318, 01.10.2017



  • Agyarko, K., Abunyewa, A.A., Asiedu, A.K., Heva, E., 2016. Dissolution of rock phosphate in animal manure soil amendment and lettuce growth. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 5(2): 84-88.
  • Anderson, J.M., Ingram, J.S.I., 1989. Tropical soil biology and fertility: A handbook of methods. CAB International. Wallingford, UK.
  • Apthorp, J. N., Hedley, M. J., Tillman, R. W., 1987. The effects of nitrogen fertilizer form on the plant availability of phosphate from soil, phosphate rock and mono-calcium phosphate. Fertilizer Research 12(3):269–283.
  • Bationo, A., 2009. Constraints and new opportunities for achieving a green revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa through Integrated Soil Fertility Management. The Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI. Available at [13.01.2017]::
  • Bolan, N. S., Hedley, M. J., 2003. Role of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles in soil acidification. In: Handbook of soil acidity. Rengel, Z. (Ed.). Marcel Dekker. New York, USA. pp. 29–56.
  • Bray, R. H., Kurtz, L. T., 1945. Determination of total, organic and available forms of phosphorus in soils. Soil Science 59(1): 39–46.
  • Buresh, J. R., Smithson, P.C., 1997. Building soil phosphorus capital in Africa. In: Replenishing soil fertility in Africa. Buresh R.J. et al. (Eds.). SSSA Special Publications 51. SSSA, Madison, WI, USA. pp.111-150.
  • Caravaca, F., Alguacil, M.M., Azcón, R., Dı́az, G., Roldán, A., 2004. Comparing the effectiveness of mycorrhizal inoculation and amendment with sugar beet, rock phosphate and Aspergillus niger to enhance field performance of the leguminous shrub Dorycnium pentaphyllum L. Applied Soil Ecology 25(2): 169‒180.
  • Chien, S.H., 1979. Dissolution of phosphate rock in acid soils as influenced by nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. Soil Science 127: 371–376.
  • Delvasto, P., Valverde, A., Ballester, A., Igual, J.M., Muñoz, J.A., González, F.,Blázquez, M.L., García, C., 2006. Characterization of brushite as a re-crystallization product formed during bacterial solubilization of hydroxyapatite in batch cultures. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38(9): 2645‒2654.
  • Dorozhkin, S.V., 2012. Dissolution mechanism of calcium apatites in acids: A review of literature. World Journal of Methodology 2(1): 1–17.
  • Fageria, N.K., sos Santos, A.B., Moraes, M.F., 2010. Influence of urea and ammonium sulphate on soil acidity indices in lowland rice production. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 41(13): 1565–1575.
  • Ferrari, S., Júnior, E.F., Grava de Godoy, L.J., Ferrari, J.V., Oliveira de Souza, W.J., Alves, E., 2015. Effects on soil chemical attributes and cotton yield from ammonium sulfate and cover crops. Acta Scientiarum Agronomy 37(1): 75-83.
  • Friesen, D.K., Sale, P.W.G., Blair, G.J., 1987. Long-term greenhouse evaluation of partially acidulated phosphate rock fertilizers II. Effect of cogranulation with elemental S on availability of P from two phosphate rocks. Fertilizer Research 13: 45-54.
  • Ghosal, P.K., Chakraborty, T., 2012. Comparative solubility study of four phosphatic fertilizers in different solvents and the effect of soil. Resources and Environment 2(4): 175-179.
  • Hellal, F.A., Nagumo, F., Zewainy, R.M., 2012. Influence of phospho-composting on enhancing phosphorus solubility from inactive rock phosphate. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 6(5): 268-276. IPNI (International Plant Nutrition Institute), 2016. Ammonium Sulphate No. 12. USA. Available at [13.01.2017]:$FILE/NSS-12%20Ammonium%20Sulfate.pdf
  • IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture), 1985. Laboratory manual of selected methods for soil and plant analysis. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria.
  • Kumari, K., Phogat, V.K., 2008. Rock phosphate: its availability and solubilization in the soil – A review. Agricultural Reviews 29 (2): 108 – 116.
  • Kumar, C.S., Rajeew, K., Singh, A. K., Rakesh, K., 2015. Effect of acidulated rock phosphate on growth yield attributes and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 49(6): 574-576.
  • Lluch, C., Olivares, J., 1979. Effect of elemental sulphur and sulphate on soil microflora. Agrochimica 23(2/3): 273-278.
  • Lorion, R.M., 2004. Rock phosphate, manure and compost use in Garlic and potato systems in a high Intermontane valley in Bolivia. Master Science Thesis, Washington State University, USA. Available at [13.01.2017]:
  • Morris, M., Kelly, V.A., Kopicki, R.J., Byerlee, D., 2007. Fertilizer use in African Agriculture: lessons learned and good practices guide-line. World Bank, Washington, USA. 144p.
  • Müftüoğlu, N.M., Sarımehmet, M., 1993. Soil acidity of the tea soils of the Eastern Black Sea Region. Ege University Journal of Agricultural Faculty 30(3): 41-48.
  • Osman, M.A., 2015. Studies on the Possible use of Rock phosphate in Agriculture. International Journal of Chem Tech Research 8(10): 53 - 68.
  • Prasanna, A., Deepa, V., Murthy, P.B., Deecaraman, M., Sridhar, R., Dhandapani, P., 2011. Insoluble phosphate solubilization by bacterial strains isolated from rice rhizosphere soils from Southern India. International Journal of Soil Science 6(2): 134‒141.
  • Penn State Agronomy Guide, 2017. Nitrogen Fertilizers. Available at [13.01.2017]:
  • Rajan, S.S.S., O'Connor, M.B., Sinclair, A.G., 1994. Partially acidulated phosphate rocks: Controlled release phosphorus fertilizers for more sustainable agriculture. Fertilizer Research 37(1): 69 -78.
  • Rodríguez, H., Fraga, R., Gonzalez, T., Bashan, Y., 2006. Genetics of phosphate solubilization and its potential applications for improving plant growth-promoting bacteria. Plant and Soil 287(1): 15‒21.
  • Rowell, D.L., 1994. Soil science: methods and applications. Longman Group Ltd., London, UK.
  • Ullah, B., Ullah, A., Khan, S. A., Rehaman, A. U., Khan, M. J., Khan, S. A., Irfan, M., 2012. Effect of acidulated rock phosphate on micronutrients uptake by maize. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 7(8): 638- 644.
  • Van den Berghe, C.H., 1996. The effect of Matongo rock phosphate and urea as compared to di-ammonium phosphate in the composting process and the yield of potatoes in the Mugamba region in Burundi. Fertilizer Research 45(1): 51-59.
  • Zapata, F., Roy, R.N., 2004. Use of phosphate rocks for sustainable agriculture. FAO Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin 13, Rome, Italy.
There are 32 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Kofi Agyarko This is me

Kwame Agyei Frimpong This is me

Akwasi Adutwum Abunyewa This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Agyarko, K., Frimpong, K. A., & Abunyewa, A. A. (2017). Phosphorus release dynamics under phosphate rock and ammonium sulphate in soil amendment. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 6(4), 312-318.