Research Article
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Evaluating inverse distance weighting and kriging methods in estimation of some physical and chemical properties of soil in Qazvin Plain

Year 2017, , 327 - 336, 01.10.2017


Today, the presence of accurate information about
variability of soil properties been considered more than ever to apply this
information in economic modeling, environmental predictions, accurate farming
and natural resources management. The present research was conducted in some
lands of Qazvin plain to study variability of some chemical and
properties of soil by sampling
62 observational points in depth of 20 cm above
soil surface. Initial statistical study of data indicated that the studied
properties follow normal distribution in the region. Spatial variations of the
studied properties showed that spherical model was the best fitted model to semivariogramin other properties than silt percent and
bulk densityand total porosity. The highest radius for the studied
properties was 21100 m related to bulk density,
total porosity and electric conductivity and pH.
Spatial dependence class was observed medium to strong in all physcial and
chemcial properties. To validate intrapolation methods, three indices of
evaluation, R2, MBE, MAE which indicate accuracy of each of
the intrapolation methods were used and results showed that the studied
properties had spatial structure, their impact range had good variability and kriging estimator better can
show variability of the studied properties in the region in comparison to IDW
method. At the end, considering the best interpolation method, spatial
variability map of each of the properties was prepared in


  • Bouyoucos, G.J., 1962. Hydrometer method improved for making particle size analysis of soils. Agronomy Journal 54(5): 464–465.
  • Cambardella, C.A., Moorman, T.B., Parkin, T.B., Karlen, D.L., Novak, J.M., Turco, R.F., Konopka, A.E., 1994. Field-scale variability of soil properties in central Iowa soils. Soil Science Society American Journal 58(5): 1501-1511. doi:
  • Castrignanò, A. Giugliarini, L., Risaliti, R., Martinelli, N., 2000. Study of spatial relationships among some soil physico-chemical properties of a field in central Italy using multivariate geostatistics. Geoderma 97(1-2): 39-60.
  • Gallichand, J., Buckland, G.D., Marcotte, D., Hendry, M.J., 1992. Spatial interpolation of soil salinity and sodicity for a saline soil in southern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 72(4): 503-516.
  • Heisel, T., Ersbøll, A.K., Andreasen, C., 1992. Weed mapping with co-kriging using soil properties. Precision Agriculture 1(1): 39-52.
  • Klute, A., Dirksen, C., 1986. Hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity: Laboratory methods. In: Method of Soil Analysis. Part 1 Physical and Mineralogical Methods. Klute, A. (Ed.). Agronomy Monograph No. 9, American Society of Agronomy – Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 687-734.
  • Kravchenko, A.N., 2003. Influence of spatial structure on accuracy of interpolation methods. Soil Science Society of America Journal 67(5): 1564-1571.
  • Kravchenko, A., Bullock, D.G., 1999. A comparative study of interpolation methods for mapping soil properties. Agronomy Journal 91(3): 393-400.
  • Laslett, G., McBrathey, A.B, Phal, P.J., Hutchinson, M.F., 1987. Comparison of several spatial prediction methods for soil pH. European Journal of Soil Science 38(2): 325-341.
  • Li, J., Heap, A. D., 2008. A Review of Spatial Interpolation Methods for Environmental Scientists. Geoscience Australia Record 2008/23. 137 pp.
  • Lin, H., Wheeler, D., Bell, J., Wilding, L., 2004. Assessment of soil spatial variability at multiple scales. Ecological Modelling 182(3-4): 271-290.
  • López-Granados, F., Jurado-Expósito, M., Atenciano, S., García-Ferrer, A., de la Orden, M.S, García-Torres, L.,2002. Spatial variability of agricultural soil parameters in southern Spain. Plant and Soil 246(1): 97-105.
  • Mishra, U., Lal. R., Liu, D., Van Meirvenne, M., 2010. Predicting the spatial variation of the soil organic carbon pool at a regional scale. Soil Science Society American Journal 74(3): 906-914.
  • Mohammadi, J., 2006. Spatial statistics (Geo statistics - part 2). Pelk Publication Tehran, Iran. 453p. [in Persian].
  • Mohammadzamani, S., Ayubi, S.H., Khormali, F., 2007. Studying variations of soil properties and wheat yield in some farmlands of Sorkhankalateh, Golestan Province. Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences and Techniques 11(40): 79-91. [in Persian]
  • Moustafa, M.M., Yomota, A., 1998. Spatial modeling of soil properties for subsurface drainage projects. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 124(4): 218-228.
  • Nelson, D.W., Sommers, L.E., 1982. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. In: Methods of Soil Analyses Part 2 Chemical and Microbiological Properties, Page, A.L. (Ed.). Second Edition, Agronomy Number 9, American Society of Agronomy – Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 539-580.
  • Oji, E., Kamali A., Esfandiarpoor E., HosseiniFard, S. J., 2012. Studying salinity spatial variations in different depths of soil of pistachio gardens in Hurmuz Abad region of Rafsanjan. The 12th Iranian Soil Sciences Congress. University of Tabriz. 3-5 September 2012, Tabriz, Iran.
  • Pang, S., Li, T.X., Zhang, X.F., Wang, Y.D., Yu, H.Y., 2011.Spatial variability of cropland lead and its influencing factors: A case study in Shuangliu county, Sichuan province, China. Geoderma 162(3-4): 223-230.
  • Pansu, M., Gautheyrou J., 2006. Handbook of soil analysis: Mineralogical, organic and inorganic methods. Springer, 993p.
  • Reza, S. Sarkar, D., Daruah U., Das, T.H., 2010. Evaluation and comparison of ordinary kriging and inverse distance weighting methods for prediction of spatial variability of some chemical parameters of Dhalai district, Tripura. Agropedology 20(1): 38-48.
  • Richards, L.A. 1954. Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook No. 60, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, USA. 160 p.
  • Robinson, T.P., Metternicht, G., 2006. Testing the performance of spatial interpolation techniques for mapping soil properties. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 50(2): 97-108.
  • Rosemary, F., Vitharana, U.W.A., Indraratne, S.P., Weerasooriya, R., Mishra, U., 2017. Exploring the spatial variability of soil properties in an Alfisol soil catena. Catena 150: 53-61.
  • Shakoori Katigari, M. Shabanpoor, M., Asadi, H., Davatgar, N., Babazadeh, S.H., 2011. Evaluating efficiency of the interpolation methods in zoning of organic carbon and bulk density of rice field of Guilan. Water and Soil Protection Research Journal 18(2): 195-210. [in Persian]
  • Smith, J.L., Halvorson, J.J., 2011. Field scale studies on the spatial variability of soil quality indicators in Washington state, USA. Applied and Environmental Soil Science Volume 2011, Article ID 198737.
  • Soil and Water Research Institute, 1989. Guide for classification of lands for irrigation. Publication No. 205, Technical Publication No. 766, Agriculture and Natural Resources Organization. Ministry of Agriculture. 91p.
  • Thomas, G.W. 1996. Soil pH and soil acidity. In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3 Chemical Methods. Sparks, D.L. (Ed.). Soil Science Society of America Agronomy Book Series 5.3, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 475-490.
  • Wakernagel, H., 2003. Multivariate Geostatistics: An Introduction with Applications. Springer, 257p.
  • Wilding, L.P., 1985. Spatial variability: Its documentation, accommodation, and implication to soil survey. In: Soil Spatial Variability. Nielsen, D.R., Bouma, J., (Eds.). Pudoc Publisher, Wageningen, The Netherlands. pp. 166-194.
  • Wilding, L.P., Bouma, J., Goss, D., 1994. Impact of spatial variability on modeling. In: Quantitative modeling of soil forming processes. Bryant, R. Hoosbeek, M.R., (Eds.). Soil Science Society of America Special Publication No. 39, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 61-75,
  • Yang, F. Zhang, G., Yin, X., Liu, Z., 2011. Field-scale spatial variation of saline-sodic soil and its relation with environmental factors in western Songnen plain of China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 8(2): 374-387.
  • Zare-Mehrjardi, M., Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi R., Akbarzadeh, A., 2010. Evaluation of geostatistical techniques for mapping spatial distribution of soil pH, salinity and plant cover affected by environmental factors in Southern Iran. Notulae Scientia Biologicae 2(4): 92–103.
Year 2017, , 327 - 336, 01.10.2017



  • Bouyoucos, G.J., 1962. Hydrometer method improved for making particle size analysis of soils. Agronomy Journal 54(5): 464–465.
  • Cambardella, C.A., Moorman, T.B., Parkin, T.B., Karlen, D.L., Novak, J.M., Turco, R.F., Konopka, A.E., 1994. Field-scale variability of soil properties in central Iowa soils. Soil Science Society American Journal 58(5): 1501-1511. doi:
  • Castrignanò, A. Giugliarini, L., Risaliti, R., Martinelli, N., 2000. Study of spatial relationships among some soil physico-chemical properties of a field in central Italy using multivariate geostatistics. Geoderma 97(1-2): 39-60.
  • Gallichand, J., Buckland, G.D., Marcotte, D., Hendry, M.J., 1992. Spatial interpolation of soil salinity and sodicity for a saline soil in southern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 72(4): 503-516.
  • Heisel, T., Ersbøll, A.K., Andreasen, C., 1992. Weed mapping with co-kriging using soil properties. Precision Agriculture 1(1): 39-52.
  • Klute, A., Dirksen, C., 1986. Hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity: Laboratory methods. In: Method of Soil Analysis. Part 1 Physical and Mineralogical Methods. Klute, A. (Ed.). Agronomy Monograph No. 9, American Society of Agronomy – Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 687-734.
  • Kravchenko, A.N., 2003. Influence of spatial structure on accuracy of interpolation methods. Soil Science Society of America Journal 67(5): 1564-1571.
  • Kravchenko, A., Bullock, D.G., 1999. A comparative study of interpolation methods for mapping soil properties. Agronomy Journal 91(3): 393-400.
  • Laslett, G., McBrathey, A.B, Phal, P.J., Hutchinson, M.F., 1987. Comparison of several spatial prediction methods for soil pH. European Journal of Soil Science 38(2): 325-341.
  • Li, J., Heap, A. D., 2008. A Review of Spatial Interpolation Methods for Environmental Scientists. Geoscience Australia Record 2008/23. 137 pp.
  • Lin, H., Wheeler, D., Bell, J., Wilding, L., 2004. Assessment of soil spatial variability at multiple scales. Ecological Modelling 182(3-4): 271-290.
  • López-Granados, F., Jurado-Expósito, M., Atenciano, S., García-Ferrer, A., de la Orden, M.S, García-Torres, L.,2002. Spatial variability of agricultural soil parameters in southern Spain. Plant and Soil 246(1): 97-105.
  • Mishra, U., Lal. R., Liu, D., Van Meirvenne, M., 2010. Predicting the spatial variation of the soil organic carbon pool at a regional scale. Soil Science Society American Journal 74(3): 906-914.
  • Mohammadi, J., 2006. Spatial statistics (Geo statistics - part 2). Pelk Publication Tehran, Iran. 453p. [in Persian].
  • Mohammadzamani, S., Ayubi, S.H., Khormali, F., 2007. Studying variations of soil properties and wheat yield in some farmlands of Sorkhankalateh, Golestan Province. Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences and Techniques 11(40): 79-91. [in Persian]
  • Moustafa, M.M., Yomota, A., 1998. Spatial modeling of soil properties for subsurface drainage projects. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 124(4): 218-228.
  • Nelson, D.W., Sommers, L.E., 1982. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. In: Methods of Soil Analyses Part 2 Chemical and Microbiological Properties, Page, A.L. (Ed.). Second Edition, Agronomy Number 9, American Society of Agronomy – Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 539-580.
  • Oji, E., Kamali A., Esfandiarpoor E., HosseiniFard, S. J., 2012. Studying salinity spatial variations in different depths of soil of pistachio gardens in Hurmuz Abad region of Rafsanjan. The 12th Iranian Soil Sciences Congress. University of Tabriz. 3-5 September 2012, Tabriz, Iran.
  • Pang, S., Li, T.X., Zhang, X.F., Wang, Y.D., Yu, H.Y., 2011.Spatial variability of cropland lead and its influencing factors: A case study in Shuangliu county, Sichuan province, China. Geoderma 162(3-4): 223-230.
  • Pansu, M., Gautheyrou J., 2006. Handbook of soil analysis: Mineralogical, organic and inorganic methods. Springer, 993p.
  • Reza, S. Sarkar, D., Daruah U., Das, T.H., 2010. Evaluation and comparison of ordinary kriging and inverse distance weighting methods for prediction of spatial variability of some chemical parameters of Dhalai district, Tripura. Agropedology 20(1): 38-48.
  • Richards, L.A. 1954. Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook No. 60, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, USA. 160 p.
  • Robinson, T.P., Metternicht, G., 2006. Testing the performance of spatial interpolation techniques for mapping soil properties. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 50(2): 97-108.
  • Rosemary, F., Vitharana, U.W.A., Indraratne, S.P., Weerasooriya, R., Mishra, U., 2017. Exploring the spatial variability of soil properties in an Alfisol soil catena. Catena 150: 53-61.
  • Shakoori Katigari, M. Shabanpoor, M., Asadi, H., Davatgar, N., Babazadeh, S.H., 2011. Evaluating efficiency of the interpolation methods in zoning of organic carbon and bulk density of rice field of Guilan. Water and Soil Protection Research Journal 18(2): 195-210. [in Persian]
  • Smith, J.L., Halvorson, J.J., 2011. Field scale studies on the spatial variability of soil quality indicators in Washington state, USA. Applied and Environmental Soil Science Volume 2011, Article ID 198737.
  • Soil and Water Research Institute, 1989. Guide for classification of lands for irrigation. Publication No. 205, Technical Publication No. 766, Agriculture and Natural Resources Organization. Ministry of Agriculture. 91p.
  • Thomas, G.W. 1996. Soil pH and soil acidity. In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3 Chemical Methods. Sparks, D.L. (Ed.). Soil Science Society of America Agronomy Book Series 5.3, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 475-490.
  • Wakernagel, H., 2003. Multivariate Geostatistics: An Introduction with Applications. Springer, 257p.
  • Wilding, L.P., 1985. Spatial variability: Its documentation, accommodation, and implication to soil survey. In: Soil Spatial Variability. Nielsen, D.R., Bouma, J., (Eds.). Pudoc Publisher, Wageningen, The Netherlands. pp. 166-194.
  • Wilding, L.P., Bouma, J., Goss, D., 1994. Impact of spatial variability on modeling. In: Quantitative modeling of soil forming processes. Bryant, R. Hoosbeek, M.R., (Eds.). Soil Science Society of America Special Publication No. 39, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 61-75,
  • Yang, F. Zhang, G., Yin, X., Liu, Z., 2011. Field-scale spatial variation of saline-sodic soil and its relation with environmental factors in western Songnen plain of China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 8(2): 374-387.
  • Zare-Mehrjardi, M., Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi R., Akbarzadeh, A., 2010. Evaluation of geostatistical techniques for mapping spatial distribution of soil pH, salinity and plant cover affected by environmental factors in Southern Iran. Notulae Scientia Biologicae 2(4): 92–103.
There are 33 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Sayed Roholla Mousavi This is me

Feraidon Sarmadian This is me

Somayeh Dehghani This is me

Mahmood Reza Sadikhani This is me

Abass Taati This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Mousavi, S. R., Sarmadian, F., Dehghani, S., Sadikhani, M. R., et al. (2017). Evaluating inverse distance weighting and kriging methods in estimation of some physical and chemical properties of soil in Qazvin Plain. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 6(4), 327-336.