Research Article
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Characterization and classification of soils of Wolkite University research sites, Ethiopia

Year 2018, , 292 - 299, 01.10.2018


main purpose of this study was to characterize and classify soils of Wolkite
University research sites, Gurage zone, Ethiopia. In each five research sites,
Wabe (RS1), Geche (RS2), Yefereze (RS3), Kotergedra (RS4) and Keratemo (RS5),
representative pedons were opened and described. Almost all the pedons were
deep (>150 cm) with argillic B horizons and had clay textural class. The pH
of the surface soils ranged from strongly acidic (4.5) to moderately acidic
(5.6).  The soils had medium (2.60%) to
high (3.84%) organic carbon content and very low (1.46 mg kg-1) to
low (10.34 mg kg-1) available phosphorus. The status of cation exchange
capacity (CEC) and base saturation were ranged from medium (23.15) to very high
(66.32 cmolc kg-1) and low (33%) to high (99%), respectively.
According to WRB classification, pedon RS1 was classified as Haplic Vertisols
(Hypereutric) with USD equivalent of Typic Haplusterts. Pedons RS2 and RS3 were
classified as Vertic Alisols (Hyperdysric), which is correlated with Ultisols
(Typic Haplustults) in USDA classification. Pedon RS4 and RS5 classified as
Vertic Luvisols (Hypereutric), which is correlated with Alfisols (Vertic
Haplustalfs) in USDA classification. Generally, the soils of the research sites
were acidic with low status of available phosphorus, which need amelioration of
soil acidity and nutrient management.


  • Adhanom, D., Toshome, T., 2016. Characterization and classification of soils of Aba-Midan sub watershed in Bambasi Wereda, West Ethiopia. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 6(6): 390-399.
  • Bouyoucos, G.J., 1962. Hydrometer method improvement for making particle size analysis of soils. Agronomy Journal 54(5): 179-186.
  • Carrow, R.N., Stowell, L., Gelernter, W., Davis, S., Duncan, R.R., Skorulski, J., 2004. Clarifying soil testing: III. SLAN sufficiency ranges and recommendations. Golf Course Management 72(1): 194-198.
  • Chekol, W., Mnalku, A., 2012. Selected Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Soils of the Middle Awash Irrigated Farm Lands, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22(1): 127-142.
  • Dengiz, O., 2010. Morphology, physico-chemical properties and classification of soils on Terraces of the Tigris River in the South-east Anatolia Region of Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16(3): 205-212.
  • FAO, 2006a. Guidelines for soil description. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 97p. Available at: [Access date: 06.01.2018]:
  • FAO, 2006b. Plant nutrition for food security. A Guide for Integrated Nutrient Management; FAO Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin 16, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 347p. Available at [Access date : 06.01.2018]:
  • FAO, 2014. World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2014. International soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps. World Soil Resources Reports No. 106. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 192p. Available at [Access date : 06.01.2018]:
  • FAO, 2017. Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 16p. Available at [Access date : 06.01.2018]:
  • Hailu, A.H., Kibret, K., Gebrekidan, H., 2015. Characterization and classification of soils of Kabe Subwatershed in South Wollo Zone, Northeastern Ethiopia. African Journal of Soil Science 3(7): 134-146.
  • Hartz, T.K., 2007. Soil Testing for Nutrient Availability. Procedures and Interpretation for California Vegetable Crop Production. University of California, Vegetable Research and Information Center, USA. Available at [Access date : 06.01.2018]:
  • Hazelton, P., Murphy, B., 2007. Interpreting Soil Test Results: What do all the numbers mean? Second edition. CSIRO Publishing. Australia. 52p.
  • Horneck, D.A., Sullivan, D.M., Owen, J.S., Hart, J.M., 2011. Soil Test Interpretation Guide. Oregon State University, Extension Service, USA. Available at [Access date : 06.01.2018]:
  • Jones, J.B. 2003. Agronomic Handbook: management of crops, soils, and their fertility. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. 482p.
  • Kebede, M., Skimbir, T., Kasa, G., Abera, D., Girma, T., 2017. Description, characterization and classification of the major soils in Jinka Agricultural Research Center, South Western Ethiopia. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management 8(3): 61-69.
  • Lufega, S.M., Msanya, B.M., 2017. Pedological characterization and soil classification of selected soil units of Morogoro District, Tanzania. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science 16(1): 1-12.
  • Mulugeta, D., Sheleme B., 2010. Characterization and classification of soils along the toposequence of Kindo Koye Watershed in Southern Ethiopia. East African Journal of Sciences 4 (2): 65–77.
  • Olsen, S.R., Sommers, L.E.,1982. Phosphorus. In: Methods of soil analysis. Part 2 Chemical and microbiological properties. 2nd edition. Page, A.L. (Ed.). American Society of Agronomy, No. 9, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 403-430.
  • Onyekanne, C. F., Akamigbo, F. O., Nnaji, G. U., 2012. Characterization and classification of soils of Ideato North local government area. Nigerian Journal of Soil Science 22(1): 11-17.
  • Paramasivan, M., Jawahar D., 2014. Characterization, classification and crop suitability of L.E. some black cotton soils of southern Tamil Nadu. Agropedology 24 (1): 111-118.
  • Sarkar, D., Haldar, A., 2005. Physical and Chemical Methods in Soil Analysis: Fundamental Concepts of Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Techniques. New Age International Limited Publishers, 176p.
  • Sharu, M.B., Yakubu, M., Noma, S.S., Tsafe, A.I., 2013. Characterization and classification of soils on an agricultural landscape in Dingyadi District, Sokoto State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 21(2): 137-147.
  • Soil Survey Staff, 2014. Keys to Soil Taxonomy. 12rd Edition. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service. Washington DC, USA. 360p. Available at [Access date : 06.01.2018]:
  • Tekalign, T., Haque, I., Aduayi, E.A., 1991. Soil, plant, water, fertilizer, animal manure and compost analysis. Plant sciences division working Document No: B13. International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • Walkley, A., Black, C.A., 1934. An examination of Digestion method for determining soil organic matter and proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Science 37(1): 29-38.
  • Wilke, B.M., 2005.Determination of chemical and physical soil properties. In: Manual of soil analysis: monitoring and assessing soil bioremediation, R. Margesin, F. Schinner (Eds.). Vol 5, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp.79-82.
Year 2018, , 292 - 299, 01.10.2018



  • Adhanom, D., Toshome, T., 2016. Characterization and classification of soils of Aba-Midan sub watershed in Bambasi Wereda, West Ethiopia. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 6(6): 390-399.
  • Bouyoucos, G.J., 1962. Hydrometer method improvement for making particle size analysis of soils. Agronomy Journal 54(5): 179-186.
  • Carrow, R.N., Stowell, L., Gelernter, W., Davis, S., Duncan, R.R., Skorulski, J., 2004. Clarifying soil testing: III. SLAN sufficiency ranges and recommendations. Golf Course Management 72(1): 194-198.
  • Chekol, W., Mnalku, A., 2012. Selected Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Soils of the Middle Awash Irrigated Farm Lands, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22(1): 127-142.
  • Dengiz, O., 2010. Morphology, physico-chemical properties and classification of soils on Terraces of the Tigris River in the South-east Anatolia Region of Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16(3): 205-212.
  • FAO, 2006a. Guidelines for soil description. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 97p. Available at: [Access date: 06.01.2018]:
  • FAO, 2006b. Plant nutrition for food security. A Guide for Integrated Nutrient Management; FAO Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin 16, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 347p. Available at [Access date : 06.01.2018]:
  • FAO, 2014. World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2014. International soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps. World Soil Resources Reports No. 106. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 192p. Available at [Access date : 06.01.2018]:
  • FAO, 2017. Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 16p. Available at [Access date : 06.01.2018]:
  • Hailu, A.H., Kibret, K., Gebrekidan, H., 2015. Characterization and classification of soils of Kabe Subwatershed in South Wollo Zone, Northeastern Ethiopia. African Journal of Soil Science 3(7): 134-146.
  • Hartz, T.K., 2007. Soil Testing for Nutrient Availability. Procedures and Interpretation for California Vegetable Crop Production. University of California, Vegetable Research and Information Center, USA. Available at [Access date : 06.01.2018]:
  • Hazelton, P., Murphy, B., 2007. Interpreting Soil Test Results: What do all the numbers mean? Second edition. CSIRO Publishing. Australia. 52p.
  • Horneck, D.A., Sullivan, D.M., Owen, J.S., Hart, J.M., 2011. Soil Test Interpretation Guide. Oregon State University, Extension Service, USA. Available at [Access date : 06.01.2018]:
  • Jones, J.B. 2003. Agronomic Handbook: management of crops, soils, and their fertility. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. 482p.
  • Kebede, M., Skimbir, T., Kasa, G., Abera, D., Girma, T., 2017. Description, characterization and classification of the major soils in Jinka Agricultural Research Center, South Western Ethiopia. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management 8(3): 61-69.
  • Lufega, S.M., Msanya, B.M., 2017. Pedological characterization and soil classification of selected soil units of Morogoro District, Tanzania. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science 16(1): 1-12.
  • Mulugeta, D., Sheleme B., 2010. Characterization and classification of soils along the toposequence of Kindo Koye Watershed in Southern Ethiopia. East African Journal of Sciences 4 (2): 65–77.
  • Olsen, S.R., Sommers, L.E.,1982. Phosphorus. In: Methods of soil analysis. Part 2 Chemical and microbiological properties. 2nd edition. Page, A.L. (Ed.). American Society of Agronomy, No. 9, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 403-430.
  • Onyekanne, C. F., Akamigbo, F. O., Nnaji, G. U., 2012. Characterization and classification of soils of Ideato North local government area. Nigerian Journal of Soil Science 22(1): 11-17.
  • Paramasivan, M., Jawahar D., 2014. Characterization, classification and crop suitability of L.E. some black cotton soils of southern Tamil Nadu. Agropedology 24 (1): 111-118.
  • Sarkar, D., Haldar, A., 2005. Physical and Chemical Methods in Soil Analysis: Fundamental Concepts of Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Techniques. New Age International Limited Publishers, 176p.
  • Sharu, M.B., Yakubu, M., Noma, S.S., Tsafe, A.I., 2013. Characterization and classification of soils on an agricultural landscape in Dingyadi District, Sokoto State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 21(2): 137-147.
  • Soil Survey Staff, 2014. Keys to Soil Taxonomy. 12rd Edition. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service. Washington DC, USA. 360p. Available at [Access date : 06.01.2018]:
  • Tekalign, T., Haque, I., Aduayi, E.A., 1991. Soil, plant, water, fertilizer, animal manure and compost analysis. Plant sciences division working Document No: B13. International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • Walkley, A., Black, C.A., 1934. An examination of Digestion method for determining soil organic matter and proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Science 37(1): 29-38.
  • Wilke, B.M., 2005.Determination of chemical and physical soil properties. In: Manual of soil analysis: monitoring and assessing soil bioremediation, R. Margesin, F. Schinner (Eds.). Vol 5, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp.79-82.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Teshome Yitbarek This is me

Abdeta Jembere This is me

Habtamu Kerebeh This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Yitbarek, T., Jembere, A., & Kerebeh, H. (2018). Characterization and classification of soils of Wolkite University research sites, Ethiopia. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 7(4), 292-299.